Friday, June 9, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday June 10, 2023, Here I am! Send to me! (Isa. 6:8).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday June 10, 2023,  Here I am! Send to me! (Isa. 6:8).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Saturday June 10

Here I am! Send to me! (Isa. 6:8).

The end of this world is drawing near, and we have a lot of work to do (Matt. 24:14; Luke 10:2; 1 Pet. 5:2). We all want to serve Jehovah to the fullest extent possible. Many are expanding his ministry. Some have the goal of becoming pioneers, others want to serve at Bethel or assist in the construction of buildings used to worship Jehovah, and many brothers are striving to be ministerial servants or elders.—1 Tim. 3:1, 8. Surely Jehovah is pleased to see his servants have such a willing spirit (Ps. 110:3). Now, are we discouraged because we have not reached a goal? If so, let's tell Jehovah how we feel (Ps. 37:5-7). Let's talk to experienced brothers so they can tell us where we can improve and let's strive to put their advice into practice. If we do it, may our goal come true. w21.08 20 par. 1; 21 para. 4.

What should we focus on if we want to feel joy? (Ecclesiastes 6:9).

5 If we want to feel joy, we must do what Ecclesiastes 6:9 says (read it). The person who enjoys "what meets the eye" is satisfied with what she has, such as her current circumstances. But the person who goes "here and there chasing desires" is always wishing for what he cannot have. What do we learn from this? That if we want to feel happy, we must focus on what we have and not on what is out of our reach.

What parable will we analyze, and what will we learn?

We all naturally like to face new challenges. So is it possible to be content with what we already have? If possible. In fact, we can come to enjoy what we have. As? To find out, let's look at the parable of the talents told by Jesus and found in Matthew 25:14-30. We will learn what we can do to have joy and even increase it in our circumstances.

Briefly tell Jesus' parable of the talents.

In the parable, Jesus spoke of a man who was going on a journey. Before he left, he called his slaves and gave each one talents to do business with.c To one slave he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his ability. The first two slaves were diligent and got more money for their master. But the third slave did nothing with the talent he had received, so the master sent him away.

Why could the first slave in the parable feel happy?

The first slave was likely honored that his master gave him five of his talents. That was a lot of money and it made clear the degree of trust that the master had in him. And what can we say about the second slave? This one may have been disappointed to see that he was not given as many talents as the first. But what did he do?

What didn't Jesus say about the second slave? (Matthew 25:22, 23).

(Read Matthew 25:22, 23.) Jesus did not say that the second slave was upset and resentful because his master only gave him two talents. And he didn't imply that the slave had said something like, “Is this all they're going to give me? But if I am as skilled as the one who received five talents! If my master doesn't value me, then I bury these two talents and take care of my own business."

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