Saturday, December 10, 2022

Study of the Watchtower, You can be truly happy, Week of December 5 to 11, 2022, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Week of December 5 to 11, 2022, You can be truly happy, Comments and Answers.

"Happy is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways" (Ps. 128:1).

1. What are our “spiritual needs”, and how do they relate to our happiness?

Our spiritual needs according to Matthew 5:3, is the intense desire to know and adore our creator Jehovah and that is what the Bible refers to when it talks about our spiritual needs, and the relationship it has with our happiness, is that so as Jehovah is the happy God, all your servants can also become happy.


Well, it is the intense desire to know and adore our creator Jehovah and Jesus Christ, in the sermon on the mount he made it clear he said that we would be happy and we recognize this spiritual need and we supply it.

And as the paragraph says, happiness is not a simple fleeting joy, this spirituality lasts forever.

Another reason why it is related to happiness is that Jehovah is the happy God. So if we satisfy this need to know and worship our God, then we will be happy too.

2, 3. a) Who else did Jesus say can be happy? b) What will we see in this article, and why is it necessary for us to talk about it?

Jesus assured us that those who grieve can also become happy despite feeling guilty about their sins or the very difficult circumstances they are going through. Also those who have been persecuted because of their righteousness or so to speak those who have suffered insults for being followers of Jesus, they too can become happy.


Well, it was said that those who regret could still be happy, they could be suffering difficult situations or feel guilty for some sin, but they could still have happiness.

Then they also say something that surprises many, that even when they are persecuted and when people insult them, they persecute and lie and slander them, these people can be happy, if it is for the sake of justice and for my house, says Jesus, so we see that it does not depend on ideal circumstances. 

2, 3. b) What will we see in this article, and why do we need to talk about it?

In this article we are going to analyze three important steps that are going to help us to be truly happy and it is necessary that we talk about this, because as we saw in the paragraph, Jesus taught that true happiness does not depend on having the ideal circumstances in our lives. lives, but that we attend to those spiritual needs and despite everything that is happening to us, get closer to Jehovah.


Well, we are going to see that true happiness does not depend on having ideal circumstances, but on having our spiritual needs well covered and that, as James 4:8 says, we are close to Jehovah.

And it is necessary that we talk about this, because each and every one of us seeks true happiness, so it is good that we talk about this topic. 


And we have seen that brothers, despite very harsh circumstances, look happy and the image is a representation, since it shows that, some brothers who are being detained, but they do not look bitter, they are seen with full confidence in Jehovah despite the fact that they are going to be imprisoned, others who risk going to support them because they could also be arrested, and we have seen many videos of brothers who are behind bars but never lose their smile and that is because they fully trust Jehovah .

"Happy are those who have been persecuted for justice's sake" (Matt. 5:10). (See paragraphs 2 and 3).


4. What is the first step to be truly happy? (Psalm 1:1-3).

We must feed ourselves spiritually.


And it's interesting what Jesus said in Matthew. 4:4 that "Man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord." Therefore, what Jesus wanted to teach us is that just as we need to feed ourselves every day, with much more reason we should not miss a single day to feed ourselves on the valuable word of God, which is the Bible. .

Using the Illustration of physical food, because humans and animals need to feed ourselves but there is a big difference Jehovah has given us the privilege of being able to feed ourselves in a spiritual sense, that is why we take advantage of that opportunity and put it into practice in our lives and be strong also in a spiritual sense.

And the detail that the psalm gives is very interesting, when it says we can feed and swallow, but Jehovah wants us to enjoy, not when it says verse 2 he says he enjoys, so that way of eating should also be to meditate on it to really realize the first step to be happy.

This argument that we need spiritual food is not from now, since that argument was taught by Jesus, let us remember that Jesus was hungry and had not eaten for many days, but he said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from mouth. So it's a fantastic argument to show that we need that spiritual food.

