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“Is there no wisdom among older people? And does not long life give understanding?” (JOB 12:12).
1. Why can older people teach us a lot?
The elders have the ability to guide us because they have faced situations similar to what we can go through. Their advice reflects not only experience but also faith in Jehovah. The Bible mentions that elders are a source of wisdom, especially when they have lived a life dedicated to applying biblical principles. Mature elders can help us make decisions that glorify Jehovah. Listening to their advice, even when it does not coincide with our initial opinions, demonstrates humility and respect for the gifts that God gives us through his organization.
2. What will we analyze in this article?
The article focuses on the last words of Moses, David and the apostle John, who were concerned with spiritually guiding the younger generations before their deaths. These men emphasized obedience to Jehovah as the path to true happiness and success. Moses, for example, reminded the people of the importance of obeying God's law. Before David died, he counseled Solomon to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Juan, for his part, encourages his “little children” to remain in the love of God. These words show us how the advice inspired by Jehovah transcends time, being useful for both young and old at any time.
3. In what ways did Jehovah use Moses?
Moses had a prominent role in biblical history because Jehovah used him to lead the people of Israel during the most decisive moments of their existence as a nation. His experience as a prophet allowed him to transmit Jehovah's messages, while as a judge, he helped resolve disputes among the Israelites. His work as a historian is invaluable, as he recorded pivotal events that explain God's purpose. The Pentateuch, which includes Genesis to Deuteronomy, is a work that Jehovah inspired to instruct future generations. Psalm 90 is a prayer that reflects his deep understanding of Jehovah's eternity and human frailty. If Job wrote, he leaves us a key message about the integrity and sovereignty of God. This multifaceted use of Moses demonstrates that Jehovah values those who trust in Him and strive to fulfill His will.
4. Who did Moses want to encourage and why?
Moses spoke primarily to the youth of Israel, because the majority of the generation that had experienced Jehovah's miracles would not live to see the fulfillment of the promise of the Promised Land. This new generation was the one that had to enter the land, and Moses took advantage of his last opportunity to remind them how Jehovah had cared for and guided them since the liberation from Egypt. In his words, Moses encouraged them not to forget the lessons learned during their journey, and to remain firm in their trust in Jehovah, since as shown in Numbers 14:22,23, those who were not obedient did not live to see the blessing of entering the promised land.
5. In his parting words, what future did Moses say the Israelites could have? (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20).
Moses, I encourage you to reflect on the future that awaited you. If they obeyed Jehovah, they could enjoy a full life in the Promised Land. This land was not only beautiful, but it was also already prepared to be inhabited, with cities, houses, crops and resources. However, Moses also warned them that this blessing depended on their choice to follow Jehovah, and not depart from his commandments. The choice that was raised in Deuteronomy 30:19,20 was not only relevant for the Israelites, but it also teaches us today the importance of making wise decisions in our relationship with God. Deuteronomy 6:10,11 highlights how Jehovah is concerned not only with the spiritual, but also with providing the physical needs of his people.
6. Why did God allow other nations to conquer Israel?
Jehovah did not allow Israel's conquests to occur without reason. Moses had warned the Israelites that obedience to Jehovah was essential to continue enjoying the Promised Land. In Second Kings 17:13,14, we read that when they disobeyed and adopted pagan customs, Jehovah sent prophets to warn them and give them the opportunity to repent, but they hardened their hearts. Therefore, Jehovah fulfilled the consequences that he had warned them about. The exile in Assyria and Babylon was not only a punishment, but also an opportunity to reflect. For even in exile, Jehovah demonstrated his mercy by promising a future return to his land, as mentioned in Jeremiah 29:10,11. This underscores that divine discipline is corrective, and restoration-oriented.
7. What can we learn from the words of Moses? (See also images).
Moses highlighted the importance of obedience, because it brings life, something that also applies today. As we move closer to fulfilling Jehovah's promises, we are encouraged to remain loyal and obedient. The future described in the Bible is incredible, the Earth converted into a paradise, the absence of the devil and demons, and the end of false religion, and corrupt governments. In paradise, all inhabitants will follow Jehovah's laws, which will ensure unity and happiness. Isaiah 11:9 shows that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord,” which will eliminate violence and suffering. Additionally, John 3:16 reminds us that obedience now gives us the opportunity to enjoy eternal life in the future.
Series of images: 1. A couple preaches with the cart. The wife shows something encouraging on her phone to a woman who approached the cart. 2. The same couple enjoys a meal with other friends in Paradise. If we obey Jehovah, we will be able to live on a paradise Earth not only for hundreds of years, but for all eternity. (See paragraph 7).
