SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from March 3 to 9, 2025, PROVERBS 3, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: March 3-9, 2025, PROVERBS 3, Answers.

Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)

Pr 3:3. How can we tie loyal love and fidelity around our necks, and write them on our hearts? (w06 9/15 17 para. 7).

To tie loyal love and fidelity around our necks, we must value them deeply and demonstrate pride in manifesting them in our daily lives, just as if we were wearing a valuable necklace that everyone can see. Furthermore, writing them in our hearts implies that we not only display them externally, but that we make them part of our being, allowing them to guide our decisions and actions at all times.


When we value the qualities of loving-kindness and attachment to truth, and feel proud to manifest them, it is as if we were wearing a very valuable necklace, because we feel good when we wear it. We must also engrave them in our hearts, making them part of us, of our essence, of our being.

We should value the qualities of loving-kindness and attachment to truth, and feel proud to display them, as if we were wearing a very valuable necklace. We must also engrave them in our hearts, making them part of us. A practical way is not to fall into the temptation of telling lies about our brothers behind their backs to look good to other people, or not to betray the trust that others place in us, as that would be disloyalty.

We can tie loyal love and fidelity around our necks when we value them and feel proud to show them, as if they were a precious necklace that we always wear. Furthermore, by writing them in our hearts, we make them part of our way of being, guiding our actions and decisions every day.

To tie loyal love and fidelity around our necks, we must make these qualities visible in our lives, as if we were wearing a very valuable necklace. This means being kind, always telling the truth, and being people others can trust. Furthermore, writing them in our hearts implies that we not only show them on the outside, but that we really value them and make them part of our way of being, sincerely and from the heart.

Just as a valuable necklace cannot be removed at any time, loyalty and fidelity must be constant in our lives. If a friend makes a mistake, we support him instead of criticizing him. If someone trusts us with something, we do not betray them. This shows that these qualities are really a part of us.

So that these qualities are not just words, we must practice them every day. If I previously had trouble being sincere or kind, I can ask Jehovah for help and do my best in everyday situations. Over time, they will become part of my personality and I will act that way naturally.

We show that we value loyalty and fidelity when we consider them as valuable as a precious necklace. These qualities must be part of us, engraved in our hearts, guiding our daily actions and decisions.

To bind ourselves with loyalty and fidelity, we must deeply appreciate them as if they were a valuable ornament. By accepting them, we allow them to shape our character, turning them into a constant guide in our lives.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Proverbs 3:7. Relying too much on our own wisdom can lead us to mistakes. It is better to recognize our limitations and seek guidance from Jehovah, who has a complete vision of what is right.

Proverbs 3:9. This verse teaches us that we should give Jehovah the best of what we have, not what we have left. Honoring Him means recognizing that everything we possess comes from Him and that, by giving Him the best, we demonstrate our gratitude and trust in His provision.

Proverbs 3:14. Wealth may bring comfort, but it does not guarantee happiness or Jehovah's approval. Instead, wisdom based on His word leads us to a meaningful life and the hope of eternal life.

Proverbs 3:17. The riches mentioned in this verse are not only material. True wealth includes a good relationship with Jehovah, a clear conscience, and the satisfaction of living according to righteous principles. Jesus taught at Matthew 6:19,20 that spiritual riches are of more value than material possessions because they last long and bring us closer to Jehovah.

Proverbs 3:19. Jehovah not only has knowledge, but he uses it with discernment, that is, with the ability to apply that knowledge accurately and fairly. This encourages us to ask Him for wisdom through prayer and to develop discernment by applying His principles in our daily lives.

Proverbs 3:23. This verse teaches us that trusting in Jehovah's wisdom gives us security in life. It does not mean that we will never face difficulties, but it does mean that we will avoid many spiritual falls if we follow their advice.

Proverbs 3:27. When we help others, we reflect the generosity of Jehovah, who always provides what is necessary for his servants. By doing so, we also gain blessings, for there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

Proverbs 3:31. The danger of envy: Sometimes, we may feel that those who do wrong seem to prosper; However, its ending is not happy. True prosperity comes from trusting in Jehovah and following his ways. Instead of imitating the violent, we must walk in the path of wisdom and justice. This will bring us peace and bring us closer to Jehovah.