Verse 3 also talks about a tree, we do walk down the street and see a tree that has withered leaves and does not bear fruit conveys sadness. But the Psalm talks about how it will be, it talks about this tree, if we enjoy the Bible we will be like a tree planted next to streams of water, a tree that bears fruit will see a tree. This is how it transmits happiness to us, because that is the result of spiritually feeding a happy tree.

And just as we need physical food daily since Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of Jehovah, then we also have to take into account to feed ourselves spiritually daily and read the Bible that as verse 3 of the psalm that we have read says, that day and night we delight in his word. 

5, 6. (a) What can we learn from the Bible? b) How does reading the Bible help us?

In the Bible we can learn what we could do to achieve true happiness, since it teaches us why he gave us life, how we can be his friends and what we must do to forgive our sins and also the precious future that He promises us.


And as Jeremiah 29:11 says, Jehovah also gives us a future and a hope.

Learning as it says that reading the Bible is what gives us happiness, more than reading it is what the Bible says these things that have been said. Now if you look at them well and if they are applied in your life, you are certainly truly happy.

Jesus Christ himself gave the answer in Luke 11:28 by saying happy in those who hear the word of God and put it into practice, in line with that reasoning if we meditate on it, the Bible contains numerous tips that are very useful for the life, for the day to day. And that way if at any time we can feel overwhelmed whatever the cause or problem.

5, 6. (b) How does reading the Bible help us?

The Bible helps us through its useful advice for life and if we follow these advice we will become truly happy. That is why in the paragraph he mentions that if we feel overwhelmed by problems, we must dedicate ourselves to reading the word of God and meditating on it.


If we dedicate time to read in the Bible and meditate on it, it will help us to be happier that way, it is true.

Even the paragraph gives us a good suggestion, is that we can spend even more time. Sometimes perhaps due to some disease or the symptoms worsen, as doctors can increase the dose of certain medications, we likewise when we go through very difficult times are more overwhelmed than normal, because it suggests that we increase the dose a little more in the morning. Bible reading so to speak. 

7. How can we make the most of the time we dedicate to reading the Word of God?

In order to make the most of the time spent reading the Bible, we must, so to speak, "savor" it. Which means that we should take the time to fully enjoy what we are reading. And something that can help us is imagining the scenes, listening to the voices and meditating on what we are reading, because if we do this we will become happier.


Yes, here is the example of savoring and it came to mind when one goes to a fast food restaurant or another type of finer, more elegant restaurant, the food is different, it is savored in a different way. It is true that both fulfill the purpose, which is to take away that physical need that we have to feed ourselves. Well, with the example that is given to us here, we can taste like in that most elegant restaurant as long as we visualize the images, read the context, meditate on how put into practice and how this brings us closer to Jehovah.

If the paragraph here explains it right, if that happens to us with a good meal that we have gone fast, maybe because of problems or because we are in a hurry, it does not leave a good taste in the end, and it has been one of our favorite dishes, well, that is not It can happen with reading the Bible, sometimes the problems we have, stress or rush can make us not dedicate that time to savoring and we are going to miss a lot. That is why what we are invited to do is precisely to look for that time to be able to savor and more slowly imagine scenes and situations because we are going to get much more out of it.

8. How is the “faithful and prudent slave” fulfilling his responsibility? (See also note.)

The responsibility that the faithful and prudent slave is fulfilling is to feed us spiritually at the due time, and the result of the excellent work they do is that all of us who belong to God's people are very well fed in a spiritual sense.


Just as Jesus prophesied as mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 verse 45, the faithful and prudent slave provides us with an abundance of spiritual food so that we are well fed and well nourished. really happy.

And a very interesting detail mentioned in the note is the fact that we could think that perhaps there are people who due to circumstances do not have access to that food, as well as others who are at a disadvantage because the information is in their language or perhaps they do not have access to technology and to see everything that is presented on the web page, but he mentions that in Jesus' time the followers who were with him also had more direct information about Jesus and that is not why he meant that other people did not have spiritual food what that we have to be clear that Jehovah knows the minimum that we have to have in a spiritual sense to be happy and he will not leave us.

