Friday, June 9, 2023

Study of the Watchtower, What do we learn from the miracles of Jesus?, Week of June 5 to 11, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Study of the Watchtower, What do we learn from the miracles of Jesus?, 5-11-June-2023, Comments and Answers. 

"He went through the land doing good and healing all who were oppressed" (ACTS 10:38).

1. Under what circumstances did Jesus perform his first miracle?

Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding banquet in the city of Cana north of Nazareth where he was raised. His mother Maria was a friend of the family of the bride and groom and apparently she was helping to attend to the guests. Hospitality was a sacred duty and in a wedding banquet an abundance of everything was required, the term wine. Therefore, Maria tells Jesus that the wine had run out. Then, Jesus performs the miracle of turning water into wine of excellent quality, as shown in John 2:9,10.


He was with his mother and some disciples at a wedding in Cana which was near Nazareth and where he lived and the wine ran out and then his mother who was perhaps helping at the banquet said that the wine had run out and then Jesus made his first miracle turned water into good wine and a very good quantity and a very good wine.

And this was an interesting detail because perhaps one can think well what happens if the wine runs out, then you can drink something else, but the note says that hospitality was a sacred duty in the East and it was not enough just to serve the right wine but rather The more important it had been left over, so that's why the detail that the mother of Jesus told him this. 

His first miracle was at a wedding and there are two peculiarities that stand out. The first, that Jesus had just started his ministry. The second is that the water that was turned into a good wine as the director of the banquet said, which was not usually done, but the good wine was served first and then the bad to save costs. Jesus did not do that, he knows that it is a gift from God, that it must be good and consumed with consistency and without drunkenness.

2, 3. (a) How did Jesus use his power?

Jesus used his power to help thousands and thousands of people. For example, in Chapters 14 and 15 of Matthew it is shown how Jesus with 2 miracles fed approximately 27,000 people and on these occasions he also took the opportunity to heal all the sick who were there.


Jesus never performed any miracles or used his power to prove himself or feed a would-be ego. On the contrary, all his power that came from his father, Jehovah, who was always recognized, was to help thousands and thousands of people in very serious situations, such as hunger or illnesses without a solution.

Well, he performed several miracles and on one occasion he also fed 5,000 men and 4,000 women, and it is possible that they were maybe 27,000 counting children and people.

He never used power for his own benefit, but always did it to help other people, as we have seen, healing them from illnesses or feeding them.

And he did it in a very generous way because Matthew 15 says that they collected seven large baskets full of pieces that were left over, so this also says a lot about the king that we are going to have the generosity that he has with us.

Yes, as Matthew 15:32 shows, he says that he was deeply moved and he insists again, in Matthew 14:14 he says that he was deeply moved, that is, we see that this quality is also what was shown to him, which made him show these feelings when he performed these miracles.

It is important that what is shown in Mark 1:32 to 34 clearly shows the sensitivity that Jesus had and how he was a kind person because there is no record of the number of miracles he did, there it is shown that there was a crowd that asked him and it is shown in 34 where he performed various miracles, so how important it was that he not only satisfied himself with performing a miracle of turning water into wine but that he performed many miracles and that the truth is that this shows how sensitive he was and how humble he was had.

2, 3. b) Why is it good to analyze the miracles of Jesus?

We can learn a lot from the miracles of Jesus because they will strengthen our faith. It also teaches us how to imitate the humility and compassion that Jesus showed in performing these miracles.


It is good because we benefit from learning many lessons that can strengthen our faith and help us imitate his example of humility and compassion.

It is good to analyze these miracles because, although we cannot do them, we can be a saving balm for many people simply by being with them, listening to them, being humble and showing our compassion and generosity towards those in need at the right time.

Well, surely it will help us a lot, as the humility that Jesus had and the compassion when doing all these miracles will also greatly strengthen our faith.

Yes, as Matthew 14:14 also mentioned, he was deeply moved and healed those who were sick. So he also healed the sick and these people were amazed when they were also fed and miraculously healed people. 


