Monday, October 7, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of October 7-13, 2024, Serving Jehovah is the best life there is!, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: 7-13-October-2024, Serving Jehovah is the best life there is! Prepared Talk.

Serving Jehovah is the best life there is! (10 mins.)

Dear brothers and friends who are visiting us, today we will talk about one of the most important and rewarding decisions we can make in life. We are referring to our service to Jehovah. The title of this talk is: Serving Jehovah is the best life there is!

This theme highlights the joy of having a close relationship with our creator and how important it is to show gratitude for everything he has done for us. Jehovah deserves our worship. We can illustrate it this way. Let's imagine that a good friend has helped us in the most difficult moments of our life, has given us wise advice and has supported us without expecting anything in return.

Wouldn't we feel the need to express our gratitude to Him? In the same way, when we reflect on everything Jehovah has done for us, we feel the desire to show Him how much we are grateful. Please read the text of Psalm 92:1,4 as it says.


1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High.

4 For you, O LORD, have made me rejoice by your acts; I will shout for joy at the works of your hands.

Every time we meditate on the wonderful things Jehovah has created, on his love and care for us, we feel compelled to thank him and to serve him with a heart full of gratitude.

Young people, think about everything that Jehovah has given you: life, the opportunity to know Him through the truth that we have learned in His Word, the Bible, the congregation, and a wonderful hope for the future. It is not a great privilege on Jehovah's part to provide us with a meaningful life!

And when we put spiritual things first, we not only show Jehovah that we are grateful, but we also draw closer to him. Establishing a true and lasting friendship helps us make wise decisions that bring happiness. Jehovah, like a good father, wants the best for us.

For this reason, Isaiah 48:17-18 reminds us that Jehovah teaches us what is best for us and guides us along the path we must follow to be successful and happy. We should not see his commandments as restrictions that limit us; rather, his rules give us the freedom to live a full and satisfying life.

Sometimes we may think that Jehovah's rules are too strict or that they don't leave us freedom to do what we want. Let's think about this: if we follow Jehovah's advice, we are not depriving ourselves of something good; on the contrary, when we follow his principles we are making decisions that protect us from unnecessary pain and help us to be truly happy.

Psalm 1:1-2 encourages us to delight in the law of Jehovah by meditating on it day and night. And it promises that whoever does so will be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in its season. Imagine how wonderful it is to have a life like this, full of meaning and purpose. And Psalm 92:5 says.


How great are your works, O Jehovah! How deep are your thoughts!

Meditating on Jehovah's teachings helps us make wise decisions that bring us peace and lasting satisfaction. Furthermore, Jehovah does not take away our freedom to think for ourselves. In fact, he invites us to think like him and adopt his values. This, instead of limiting us, helps us to have a higher perspective, as mentioned in Isaiah 55:9 and Proverbs 2:15. By adopting Jehovah's point of view, we are able to make better choices, those that will truly bring us happiness and success.

Jehovah values ​​his servants even when they grow older. As we grow older, we may wonder if we are still useful in Jehovah's service, especially if our strength diminishes. Then we can ask ourselves: How do those who have grown old faithfully serve Jehovah feel about him? Psalm 92:12-15, which we are about to read, answers this question in an encouraging way. It tells us the following:

LET'S READ PSALM 92:12-15.

12 But the righteous will flourish like a palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13 They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. 14 Even in their old age they will continue to prosper; they will be strong and full of life. 15 They will proclaim that the LORD is upright. He is my Rock; there is no injustice in him.

What a comfort to know that Jehovah cares deeply for all of his servants, no matter how old we are or how long we have been serving Jehovah, or how much we are able to do physically, what matters is our willingness and our sincere desire to continue serving him.

Jesus Himself highlighted this principle when He spoke of the poor widow who could only give two small coins. Even though what she gave was little in the eyes of others, Jesus said that she had given more than all the others. Similarly, Jehovah does not measure our worth by what we accomplish in human terms, but by the willingness of our hearts to obey Him and serve Him with what we can even in old age or with physical limitations.

Perhaps we have or have had parents or grandparents who have faithfully served Jehovah for years? They have certainly taught us a lot about fidelity and devotion to Jehovah and although they may no longer be able to do everything they did before, their example is still of great value. Jehovah never forgets what we do for him and assures us that we will always be useful in his service.

As mentioned in 1 Corinthians 359, we are God's co-workers and our work is valuable to him. For this reason, dear young people, you may ask yourselves: What is preventing you from dedicating yourself to Jehovah and getting baptized? It is an important question, and reflecting on it can help you identify what obstacle is interfering with your relationship with Jehovah. Some may think that they are not ready yet, or that they have doubts and may feel that they are not sufficiently prepared or that they need more time.

However, it is crucial to remember that what is most important to Jehovah is not that we be perfect, but that we have a sincere desire to serve him and do his will. There may be external pressures, such as the influence of friends or the desire to fit in with this world, that make us doubt, but we must remember that life in this world is temporary and that true blessings come from serving Jehovah.

The text of Matthew 6:33 encourages us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added to us. What a comforting guarantee, Jehovah promises to give us everything we need, if we put his service first. Dear young man, if you have doubts about whether it is the right time to be baptized, reflect on Jehovah's immense love for you and how much he has done for you, think about the happiness and satisfaction you will feel by serving him fully.

Dedication and baptism are steps that strengthen our friendship with Jehovah, and the sooner we take those steps, the sooner we will experience the fullness of life that comes from being in his service. Serving Jehovah makes us better people, which is one of the reasons we serve him, since it is the best life there is and because it helps us to be better people.

When we follow Bible principles, we become wiser, kinder, and more patient. We learn to treat others with respect and love, just as Jehovah does. In addition, service helps us develop valuable qualities that benefit us in all aspects of life. For example, love, patience, and self-discipline are virtues that not only make us more pleasing in Jehovah's eyes but also improve our relationships with others.

In Proverbs 3:16, we are advised to trust in Jehovah with all our heart and not lean on our own wisdom. This trust allows us to make wiser decisions and live a more fulfilling life, and a hope for the future. The world we live in is full of uncertainty and difficulties, but Jehovah has promised us something much better. Revelation 21:34 describes a future in which there will be no more death, no more crying, no more pain. What an incredible promise!

By serving Jehovah, we not only enjoy a full and meaningful life now, but we also have the hope of living forever in a paradise under his Kingdom. There is nothing in this world that can compare with that promise. 

In short, serving Jehovah is the best life there is. It brings us satisfaction, purpose, and happiness. It allows us to develop a close friendship with our Creator, make wise decisions that make us happy, and have hope for the future. So, if you have not yet dedicated yourself to Jehovah, ask yourself what is stopping me from doing so. Jehovah is inviting us to enjoy the best life there is. Will you accept his invitation?

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