Wednesday, September 4, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of September 2-8, 2024, Psalm 79-81, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 2-8-September-2024, Psalm 79-81, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 80:1. Why is the name Joseph sometimes used to refer to all the tribes of Israel? (it-2 127 pars. 5, 6).

The name Joseph is sometimes used to refer to all the tribes of Israel, because his descendants especially through his son Ephraim and Manasseh, had a great influence on the nation. The Tribe of Ephraim in particular had an important role in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, that is why the Bible as in Psalm 81 the name Joseph symbolically represents all the tribes of the North highlighting its importance in the history of Israel.


Yes brother let us remember that Joseph receives direct treatment from our creator Jehovah and prominence is given to his name in view of the prominent position of Joseph among the children of Israel or in this case the children of Jacob, it was very appropriate because his name was sometimes used to designate all the tribes of Israel or those that made up the northern kingdom in this case his name also appears in the biblical prophecy in the prophetic versions of Ezekiel the inheritances of Joseph in a double portion, one of the gates of the city Jehovah himself is there bears the name of Joseph and with reference to the reunification of the people of Jehovah, Joseph is spoken of as head of one part of the nations of Judah and as head of another, then by his descendants Joseph had great prominence and covered quite a bit of territory of the people or of the northern part of the people of Israel. 

But we know that Joseph is the son of Jacob and Jacob was named by Jehovah Israel so we also know that Israel is the chosen people of Jehovah.

We notice that Joseph is mentioned a lot because he is important when referring to Joseph it refers to all of Israel including the 10 tribes of northern Israel, but let us never forget that Judah, the fourth son of Jacob, is also very important in biblical history because of wine, the offspring, although the 11th was called Joseph, both were important and we must consider them as important parts of biblical prophecy.

Joseph had a prominent position among his brothers because Jehovah chose him for a special role; he prepared him to go before his brothers to be the preserver of the life of Jehovah's people and that is why his name is sometimes used to represent both the Northern Kingdom of Israel as well as all the tribes of Israel.

Sometimes the name Joseph was used to refer to all the tribes of Israel because of Joseph's prominent position among his brothers, and it was very appropriate since Jehovah gave Jacob the name Israel and throughout history all the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob were often called children of Israel or house of Israel, so it is appropriate that the name Joseph appears in biblical prophecies.

Well here in the book it mentions that in view of Joseph's prominent position among the sons of Jacob it was very appropriate that his name was sometimes used to designate all the tribes of Israel.

Yes, because in view of Joseph's prominent position among the sons of Jacob, it was very appropriate that his name was sometimes used to designate all the tribes and in fact there are many quotes that support or agree with this, for example in Ezekiel 37 from 15 to 26, which is talking about the reunification of the people of Jehovah, since it speaks of Joseph as the leader of one part of the nation and Judah as the leader of the other, and there are many other quotes that also support this.

It would have been because Joseph was prominent in the house, very prominent compared to his brothers because he even helped his father and his brothers to survive and then Jehovah also gives him that importance and so that is why it is.

He says that the reference to the reunification of Jehovah's people refers to Joseph as the leader of one part of the nation and Judah as the leader of the other.

There are two parts. One of them is that in view of the prominent position that Joseph achieved once he was reunited with his brothers, it was very appropriate that his name was assigned to designate all the tribes of Israel, mainly in this case the northern kingdom, so on the other hand we will see later that it also has a very important and interesting prophetic representation.

He was one of the youngest sons of Jacob and had a prominent position because he was second only to Pharaoh and his brothers, including Jacob, had to bow before him, so that is why it is sometimes used to designate all the tribes of Israel.

And that is very interesting because it teaches us about Jehovah's justice, normally the most prominent double portion corresponded to the firstborn who in this case was Reuben, but he acted very badly on some occasions and that is why Jehovah did not reward him in the way that he rewarded Joseph, but instead Joseph was faithful to Jehovah despite very difficult circumstances and Jehovah's blessings reached him, that teaches us that Jehovah's blessings are not due to social position, they are earned by our obedience and loyalty to Jehovah.

In Ezekiel 48:38 to 35 it shows that one of the gates of the city where Jehovah himself is there bears the name of Joseph.

Revelation 7:8 also speaks of the tribe of Joseph, speaking of how spiritual Israel was also going to have a job or was going to receive a more important application for this group of faithful Christians.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 79:1. This verse shows us how the psalmist is distressed by the suffering and devastation that God's sacred place has suffered. This reminds us that when we face great difficulties or when we see that the sacred is being attacked, we must cry out to Jehovah, recognizing our fragility and seeking his help. The psalm teaches us to turn to God in search of restoration and protection in times of crisis, trusting in his power to heal and restore what has been damaged.