4. Who can we learn from by reviewing the miracles of Jesus?

We can learn from Jesus and also from Jehovah, since Jesus perfectly imitates the feelings of his Father. We must also remember that if Jesus has the power to perform miracles because his Father anointed him with the Holy Spirit and Power. Hence, Jesus could go around the earth healing all who were oppressed by the devil as Acts 10:38 shows.


And thanks also to Jesus who perfectly imitated his father because he showed him the feelings that he wanted to show Jehovah towards us, the way of thinking and also the quality that Jehovah does for us and thus we see that we have a king that Jehovah gave him so that we have that hope and strengthen our faith for the future.

Yes, for example, John 14:9 shows it very well when Jesus mentions that he who has seen me has also seen the father, so we see how Jesus treated others the love that showed how he was a perfect representation of what Jehovah is like .

From these miracles we can learn three aspects: 1) the grateful reaction of those who received the miracles, 2) the humility of Jesus, kindness and generosity and 3) Jehovah, as Acts 10:38 says, Jesus was able to all these miracles because he was anointed with holy spirit and power by his Heavenly Father.

And we also read in Acts 10:38 it was Jehovah who anointed Jesus with holy spirit and power and he was doing good and healing because God was with him, so we learn not only from Jesus but also from his father because he was the one who gave him gave the power for those miracles. 

5. What motivated Jesus to perform miracles? (Matthew 20:30-34).

The main motivation of Jesus was the love he feels for Humanity. In the account of Matthew 20:30,34, we see that this love prompted him to feel deep compassion for two blind men and he demonstrated it by restoring their sight. Similarly, this love motivated him to heal a leper and feed the hungry, thus reflecting his desire to end the suffering that plagues human beings.


The love of both Jesus and Jehovah for all humanity. Jesus was not doing miracles to anyone or on any issue, he was done for those people who had faith and truly valued the power of God, that reflection is mutual and Jesus felt it with extreme love towards people who believed in the Word of God and they had faith.

For when he was on earth he taught and used all his power to heal and help people.

Here it is clarified how deeply moved he says that he is not only referring to internal feelings, that is, one is moved saying what a pity, here he says that it is also physically treated and Jesus demonstrated it by providing food for them, that is, he was moved because, in addition to seeing what happened what he suffered knew that he lacked food, so what Jesus felt is profoundly wonderful.

So the way in which Jesus healed was not like when you go to the doctor he gives you medicine and that's it, but he got personally involved and with that he showed how Jehovah does it, also how Jehovah feels our pain, he feels what we went through and is willing to help us too.

And what we learn is that what motivated him to perform these miracles is the love he feels for us and that same love is the one that Jehovah feels and neither of them likes to see us suffer and that is why they are going to remove all the difficulties and all the evil in the world.

We do see the great compassion that Jesus felt because here in Mark 141 he talks about how with a leper something that people repel when they saw them they had to say filthy filthy and people pushed them aside but he was not satisfied with simply curing him he touched him he touched him and something was cured. It's such a great love that he must have felt so intense at that moment that he didn't mind touching that person to be able to heal them and the gratitude he must have felt when someone had touched him. 

6. What power has God given to Jesus?

Jehovah has given Jesus the power to put an end to all the problems of humanity. Especially the problems that we ourselves cannot solve. Proof of this are the 2 miracles where I feed the hungry, heal the sick, control wind storms, defeat evil spirits and even raise the dead.


To end the root of the problem, currently at this time, for example, that many people are allergic, they usually receive antihistamines to mitigate the effects of this type of disease, but they do not remove the cause that causes allergies, and in the case of Jesus Jehovah gave him the power to eliminate not only the effects but the root cause, that was demonstrated when he healed a person according to the record of Matthew chapter 9 and told him in verse 2 your sins are forgiven, thus related to Adam's sin with the disease he had and Jesus had the power to eliminate it.

And within the power that he has received, not only is he going to remove the root of evil, curing all kinds of diseases, diseases that medicine today has many limitations and cannot cure, only alleviate, but Jesus is going to be able to with all kinds of diseases and not Not only that, but also has the power to control storms and defeat evil spirits, things that are also overwhelming and producing a lot of suffering, and all of this will disappear thanks to the power of Jehovah that he has given Jesus.