Proverbs 3:32. Jehovah is a just and holy God; He cannot tolerate evil or hypocrisy. Therefore, this proverb teaches us a profound lesson about the difference between those who follow a crooked path and those who strive to live righteously.

Proverbs 3:1. In this text we are recommended to act in accordance with God's reminders, his law or teaching, as well as his commandments that are collected in the Bible. In that case, length of days and years of life and peace will be added to us. Indeed, even now we will enjoy a peaceful life and will not pursue anything that exposes us to the danger of suffering premature death, as often happens to evildoers.

Proverbs 3:3. This pearl teaches me that loving-kindness and truth are to be esteemed like a priceless necklace tied around the throat, for it helps us find favor in the eyes of God and earthly man. These qualities should not only be seen externally, but we must engrave them on the heart chart, that is, make it an essential part of our personality.

Proverbs 3:5. We show that we trust God when we do things His way. We must trust Him with all our hearts, completely. In the Bible, the words “heart” are generally used to refer to the person we are inside, our emotions, motives, thoughts and attitudes. Therefore, trusting God with all our heart is more than a feeling, it is a choice we make because we are totally convinced that our Creator knows what is best for us.

Proverbs 3:15.  “Happy is the man who has found wisdom and the man who achieves discernment, because having it as gain is better than having money as gain; and having it as a product than gold itself. It is more precious than corals, and all its other delights cannot be equaled to it. Length of days is in his right hand, in his left there is wealth and glory. His ways are paths of pleasantness and all his paths are peace. The tree of life to those who make it, and those who keep it firmly grasped must be called happy.” And indeed, thanks to this, people, by applying it in their daily lives, make them very happy.

Proverbs 3:6. We should take into account what God thinks about the important things in our lives. Your opinion should also matter to us when making decisions. How do we do it? Praying to Him to guide us and following the advice He gives us in the Bible. “He will make your paths straight.” God helps us live according to his righteous standards and thus makes our ways straight. By doing that, we save ourselves a lot of trouble and are much happier.

Proverbs 3:7. It is great folly for us to rely on our own understanding or that of illustrious personalities in the world, when we can put all our trust in Jehovah. “Do not become wise in your own eyes,” says Solomon. On the contrary, he advises the following: “Fear Jehovah and depart from evil. May this become healing for your navel and refreshment for your bones.” The healthy fear of displeasing God should dominate all our actions, thoughts and emotions. This reverential fear prevents us from doing wrong and has healing and restorative effects in a spiritual sense.

Proverbs 3:8. It is believed that emotional tensions associated with fear, grief, envy, resentment, hatred and guilt cause a large number of the diseases that human beings suffer from. Therefore, the Bible's statement that the fear of Jehovah is healing to the navel and refreshing to the bones is very comforting. So even fearing Jehovah is for our own good and health.

Proverbs 3:9. The Bible says: “Honor Jehovah with your valuable things.” We are honored to use our money and other resources to support our congregation and support global preaching. With our donations, we also collaborate in relief efforts. Many have the habit of setting aside something to make donations that can be put in the contribution box at our places of worship or sent through the donate.jw.org page. Jehovah gives us the opportunity to use our material things to show him the love we have for him.

Proverbs 3:11. Correction and discipline are an essential part of the education that brings us closer to God. The correction He gives us, whether we receive it from parents, through the Christian congregation, or even by meditating on the scriptures during personal study, is an expression of His love for us. We do well to receive it with pleasure, and it is true that, although it is never good for someone to draw attention to it, if it is for our good, we should be grateful.

Proverbs 3:13. It is not true that happiness is a treasure that we all desire. Divine wisdom provides it to us, since true happiness only comes from its source, Jehovah God. Experience has shown that we cannot achieve true true happiness if we do not obey the Almighty and yield to the guidance of his spirit. The happiness promised in the Bible depends on our having a good relationship with or approval from our Heavenly Father.

Proverbs 3:14. Wisdom is mentioned very frequently in the book of Proverbs, in fact, it appears 46 times. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This godly and practical wisdom, based on the knowledge of God's word, enables His people to follow a safe course through the dangerous storms that rage in Satan's world.

