Sunday, December 4, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday December 5, 2022, Speaking the truth, let us grow for love in all things towards him who is the head, Christ (Eph. 4:15).

DAILY TEXT, Monday December 5, 2022, Speaking the truth, let us grow out of love in all things toward him who is the head, Christ (Eph. 4:15).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Monday December 5

Telling the truth, let us grow out of love in all things toward him who is the head, Christ (Eph. 4:15).

One way to become friends with Jesus is by supporting the decisions of the Christian congregation. Our friendship with Jesus, the head of the congregation, is strengthened when we collaborate with the brothers who are appointed to take care of us with affection (Eph. 4:16). For example, the organization is making sure we get the most out of Kingdom Halls. To that end, some congregations have merged. As a result, many resources dedicated to God have been saved. On the other hand, due to these changes, some publishers have had to adapt to the new circumstances. Perhaps these faithful brothers have met for years in the same congregation and feel very attached to the brothers. But now they have been asked to serve in another congregation. How happy Jesus must be to see these loyal disciples cooperating with such decisions. w20.04 24 par. 14.

What is the first step in becoming friends with Jesus?

First, let's get to know Jesus. To do this, let's read the biblical books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. As we reflect on these stories about the life of Jesus and see that he treated people with kindness, we will feel love and respect for him. For example, he did not treat his disciples as if they were slaves, even though he was his Master. Rather, he treated them as friends and revealed his deepest thoughts and feelings (John 15:15). He felt his pain and wept with them (John 11:32-36). Even his enemies realized that he was a friend to those who accepted his message (Matt. 11:19). If we treat others as he treated his disciples, we will get along better with them, we will be happier and we will love and respect Christ even more.

What is the second step in becoming friends with Jesus, and why is it important?

Second, let's think and act like Jesus. The better we know and imitate his way of thinking, the stronger our friendship with him will be (1 Cor. 2:16). How can we imitate it? Let's see an example. Helping others was more important to him than pleasing himself (Matt. 20:28; Rom. 15:1-3). Because he thought this way, he sacrificed himself for them and forgave them. He was not easily offended by what was said about him (John 1:46, 47). And he didn't “freeze” people in time by remembering his mistakes over and over again (1 Tim. 1:12-14). It is important to follow his example, for he said: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). Therefore, let us ask ourselves: "Like Jesus, do I do everything possible to be at peace with my brothers?"

What is the third step in becoming friends with Jesus, and how do we do it?

Third, let us support the brothers of Christ. Jesus considers that what we do for his anointed brothers is as if we were doing it for him (Matt. 25: 34-40). The main way to support them is by participating fully in the work that he entrusted to his followers: preaching the Kingdom and making disciples (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 10:42). The help of the "other sheep" is necessary for the brothers of Christ to fulfill the worldwide preaching campaign that is taking place today (John 10:16). If we are of the other sheep, every time we participate in this work we show that we love the anointed and also Jesus.

How can we put Jesus' advice in Luke 16:9 into practice?

We also make friends with Jehovah and Jesus by using our money to support their work.—Read Luke 16:9. For example, we can donate funds to the world work to support preaching in isolated areas, the construction and maintenance of our theocratic facilities, and relief efforts. We can also make donations in our congregation and help the brothers that we know are in need (Prov. 19:17). In these ways we support the brothers of Christ.

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