8. How did the promise of eternal life help a missionary? (Jude 20, 21).
The promise of eternal life is a powerful motivator to overcome personal challenges. The missionary mentioned in this paragraph managed to overcome a persistent weakness, because he kept in mind the importance of his relationship with Jehovah and the value of the hope of eternal life. Realizing that he could lose that wonderful promise, he prayed fervently and fully trusted in Jehovah's help, who strengthened him to be victorious. Jude:20,21, reminds us that staying in the love of God requires effort, prayer, and faith. This brother is an inspiring example of how the hope of eternal life can prompt us to take firm measures to overcome weaknesses, seek Jehovah's help, and serve Him with a clear conscience.
9. What trials did David face during his life?
David was a man who faced extraordinary challenges. As a fugitive, he had to flee and hide for years to escape the persecution of King Saul, who saw him as a threat to his kingdom. This period of his life subjected him to intense stress, but it also strengthened his trust in Jehovah. Later, as king, he faced the betrayal of his own son Absalom, who tried to overthrow him, and forced David to flee again to save his life. Despite his serious personal mistakes, such as the incident with Bathsheba, David showed sincere repentance, and always sought Jehovah's guidance and forgiveness. His faithfulness and willingness to correct his ways earned him divine approval, and Jehovah considered him a man after his own heart.
10. Why did David give advice to his son and successor, Solomon?
David gave advice to his son Solomon, why Jehovah had chosen him to promote pure worship, and build a temple in his honor. This responsibility required wisdom, strength, and a close relationship with Jehovah, as Solomon would face many difficulties in fulfilling this mission. David, with his experience and love for Jehovah, wanted to prepare his son for this important role. By giving him advice, David not only wanted Solomon to succeed in his reign, but also to develop a faithful and obedient relationship with Jehovah.
11. What did David say to Solomon, and how did those words turn out to be true? (1 Kings 2:2, 3; see also images.)
David told Solomon that if he obeyed Jehovah and followed his commandments, he would be successful in life. These words were fulfilled during much of Solomon's reign. Under Jehovah's blessing, Solomon built a magnificent temple, wrote several books of the Bible such as Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and contributed to other inspired writings. His fame for wisdom and riches reached all nations, reflecting Jehovah's blessing. However, David had also realized that his success depended on remaining faithful to Jehovah. Sadly, at the end of his life, Solomon disobeyed God by worshiping other gods, influenced by his foreign wives. As a result, Jehovah withdrew his favor, which affected his ability to rule with justice and righteousness, and the unity of the kingdom was compromised.
Series of images: 1. David speaks on his deathbed with King Solomon, who takes his hand. 2. Several brothers and sisters attend the Pioneer Service School. A sister raises her hand to comment. David's last words to Solomon help us see that if we obey Jehovah, he will give us wisdom to make good decisions. (See paragraphs 11 and 12).
12. What can we learn from David's words?
David's words teach us that obeying Jehovah, and letting ourselves be guided by his wisdom, guarantees success beyond the material. Although Jehovah does not promise us riches or fame, like Solomon's, he does assure us that his guidance will allow us to make decisions that benefit us in all aspects of life. For example, following biblical principles can help us avoid unnecessary debt, maintain good work and family relationships, and enjoy uplifting entertainment. In addition, divine wisdom protects our emotional and spiritual well-being, as it gives us discernment to avoid dangerous situations or negative influences.
13. How did Carmen manage to be successful in life?
Carmen understood that true success does not depend on academic or material achievements, but on putting Jehovah first. While studying architecture in college, she liked what she was learning, but the demands of her career affected her time and energy, taking her away from meetings and weakening her spiritually. He recognized that he was trying to serve two masters, a situation that Jesus warned about in Matthew 6:24. By praying and seeking guidance from Bible literature, he found the strength to make a difficult but wise decision. With the support of his mother and mature godbrothers, he decided to leave college to serve Jehovah full-time. This decision allowed him to focus on his spiritual life, and experience the blessings of being loyal to Jehovah.
14. In essence, what was the advice of Moses and David?
Moses and David offered the advice to be faithful and obedient to Jehovah. In their farewell addresses, both shared their love and loyalty toward Jehovah, motivating those who heard them to imitate their example. They stressed that obedience brings with it divine favor and many blessings, but that turning away from Jehovah inevitably leads to losing these privileges. Moses encouraged the Israelites to “choose life” by obeying Jehovah and clinging to Him. For his part, David exhorted his son Solomon and others to obey God to be successful. This message is just as important today. The main lesson is that our happiness and hope depend on our loyalty to Jehovah.
