Tuesday, June 6, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of June 5 to 11, 2023, Speech, Praise Jehovah commenting in meetings, Lesson 16, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  5-11-May-2023, Speech, Lesson 16, Assignment Prepared. 

Talk (5 min.): w19.01 11-13 pars. 13-18. Title: Let us praise Jehovah commenting in the meetings (th lec. 16).

To comment in the meetings we need work, effort and dedication, that implies taking time to be able to give comments that are encouraging, that motivate and strengthen the congregation. And how we do it?.

Preparing for all meetings, if we do so, we will have more confidence to comment, if we include time in our schedule to prepare well. And we have the example of some brothers who start preparing for the Watchtower study at the beginning of the week, others four days before and others one day before the meeting. 

But to prepare well for a meeting, the first and most important thing is to ask Jehovah for his Holy Spirit. As mentioned in 1 John 5:14 that we are going to read.


And this is the trust we have with him: that we can ask him for anything that is in accordance with his will and he listens to us.

Then, it is important to spend a few minutes to get a general idea of ​​the article. Let's discuss the title, subheadings, images, and boxes. So let's start analyzing each paragraph and read as many texts as we can. Let's meditate on the information, paying special attention to the ideas we would like to comment on. The better we prepare, the more we will benefit and the easier it will be to give feedback.

We are going to analyze some points that we could include in our comments:

 The direct answer to the question.

A side idea of ​​the paragraph.

The explanation of a text.

A practical application of information.

A brief experience that highlights an important point.

What the images teach us.

The answer to the review questions.

We also have available electronic tools that Jehovah has given us to use, we have various electronic tools available to help us with our preparation. We have the JW library application. that allows us to download study publications on the phone or tablet.

Thus, we will be able to study the information, or at least read or listen to it, when and where we want. Some people use this app to study during break at work or school, or while traveling. We also have available the Watchtower library program and the Watchtower library online site, which are effective tools that help us study more deeply some points.

Another good idea is to prepare several comments on each article. Because not every time we raise our hand they will allow us to comment. Others may pick it up at the same time and the driver may not choose us. In addition, the brother of the platform may have to limit the number of comments so as not to exceed the allotted time. If this happens, do not get upset or discouraged, if we cannot comment in the first paragraphs.

That is why we can prepare several comments, so we can have more opportunities to participate. Something we can do is offer to read a Biblical text. But, if possible, let's also prepare some comments with our words.

And something that Jehovah's organization recommends is that our comments should be brief, since short and simple comments are the most encouraged. So let's try to give answers of about 30 seconds maximum.

The brothers who have been in the truth for years can set an example in this regard; the comments, in addition to being short, should not include many ideas. If we follow all these points and make an effort to prepare and give good comments in the meetings, we can be sure that we will praise and honor our great God Jehovah.

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