Friday, September 6, 2024

The Watchtower Study, “Article 26,” Week 2 to September 8, 2024, Make Jehovah Your Rock, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, “Article 26,” September 2-8, 2024, Make Jehovah Your Rock, Answers.

“There is no rock like our God” (1 SAM. 2:2).

1. According to Psalm 18:46, to what did David compare Jehovah?

In this text David compared Jehovah to a rock, because a rock is a symbol of stability, protection, and refuge. The reference to Jehovah as my rock has deep spiritual connotations. 

This symbol is recurrent in the Bible and underlines the idea that Jehovah is a refuge and a place of safety for his servants. David had clearly experienced Jehovah's protection during his numerous battles and persecutions, and found in Jehovah a solid foundation on which to rely. By referring to Jehovah as his rock, David expressed not only his confidence, but also his recognition that Jehovah is a source of stability in his life.

2. What will we see in this article?

This article will explain why the Bible compares Jehovah to a rock, exploring the meaning and teaching behind this analogy. 

In addition, the article will address how we can make Jehovah our rock, that is, how we can fully trust in him and seek his protection in our daily lives. Finally, we will analyze various ways in which we can imitate Jehovah's qualities, allowing his character and principles to guide our actions and decisions.


3. How does the Bible use the word rock? (See image.)

The Bible uses the word rock to describe Jehovah in relation to some of his most outstanding qualities, such as his stability, protection, and reliability.

In Deuteronomy 32:4, Moses praises Jehovah as the Rock, highlighting his perfect work and incorruptible justice. Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel 2:2 reinforces this idea by declaring that there is no other Rock like Jehovah.

In Habakkuk 1:12 the prophet expresses his absolute trust in Jehovah, calling him “My rock,” a personal declaration of faith in God’s strength. 

The psalmist in Psalm 73:26 describes Jehovah as the rock of my heart, and finally Isaiah 448 shows Jehovah himself reaffirming his identity as the Rock. Therefore, the use of the word Rock to describe Jehovah indicates that despite the changes and challenges in life, God remains constant and firm.


A couple and their daughter looking at a huge mountain in front of them. God's servants see Jehovah as a rock that makes them feel safe and confident. (See paragraph 3.)

4. Why can we say that Jehovah is a refuge? (Psalm 94:22)

The metaphor of Jehovah as Refuge is profound and meaningful in times of distress and danger. The image of seeking protection in a cave or under a rock resonates with the human experience of seeking safety in the midst of adversity. The text we have read clearly expresses this confidence by describing Him as a refuge and a Rock in which we can take refuge. 

This comparison underlines the protective nature of Jehovah, who not only offers us security in the present, but has also promised a future where he will eliminate everything that causes us suffering.

Furthermore, Jehovah's protection is not only physical, but also emotional and spiritual, giving us peace in the midst of life's storms.

5. What can we do to take refuge in Jehovah?

Taking refuge in Jehovah means seeking his support and protection, especially in times of distress. One of the most effective ways to do this is through prayer. Philippians 4:6,7 assures us that when we take our worries to Jehovah in prayer, he grants us a peace that surpasses all understanding and protects our hearts and minds. This peace is an emotional and spiritual refuge that helps us face even the most difficult trials. 

The experience recounted in the paragraph is a clear example of how prayer can be a refuge in times of extreme pressure. Despite the intense interrogations and anxiety he felt, Artiom resorted to prayer, which allowed him to remain calm, wise and faithful under adverse circumstances. 

6. Why can we always trust in Jehovah? (Isaiah 26:3, 4)

Isaiah Chapter 26 verses 3 and 4 assures us that Jehovah is the Eternal Rock, this metaphor highlights his stability and permanence, since he will always be alive, in a world where everything changes, the immutability of Jehovah provides a secure foundation for our faith, his eternity means that he will never stop fulfilling his promises, nor answering our prayers. 

Therefore, Jehovah's loyalty is a guarantee that despite our imperfections, if we strive to serve him sincerely, he will never abandon us. This certainty gives us the confidence that we can completely depend on Jehovah in any circumstance of life.