Yes, well it does not surprise us here at work or at school, even in the case of the youngest, because those who make fun of us, Psalm 79:4, as we read, we have become the object of ridicule for our neighbors, those around us ridicule us and laugh at us, so what we have to do is remain firm in faith and not let these mockers get away with it and weaken us.

And there in Psalm 81:11. From then on we see that the people of Israel did not want to listen to the voice of Jehovah and he let them follow their hearts even though they knew that this would lead them to destruction and today Jehovah has also given us the freedom to choose between listening to him or following our hearts and we know the results of both decisions, but we can be sure that if we let Jehovah be the one who directs our lives, he will give us the best and many blessings.

Psalm 80:3. It shows that the face of Jehovah shines upon his servants and this term is also translated that Jehovah smiles upon us, so I really liked this text because the image it transmits to us is very nice where we imagine Jehovah smiling at the time that we are obedient to him and do things his way, so that should be our determination to always do his will, to do what pleases him and thus we will gladden his heart.

Psalm 80:19. The expression restore us is mentioned and refers to a relationship that was broken and must be restored, this cry for help involves first of all recognition of the need for Jehovah's mercy, secondly a humble and fervent plea to God, thirdly the recognition of our condition of sin and imperfection and fourthly trust in the powerful action of God, here I see once again that we want to recover the condition of perfection and only Jehovah can return us to the initial state with which he created humanity. 

Psalm 79:13. Jehovah compares us as his flock and we can be sure that one can be protected and he is always willing to help his servants, so well as his people and flock we should praise him with joy and tell others of his powerful acts.

Psalm 81:11,12. We see that today, just as in ancient times, people demand to have freedom and to decide as they please, whether it is right or wrong, in order to seek their own convenience and not to give an account to God of their actions. Therefore, as faithful Christians, we must reject this way of acting, putting Jehovah's standards first and always be grateful for the gift that He has given us, which is the gift of life.

Psalm 80:18. In the end the psalmist says to keep us alive so that we may call upon your name, so we see that the attitude of the psalmist was not only to enjoy the life of living and working but to call upon the name of Jehovah as his purpose in life, well we learn a lot from this because every day with what we do daily we must show as was just said in the previous topic that we want to be close to Jehovah and call upon his name.

Psalm 81:9. Where it mentions that you should not have among you any strange God nor bow down to a foreign God because it clearly shows us that for Jehovah it is important that we only worship him and our worship must be exclusive, which means the fact that I should not allow anything to occupy or even share the place that only Jehovah should have in my life and I must be careful because it is not only worshiping other gods but idolatry today can take many forms. 

Psalm 79:9. We ask Jehovah for help because of his name and the other day we have talked so many times about the meaning of the name of Jehovah that he can do whatever is necessary to fulfill his purpose, so that simple idea can help us when we are in a very serious situation to remember the meaning of the name of Jehovah.

Psalm 79:13. Highlights the idea that the people and the flock say we will give thanks forever to Jehovah and also praise and that has applied to our days how can we give or express our gratitude to Jehovah even giving him praise because the best way is preaching, preaching, and it is a good opportunity this month in the worldwide campaign.

Psalm 79:9. Says "Help us oh God of our salvation for your glorious name's sake rescue us and forgive our sins", what can we take from here that God listens to our prayers and even more when our prayers are related to the sanctification of your name, we do not want with actions or behavior that the name of Jehovah is spoken badly of, that is why the psalmist does it this way and we want to copy his example.

Psalm 81:10. There Jehovah is telling his people to open their mouths wide and I will fill them and that was what he did in ancient Israel the Israelites literally did not have to do practically anything, open their mouths and eat what Jehovah gave and this reminds me or brings to my memory how when a small child does the same thing, open his mouth and his parents give him food and Jehovah is the same, we practically do not have to do anything, just open our mouths and consume the spiritual food that he gives us.

Psalm 81:16. It is shown as if the Israelites had listened to the voice of Jehovah, he would have blessed them and fed them with the best wheat and in a similar way, when we listen to the voice of Jehovah and obey, we can be sure that he will always bless us abundantly and will give us the best he has.

Psalms 80:18. It shows me how important it is to call upon the name of Jehovah, not only to mention his name and use it when we worship him, it is much more than that, it implies trusting and always going to him in our lives just as our Lord Jesus Christ did, so if we want to live forever we must know how to obey and love our father Jehovah.

Psalm 79:9. Prayer serves to show us everything we can expect from God because He listens to our prayers, particularly when they are related to the vindication of His name. Another reason why we can expect God to listen to us is His love for justice; we can pray with great confidence.