So apart from being deeply moved to act, it is also that they have the power to be able to do it and this is a peace of mind because we do not simply depend on humans with good feelings, how we can have at a certain moment is totally different.

7, 8. a) Of what can we be sure thanks to the miracles of Jesus?

Thanks to the miracles of Jesus we can be completely sure that the blessings of the Kingdom will come true. We have this conviction because the miracles that Jesus did on earth as a human being were just a sample of what he will do on a large scale as Heavenly King of the Kingdom of God, where he will forever eliminate all the problems, illnesses and sufferings that torment humanity.


The people of God can be sure, because the Bible shows it through the miracles that Jesus did, that Jehovah will fulfill all the promises and provide a solution to death, diseases, environmental problems and a heavenly Kingdom without problems. neither social nor economic, living forever and ever in perfect health.

And it makes sense not to see everything he did as a human even though he was perfect and was the son of God but he was human and yet he did miracles he did cures he did resurrections, so what is Jesus going to be able to do as king of the Kingdom of God.

It does say that it will remove all the physical problems and diseases that plague humanity, so that is a great blessing for all of us.

Isaiah 33:24 gives us an excellent hope is that no inhabitant will say I am sick, today unfortunately there are diseases even those that are called rare that have no solution at the moment this will be solved through the power of the Kingdom of God.

We will also have the immense joy of receiving our loved ones who are in the graves.

7, 8. b) What miracle do you most look forward to?

I look forward to the miracle of the resurrection so that I can see all my loved ones who are sleeping in death again.


Physical problems and diseases torment humanity, we will all have perfect health. We will never go hungry or suffer from natural disasters.

I hope to see the miracle where Jesus gives us all perfect health, by eliminating all the physical problems and diseases that make us suffer so much today.

I look forward to the day when Jesus miracles to eliminate hunger in food shortages forever.

Without a doubt, it is a personal question, but we all yearn and were created that way, with the desire for life, so eternal life is the great miracle that we hope for along with the resurrection of our loved ones who have fallen asleep in the death.

Well, I like to visualize the earth and think that everyone I see is worshiping Jehovah because that idea already brings lots of blessings behind it.

The miracle that I look forward to is the resurrection of being able to welcome back loved ones and friends that we have lost in death.

Well, I at least see everything that Jehovah provides of all the food for everyone and that nothing is going to be missing, that is indescribable to be able to see everything there is.


9. Why did Jesus perform a miracle at the wedding in Cana? (John 2:6-10).

Although Jesus was not bound by any prophecy to perform this type of Miracles, probably because he thought of the great shame the family would go through and especially the couple when it ended, he showed compassion and wanted to help them. So he miraculously turned 103 gallons of water into high-quality goods. Even what was left of this wine could be used on other occasions or sold to help the married couple financially.


Love is often related and reflected as a show of compassion and that was the purpose of this miracle. He prevented the couple from not being able to enjoy a sacred moment such as the yoke of marriage by the union of a marriage vow that is a gift from Jehovah and an eternal union. Likewise, he produced top quality wine so that it would not be lacking again, which could even be sold later to help the newlyweds, a great show of empathy and compassion, to put himself in the place of these couples.

He probably thought of the great shame that the family would experience in this situation, especially the couple, and for this reason he felt compassion and wanted to help them in the most humble way.

And as the paragraph comments, there was no prophecy in the Bible that indicated that the Messiah had to perform this type of miracle of producing wine in a miraculous way and it was also at the request of his mother who hoped that he could do something, but compassion allowed him to do so. It moved him to think about the embarrassment that the couple would go through in a situation like this, taking into account the culture of that time, so he knew that his father was going to support him, even in something like this that might have seemed a bit curious.