7. How does trusting in Jehovah benefit us? (See also image.)

Trust in Jehovah is a fundamental pillar for facing life's challenges. Isaiah 48:17 and 18 emphasizes that Jehovah, as our instructor, guides us on the right path, which results in peace and well-being. Trusting in him implies obeying his commands, even when circumstances are adverse.

Vladimir's story of finding comfort and a deeper relationship with Jehovah while in a detention center shows that even in the most difficult circumstances, trusting in God brings us closer to Him and gives us an inner peace that the world cannot offer.

Therefore, as we see His intervention in our lives, our faith solidifies and we feel more secure and calm, knowing that we have a God who always accompanies us and never abandons us.


A brother who is in prison holds a Bible in his hands and looks out the window. We make Jehovah our Rock when we trust in him completely. (See paragraph 7.)

8. a) Why can we say that Jehovah is stable?

Jehovah's stability is reflected in his firmness. In the Bible, he is compared to a rock or mountain. Malachi 3:6 states that Jehovah does not change, which guarantees that his character and purpose remain constant. This means that throughout history, and despite changing circumstances, Jehovah remains faithful to his promises and standards.

The fact that Jehovah cannot deny himself reinforces this idea by showing that his integrity is unquestionable, and that his purposes remain firm, regardless of human rebellion or change.

8. b) How does it benefit us to see Jehovah as our Rock? (Psalm 62:6, 7).

This text highlights that seeing Jehovah as our Rock has multiple benefits. This psalm emphasizes that Jehovah is a constant source of strength and salvation. By trusting in Jehovah as our rock, we find security and stability, since he does not change and is always willing to provide us with support in difficult times. This recognition helps us face challenges with the certainty that Jehovah will fulfill his promises and protect us no matter what adversities we face.

9. What do you learn from Tatiana’s experience?

Tatiana's experience teaches how perspective in our relationship with Jehovah can influence our ability to face difficult situations. In her case, house arrest and initial loneliness caused feelings of discouragement. However, Tatiana found strength in focusing her mind on Jehovah and his purpose for humanity, rather than concentrating solely on her own difficulties. This approach allowed her to see her situation from a broader perspective, remembering that her trials were related to her love and loyalty to Jehovah.

10. How can you make Jehovah your Rock from now on?

To make Jehovah our rock, it is crucial that we prepare ourselves spiritually from now on to face the difficulties that lie ahead. This is achieved by strengthening our faith and trust in him, through meditation and study of ancient and contemporary biblical examples that show his faithfulness and support. These examples demonstrate how Jehovah has been a solid Rock for his servants in times of trial. These stories not only serve as inspiration, but also provide a solid foundation for our trust in Jehovah. 

Furthermore, these studies and reflections will help us to be even more convinced that Jehovah will always give us what we need to be faithful to him and overcome the trials we will face in the future.


11. Why is it good for us to imitate Jehovah’s qualities? (See also the box “A Goal for Younger Brothers.”)

Imitating Jehovah's qualities is essential to strengthening and supporting the congregation. The Bible describes Jehovah as a rock because of his stability, firmness, and protection. In John 1:42, we read how Jesus gave Peter the name Cephas, which means piece of rock, indicating that Peter would be a source of stability and comfort for the congregation. 

Similarly, Isaiah 32:2 compares elders to the shadow of a mighty Rock, highlighting their protective and stabilizing role for the brothers. Imitating these qualities in our own lives enables us to effectively help others and create a supportive environment in the congregation.


At the Kingdom Hall, an elder teaches a young brother how to change batteries in wireless microphones.

12. What can we do to be a refuge?

To be an effective refuge for our brothers and sisters, we must be determined to offer both physical and emotional support in crisis situations, such as natural disasters or conflicts. Providing literal shelter in our homes is one concrete way to help. 

In addition to emotional and spiritual support, it is equally essential to welcome brothers and sisters with a warm and welcoming attitude at the Kingdom Hall, helping to build an atmosphere of love and support, something vital in a world that often lacks empathy and warmth.