Yes, speaking of the figure of the faithful and prudent slave, we must be very happy with it because Jesus already predicted that in these oppressive times it would be a very important role for this slave to play and he promised his followers to give them the necessary encouragement to endure to the end.

If the information is also where the note is, it said that the important thing, as we have seen, is that we come to understand the Bible, not only that we read it, and for this the slave has made an outstanding effort, as the paragraph shows through the edition of The Watchtower and the awakening through JW articles through the meetings as it is that we have right now.


9. What is the second step we must take to be truly happy?

The second step that we must take to be happy is to obey Jehovah's rules, that is why Psalm 128:1 encourages us to fear Jehovah, which means that we respect him so much that we do not want to do anything that displeases me.


We must fear him so much that we must respect him, respect everything he sends us, that is, what he tells us is for our benefit, so we must avoid what he hates and rather give him honor and not dislike him.

That's why he tells us that we can have all the food we want but if we don't put it into practice it's useless, then we have to keep making an effort to continue fulfilling Jehovah's rules.

How important are the words of Psalm 128:1 where it clearly shows that whoever fears Jehovah or whoever loves Jehovah this will make us walk in his ways, so it is important that we take into account our spiritual need because Jehovah is giving us everything we need and especially in the time we are living as the note said a little we are seeing the time of the end but Jehovah does not abandon us there he has more than fed us.

And Proverbs 16:6 says it very clearly, it says that he who fears Jehovah moves away from evil and that fear of Jehovah is key, a fear of unpleasantness that will keep us from doing things that Jehovah condemns.

And the psalms show the blessings that are received by obeying Jehovah, for example, 37:27 says that turning away from evil and doing good as a consequence will remain forever or 97:10 that he who hates what is bad Jehovah will protect him will protect him his life will rescue him from the hands of the wicked, so it is clear that being obedient obeying Jehovah's rules will be for our protection and will make us happy.

In Romans 12:9, which says that your love should not be hypocritical, hate what is bad and stick to what is good, formerly it said hate what is bad when we hate something we do not include it in our lives because we repel it, then what we have What to do is to detest and hate what is bad and adhere to what is good. 

10. Besides knowing what God's will is, what should we do? (Romans 12:2).

The text of Romans 12:2, mentions that we stop conforming to this system, on the contrary, it encourages us to transform ourselves by renewing our minds and we apply this text not only knowing that Jehovah has the authority to decide what is right or wrong . But we must also obey God's rules and we demonstrate it with our conduct, which will reflect if we really believe that respecting Jehovah's rules is the best.


Very interesting in terms of what to know and it is very well explained how in the case of the government it sets limits when driving on the roads and then it depends on each one of us and we will be willing to obey them or not, in the case of Jehovah we must for our conduct we must always be willing to respect the rules that Jehovah has set us because they are for our benefit.

And how it has come out in the text of Romans 12:2 there we are invited, we are exhorted to verify for ourselves what is the good, pleasant and perfect will of Jehovah, there we are being invited not only to know but also to obey just those to see the results it produces.

It may be that sometimes it is not easy to obey but our goal has to be the same as David expressed in Psalm 16:11, he said that in the presence of Jehovah there was joy and at his right hand there was happiness, so we always want to obey with pleasure because this is what will really give us happiness. 

11, 12. (a) How careful should we be when we are worried or discouraged? (b) How do the words at Philippians 4:8 help us choose entertainment

We must be careful with the distractions that make us forget the problems and that is understandable, because it is not bad to worry or get discouraged, but we must be careful not to do anything that Jehovah hates.


Well, we must make sure that we have healthy distractions because with worries and problems our mind seeks to be distracted and evade is the most normal thing but we are under the influence of the world of Satan and as Ephesians says we must be very careful not to become stupid and end up wasting our time with distractions that, although in the world they are seen as normal things, really displease Jehovah.

Worries and discouragement are fruitless, then also some that can be dangerous because it says that it can be embarrassing to mention what is done. 