A very important lesson that this Miracle teaches us because Jesus had really come to sanctify the name of Jehovah by his death and to restore the condition of humans with Jehovah through his sacrifice, however, this was not prophesied and was not necessary for doing it really fulfilled what that was because it really reestablishes our relationship with Jehovah and also how he did it, that is, it teaches us that Jesus did not come to enforce some guidelines, he came to really help us and he came to truly reestablish our relationship with Jehovah that is why we have to be very grateful for what he did with humanity and this first miracle is a sample of that.

10. Mention some details of this story from John chapter 2 (see also the drawing).

When analyzing chapter 2 of John, we see details that reflect the personality of Jesus. The vessels that had to be filled with water to later be turned into a live miracle were filled by the servants and not by Jesus. In the same way, it was the servants and not Jesus who gave the director of the wedding banquet a taste of the wine. These actions reflect that Jesus did not want to draw attention to himself by inviting everyone to drink or by telling him about checking out.


For example, he could have filled the vases with water himself, but he didn't do it, he told the servants to do it and then he didn't raise the glass saying look, he came so rich that I made it because he was humble in that aspect. He showed a lot of humility, he did not want to draw attention to himself, but he wanted to go unnoticed.

Yes, Jesus could have called the director and told him look, he came, which I just made, or he could tell him, thank goodness, that you invited me, but not this, Jesus did not do that, he showed humility.

This story is full of details, and remembering paragraph one, it is the beginning of his ministry so Jesus could have used this situation to make himself known and show his power -which comes from Jehovah-. But it was not like that, because as we know, it is an example of humility and both the people who filled the vessels with wine and the one who brought the director of the banquet were the servants.

We can see these details that appear in the paragraph in the illustration, in it, we can observe Jesus in the background, he did not use the miracle and the power that Jehovah granted him to boast of his achievement or that he saved the banquet. He is a very clear example to imitate, to help without bragging about our actions or abilities.

11. What do we learn from this miracle of Jesus?

We learn a lesson in humility. Since Jesus never boasted of what he could do. On the contrary, he always gave the hour and the merit to his Father. Hence, if we imitate Jesus, we will be humble people, and we will not brag about our achievements. We will recognize that we cannot do anything without the help of Jehovah and we will feel impelled to give him the honor and glory that he deserves.


We learn, like all the miracles he did, to try to be humble people, although it can be difficult due to our imperfection, we have to make an effort and not brag about our actions or worth. In fact, everything we are and do and achieve is because Jehovah gives us the means and allows us to do what we do.

He constantly said that what I do I do not do it of my own free will but I do it because my father has sent me and because my father gives me power and for his honor and praise.

And I left that, we learn that we should not boast of anything we have received, of course, because we have received everything, but rather if we want to boast of something, as Jeremiah says, it is to be able to serve the wonderful God that we have, of that we do have to be proud and to know that everything we have we have received from him.

An important lesson, especially for older people like me, since we have been in the truth for a long time, because when we start to tell the story, well, I did it, it was me, so it is a good memory to say that what we have done little or much has depended on Jehovah, not of our forces.

Yes, that is why we see how Jesus combined very well not to give himself up, not to brag about what he did, but neither, as we have seen in previous paragraphs, did not deprive himself of the shock that he felt, that intense emotion, but even his apostles left it written, so it is very It's nice to see brothers that we see who are generous, compassionate and you can see what shouldn't be published, but you do have to get excited about those things.


In the Illustration we can see that while the newlyweds and the guests enjoy the good wine, Jesus observes without attracting attention. And it is the director of the wedding banquet who catches the groom's attention by telling him in front of the rest of the guests: Everyone first serves the light bulb again, when people are already drunk, they serve the worst quality. But you have kept the good wine until now.

Yes, in the image we see the groom and the director the servant who is offering him the wine, but we do not see Jesus next to him, but in the background Jesus is behind him precisely without attracting attention.

While the newlyweds and guests dance, eat and enjoy good wine, Jesus watches without attracting attention. Let's be like Jesus and don't brag about our achievements. (See paragraphs 10 and 11). 

