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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Stay away from a foolish man (Prov. 14:7).
Unlike those who hate God’s counsel, we learn to love God’s way of thinking and all of His laws. We can strengthen that love by comparing the results of being obedient with those of being disobedient. Consider, on the one hand, all the trouble that those who foolishly reject Jehovah’s wise counsel bring upon themselves. And, on the other hand, consider how our lives are better for obeying God. (Ps. 32:8, 10) Jehovah offers wisdom to all, but he does not force anyone to accept it. However, he explains what will happen to those who do not heed his wisdom: “They will bear the consequences of their conduct” (Prov. 1:29-32). In time, their way of living will only bring them distress and trouble—and ultimately destruction. On the other hand, those who listen to Jehovah’s wise counsel and apply it are promised: “Whoever listens to me will live safely, and the terror of disaster will not rob him of his peace.”—Prov. 1:33. w22.10 21 pars. 11-13.
What do we learn from Proverbs 4:23?
Living according to God’s wisdom always benefits us. As we have seen, Jehovah makes his wise counsel available to all of us. For example, in the pages of the book of Proverbs, he gives us advice that is valid in all ages and that improves our lives when we apply it. Let us examine just four of these wise pieces of advice.
Let’s protect our symbolic heart. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23). Let’s think about what it takes to guard our literal heart. We need to eat healthy foods, get enough exercise, and avoid bad habits. We need to do something similar to guard our symbolic heart. We need to feed ourselves daily on God’s Word. We also need to prepare for, attend, and participate in Christian meetings. We also need to stay active in ministry. And we avoid bad habits by staying away from anything that can pollute our minds, such as immoral entertainment and bad company.
Why is the advice in Proverbs 23:4, 5 so practical today?
Let us be content with what we have. The Bible gives this advice: “Do not be exhausted in the pursuit of wealth. … When you set your eyes on it, it will surely disappear. For it will sprout wings like eagles and fly away into the sky” (Prov. 23:4, 5). Material possessions can easily be lost. Yet today both the rich and the poor are obsessed with making money. This preoccupation often leads them to behave in ways that damage their reputation, their relationships with others, and even their health. (Prov. 28:20; 1 Tim. 6:9, 10) On the other hand, wisdom helps us to have a balanced view of money. This protects us from greed and helps us to be content with what we have and to be happy. (Eccl. 7:12)
How can we acquire “the tongue of the wise,” mentioned in Proverbs 12:18?
Let us think before we speak. If we are not careful, we can do much harm with what we say. The Bible says, “Words spoken rashly are like the blows of a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals wounds” (Prov. 12:18). If we avoid gossiping about others’ faults, we will maintain good relationships with others (Prov. 20:19). In order for what we say to heal rather than hurt, we must fill our hearts with the knowledge of God’s Word (Luke 6:45). When we meditate on the counsel of the Bible, our words can become a refreshing source of wisdom for others (Prov. 18:4).
How does Proverbs 24:6 help us succeed in ministry?
Let’s follow the organization’s instructions. The Bible gives this practical advice: “You will wage your war with wise guidance; with many counselors there is success.”—Prov. 24:6, notes. Let’s consider how applying this principle helps us to be successful in our work of preaching and teaching the truth. Instead of carrying out the ministry in our own way, we try to follow the suggestions given to us. We receive wise guidance at Christian meetings, where we can learn much from Bible-based talks and demonstrations presented by our brothers. In addition, Jehovah’s organization provides us with publications and videos that help people understand the Bible. Have you learned to use these tools well?
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