Monday, January 2, 2023

Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of January 2 to 8, 2023, Points from 1 to, 6, Lesson 33, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 2-8-January 2023, Points from 1 to 6, Lesson 33, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 33.

1. What will the Kingdom of God do to restore peace and justice on Earth?

What it will do is eliminate all the bad people and human governments. In fact, the Bible itself says that in a short time the wicked will no longer exist, so it is through the Government of God that Jesus will ensure that there is peace and Justice here on earth.


In the war of Armageddon, Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God will eliminate evil people and governments.

Psalms 37:10 is a very beautiful text in which it gives us a lot of encouragement, since knowing that very soon the wicked will no longer exist and we will look where they were before and they will no longer be there, is something that we really look forward to, since these people will no longer hurt us, and it is that in this Government peace and unity will reign. 

In this world where we live, justice is conspicuous by its absence, but thinking about Isaiah 11:4 encourages us greatly, because Jehovah promises us that he will judge the disadvantaged with justice and rebuke with righteousness for the good of the meek of the Earth and the wicked will be executed. Knowing that gives us peace of mind and confidence, since Jehovah has promised it and we are sure that he will fulfill it, because everything he promises has always been fulfilled.

When we hear of wars, it can transmit us a panic and a deep fear. However, as True Christians we know that the Bible In Revelation 16:14 mentions a war that will bring Peace, since Jehovah will gather all the kings of the Earth to destroy them, which means that Jehovah will eliminate those people who the only thing that they do is cause pain and suffering to many innocent people, knowing this encourages us to continue holding on, since very soon all this suffering will end. 

2. What will life be like when God's will is done on Earth?

The earth will be full of good people who love Jehovah and we will live forever.


Everything will be really beautiful, because everyone will be good, they will love God and each other, no one will say I am sick and everyone will live forever without any suffering. 

God's will has always been that we live happily and permanently on earth, and today that purpose has not changed. Very soon God's will will be done here on earth, which will bring a new world of peace, where human beings will love each other regardless of racial or cultural differences. And there will never again be diseases, death, or anything that causes us pain and everyone will live forever.

Lately we hear many reports of wars and food shortages. Well, actually these situations are not shown in the paragraph, but it is good to mention them because they give us more reasons to trust that God's will is also to eliminate all these things that cause us suffering and a lot of pain. 

3. What will the Kingdom of God achieve after eliminating the wicked?

It will be achieved that the name of Jehovah is sanctified as never before, and it will have become clear that Jehovah is the best ruler that exists and is the only one who cares for his people and that is why he will give us the perfect conditions to achieve that the kingdom of God lasts forever.


For a period of 1000 years Jesus and the 144,000 will help humanity reach perfection, after this time the earth will be completely a paradise, the Kingdom will be handed over again to Jehovah, so he will end satan and his demons forever.

It will be a series of events starting with the liberation from sin until reaching perfection, in this way everyone can work together to turn the earth into a paradise, obey the laws of Jehovah, sanctify his name and to the last detail that will end Satan the devil and his demons and anyone who wants to oppose Jehovah's government.


Let's see why we can trust that God will fulfill through the Kingdom all the biblical promises that have to do with our future.

4. The Kingdom of God will eliminate human governments

What will Jehovah and his Son, Jesus, do with human governments and their supporters?

The Bible clearly tells us that human governments are going to disappear completely. Why the Kingdom of God will be the only one that will remain forever.

In Daniel we read that human governments will be destroyed but the government of Jehovah and Jesus will remain forever. 

How does what you already know about Jehovah and Jesus assure you that the actions they take will be fair and just?

Knowing what Jehovah and Jesus are like guarantee us that they will be totally fair, that is to say that they will give each person what corresponds to them according to their actions, since the people who will be destroyed are those who have not listened to Jehovah, moreover, they have rebelled against him. .


As we have already studied in previous chapters about how Jesus is, his qualities, how he dealt with people, how his personality performed miracles and how he also reflected the personality of Jehovah, then you already know a little about what Jesus and Jehovah are like, so that is a guarantee. That gives you that everything that they are going to do, all the measures that they are going to take for us, well, they are going to be impartial and fair.

In first Thessalonians we read that God is just that he pays with tribulation to those who are causing tribulation, then everything that Jehovah does will be done in a just way and he also speaks in verse 7 that Jesus Christ with his angels will also execute revenge about people who do not obey to bring closer what he had commanded to warn people.

These two texts emphasize first the judgment that Jehovah is going to bring against the governments and secondly the relief that it will be for the people and something important that can be done with the study is to visualize in what circumstances we live today, if she suffers under these world circumstances that exist, and obviously the study is going to say yes, because who does not suffer due to the war to the world situation to the diseases then there will be the urgency that really the only solution that there is is the government of God that will bring relief both for her and for all humanity. 

5. Jesus is the ideal King

The things that Jesus did when he was on Earth are a sample of what the Kingdom will achieve. Of the promises below, which are you most looking forward to seeing fulfilled? Read all the texts where these promises are found.

Personally, I want to see fulfilled the promise that death is put to an end and those who have died are resurrected, in addition to having perfect health, because currently there is great suffering due to diseases.


Nice as shown here the examples of Jesus on earth most people know them, but from heaven what is he going to do, for example citing the last point of the resurrection Jesus Christ resurrected several people on earth, but in Apocalypse shows that it will end them, so that is different, bone Jesus Christ showed an example but from heaven he is more powerful.

The question is very good, it says which ones you most want to see fulfilled, we can see the student what perhaps worries him in his day to day, so we can then personalize the study more and get more benefit than he really it worries him.

6. Thanks to the Kingdom of God, we will have a wonderful future

How does it feel to know that Jehovah will satisfy “the desire of all living things”?

I am very happy to know that I am serving a God as generous and compassionate as Jehovah, since he will satisfy all the desires of our hearts in the very near future and all causes of suffering will completely disappear.

We are going to cry with happiness when we see ourselves in this beautiful situation that Jehovah has prepared for us.

WHAT SOME SAY: "If we all fight together, we can solve the world's problems."

What problems will the Kingdom of God solve that human governments cannot solve?

Problems such as deadly diseases and achieving peace throughout the world.

We could also use the table listed, of those problems mentioned here, which ones do you think we can solve if everyone gets together and which ones we can't.

Well, death is something that makes us all suffer, it is something that cannot be avoided by human beings or diseases, of course they can be controlled but they cannot be completely eliminated either.


The Kingdom of God will achieve its goals. It will turn the entire planet into a paradise full of good people who will worship Jehovah forever.


What will the Kingdom of God do to sanctify Jehovah's name?

The Kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus, what it will do is eliminate everything bad and turn the earth into a beautiful paradise full of people obedient to Jehovah, once this is done, Jesus will deliver the Kingdom to his father.

The kingdom of God will put an end to all the enemies of Jehovah. 

Why are we sure that the Kingdom of God will fulfill the Biblical promises?

Because when he was on earth he gave small samples of what he could do. Therefore, we are sure that having the kingdom in charge of him will fulfill all the promises set forth in the Bible.

We are convinced that the kingdom of God will fulfill its promises, because of everything Jesus did when he was here on earth. 

Of the things the Kingdom will accomplish, which are you most looking forward to seeing?

Personally, I want it to end death forever, because it is something that hurts us a lot. And I also long to see my loved ones who are sleeping in death.

I believe that the most incredible will be the resurrection, people who no longer exist come back to life. I think it will be one of the most wonderful things that will be seen. 

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