12. What is another way to imitate the humility of Jesus? Give an example.

We have the example of a congregation elder helping a young Minister Servant prepare his first public talk. At the end of the meeting, when everyone congratulates the speaker for the good thing he did not do, the old man who helped him I don't know throws the credit on himself telling the others that if everything went well it was because he helped him. On the contrary, without attracting attention, he simply watches, delighted by everyone's joy. In this way, the old man is imitating the humility of Jesus and making Jehovah's heart glad.


Another way to show humility is the example of the paragraph of the old man who helped a young minister to make a speech. The old man did not detract from it by saying that it was thanks to him. So one way to imitate humility is to feel elated, happy and happy for the achievements of others even if it was possible thanks to our help to a great extent.

Another way to show humility is the example of the paragraph of the old man who helped a young minister to make a speech. The old man did not detract from it by saying that it was thanks to him. So one way to imitate humility is to feel elated, happy and happy for the achievements of others even if it was possible thanks to our help to a great extent.

An old man who has spent time helping a ministerial servant prepare his first speech, the little brother does very well and after the meeting, surely the old man is not going to say oh, and it turned out well because since I helped him, he didn't he is going to throw away the ratatouille, but with humility he is going to say well, he did do very well because that is the humility that is expected and Jehovah sees that what must be done because Jehovah values ​​it and takes the merit Jehovah does not person.

So this example teaches us that a person who is truly humble does not need to take credit for the things they do, it is as Matthew 6:3 says when we give help to someone and our left hand does not know what our right hand is doing. Rather, it is enough for us to know that Jehovah sees and appreciates the efforts we have made.

Another way to show humility in a practical way is as first Peter 5:6 says, humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God says and he will exalt us in due time and one way is when we have problems or tests that are difficult for us to bear or we want to take the responsibility ourselves. Forward, then, a way of being humble, trusting in Jehovah, being humble and, as I mentioned some information, knowing that at the precise moment when he can and sees fit, he will help us to overcome it.


13. What does Jesus meet near the city of Nain, and what does he do? (Luke 7:11-15).

Jesus meets a downloading funeral procession. A widow has just lost her only child. Then in front of everyone who was there, Jesus has the procession and resurrects the son of this mother who cries broken. This is one of the first resurrections described in the Ministry of him.


As soon as Jesus arrived in the city, he found a funeral scene with the procession of a widow who lost her only son. The love and compassion of Jesus, as we all know, meant that he could not avoid the great pain that this widow felt and she performed the first of the three resurrections mentioned in the Gospels.

If Jesus travels to this city about halfway through his ministry and then when he is arriving at her door he finds a very heartbreaking funeral procession because she is a widow who has just lost her only son, then surely Jesus He felt very moved by this and felt very sorry for this woman and what he did was stop the procession and resurrect her son.

And this miracle is very interesting to see compassion because in all miracles you see the compassion of Jesus and Jehovah but here on this occasion he takes the initiative they are not asking him to do something but he sees the scene he sees the suffering that this poor woman has and feels that compassion that moves her to act. 

14. Mention some details of this account from chapter 7 of Luke (see also the drawing).

Jesus first sees the woman and notices her pain, which means that he was not only observant, but also noticed the circumstances and feelings of the people. Later, he is deeply moved to see her devastated by the death of her only child. Afterwards, he takes her initiative and tenderly comforts her by saying, "Don't cry anymore." But Jesus goes beyond words, and then he raised the woman's son and gave him to her.


An important detail is that Jesus did not see the procession and think: "we are going to demonstrate the power of God by resurrecting whoever has died." No, that would not be being humble. Jesus was first moved to see the broken widow and shared her pain that also broke her heart. It was this, this emotionally charged situation, that produced the miracle that Jehovah endorsed with the resurrection of his son.

Today we see that Jesus was observant because not only did he perform the miracle but he first looked at the woman and saw how deeply she was hurt and took action.

What Jesus saw was something more than a widow behind her son's coffin, what he saw was that a person was going to be destitute because he was the only child she had, she was a widow, so there were no suicides like we have today and he saw that that person was going to be so helpless that for that reason he was moved and raised his son back to life.