Offering emotional and spiritual support contributes to the overall health of the congregation. This type of support not only helps brothers feel valued and secure, but also strengthens bonds within the congregation.

13. How can the elderly be a refuge? (See also image.)

The elderly are essential as a refuge for their brothers and sisters in times of difficulty, combining practical and spiritual support in critical situations such as natural disasters or medical emergencies.

Elders are responsible for organizing and coordinating the necessary help, ensuring that siblings receive the immediate support they need. In addition, the spiritual support they provide is equally vital, as they are accessible, kind and empathetic.

Elders create an environment of trust where siblings feel comfortable sharing their problems and seeking advice.


The elderly are a refuge for brothers who are going through difficult times. (See paragraph 13.) 

14. How can we show that we are trustworthy?

Demonstrating trustworthiness involves a combination of integrity, responsibility and willingness to help. According to Proverbs 17:17, being a person that others can rely on is essential, especially in times of difficulty. This is achieved by imitating Jehovah's qualities such as faithfulness and punctuality. 

In addition, offering help to those who need it and fulfilling our responsibilities efficiently strengthens our reputation for being reliable. Reliability is built through consistent actions that demonstrate our commitment to others.

By following these principles we not only gain the trust of those around us, but we also reflect the qualities of Jehovah.

15. How does the congregation benefit when the elders are trustworthy?

The trustworthiness of elders offers numerous benefits to the congregation. First, when an elder demonstrates availability and willingness to help publishers, it strengthens the sense of support and appreciation in the preaching group.

The trust that elders inspire in congregation members translates into greater cooperation and an atmosphere of unity. Secondly, their constant willingness to help and the genuine care they show contribute to an atmosphere of caring and security, which is crucial for the spiritual well-being of the congregation.

Furthermore, elders who base their advice on the scriptures and publications of the faithful slave provide a safer and more reliable guide, which reinforces the confidence of the brothers.

16. How does being stable benefit us, and how do we benefit others?

Stability is crucial for our spiritual well-being and that of the congregation. By being constant and obedient to Jehovah, we show how to live according to solid biblical principles, which is reflected in our ability to make good decisions and remain firm in the truth. 

According to Ephesians 4:14, stability protects us from being swept away by erroneous doctrines and changing teachings. A solid faith provides stability in times of adversity. In addition, by remaining stable, we become models of constancy for others. This stability not only benefits us, but can also be a source of encouragement and support for those going through trials.

17. What helps elders give stability to the congregation?

Elders play a crucial role in the stability of the congregation, by exhibiting qualities such as moderation, good judgment, and organization. According to Titus 1, elders must hold fast to the faithful word, which implies a firm adherence to biblical teachings and principles that strengthen the faith of the congregation. This is essential to maintain unity and stability in times of trial or challenge.

An elder must also be moderate and reasonable, qualities that enable him to make prudent and balanced decisions. Furthermore, by setting a good example in meeting attendance, preaching, and personal study, elders inspire publishers to follow their example.

18. Why do we want to praise Jehovah and draw closer to him? (See also the box “A Way to Draw Close to Jehovah.”)

We want to praise Jehovah and get closer to him, because by meditating on his wonderful qualities, we realize how reliable and constant he is in our lives as David expressed in Psalm 144:1 when he said, "Praise Jehovah my Rock."

We recognize that Jehovah is a source of stability and protection. The Bible shows us that Jehovah is not only worthy of our praise, but that he is also always ready to support us at every stage of our lives. Even in old age, Jehovah will not abandon us, nor will he cease to be our Rock.


Why does the Bible say that Jehovah is like a rock?

The Bible compares Jehovah to a Rock, because like a rock he is stable, reliable, and protective, his servants can take refuge in him during difficulties knowing that he will never change or fail.

How can we make Jehovah our Rock?

We can make Jehovah our Rock by trusting in him fully, praying to him in times of need, and meditating on Bible stories and experiences that demonstrate his faithfulness and protection.

What are some ways to imitate Jehovah’s qualities?

We can imitate Jehovah's qualities by being a refuge for others, showing trustworthiness in our actions, being stable in our faith, and making decisions based on biblical principles.

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