15. What experiences did the apostle John have during his life?
The apostle John lived a life full of extraordinary experiences. As one of Jesus' closest disciples, he was present at key moments in Christ's life. Not only did he witness his miracles, but he also witnessed the agonizing death, and in a moment of deep hope, he saw the resurrected Jesus, which reaffirmed his conviction. His close relationship with Jesus made him a Pillar for the expansion of Christianity, and throughout his life he saw the growth of the congregation from its humble beginnings to becoming a work that reached the entire known region. John also had the privilege of receiving divine revelations, which he shared through his writings, including the Gospel that bears his name and the book of Revelation.
16. Who has benefited from John's letters?
The letters of John have been an invaluable resource for Christians throughout the centuries. In particular, his first letter provides profound teachings on love, truth, and obedience to God, fundamental principles for a faithful Christian life. The second letter, although brief, emphasizes the importance of walking in truth and the need to avoid those who do not follow the teachings of Christ. The third letter, addressed to Gaius, focuses on the importance of supporting fellow believers and maintaining a good reputation within the congregation. In addition to these letters, the Gospel of John and the book of Revelation were also fundamental for early Christians. In fact, John's letters continue to be read, studied, and applied by Christians around the world, who benefit from his wisdom, encouragement, and exhortations.
17. According to 3 John 4, what produces great joy?
In this verse, John expresses the great joy it brings him to see Christians who are “walking in the truth” and obeying Jehovah's commandments. Although there were people who spread false teachings and caused divisions, those who remained faithful to the truth were a source of joy to both John and Jehovah. The verse highlights that there is no greater satisfaction than seeing brothers walk in the truth, observing God's principles in their daily lives.
18. What can we learn from John's words?
John's words in this paragraph teach us that true joy does not come from earthly rewards, but from faithfulness to Jehovah. Every time we reject the temptations of the world and stand firm in the truth, we are contributing to the joy of Jehovah, who takes pleasure in our obedience. But this joy is not just personal, as it is also shared with our brothers and sisters in the congregation. The fact that other Christians remain faithful, especially in the midst of trials and temptations, fills us with great joy.
19. What did a sister say about teaching the truth to others? (See also images).
Rachel, like many other Jehovah's Witnesses, finds deep joy in teaching the truth to others. She highlights that what really fills her with happiness is seeing how her students learn to love Jehovah, trust in Him, and make significant changes in their lives to make Him smile. This kind of joy, according to Rachel, is incomparable to any sacrifice she has made along the path of the Ministry. For her, the effort to teach the truth is rewarded with incomparable spiritual joy, because she knows that she is helping other people to become closer to Jehovah.
Series of images: 1. A sister enjoys giving Bible classes to another woman. 2. Some time later, the sister and her student preach together very happily. It makes us happy to teach others to love and obey Jehovah. (See paragraph 19).
20. What do we have in common with Moses, David and John?
Although Moses, David and John lived in different times and circumstances than ours, we have much in common with them. Like these faithful servants of Jehovah, we too serve the true God. We pray to Him, we trust Him, and we turn to Him for guidance in our lives. Furthermore, we are convinced that just as with Moses, David, and John, Jehovah generously blesses those who obey him. These ancient men fully trusted Jehovah, and walked in his truth, an example we follow as we strive to live according to his principles. Just like them, we seek divine guidance in every aspect of our lives.
21. What blessings await those who follow the counsel of men like Moses, David, and John?
By following the counsel of Jehovah’s faithful servants such as Moses, David, and John, the blessings that await us are indescribable. These men taught us that the key to true success is obedience to Jehovah. By doing this, we not only gain earthly blessings, such as peace and contentment, but also eternal life in the presence of Jehovah. Jehovah's promise in Deuteronomy 30:20 is clear: those who obey his commandments will live forever.
From Moses' parting words, we learn that obedience to Jehovah is essential to receiving his blessings. Moses encouraged the people to choose life and follow Jehovah's commandments to ensure their well-being and prosperity.
... David?
From David's parting words, we learn the importance of serving Jehovah faithfully. David advised his son Solomon to obey Jehovah to be successful and prosper, and warned that turning away from God would bring negative consequences.
... Juan?
From John's parting words, we learn that Jehovah's faithfulness brings joy, both for us and for Him. John emphasized that obeying God's commandments brings true satisfaction, and that living according to the truth brings us closer to Jehovah.
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