And another detail is that Jesus did everything he could because he could have shown that compassion simply by comforting the mother but he could do more so he went a step further and raised his son so we too should do everything we can.

The story that shows that the mother did not go alone, people would go with him with her, they would also be sad and crying, but not, however, Jesus went to the root of the problem, who went to comfort the mother because she was the one who would have the worst pain than the situation that he was living so how important it is that we see apart from the value that Jesus used to comfort the mother also the need to help and put himself in her place.

15. What do we learn from this miracle of Jesus?

We learn to be compassionate with people who are grieving. 


With this miracle, Jesus gives us the example of how we can show compassion to those who are grieving. Because while we don't have the power to resurrect anyone, if we can be observant and take the initiative to say or do something that will comfort those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. So this story teaches us to be compassionate and show it with our words and actions.

He made those who are grieving show compassion and you have to be observant because these brothers, well, he has ups and downs in those moments, so one has to know how to discern, also see those moments and then be able to give them this help and thus take the initiative to help them if I must say something or do something that will help and comfort them.

We could feel impotent or even uncomfortable not knowing what to say and how to act, but that article precisely said that the best thing to do is tell the person you want to talk, you want to express what you feel and be there with all ears to listen and also offer to cry with person.

The note mentions The Watchtower of November 1, 2010 where they give some practical suggestions, four one of which is to be by their side because our presence is very important, also listen to them with interest, dedicate kind words of encouragement, however few they may be, and help them in practical ways. The article is very useful, especially when someone in the congregation or a family member loses a loved one, so it is important to review it because, as the proverbs say, we will be a true friend in times of distress.

The information said that there is no reason to suppress tears when it is a situation of so much pain and there is a text that I really like in the letter to the Romans and it says that we must rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with those who they cry.

And one way in which we also show that consolation, as the paragraph says, you say to observe, to take the initiative, to say and do something, but sometimes it is not necessary to say anything, just a heartfelt hug is already saying everything because you notice that the person who gives it to you is with you and is helping you.

It could happen to us that sometimes we don't know what to say or what to do to comfort those who are grieving. That is why in these cases we have the help of the page. For example, in The Watchtower of November 1, 2010 in the article Jesus knew how to comfort his friends, we can find several ideas.

This example of Jesus, within our human limitations, teaches us that although we may not be able to do much in a situation like this, compassion and our human warmth and love can be a balm, arms to hold the person who is grieving. and that it may be what he needs at that moment and that it is Jehovah who is using us to be the support where said person can throw his load.

We will imitate the example of Jesus demonstrated in this miracle, being compassionate and loving people who do, as Proverbs 17:17 says, love a brother at all times in times of distress, because even if we do not have the power of God, our gestures and words can be what that person needs in that moment of anguish.

16. What do we learn from the experience of the paragraph? (See the photo that stages this experience).

We learn that one way to show love to others is to be compassionate and take the initiative to comfort each other when they grieve the loss of loved ones.


This experience we learn that we cannot solve the death of a child, perhaps not even imagine their pain. But what her sister did to hug her, tuck her in and sing with her was what she needed to feel supported in a moment of anguish. This also tells us that we should talk to and get to know our brothers, because only then can we be aware if they are going through difficulties and be a pillar where they can be supported.

In the image we can see how while a song of the resurrection was being sung, one sister saw the other crying because she had lost her daughter in death and she quickly went to her side, took the initiative, hugged her as we can see in the image and He sang the rest of the song with her, because without a doubt it is a great example of what we are studying to show that compassion to the brothers when they go through difficulties and thus we will be copying both Jehovah and Jesus.

And I also learn from Sister, she says that she came to the room because she knew she was going to receive help. I believe that few things in life can be as strong as losing a child. to do is isolate them from the congregation.

At the meeting, a song related to resurrections was sung because the theme of the meeting was also close to that and these are moments that can be difficult for many of us because perhaps we begin to remember things and how important it is that perhaps in meetings like these we are especially aware of each other so that we can also give ourselves that encouragement.


