Saturday, December 10, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday December 11, 2022, If you remain in my teachings, you are really my disciples; they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free (John 8:31, 32).

DAILY TEXT, Sunday December 11, 2022, If you remain in my teachings, you are really my disciples; they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free (John 8:31, 32).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Sunday December 11

If you remain in my teachings, you are really my disciples; they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free (John 8:31, 32).

Jesus said that some would accept the truth “with joy,” but that their faith would wither when trouble came (Matt. 13:3-6, 20, 21). They may not understand that by following Jesus they will have difficulties and trials (Matt. 16:24). Or perhaps they think that the life of a Christian is just a bed of roses full of blessings. But, in this imperfect world, it is inevitable to have problems. Circumstances can change and take away some of our joy for a while (Ps. 6:6; Eccl. 9:11). Most of Jehovah's servants show that they are convinced that they have the truth. How do we know? Because their faith does not waver when a brother hurts them or does something that is not proper for a Christian (Ps. 119:165). With each trial they face, their faith grows stronger, not weaker (James 1:2-4). We all need to have faith like that. w20.07 8 par. 1; 9 paras. Four. Five.

What do we mean when we talk about “the truth”?

"HOW did you know the truth?" "Were you born in the truth?" "How long have you been in the truth?" Surely, we have been asked questions like these or we have asked them to others. But what do we mean when we speak of “the truth”? In general, we refer to our beliefs and our way of worshiping God and living. When we say that someone is "in the truth," we mean that he knows what the Bible teaches and that he respects its principles. As a result, he is free from false religious ideas and lives the best life an imperfect human can have (John 8:32).

According to John 13:34, 35, what is the first thing that attracts many people to the truth?

What was the first thing that drew us to the truth? Perhaps it was the good conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses (1 Pet. 2:12). Or maybe it was the love they show. That is what struck many the most when they first went to a Kingdom Hall, and they remember it more than anything said on the platform. And this is not surprising, for Jesus said that people would know who his disciples are because of their love for one another (see John 13:34, 35). But, if we want to have a strong faith, we must do something more.

What could happen if our faith in God is only based on the love shown to each other?

Our faith should not only be based on the love that true Christians show each other. Why? Let's say that a brother, even an elder or a pioneer, commits a serious sin, or hurts us, or becomes an apostate and says that we do not have the truth. What would we do in any of these cases? Would we stumble and stop serving Jehovah? This teaches us that if we want to have solid faith, it must be based on a good friendship with Jehovah, not on what other people do. Our faith is like a house, which should not only be built with “soft” materials like feelings and emotions, but also with “solid” materials like facts and logical reasoning. We must convince ourselves that the Bible teaches us the truth about Jehovah (Rom. 12:2).

According to 2 Timothy 3:14, 15, how did Timothy come to be convinced that he had the truth?

Timothy was sure that he had the truth. How did he come to that conclusion? (Read 2 Timothy 3:14, 15.) His mother and his grandmother were the first to teach him "the holy writings." But without a doubt he himself devoted his time and energy to studying them. As a result, he became convinced that in them lay the truth. Then he, his mother and his grandmother learned Christian teachings. No doubt he was impressed by the love shown by Jesus' disciples, and he had a sincere desire to be with and care for his spiritual brothers (Phil. 2:19, 20). But his faith was not based on what he felt for others, but on facts that strengthened his friendship with God. We too must study what the Bible says about Jehovah and reason to reach logical conclusions.

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