Friday, September 6, 2024

Watchtower Study, Make Jehovah Your Rock, Week 2 - September 8, 2024, Comments and Answers.

Watchtower Study, Make Jehovah Your Rock, September 2-8, 2024, Comments and Answers.

“There is no rock like our God” (1 SAM. 2:2).

1. According to Psalm 18:46, to what did David compare Jehovah?

To a rock.


David lived in a very unstable world, where things could happen at any moment that would completely change his life. He knew that he could ask Jehovah for help, who was always there to help and support him. That's why he called him my Rock.

Then it calls our attention how in the previous article we saw that Jehovah is a living God and is there to help us, so now when he says about the rock it seems that a rock has no life, so how is it like that?

2. What will we see in this article?

We will see why the Bible says that Jehovah is like a Rock and what this comparison teaches us. We will also look at several ways to imitate his qualities.


3. How does the Bible use the word rock? (See image.)

Jehovah is compared to a Rock to help us understand some of his qualities. Thus, in many Bible passages, when Jehovah's servants praise him for his wonderful qualities, they describe him as a Rock.


The comparison of the rock so that we can understand some of its qualities, for example in the text of Deuteronomy 32:4 it describes it in this way, it says that it is like the rock that everything it does is perfect, so it shows us that Jehovah is a God who is perfectly just, that he is neither too flexible nor too rigid and that all his dealings as well as all his actions are always perfect.

In 1 Samuel 2:2 there Hannah makes a prayer to Jehovah and tells him that there is no one like him and that there is no rock like our God.

Another example is the one we find in Habakkuk, he was referring to God as someone stable, someone who can be trusted, and that is why in Habakkuk 1:2 it says, Jehovah does not exist from always. Oh my God, my Holy One, you will not die. Oh Jehovah, you appointed them to execute your sentence, my rock, you chose them to punish.

Even in Isaiah 44:8 Jehovah speaking about himself said is there any God besides me no, there is no other rock so Jehovah himself also described himself as a rock.

Because they went through difficulties and trials and then they needed Jehovah's help and they received it and that is why they said that Jehovah was a rock for them.

As we have seen many servants of the past make Jehovah their rock, we also want Jehovah to be our rock, if we want to not only imitate the examples of servants of the past but also want to see the qualities that Jehovah has to strengthen him in this way.


And as you can see in the image, we see how small the brothers look as they contemplate that rock that is so immense, so firm, and so movable. Then we see that many of Jehovah's servants of the past and those of us of the present see Jehovah as a trustworthy person in whom we can feel protected.

Without a doubt, as we see the rock is there, there may be storms or turbulence, but if we are there in that cave or it may rain, we will feel safe and confident. The same is true when we trust in Jehovah, we know that we are in the best hands.

A couple and their daughter looking at a huge mountain in front of them. God's servants see Jehovah as a rock that makes them feel safe and confident. (See paragraph 3.)

4. Why can we say that Jehovah is a refuge? (Psalm 94:22)

Saying that Jehovah is a refuge, because just as a person can take shelter in a cave or under a large rock during a dangerous storm, when we face very difficult situations in life, we can take refuge in Jehovah, he protects us and prevents us from suffering any permanent harm, and he has promised that in the future he will eliminate everything that makes us suffer or robs us of peace.


Well, during a dangerous storm with large hail and strong winds, we could take refuge under a large rock or inside a cave, in a similar way as we have read in the psalm in very difficult situations in life, because Jehovah is our refuge.

And we see how Jehovah is not only a refuge now but will be in the future in Ezekiel because we find a beautiful promise that Jehovah makes to us and that is that in the future his sheep will live safely and will enjoy the covenant of peace, nothing will steal our peace and nothing will make us suffer, so what a beautiful guarantee that he will be a refuge now and in the future.

5. What can we do to take refuge in Jehovah?

What we can do is pray, when we do, we receive the peace of God, which protects our hearts and minds, just as Brother Artiom experienced, when we face difficult situations and pray to Jehovah asking for inner peace and wisdom, he protects us like an unbreakable wall.


