Thursday, September 14, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday, October 14, 2023, You must pray in this way: “Our Father who art in heaven” (Matt. 6:9).

DAILY TEXT, From today  Saturday, October 14, 2023,  You must pray in this way: “Our Father who art in heaven” (Matt. 6:9).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Saturday October 14

You should pray this way: “Our Father who art in heaven” (Matt. 6:9).

Jehovah has a family of servants who worship him. Among them are Jesus, who is “the firstborn of all creation,” and countless angels (Col. 1:15; Ps. 103:20). When Jesus was on Earth, he showed that faithful human beings can see Jehovah as their Father. On one occasion when he was speaking with his disciples, he referred to Jehovah as “my Father and your Father” (John 20:17). Furthermore, when we dedicate our lives to Jehovah and are baptized, we become part of a loving family of brothers and sisters.​—Mark 10:29, 30. Jehovah is a loving Father, and Jesus wants us to see him as he sees him: as a loving father to whom we can talk at any time, not as a cold person who has authority over us. In teaching us to pray, Jesus began with these words: “Our Father.” Jesus may have said to address Jehovah as “the Almighty,” “the Creator,” or “King of Eternity,” which are very appropriate titles found in the Bible (Gen. 49:25; Is. 40:28). ; 1 Tim. 1:17). But he used a more affectionate term, like “Father.” w21.09 20 paras. 1, 3.

How do we know that Jehovah wants us to draw closer to him?

Is it difficult for us to see Jehovah as a loving Father? Some of us do. This may happen to us because we had a difficult childhood. How it comforts us to know that he understands how we feel and he wants to be close to us. Therefore, his Word makes the following invitation to us: “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” (James 4: 8). Jehovah loves us and tells us that he is the best Father we can have.

According to Luke 10:22, why can Jesus help us draw closer to Jehovah?

Jesus can help us draw closer to Jehovah. He knows him very well and reflects his qualities perfectly. That is why he said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father also” (John 14:9). As an older brother, Jesus teaches us to respect and obey our Father, and to please him and earn his approval. But above all, what he did when he was on Earth shows us that Jehovah is very good and loving (read Luke 10:22). Let's look at some examples of this.

Why can we say that Jehovah paid attention to Jesus?

Jehovah listens to his children. Let's see how he paid attention to his firstborn son. No doubt he heard the numerous prayers that Jesus prayed when he was on Earth (Luke 5:16). He did so when he asked him for help in important matters, such as when he chose his 12 apostles (Luke 6:12, 13). Jehovah also listened to him when he came to him in times of distress. Just before Judas betrayed him, he begged his Father to help him with the ordeals he was about to face. Jehovah not only listened to his beloved Son, but sent an angel to strengthen him (Luke 22:41-44).

How do you feel knowing that Jehovah hears your prayers?

Today, Jehovah also listens to our prayers and responds in a timely manner and in the best possible way.​—Ps. 116:1, 2. A sister from India experienced it firsthand. She had been struggling with deep anxiety and she begged Jehovah to help her. She says, “The May 2019 JW Broadcasting® program on coping with worry and anxiety was just what I needed. “It was the answer to my prayers.”

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