Psalms 81:16. It teaches me that Jehovah abundantly rewards those who obey him as mentioned at the beginning of this verse as the best wheat, this means that it would be the finest of this crop of the Israelites if they had listened to the voice of Jehovah he would have blessed them with the best wheat the most select of all things in a similar way we must listen to the voice of Jehovah and obey him all the time in order to receive abundant blessings from him. 

Psalm 79:3 to 5. It shows how the Israelites said they were being mocked and when we reach the final stretch in the great crowd we will be able to witness how our brothers are going to be mistreated, some will even have their lives taken and perhaps we will get to say where Jehovah is, but let us not let those feelings fill us with doubts, rather let us prepare for that day by meditating on the examples we have now to trust in Jehovah.

Psalm 79:9. The psalmist tells him, "Help us, Jehovah, for your glorious name's sake; for your name's sake rescue us and forgive our sins." So if we remain faithful, we will demonstrate the love we have for Jehovah and that Satan is a liar.

Psalm 81:11 and 12. It speaks of how some people did not listen to God and preferred to follow their own ways and understanding. This teaches us the importance of paying attention to Jehovah's guidance and following his teachings. If we ignore his guidance, we can stray from his protection and we do not want to make the same mistakes that ancient Israel made.

Psalm 81:9 reminds us that Jehovah is a God who demands exclusive worship and absolute loyalty. We must be very careful with things or objects that come into contact with us, perhaps in a very subtle way. We must be meticulous so as not to displease Jehovah. 

Psalm 81:14. Asaph says referring to the people who hated Jehovah I would quickly subdue their enemies I would turn my hand against their adversaries, surely we have felt that way when we see Unfair that someone speaks ill of Jehovah or speaks ill of the Witnesses, we know that the only one who can play the evil ones is Jehovah and we may even come to think like that in the congregation and we know that there is some brother who is doing something wrong and we could come to give our opinion on what the elders should do, however we must remember that this work although it is through the elders who decides what is done with the brothers in the congregation is Jehovah through them.

Psalm 80:7-13. Asaph compared the nation of Israel to a VIP that Jehovah had planted in a canal, the land was cleared so that the VIP of Israel could take root and grow strong, but over the years their protective walls collapsed because the nation stopped trusting in Jehovah so he took away their protection, he says like a wild boar that eats a vineyard, the enemy nations continued to devour the riches of Israel, so Asad asked Jehovah to help the nation achieve the glory it had had before, so this is a great teaching for us now since in the same way Jehovah gives us his guidance and everything necessary to live and we must comply with his laws and commandments because if we do not do so if we move away from him in the end it will go for us like it did for the nation of Israel and we do not want to suffer the same and there is nothing good outside of the love and protection of Jehovah and his people.

Psalm 81:16. It says that he will feed you with the finest wheat and with honey from the rock, today we have to be very grateful unlike the people of this world who spiritually have no food, we are spiritually nourished and that makes us feel strong in the face of opposition. 

If throughout Psalm 81 we see how Jehovah is willing to help as long as his commandments are obeyed, so if we want to have his approval, we must make every effort to obey his just rules .

Psalm 79:4 tells us that in the past they were also the object of mockery; they were laughed at for having beliefs about God, so it should not surprise us that even today people mock the work we are doing since that has also happened, so even as they in the past also continued to love Jehovah, to this day we continue to praise Jehovah.

In Chapter 81, it shows how Jehovah is willing to help but also expects one to obey him. He demonstrated this with the people of Israel when he rescued them from Egypt, but then in their decisions they did not take him into account and says that they did what they thought was right, meaning that our decisions can directly affect any decision.

Psalm 81:10-12. Although something has been said in part about not taking things for granted, here it is not saying Jehovah, I am Jehovah, I am your God, I took you out of Egypt, that is, I did many things for you, however you did not listen and in the end I let you follow your stubborn heart, so let's not let that happen to us, taking things for granted to the Israelites, since He took them out of Egypt from slavery and gave them a multitude of food, water, and a lot of things, but sometimes it can happen to us that we relax, taking all things for granted and we do not realize what Jehovah is always doing for us.

Psalm 79:9. What it reminds us is that we have to do things that Jehovah can bless, that is, he will always bless any act that we do so that his name may be sanctified, of course if we do things in which we give priority to other things, then Jehovah does not get involved and he will not bless it, but if we do things that Jehovah can bless, such as things related to the vindication of his sovereignty, then Jehovah will always bless it. 

Psalm 81:6. He spoke about how Jehovah had freed Israel from burdens, but what burdens, slavery, and what is the parallel with us, we too have been freed from many burdens, traditions, customs, and they really were like a burden that prevented us from knowing and praising Jehovah directly, so we must be consistent.