Yes, taking refuge in Jehovah implies seeking his support and protection, especially in times of distress, and one of the ways to do so is through the prayer that appears there in Philippians 4:6 and 7, where we precisely receive the peace of God that protects our hearts and our minds.

And it is very beautiful to understand the invitation that He makes to us in Philippians 4:6 because Jehovah invites us in any situation at any time to any place at any time of the day. Jehovah is eager to listen to us to know our problems, our concerns and to give us that peace that is beyond what we can understand.

And we can see it in practice in Artion's experience of prodigious heart and mind when he prayed to Jehovah in that very distressing moment when it would have been very easy to become blocked, but nevertheless he says that Jehovah gives him inner peace and he felt as if Jehovah had been like his wall.

It is also interesting the word that Philippians mentions in any situation, then there is no problem, there is no situation where we can think that well perhaps Jehovah is not appropriate to tell him or perhaps Jehovah is not going to get involved in this matter, in any situation Jehovah is going to give us relief, guides, guidance, strength and encouragement, consolation that will protect us and help us. 

6. Why can we always trust in Jehovah? (Isaiah 26:3, 4)

We can always trust in Jehovah, because he is the Eternal Rock, which means that he is always there to help us and never moves from his place. He will also always be alive to fulfill his promises, listen to our prayers, and give us the support we need.


Just as a large rock or a mountain never moves from its place, the same happens with Jehovah, he is the eternal rock, always there to help us, listen to our prayers and give us the support we need. 

We also trust him because he is loyal to those who serve him and will never forget what we do, always rewarding us.

As we have read in verse 3, He will protect those who trust in You, so those who trust in God recognize that they depend on Him and when they are going to make decisions, for example, they do not trust their own judgment, on the contrary, they take into account what God thinks in everything they do and to know what God thinks, we must carefully read His word, reflect on what we have read and ask Jehovah for help in prayer, this way we will see how God is trustworthy for us.

And as Hebrews 11:6 shows, He will never forget what we do and also promises that He will reward us.

Yes, in addition, Jehovah is not variable like human beings, he is immovable as we have seen like a rock and in the text that we have read it mentions that he will give us constant peace because Jehovah is eternal.

7. How does trusting in Jehovah benefit us? (See also image.)

It benefits us because it helps us face difficult moments and strengthens our trust in Him. Every time we see how He helps us, this prepares us better to face tests that we could not overcome without His help.


As Isaiah 48:17 says, Jehovah teaches us for our own benefit and makes us walk in the right path and this gives us much peace and also helps us precisely to obey him even in the most difficult moments, as we see how he supports us in different situations in life, this generates confidence in us and also in the face of situations that may be complicated, we can trust that with his help we will overcome them.

The example of Brother Vladimir illustrates this. He says that the stage of his life in which he felt closest to God was the one he spent in the detention center. There he learned to trust Jehovah more, because he was completely alone and could do nothing to change the situation.

And the experience mentioned in the paragraph is very beautiful. Brother Vladimir says that Jehovah was his best friend in the situation he was going through. We know that he was having a very bad time, he was completely alone and he could not do anything to change the situation, but without a doubt taking refuge in Jehovah was a great support for him.


And also as we see in the photo there is a brother who is in jail and has the Bible in his hand and is looking out the window surely as the paragraph says there are situations in which only Jehovah is the only one who can help us as in this case.

A brother who is in prison holds a Bible in his hands and looks out the window. We make Jehovah our Rock when we trust in him completely. (See paragraph 7.)

8. a) Why can we say that Jehovah is stable?

Because His personality and purpose never change no matter what happens or what others do. An example of this is when Adam and Eve rebelled, yet Jehovah did not change His loving and just personality nor His purpose for humanity and the earth.

Yes, because Jehovah never changes his personality, his purpose, or his standards. Circumstances can change, as was the case when Adam and Eve rebelled against him, but no one can make his plans and purposes change.

8. b) How does it benefit us to see Jehovah as our Rock? (Psalm 62:6, 7).