Proverbs 3:13. Discernment, a concept that appears 19 times in Proverbs, is the assistant of wisdom, helping us fight against the machinations of Satan. The great adversary has millennia of experience in using tricks. However, we have something that is much more valuable than learning by experience: godly discernment, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and to choose the appropriate course of action. This is what Jehovah teaches us through his word.

Proverbs 3:1-2. This verse reminds us that obedience to God is not a burden, but a path to peace and full life. When we keep his commandments in our hearts, we experience God's blessing and protection, which motivates us to continue practicing obedience to God with love and gratitude, remembering that Jehovah God always wants the best for us.

Proverbs 3:3. Love and fidelity are values ​​that reflect Jehovah's personality. We can imitate God by practicing loyalty in our interpersonal relationships and being faithful to our commitments. These qualities not only bring us closer to God, but also allow us to earn the respect and trust of others, that is, a good reputation.

Proverbs 3:5-6. This verse teaches us that trust in Jehovah is vital to having solid faith. When we face difficult decisions or uncertain situations, let us remember that God knows the perfect path for us. Let us avoid depending only on our understanding and trust in Jehovah; He will guide our steps.

Proverbs 3:9-10. This verse encourages us not to stop supporting our local congregation with our valuable things, whether it is our time, talents or resources, we offer them the first and the best. When we honor God with what we have, He blesses us abundantly. By practicing generosity, we will see how Jehovah blesses us.

Proverbs 3:11-12. God's discipline is a sample of his love for us. Of course, it is not pleasant to receive discipline, but when He corrects us it is to guide us towards a better path. It is important to accept his teachings with humility and gratitude, knowing that He wants to shape our character and prepare us for his purpose.

Proverbs 3:13-14. This verse teaches us that wisdom is a priceless gift that comes from God. It is important to know more about him through his word and prayer. Wisdom will help us make wise decisions and live a life full of purpose. We invest in it as we would a treasure.

Proverbs 3:24-25. Trust in Jehovah frees us from fear. No matter what happens around us, He is our refuge and strength. We rest in his promise of protection and live in peace, knowing that he cares for us.

Proverbs 3:27-28. This verse teaches us that generosity is a way of reflecting God's love. Help others when it is in our power to do so, without procrastinating or making excuses. Each act of kindness is a way in which Jehovah is using us to bless others and ourselves, because everything we give comes back later, in ways we can't even imagine.

Proverbs 3:31-32. Envy and comparison only bring bitterness. Instead of looking at others, it is better to focus on our relationship with Jehovah and on living with integrity and gratitude. He blesses those who walk in righteousness and grants them his favor.

Proverbs 3:34-35. Meekness and humility are qualities that please Jehovah God. We do not seek to stand out or stand out at the expense of others nor do we allow ourselves to be carried away by pride. Jehovah exalts the humble and grants them honor in their time.

Proverbs 3:1. Human beings always tend to easily forget important things, as happened to the Israelites, who forgot Jehovah's miracles and, over time, ended up disobeying. So, so that this does not happen to us, we must constantly remind ourselves that Jehovah has helped us, thus strengthening our faith and our obedience toward Him.

Proverbs 3:2. Although our primary motivation for obeying Jehovah should be love, it is also comforting to know that our obedience is never in vain. Jehovah promises that if we follow his principles, we will enjoy many benefits, including a life full of peace and contentment. And although this does not mean that we will never face difficulties, its guidance will help us make wise decisions that will contribute to our happiness and well-being. Furthermore, it will give us the peace of mind of knowing that we are in harmony with His will, which will bring us an inner peace that the world cannot offer.

Proverbs 3:5. We should not trust our own understanding, as it can be limited and misleading. Sometimes, as we observe the apparent success of others who do not follow Jehovah's principles, we may be tempted to imitate their ways. However, this proverb reminds us that it is best to fully trust in Jehovah and his guidance, since only He knows what is truly beneficial for us in the long term. By depending on His wisdom, rather than our own ideas, we will avoid making decisions that could distance us from His blessing and protection.

