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“Our Lord is greater than all other gods” (10 mins.)
If we review the image we have in our activity guide, this scene happens at dawn, when they crossed the Red Sea, what those people had experienced at that moment was impressive. What we see there may not give us the true idea of what happened. Let's give brief details about this, those who had to cross the Red Sea were approximately three million people, therefore the space you see there is not the one they crossed. That is when the Red Sea is already closing, possibly that place had the sea open from side to side for between a kilometer, or a little more than half a mile, or up to two and a half kilometers wide, or about two miles.
It is possible that the sea retreated that distance, kilometers, so that three million people could pass for a few hours, that the route was from one shore to the other approximately ten kilometers away, about six miles or so, the depth in That section of the sea was approximately 15 meters deep, or about 49 feet. You can make a mental picture of when the waters receded, approximately between one to two and a half kilometers, and they must have been scared, saying, pass or no pass and whether the sea will collect again.
It must have been something impressive, for hours they passed the roof of that sea, above their heads there were liters and liters of water that could have killed them, but Jehovah kept them safe until they reached the other shore, and in the scene we see , Moses raises his hands with the staff and the waters return to their place killing all the Egyptians. So it wasn't a short canal through which they were passing, there was a lot of space, perhaps they didn't even see where the sea was, because it was at night when they crossed, you now have a better idea of what these people must have experienced. .
5. For I know very well that Jehovah is great; our Lord is greater than all other gods.
6. Jehovah does everything he wants to do in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the depths.
This biblical account of the Exodus alone is a clear demonstration that Jehovah is “greater than all other gods.” This event, which we see demonstrated in the activity guide, as well as in the biblical record, demonstrates the power that Jehovah has to control the forces that he himself has created, such as the sea, the stars, the planets, all the atmospheric conditions that cause wind, rain and other effects. He has power even over animals and can be whatever he sees fit, as his Great Name means.
With just reason we can repeat what this Psalm 135 said “our lord is greater than all other gods.” No other God has done what Jehovah has done. They are just a lifeless object. But Jehovah is a living God and a God who cares not only about his people in general, but also as individuals. And it is this Almighty being who is in his favor, who has shown him how he can control the forces of nature on several occasions, not only on this one of the Red Sea.
In the Bible it also describes that on two occasions he stopped the rotation of the earth, such as when Joshua asked Jehovah for the sun to remain still, or when Hezekiah asked that the shadow of the sun recede when he was sick as proof that he was going. to be healed. At the same time as Egypt, the 10 plagues that that people caused were a demonstration of what they can control about nature, animals, hail, etc. And what to say about the immensity in the universe?
Every time human beings deepen their knowledge of the universe, they become more amazed. For example, according to certain superficial calculations, it is said that there are approximately ten sextillion stars in the universe. That means that you have to put 22 zeros after it to a number one to represent that quantity, and that is a rough estimate of what they can see and what they think is next, but each time something more comes out and something more, like what happened a few days ago, another new planet was now discovered in this solar system.
Don't we agree that “our Lord is greater than all other gods”? Thinking about it, how must you feel when you're going through trouble these days? We all go through these problems, it doesn't matter if we are active servants of Jehovah, we all have the same situations as any person around the world. but the difference is that you have Jehovah as your protector, as your defender, as the one who is deeply interested in you.
Why Jehovah will defend his people and feel compassion for his servants.
The Israelites, when they were in front of the Red Sea, seeing a large body of water, knowing that there was a great depth in that place, they felt trapped, without having any hope, but Jehovah demonstrated his power by dividing these waters and freeing his people. . And Jehovah has not only done it in the past, he is also doing it today.
It protects us from the attacks of Satan and evil spiritual forces, it helps us go through difficult situations in life, they may not be resolved, but it helps us to have an attitude of waiting and to have some ideas to know how to face these situations. Therefore, our Great God will defend us in any difficult situation we face. Hence, when we face difficult decisions in our lives, situations that seem like we have no way out, like the redder one, we seem to find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.
He remembered us when we were down, because his loyal love lasts forever.
When was the moment when you felt down and discouraged recently? It was today, yesterday, last week, and isn't it true that we turn to Jehovah because he helps us endure the situation? What will Jehovah do for you to help you, to get you out of where you are bound? It is as if we had fallen, and Jehovah kindly reaches out to us, puts his arms under ours, and lovingly helps us get back on our feet. No matter what situation we go through, no matter where we live or how long we have been serving him, we are very important to him. We belong to a beautiful brotherhood that cares about each of its brothers, and Jehovah at the head is the first one who is willing to help us.
Jehovah cares a lot about us. We can trust in the promise that he will always be by our side, that he is our safe refuge in times of storm. He is willing to comfort us and strengthen us. Let us continue to express gratitude to Jehovah, whether through prayer, personal study, or participation in the preaching work. Every time Jehovah intervenes on our behalf, we are as amazed as the Israelites were when they managed to cross the Red Sea. Like them and like the psalmist, we can then say, “our Lord is greater than all the other gods.”.
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