It is beneficial because it gives us the confidence that He will always help us when we suffer adversity, and He will fulfill everything He has promised us, as indicated in Psalm 62 verses 6 and 7.


In the same way that, for example, if there is an earthquake or there is a circumstance of a natural disaster that destroys houses and bridges and everything it hits, we could think and if this happens to our rock it will also move or be destroyed, it will break, well Psalm 62 says there that it will never really be shaken, nothing will affect it, it will always be in the same place and it will always be at our side and also as the paragraph says, when we precisely have adversities, we will notice its presence more.

Yes, it is also interesting to see Jehovah as a stability in life because sometimes even we change in the face of problems and also as the years go by we can change in a certain way that we get into problems or we are not the same as before but we know that Jehovah is stable like that rock that never ever changes and we can always return to his life, we continue looking at him and we know that even though even we change, he is not going to change.

Well, he was convinced that Jehovah would never move, that he would not be shaken, that he is stable, so he was sure that his salvation depended on Jehovah, that is why he said that he was his refuge and that makes us think about ourselves as well that no matter what things we have, Jehovah will always be stable and will help us. 

9. What do you learn from Tatiana’s experience?

From Tatiana's experience we learn that keeping Jehovah's qualities and purpose in mind can help us stay calm and emotionally stable even in very difficult situations. Tatiana remembered that everything that was happening to her had to do with her love for Jehovah and her desire to please him. This helped her regain emotional strength and not focus too much on herself. So focusing on Jehovah and his purpose can be key to facing adversity with serenity.


Well, it teaches us that when we face problems or complicated situations, as Psalm 16:8 says, Jehovah is always there at our side, on our right, to help us stay calm and maintain stability when perhaps the situations around us overwhelm us.

She says that she remembered that what she was suffering was related to Jehovah's purpose and when we understand that his purpose is going to be fulfilled, Jehovah is that rock that does not change because he takes charge by fulfilling that purpose of freeing us from all the suffering we have now.

10. How can you make Jehovah your Rock from now on?

I can make Jehovah my rock by reading stories from the Bible, experiences of brothers of our days and meditating on them. I can also observe how Jehovah has always shown himself to be like a rock for his servants, since this will help me to be convinced that he will always give me what I need to endure and be faithful to him.

By putting these suggestions into practice, we will see how Jehovah has acted as a refuge for his faithful servants when they needed it, and it will strengthen us and help us to see Jehovah more clearly as our rock.


11. Why is it good for us to imitate Jehovah’s qualities? (See also the box “A Goal for Younger Brothers.”)

We should imitate Jehovah's qualities, because by doing so we will be able to help the brothers in the congregation. For example, Jesus called Simon Cephas, which means piece of rock, to indicate that he would be a source of comfort and stability in the congregation. The elders in the Bible are compared to the shadow of an immense rock, because they protect the brothers, but we can all contribute to the stability of the congregation if we imitate Jehovah's qualities.


Jesus Christ himself speaking of Simon says that he gave him the name Cephas which means rock and in this way Peter demonstrated that he could be a source of comfort, encouragement and help for his brothers, so the more we imitate Jehovah the more we will be able to be like that rock as something that gives the congregation stability, confidence and unity, those things that we all want the congregation to be.

In Isaiah 32:2 it describes very well those who imitate those qualities, mainly speaking of the elders, who mention that they will be like a shelter from the wind, from the storm, like a stream of water in a dry land, like the shadow of an immense rock, a parched land, without a doubt it makes us imagine people who give a great stability to the congregation and that makes everyone much more comfortable, that is why we should all imitate those qualities.

As for the young men, it is good for them to imitate Jehovah's qualities, for in this way he will cultivate the qualities necessary to serve as elders in the future, possibly soon after reaching 20 years of age. In this way they will be like rocks and will bring stability and firmness to the congregation.

Throughout the Watchtower we are seeing how good it is that we can at any time have a rock that protects us, which is Jehovah. How good it is that apart from the perfect rock that we have that will always be there, Jehovah, we can also count on other brothers in the congregation who help us and defend us just as Jehovah does.