In the illustration we see how the first thing Jesus did was console and was moved by the strong feelings of the widow, being empathetic and putting himself in her situation while the corpse of the son followed behind to later translate the strong feelings that Jesus also felt into actions with the resurrection.

As we can see in the image, in the Kingdom Hall while a song about the resurrection is being sung, a sister who recently lost her daughter in death begins to cry. Another sister watches and is moved. So she takes the lead from her and goes to her side, grills her and sings the rest of the song with her. This fact made the grieving mother remember this moment with a heart full of love for her siblings.

Series of images: 1. During a funeral procession, Jesus comforts a broken mother. 2. In the Kingdom Hall, while the others sing, one sister comforts another who is crying. Let's be like Jesus and show compassion for those who are grieving. (See paragraphs 14 to 16).


17. What did we learn in this article?

We learned that studying the miracles of Jesus strengthens our faith. This is so because the accounts recount these miracles and reveal that Jehovah and Jesus love us very much, that Jesus has the power to put an end to all the problems of humanity, and that we can be sure that the blessings of the Kingdom will come true very soon.


Another thing that we learned in this study is that we must meditate and how we can imitate the qualities that Jesus reflected when performing those miracles. Also that we must extract lessons from these stories, and comment them to other people so that they also benefit and strengthen their faith.

First, that the miracles of Jesus strengthen our faith and strengthen our confidence in the promises that Jehovah makes us, that his power is infinite and eternal. Second, he teaches us to imitate great qualities of Jesus that are in short supply today like love, compassion, and humility. And third, that although we do not have the power of God, our gestures, actions and words can be the escape route that our neighbor needs in moments of anguish.

Well, we have seen that both Jehovah and Jesus love us very much, they want to alleviate our suffering and want and also have the power to end it and we have also seen that all the promises that they tell us and under the kingdom of God will come true very soon even Also with these miracles we have seen several qualities that we can also put into practice in our lives. 

18. What will we see in the next article?

In the following article we will see why the third and last resurrection that Jesus performed was different from the others. We will also see what lessons we can draw from this miracle and what we can do to strengthen our faith in the resurrection.

In the following article we will see and learn about the meaning of the third and different resurrection that the Bible mentions, that of his good friend Lazarus just four days after his death.

Well, in the following article we are going to see what lessons we can draw from the last miracle that Jesus did on earth, which had something different from the others because in that case he raised a friend of his who had been dead for four days and we are also going to see what we can we can do to strengthen our hope in the resurrection more and more. 


What lessons of Jehovah and his Son can we draw from the miracles of Jesus?

Jehovah and Jesus teaches us to cultivate two great qualities that are increasingly rare in this system, sincere, pure and loyal love, compassion and humility. He teaches us that we should be loving, compassionate, and humble people and always reach out, even when our means are meager, to our neighbor.

Well, we have seen three that Jehovah and Jesus love us very much and Jehovah has given Jesus the power to put an end to all the problems that cause us pain today and that we can be completely sure that all the blessings of the kingdom will come true. 

What does the miracle found in John 2:6-10 teach us about humility?

Uniting the idea of ​​the previous question, if we imitate the example of Jesus and God in helping other people, Jesus did not take advantage of these moments to give it to them for nothing or fill some of his own ego. If we help a person, it is because we love them, it is not to be reminding them day in and day out, or waiting for them to return the favor, we have to help selflessly, out of love, compassion and being humble.

We should not give ourselves credit for the achievements we reach within the congregation or the organization, just as Jesus Christ did not want to be the protagonist of that miracle, because we too will always direct all the glory to Jehovah for what we do. 

What does the miracle found in Luke 7:11-15 teach us about compassion?

It teaches us the great compassion that Jehovah and Jesus feel for the problems and tribulations that people and their people suffer. And it teaches us to be people who love their brothers at all times of anguish, as Proverbs 17:17 mentions, we want to be those brothers who are always there in times of anguish, even if it is only with a gesture, a word or with our presence.

Well, we have seen that Jesus not only felt compassion but also demonstrated it with his actions and a way of doing the same we have applied it to the field when our brothers have lost a loved one we can be compassionate and observant. 

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