Monday, January 2, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week from January 2 to 8, 2023, Video, Will we be humble or haughty?, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: January 2-8, 2023, Video, Will we be humble or haughty?, Analysis and Answers.

Will we be humble or haughty? (Jas 4:6) (15 min.): Analysis with the audience. Put the video. Then ask: 

What differences are there between humility and arrogance? 

They differ in that arrogance is shown in believing oneself superior to others, unlike humility, which is the opposite, since the two are diametrically opposed characteristics, so to speak, humility is at one extreme and arrogance at the other. other.


The Speaker Brothers regarding this topic said: That haughtiness can be defined as pride accompanied by contempt, arrogance and arrogance. The haughty person believes he is superior to others, while humility is the opposite of Pride and arrogance. Humility and haughtiness are diametrically opposed characteristics, humility being at one extreme and arrogance at the other extreme. Where are we? Perhaps at neither of the two extremes, but somewhere in between.

They are completely opposite characteristics, since for example, Arrogance is pride accompanied by contempt and arrogance, People with these characteristics believe they are superior to others, while humility is the opposite, That is why the humble will receive approval of God.

Haughtiness can be defined as pride accompanied by contempt, arrogance and arrogance, the haughty person believes he is superior to others, on the other hand, humility is the opposite of pride and arrogance. Humility and haughtiness are diametrically opposed characteristics, humility being at one extreme and haughtiness or arrogance at the other extreme.

What does the case of Moses teach us? 

In the case of Moses, he teaches us that it is very easy to stop being humble, since under pressure we can fall into pride and want to do things our way, that is why we must continue cultivating this precious quality day by day, which is the modesty. 


It teaches us that it is good that we give ourselves time to think about this history, because it is easy to stop being humble, especially if we have been given some authority, perhaps we will receive a new responsibility in the congregation, in the circuit or in the branch, or we have some ability or we are very good at something and we are showered with compliments, or perhaps we do not agree with the opinion of another person, because if we do not know how to handle these of the situations that we have just mentioned well, we could fall into pride and stop being humble.

Moses was an excellent example of humility, but he was not perfect. So his example teaches us very important lessons and that is that however humble we can be, at some point we can show arrogance, since it is easy to stop being humble, especially if we have a certain authority. 

It teaches us that even though we are humble, there may be times when we act haughtily and arrogantly, and that we also have to be very careful when we receive positions of responsibility in the congregation because if we don't know how to handle it, they can weaken humility.

What reasons do we have to remain humble?

The reasons are that Jehovah rejects and opposes those who are arrogant, that is why we must always strive to be humble.

We have several reasons, for example, we know that Jehovah what his servants look for is his humility, and not so much his capacity. In addition, he himself tells us that he stands proud in none of us, he wants Jehovah to be against us.

One reason that we have to continue being humble is what the Watchtower mentions for the public in February 2013, that Jehovah does not look for his servants so much their ability, but the humility they demonstrate, that is why it is essential to cultivate this quality if we want to be pleasing in his eyes.

God opposes the haughty, that is why we must always strive so that in our case, Jehovah's measuring needle leans towards humility.


Something interesting that the Brother mentioned is that if Jehovah had a device to measure humility and haughtiness, where would the needle lean in our case? It would be half, we hope that he leaned a little more towards humility, of course we are imperfect but we want to be as far as possible from haughtiness or arrogance.

In addition, it was mentioned that humility in some ancient cultures, it was believed that humble people were slaves or, so to speak, people who received humiliating treatment. But do not confuse "Humility with humiliation", on the contrary, the Bible assures that the humble must receive honor and God's approval. No wonder Proverbs 22:4 says that the result of humility is riches and glory and life, and that is nothing humiliating or bad.

As dedicated Christians none of us are completely haughty in heart, but because we are imperfect we cannot say that we are the most humble in the world either, only Jehovah and Jesus are completely humble, but we could be humble and still act haughty or arrogant at times.

The Brother mentioned the example of Moses, as we know Jehovah gave him a lot of authority, but power, authority and a position of responsibility weakened Moses' humility, but even so he proved to be humble. So we can safely say that Moses is an excellent example of humility. and this is so because Jehovah does not require his servants to be perfectly humble, but he understands that due to our imperfection at some point we will show a certain degree of haughtiness. Which does not mean that we have the freedom to demonstrate haughtiness at any time, but rather that we must strive to be as humble as possible and stay at the other extreme of haughtiness or arrogance.

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