It is good for young people to strive to imitate Jehovah's qualities so that they too may become a refuge for their brothers. To develop these qualities, they should talk with others at meetings and show interest in their older brothers. They also do this by helping others feel welcome in the congregation, by striving to be trustworthy, by volunteering, by following instructions, and by showing responsibility.

Young people also demonstrate that they are striving to imitate Jehovah's qualities to become stable and reliable people in the congregation by reading the Bible daily, making decisions based on Bible principles, and doing everything necessary to continually strengthen their faith.


At the Kingdom Hall, an elder teaches a young brother how to change batteries in wireless microphones.

12. What can we do to be a refuge?

Well, as the paragraph mentions, today there are many brothers who are truly suffering due to natural disasters or wars or violence, so the fact that we literally offer them our homes will make them feel safe and that they feel like they are in a shelter.


We can offer literal shelter in our homes to brothers and sisters who are suffering due to natural disasters, violent unrest, or war. We can also provide emotional and spiritual support by welcoming brothers and sisters into the Kingdom Hall and by coming to a caring atmosphere in the congregation. In a world where people are treated coldly and cruelly, it is important that brothers and sisters feel safe and loved when they come to the meetings.

And in our daily lives we can also do it in an emotional and spiritual way, for example through our meetings, with each and every one of us doing our part to create an atmosphere of love in the congregation.

13. How can the elderly be a refuge? (See also image.)

Whether it's organizing practical help during disasters or medical emergencies or offering spiritual support, if brothers know that an elder is kind, empathetic, and willing to listen, they will be more likely to turn to him for help. These qualities make the brothers feel more loved and find it easier to put into practice any biblical advice the elder gives them.


For example, when a disaster or emergency of some kind occurs, the elders are the first to make all the necessary plans so that all the brothers are safe, confirm that everyone is okay, call everyone, and also inform the circuit overseer, meaning they are the first to be there for relief efforts.

It is also very nice what he mentions about how if the brothers know when the elders are empathetic, they have empathy, they are kind, then they will always be much more willing to go to those brothers and tell them their problems because they know that they are going to help them. Then these qualities that the elders have and develop make them more loved in the congregation and it is easier for us to put it into practice if they offer us advice.


We see how a sister, perhaps worried about something, approaches your elders without hesitation to tell them about the problem she has and we see the faces of the elders who are really worried. They are showing that empathy for the sister, which is what makes one feel confident in talking to them, that they will understand you and that they will think of the best for you.

The elderly are a refuge for brothers who are going through difficult times. (See paragraph 13.) 

14. How can we show that we are trustworthy?

We can show that we are trustworthy by imitating Jehovah's qualities every day, including keeping our promises and being punctual. We can also offer our help to those who need it, and if we are assigned a task, we can complete it following instructions. In this way, others will know that they can count on us, especially in difficult times.


Well, by striving to imitate Jehovah's qualities and fulfilling our promises by offering to help those who need it and, for example, if we are assigned a task, completing it following the instructions that have been given to us.

That is why we can do a self-examination and ask ourselves: am I trustworthy? My brothers have that perception of me; when they ask me something, I do it directly as they have told me, and if we ask ourselves these questions, we will surely see that we are trustworthy.

It is nice that the paragraph highlights the word every day, that is, we imitate the qualities of Jehovah in a constant way. A trustworthy person is someone who always demonstrates those qualities. In fact, Proverbs 17:17 supports him. Not a true friend loves at all times, there are no bad moments and then we forget about our brothers, but rather we constantly show ourselves to be trustworthy. 

15. How does the congregation benefit when the elders are trustworthy?

It benefits in many ways, when the elders are trustworthy, when an elder generates confidence in the publishers of his group, they feel well cared for and supported, in addition, by always being willing to help the elders make their brothers feel loved, by basing their advice on the Bible and on the publications of the faithful slave, instead of on their own opinions, they foster the confidence of the brothers.


For example, because the brothers within the group feel confident in being able to speak to that brother when they need to ask for help or also, for example, when they base the advice they are given on the Bible, the brothers feel that it is something that is done for their good, for their benefit. All of these things ultimately benefit the entire congregation.