11, 12. (b) How do the words at Philippians 4:8 help us choose entertainment?

It is true that Paul was not exactly referring to entertainment. However, his words will help guide us when choosing a hobby. That is why the paragraph encourages us to replace the word "things" with today's entertainment, for example: movies, songs, books or video games, doing this will help us think about what things Jehovah accept and which are not, and that way we will have a clear conscience and thus we can move to the next step that will give us true happiness.


As we have read Philippians helps us think when choosing between entertainment that we have to think about if it is fair if it is chaste if it has a good reputation if it is virtuous so that in this way we are doing something that Jehovah accepts that he likes.

We could replace the word things with songs, movies, books or video games and analyze in the light of our conscience trained with the word of God if it is really worth getting involved in any kind of things that are worthless.

Yes, sometimes it may be difficult for us to reject some type of entertainment, but if we remember what Psalm 119 verse 1 says, which says only those who walk according to the law of Jehovah are blameless in their ways, that will help us, although it may be difficult for us. help to be happy


13. What is the third step that will give us true happiness? (John 4:23, 24).

The third step is to make sure that the Worship of Jehovah comes first in our lives, and we do it because Jehovah is our creator and he deserves our worship.


The text of John 4:23,24. It helps us understand how Jehovah wants us to worship him, because there he mentions what our worship should be with "Spirit and Truth". Which means that the holy spirit must guide our worship so that he agrees with the truths of the Bible.

As the paragraph says, we must praise him with spirit and truth, that is to say how he wants, not how we suppose he wants, but rather we have to investigate and find out what he wants and adore him as he wants.

The circumstances did not have to be ideal because the circumstances sometimes, as happens with some brothers, are in persecution or our own circumstances individually, but what makes us happy is knowing that Jehovah is happy for our way of acting and Jehovah rewards as first Peter says. 4:14 says if they are insulting you for the name of Christ they are happy and at the end it says because the spirit of God rests on you, then the feeling that we are doing the will of Jehovah and that we have his approval and regardless of our circumstances as a result produces happiness.

And the text of Santiago also tells us that he is happy precisely if we endure the tests because, as he says, he will receive the crown of life that Jehovah gives.


14. What happened to a young brother from Tajikistan, and why?

In experience we can see that our brother Yovidón Boboyónov, "for refusing to do military service" was forcibly taken from his home and detained for months and treated as if he were a criminal.


This news reached various media outlets in various countries. And the information that was spread was that they beat her in an attempt to pressure him to take a military oath and put on the uniform, he was subsequently convicted and sent to a forced labor camp until he was finally granted clemency by the president of the country. and ordered him released. And what is surprising about this experience is that, as he mentions at the end of the paragraph, that during all this trial our brother remained loyal and happy and he achieved it thanks to the fact that he always recognized his spiritual needs.

Well, this brother was 19 years old and for refusing to serve in the military in 2019 they took him from his home by force, they had him detained, they treated him as if he were a criminal and they also sentenced him and sent him to a forced labor camp, however he remained loyal all the time, lying and acknowledging his spiritual needs and in the end the president asked for his release and he was released.

15. How did Yovidón feed spiritually while he was in jail?

Our brother Yovidón, because he was in jail and could not feed spiritually from the Bible and from any of our publications, took advantage when the brothers brought him food, they wrote the daily text in those bags and that way he could read and meditate on it every day.


Well, because of the ingenuity of the brothers because when they brought food to the jail they wrote the daily text on the bags, so this brother who did not have the physical Bible could read in it and meditate every day.

So the reflection that he said later when he said make the most of the freedom you now have to prepare yourself in the Bible to study the publication is very interesting, it is true, for example, we have a great facility because we have the freedom and also we all have the technology that we can use it and it is true that it is very easy to access the publications on the mobile or on the tablet.

