Saturday, August 12, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of August 14 to 20, 2023, "The happiness that comes from Jehovah is your strength", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, August 14-20-2023, "The happiness that comes from Jehovah is your strength", Prepared Speech. 

“The happiness that comes from Jehovah is your strength” (10 min.)

Let me take you on a journey through this profound concept of joy and joy in the human being. And that way we can explore together how life experiences can enrich us. Life is full of moments that fill us with joy. An example is the birth of a child, a wonderful gift that fills the hearts of parents with immeasurable happiness.

Another is the warm embrace of relatives we haven't seen in a long time, a reunion that makes us feel loved and connected. I can see the smiles on their faces as they recall their own experiences of joy and joy. But how the joy that emanates from our relationship with Jehovah, exceeds everything we can imagine.

When we compare these earthly joys with the joy that comes from Jehovah, we realize their incomparable magnitude. Imagine the ancient people of Jehovah, who with great effort rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. What did they decide to do next? Let's see please in the biblical records of Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 1 and 2, if he found it, let's see it together, it says like this:


Well then, all the people assembled for one purpose in the square in front of the Water Gate.a They told the copyist* Ezra to bring the book of the Law of Moses, which Jehovah had given to Israel. 2 So, on the first day of the seventh month, Ezra the priest brought the Law before the congregation of men, women, and all who could understand what they heard.

How we read they gathered, not just to celebrate their achievement, but to hear God's law. At that moment, his joy was so deep that the following happened, let's see now Nehemiah Chapter 8 verses 9,11 and 12. he found it says like this: 


9 And Nehemiah—who was then the governor—* the priest and copyist* Ezra and the Levites who were teaching the people said to all the people: “Today is a holy day to Jehovah your God.b Do not weep or be be sorry”. And it is that all the town was crying while hearing the words of the Law.

11 And the Levites were reassuring all the people saying: “Don't cry, because today is a holy day. Don't be sad." 12 So all the people went to eat, to drink, to send food to others, and to enjoy that day with great joy, because they had understood the words that they had been taught.

He realized, some cried upon hearing Jehovah's law, by reminding them of how they had behaved previously, Jehovah through his word was able to touch the deepest fibers of their hearts and lead them to reflection and repentance, which led them to to shed tears. Now let's look at Nehemiah Chapter 8 but this time verse 10.


He told them: “Go, eat the best foods* and drink sweet drinks, and send food to those who have nothing. Because today is a holy day for our Lord. Do not be sad, for the happiness* that comes from Jehovah is your strength*.”

This passage reveals a profound truth to us: "The happiness that comes from Jehovah is the strength of his servants." This verse connects us with the very essence of divine joy, a joy that transcends earthly circumstances or, in other words, this joy is above the problems that afflict Jehovah's servants and fills us with spiritual strength.

Jehovah, our happy God, is the supreme source of joy. His joy is reflected in creation, it is the very expression of the life that surrounds us. Jesus, our supreme example, found his delight in doing his father's will. His dedication and his mission show us that the path to full joy is found in alignment with divine will, just as they found happiness for the Jews by reestablishing Pure Worship.

This divine joy is also our strength in times of difficulties and tribulations. Through him, we find satisfaction in doing God's will, even when we face challenges. Our joyful relationship with Jehovah is based on deep knowledge and solid faith in Him, as well as on the understanding of Jesu s' Redeeming sacrifice, it is a foundation that sustains us and enables us to overcome any adversity.

Furthermore, this joy is manifested in our union with the international brotherhood of brothers. Being part of this spiritual community gives us a unique and valuable connection that transcends borders and cultures. The hope of the kingdom and the privilege of proclaiming the good news add an additional dimension to our joy as we share the hope for a better world and the opportunity to contribute to its realization.

And how not to mention the perspective of eternal life, don't you give it your joy? A precious gift promised by our Creator. This Hope fills us with joy and gratitude, since it gives us the certainty of an endless existence in Communion with Jehovah. 

In short, the joy that comes from Jehovah is an inexhaustible source of strength for his servants. He empowers us to face challenges with confidence, enjoy a close relationship with God, find joy in global brotherhood, and share hope for a better future. May this joy guide and sustain us in every step of our spiritual path, always reminding us that in Jehovah we find our true strength and happiness.

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