Saturday, June 17, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday June 17, 2023, why do you judge your brother? (Rom. 14:10).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday June 17, 2023,  why do you judge your brother? (Rom. 14:10).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Saturday June 17

Why do you judge your brother? (Rom. 14:10).

Suppose an old man is concerned about the way a brother is dressed or groomed. He might wonder, “Are there Biblical reasons for telling him something?” Since he does not want to be carried away by his own judgment, he could ask another elder or another older brother for his opinion. Together you could discuss what Paul said about clothing and grooming (1 Tim. 2:9, 10). Paul did not give a list of rules about what can and cannot be done. Rather, he spoke of principles that guide us in dressing appropriately, modestly, and with good judgment. He knew that Christians can choose how to dress and groom themselves, as long as it doesn't go against what the Bible says. So the elders should analyze whether the person shows modesty and good judgment. We must remember that two mature brothers can make different decisions on a certain matter. But that doesn't mean one is right and the other is wrong. So let's not impose our opinion on others about what is right and what is wrong. w22.02 16 paras. 9, 10.


If it is necessary to give advice, what should an elder ask himself, and why?

If it is clear that it is necessary to advise someone, the next question is who should do it. For example, before counseling a married sister or a minor, an elder should discuss the matter with the head of the family. He may prefer to give the advice himself or be present when the elder does it.b Or, if it is a younger sister, it may be better for an older sister to advise her, as mentioned in paragraph 3.

There is another question that an elder should ask himself: "Am I the best one to give the advice, or would it be better for someone else to do it?" For example, a person with low self-esteem may react better to advice given by an elder who has had similar feelings, as he or she will treat them with more empathy. Of course, all the elders have the responsibility of encouraging the brothers to make the necessary changes to act in accordance with what the Bible says. If someone needs correction, the most important thing is that they receive it.

Why is it important for the elderly to know how to listen?

Know how to listen. When an elder is preparing to give advice, he should ask himself: “Do I really know the brother's circumstances? Do I know what you are going through? Is he facing problems I don't know about? What does he need most now?

The principle of James 1:19 applies to those who give advice. Santiago wrote: "Everyone should be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to anger." An elder should not assume that he knows all the circumstances of the brother he is going to advise. Proverbs 18:13 reminds us: “To answer a matter before hearing the facts is foolish and humiliating.” It is best to ask the person directly, and for this you have to listen before you speak. That was what the old man we mentioned at the beginning of the article learned. He realized that instead of starting the visit with the information he had prepared, he should have asked the sister questions like “how are you?”, “how are you feeling?”, “how can I help you? ?”. If the elders care to know the situation of the brothers,

How can the elders apply the principle of Proverbs 27:23?

 Know the herd well. As we saw at the beginning, to get good results when advising someone, it is not enough to read a few texts and give a few suggestions. Siblings need to feel that we care about them, that we understand them, and that we want to help them (read Proverbs 27:23). Elders should strive to be good friends with brothers and sisters.

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