16. What did Yovidón focus on?

In such a situation it is common to feel bad desires and negative thoughts that can lead us to do bad or wrong things. However, our brother did not let those feelings control him, on the contrary, he spent his time contemplating Jehovah's beautiful creation, listening to the birds singing in the morning and looking at the moon and stars at night. Which helped him appreciate the spiritual and physical things that only Jehovah can give us and that is why he felt happy and cheerful and with a lot of strength to endure, despite the situation he was going through.


Well, the brother focused on obeying Jehovah's rules, not on bad thoughts or doing bad things, but on obeying Jehovah and that was what he considered most important and he says that he spent his time in the morning listening to the birds singing at night. nights he stayed looking at the moon and the stars, appreciating these things that Jehovah gives us both physical and spiritual makes us feel very happy, this is what he did and it gave him strength to get ahead. 

17. How can 1 Peter 1:6, 7 help someone in a situation like Yovidon's?

This text is very encouraging for people who are going through a situation like that of our brother Yoviidón, since it can help them remember that all the people who are going through various situations that test their faith and manage to maintain their integrity, will receive a great reward. that Jehovah promises, since these verses assure them that whatever their difficulties, Jehovah will help them overcome them. And this faith will become a faith of proven quality, which is a cause for praise, glory and honor from Jehovah.


They teach us that trials shake us but in the end they make us more valuable and happy as Yovidon and another sister have said a Russian sister said that a test of faith shakes us it spins us and squeezes us like a washing machine but in the end we come out cleaner and better than before.

As we have read in the first of Peter, it is a reason for happiness when we go through trials and we are victorious, we come out strengthened closer to Jehovah and this is in accordance with what the apostle said that we have had our faith tested and when we have tested it we see the results and that gives us more confidence, brings us closer to Jehovah and therefore we are happy.


Well, I focused on how the brothers wrote the text, I have tried to expand and I was also wondering why the pressure guards slipped this, you can see the hand of Jehovah to help but it is also impressive because the Ingenuity that we must have for a part the collaboration of the world brotherhood and the appreciation by the spiritual truths.

Well, 19 years young but he looks happy and that really sets a great example for others, happy because he knew that obeying Jehovah and being loyal to him was the only thing that can give happiness.

Series of images by Yovidon Boboyonov. 1. He looks outside through his cell window. 2. Read the daily text written on a bag of groceries. 3. Pray to Jehovah.

Yovidón was nourished in a spiritual sense, obeyed God's rules and put the worship of Jehovah first. (See paragraphs 15 to 17).

18. How can we continue to be happy?

Despite the problems we are going through, we can continue to be happy if we follow the three steps that we have analyzed.


And we know that Jehovah knows what human beings need to be happy, so we should not place all our trust in him and if we follow the three steps that we have analyzed, we will continue to be happy despite the problems and difficulties we may have. 


First step: Feed ourselves spiritually.

Knowing these truths through the study of the Bible fills our hearts with happiness.


For example, he helps us by teaching us what he gave us life for, how we can be his friends, and what we must do to be forgiven of our sins. It also tells us about the precious future that it promises us.

This food helps us to know Jehovah's way of thinking, as revealed in the Bible. That is why we read the magazines, The Watchtower and Awake!, and the articles that appear on We also prepare for midweek and weekend meetings, and watch the monthly JW Broadcasting® shows.

Second step: Obey Jehovah's rules.

If we do what Jehovah loves and obey Jehovah's rules, we will avoid what he hates, and therefore we will be happy.


It is connected because what Psalm 128:1 mentions that we are happy if we obey the commands and ways of Jehovah.

Third step: Put the worship of Jehovah first.

It will help us to endure and remain faithful despite the injustices or adverse circumstances that we may be going through.


Well, when we do this, we put the worship of Jehovah in the first place and we go through tests and finally we remain faithful, our faith has been tested and it has become a faith of better quality.

And although now we are not going through tests, the brothers serve us as a good example, these almost 180 brothers who are in prison, see JW read that portion, know their names because you can download the names of the brothers from each country, how long they have been in prison some in Eritrea since 2005, so that inspires us and will help us so that at a given moment, if things change in our country, we can also be happy under these trials. 

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