Proverbs 3:6. Although we are the ones who make decisions in our lives, we must always keep in mind how these will affect our worship of Jehovah. Before acting, it is important to reflect on whether what we plan to do will bring us closer to Him or, on the contrary, could weaken us spiritually. When we put Jehovah first and trust in His direction, He will guide us along the best path, preventing us from making decisions that could harm our relationship with Him.

Proverbs 3:9. We can honor Jehovah by giving Him the best of what we have, since everything comes from Him. This includes, for example, our material possessions, but also our time, energy, and abilities. A special way to do this is by using our resources to support the preaching of the Kingdom message and Jehovah's work in general. When we recognize that everything we possess is thanks to Him and we use it for His honor, we demonstrate gratitude and strengthen our relationship with Him.

Proverbs 3:11-12. Although the correction we receive for a mistake may seem harsh, we should not become discouraged or distance ourselves from the congregation. Instead of seeing it as a punishment, we should remind ourselves that Jehovah corrects us because he loves us, just as a loving father disciplines his child for his well-being. Your correction is a sign of interest in us and your desire to keep us on the right path. Therefore, instead of turning away, we must draw closer to Him, trusting that everything He does is for our good.

Proverbs 3:14. The wisdom that comes from Jehovah has a value far greater than any material wealth the world can offer. Although money can provide temporary comfort, divine wisdom guides us to make right decisions, protects us from problems, and helps us live fulfilling and purposeful lives. Furthermore, while riches may be lost or vanish, Jehovah's wisdom guarantees us lasting blessings, including his approval and the hope of eternal life.

Proverbs 3:18-20. It is a good text to reason with those who do not believe in God, since it shows that the universe is not produced by chance, but by an intelligent and powerful mind. Jehovah used his wisdom to establish the order of creation, ensuring that everything worked harmoniously. Natural laws, such as gravity, maintain the balance of the planet, preventing the seas from floating or the earth from falling out of its orbit. If all this had arisen by chance, this precision would not exist, as Proverbs mentions. This passage reminds us that the existence of laws that govern the universe is clear evidence that there is a wise and loving creator behind it all.

Proverbs 3:27. We should always do good to our neighbors, and one of the ways to do this is to share with them the good news about Jehovah’s purpose for the future. By teaching them about His plan for humanity, we not only give them hope, but we give them the opportunity to be a part of that divine purpose. In this way, we are not only helping our neighbors in a tangible way, but also offering them the opportunity to draw closer to Jehovah and receive his blessings.

Proverbs 3:29. It reminds us of the importance of being careful with our words, especially when we speak about our brothers in the congregation. They feel happy and strengthened, safe, as Proverbs says, by being close to us. So it is essential that our expressions do not hurt or cause harm. Sometimes, without realizing it, a wrong word can hurt someone and affect unity. Therefore, we must be aware that we express ourselves always seeking to edify others and foster an atmosphere of love and respect in the congregation.

Proverbs 3:32. It teaches us that we should follow Jehovah's example in choosing our companions. He hates people who lead double lives, who act in one way and think or feel in another. Like Jehovah, we must be selective with who we surround ourselves with, seeking relationships that help us maintain our integrity and fidelity to Him. Choosing our friendships well helps us remain firm in our principles and avoid negative influences that could lead us away from the right path.

Proverbs 3:1, 2. This verse reminds me that following Jehovah's counsel is not only an obligation, but something that truly benefits me. Many times, when I do things my way, I end up with unnecessary problems and worries. But when I apply what Jehovah teaches me, my life is calmer. For example, if I avoid lying, stealing, or being dishonest at work, I can live without fear of consequences. Obeying Jehovah does not mean that I will never have difficulties, but it does give me peace and security because I know that I am doing the right thing.

Proverbs 3:3-4. This verse teaches me that loyalty and kindness should always be a part of my life, not just when it suits me. If I am a trustworthy person and treat others well, that will make people respect and trust me. But the most important thing is that Jehovah values ​​him. For example, if I promise to help with a task in the congregation or commit to an assignment, I must fulfill it without fail. Also, if someone treats me badly, instead of returning evil for evil, I can show kindness, just as Jesus would.