Likewise, by maintaining confidentiality and keeping their word, they further strengthen that trust in the congregation.

And also something very important that gives us a lot of confidence is that they strictly comply with confidentiality and we brothers like that a lot. 

16. How does being stable benefit us, and how do we benefit others?

In many ways, when we obey Jehovah and make decisions based on Bible principles, we stand firm and are not swayed by the changing ideas of this world.


If in James 1 from 6 to 8 it mentions that if someone doubts it is like a wave that goes from one side to another, and is someone indecisive and inconsistent in all their ways, then we have to do the opposite, we have to have a well-strengthened faith and as the paragraph mentions, be stable and constant people when it comes to worshiping Jehovah and complying with his rules.

This gives us emotional stability even when we receive bad news. In addition, our faith and stability allow us to help others who may be going through difficulties by giving them support and strength. In this way, we not only benefit ourselves, but we can also benefit the congregation.

And also when we talk about stability that gives confidence to others when they see us as stable people, that encourages us to trust those who do not have ups and downs in their emotions that today are very high tomorrow are very low or as has been said are indecisive because that does not transmit confidence or stability for example quoting Psalm 112:7 and 8 says you will not fear receiving bad news because even in those cases it is stable, it does not get out of control and these types of people are the ones that strengthen us, encourage us, protect us.

17. What helps elders give stability to the congregation?

They help us to give stability to the congregation in several ways, by holding on to the faithful word they give stability and strengthen the congregation, by giving a good example and shepherding the publishers, they help them to be constant, in attendance at meetings, preaching and personal study, and when the brothers face situations that overwhelm them, they encourage them to always keep Jehovah and his purposes very present.


Well, let them be moderate in their habits as mentioned in these texts, let them be orderly, reasonable, and have good judgment, all of this gives stability to the congregation and makes the congregation united and gives a good example for the rest of us to imitate.

Yes, it is also very important for all of us that when we are given advice, when we are given direction, as Titus 1:9 says, we should hold fast to the faithful word so that everything we are told and all the advice comes from Jehovah himself, who is the one who is truly wise among us.

18. Why do we want to praise Jehovah and draw closer to him? (See also the box “A Way to Draw Close to Jehovah.”)

Because he is our rock in whom we can trust, throughout our entire life. Even in old age, Jehovah will always help us stay close to him, so we can have complete confidence in him.

Jehovah is immovable and does not change, so we can always trust in him that he will be a God who offers confidence that he will rescue us, that he will help us, that he will protect us.


Here different names are given to Jehovah. Then we are encouraged to study them and when studying them, to delve a little deeper into each title that Jehovah receives. See the context. Look in the Bible for some references and then we are also told to answer some questions about what what we have learned teaches us about Jehovah.


Why does the Bible say that Jehovah is like a rock?

The Bible compares Jehovah to a Rock, because like a rock he is stable, reliable, and protective, his servants can take refuge in him during difficulties knowing that he will never change or fail.

Well, it says that the Bible compares Jehovah to a rock because like a rock he is stable, reliable and protective, because his servants, when we have difficulties, we take refuge in him because we know that he will never fail us nor will he change.

How can we make Jehovah our Rock?

Trusting Him Completely. When we read Bible stories, the experience of our brothers in these days, we should look at how Jehovah has always proven to be a rock for his servants. So we can trust that Jehovah will give us what we need to endure and be faithful to them.

If we can trust that Jehovah is our rock, fully trusting in him, praying in times of need, meditating on the stories of the Bible that we also saw in the experience that demonstrate faithfulness and protection. 

What are some ways to imitate Jehovah’s qualities?

Being a source of comfort and stability in the congregation. Supporting our brothers when they go through difficult times. Making us feel safe and loved in the kingdom hall. Being reliable when fulfilling the tasks assigned to us. The elders provide a good axis in their hands and I feel a good example of stability.

Yes, there was talk about how the elderly can be a refuge. One of the qualities was to be a refuge, but we can also all be a refuge for our brothers, whether in a spiritual or emotional sense.

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