Proverbs 3:5, 6. This verse reminds me that although I sometimes think I know what is best for me, my understanding is limited. There are decisions in life that may seem right at first glance, but if I do not take Jehovah into account, they can lead me down a bad path. So, instead of relying only on my own logic or emotions, I need to pray, read the Bible, and follow the advice that Jehovah gives. For example, if I have a financial problem, instead of worrying and making impulsive decisions, I can trust that Jehovah will help me find an honest and correct solution.

Proverbs 3:9, 10. Here we are reminded that everything we really have comes from Jehovah. It does not mean that we should give everything, but it does mean that we should put Jehovah first, even with our material possessions. If, for example, I am considering spending money on something unnecessary, but I know I could use it to contribute to Jehovah’s work or help a brother in need, I should ask myself: “Am I honoring Jehovah with what I have?” When we give generously, Jehovah always blesses us in some way, whether with necessities or with peace and contentment in our hearts.

Proverbs 3:11, 12. No one likes to be corrected, but this verse teaches me that Jehovah's discipline is a sign of his love. Like a parent who wants the best for his child, Jehovah corrects us to help us improve. Sometimes His discipline comes through the Bible, the advice of mature brothers, or even the consequences of our own actions. If I ever receive advice in the congregation, instead of feeling bad or angry, I can remember that it is an opportunity to grow spiritually.

Proverbs 3:27. This verse makes me think about how important it is to help others when I have the opportunity. Sometimes I may think, “Someone else will do it” or “I don't have much to give,” but if I can help, even with something small, Jehovah values ​​it. It can be offering my time, advice, or even sharing something material with someone who needs it. If a brother is going through difficulties and I can do something, I should not hesitate to do it.

Proverbs 3:31-32. Sometimes it may seem like people who cheat, are dishonest, or use violence achieve success faster, but this verse reminds me that that is not the right path. Someone at work may cheat to get a promotion, or a person may do bad things and seem to be doing well, but in the end Jehovah does not bless that kind of life. I want to be on the list of Jehovah's friends, so I prefer to do the right thing, even if sometimes it seems more difficult or takes more time.

Proverbs 3:1, 2. Obedience to divine laws is not a burden, but a path to fulfillment. Understanding and applying the biblical commandments allows us to experience a life of purpose, inner peace, and the hope of an eternal future. This active obedience strengthens our relationship with Jehovah and protects us from the consequences of sin.

Proverbs 3:5, 6. There is no doubt that Jehovah deserves our complete trust. Together with all his qualities, they indicate that he is the most trustworthy person in the universe. Of course, to cultivate trust in Him, we must “taste and see that Jehovah is good,” applying what we learn in the Bible to life and reflecting on the good it produces.

Proverbs 3:9. Those valuable things are our time, energy and resources, and we can dedicate them to your service. Even little ones can learn to be generous with Him. If we let the children put money in the contribution box, they feel that they are giving something to Jehovah. If children experience the joy of making contributions to Jehovah from a young age, it is easy for them to continue being generous to Him as adults.

Proverbs 3:11, 12. These words do not refer to discipline in general, but to Jehovah's discipline, which is based on his high principles. This is the only discipline that is spiritually productive and profitable, and even desirable. On the other hand, that which is based on human thought is usually abusive and harmful, which is why many have a negative attitude towards the discipline and that is why they confuse it.

Proverbs 3:11, 12. The Scriptures point out that divine discipline is an expression of God's love for his human creatures. The discipline the Bible talks about covers a lot: guidance, instruction, teaching, reproof, correction, and even punishment. Its objective is to benefit the one who receives it; It is never intended solely to punish.

Proverbs 3:13, 14. Wisdom is mentioned very frequently in the book of Proverbs; in fact, it appears 46 times. This godly and practical wisdom, based on the knowledge of God's word, enables His people to follow a safe course through the dangerous storms that rage in Satan's world. 

Proverbs 3:13, 14. In a world that values ​​material possessions, this verse invites us to prioritize divine wisdom. Spending time studying the Bible and applying its principles provides us with spiritual wealth more than any material gain, giving us a life of purpose and fulfillment.