Psalm 81:16. It is clearly seen that Jehovah abundantly rewards those who do so, because the reference he makes says with the finest of wheat he will satisfy you, in the note he speaks of the fat, that is to say the most select, the best, so if the Israelites listened to the voice of Jehovah he would have blessed them and the same can happen to us if we listen to the voice of Jehovah he will always bless us.

Psalm 81:16. And precisely part B when I did he bring forth honey out of the rock and one thinks but from a rock, then here the reference that Asaph is using evokes a clear and creative image of the sweet goodness of Jehovah in places where we do not expect to find it and then when he refers to that of licking the rock the water on a stone emanates from the ground is that it denotes to us that Jehovah has a purpose, he has a plan, he has provided and will continue to always provide for all his people as long as we are on his side.

Psalm 79:13 says, "Let us proclaim your praise from generation to generation." These words make me think of the privilege of being able to teach Bible students about Jehovah's works, about his qualities, and about the powerful acts that he did in the past and that he will also do in the future. If they see us serving Jehovah with a voice, they may also feel driven to want to know him more and to want to tell others about him.

Psalm 81:16. It speaks about Jehovah who will feed us with the best wheat and satisfy us with honey from the rock and this is what it gives me to understand is that the trust that I have to have in Jehovah nen that if I am faithful to him, if I am obedient to him, he will reward me greatly.

Psalm Chapter 80. There are people who attribute these songs to Asaph, however, the information says that it may be due to the paternal head and then there are some events that he mentions here that are events that occurred after the death of Asaph, therefore it cannot be written by him.

Psalm 79:2-3. The image of the corpses of God's servants being fed to birds and wild animals underscores the seriousness of the situation and the consequences of sin, reminding us of how seriously God takes the corruption and destruction of what is sacred.

Psalm 79:9. The psalmist pleads with God for salvation and forgiveness by appealing to his glorious name. This verse teaches us that in times of crisis or when we face difficulties we should seek God's mercy. It is important to recognize and appeal to the greatness and holiness of the name of Jehovah. That invoking his name with humility and faith can bring the help and forgiveness we need. This high appeal not only reflects our need but also our trust in the justice and goodness of God. 

Psalm 79:10,11. In this text the Psalmist asks God to show his power and help his people against the nations that mock them. These verses teach us that when we face mockery and injustice we can and should trust in God's justice. It is appropriate to ask him to defend his name and the dignity of his people by showing his power and acting in favor of justice. By doing so we recognize that the defense of the honor of God and his servants is in his hands and we trust that he will take the necessary actions to restore and do justice.

Psalm 81:13-16. It shows how even though the Israelites had turned away from Jehovah by their own decision, Jehovah continued to wait for them to seek him and say "I wish he would return" and the great love he had for them is really moving because he says "I'm still waiting." How can I imitate this great love that Jehovah has? I can apply it both in the family and in the congregation, not allowing the mistakes that some make or that I can also make to make us lose the love we feel for them. Feeding this love for the family and for the congregation will help us maintain unity and get along better. Improve our relationship with others. 

Psalm 79:3. The Psalmist expresses a promise of praise and gratitude to God. This verse teaches us that after experiencing God's intervention and help, our proper response should be praise and thanksgiving. Recognizing God's faithfulness is a way of responding to his mercy and support not only in the present, but also by transmitting this gratitude to future generations. Constant praise to God is a way of living in gratitude for his faithfulness and goodness.

Psalm 81 begins by calling upon God as Israel’s shepherd. This verse teaches us that we must judge God’s direction in our lives by recognizing his role as guide and protector. By considering God as our shepherd, we understand that he offers constant guidance and care and that we can trust in his wisdom and protection to guide us in our paths.

Psalm 80:3,7. The repeated plea for restoration and salvation reflects the deep need of the people to experience Divine restoration. The repetition of this plea teaches us the importance of persisting in our prayers especially in times of difficulty. Through constant prayer we trust that God can bring renewal and salvation. Prayer reflects on our part a firm faith that we trust that God will intervene and transform difficult situations, encouraging us to seek His help with perseverance and hope.

Psalm 82. The call for God to awaken his power and save his people reminds us of the importance of trusting in God's power and sovereignty in our lives. In times of crisis and difficulty, we must turn to God asking him to manifest his power to intervene and transform our circumstances. The Psalmist's plea reflects a profound faith in God's ability to bring salvation and restoration, and encourages us to seek his intervention with the certainty that he can and wants to act in our favor. 

Psalm 81:1,2. In this text, the psalm begins with an invitation to shout for joy and love God. The verse reminds us of the importance of expressing our joy and gratitude toward God in a sincere way. By doing so, we not only recognize his greatness and power, but we also strengthen our relationship with him. So sincere praise helps us maintain a grateful heart and recognize God's central role in our lives.

Psalm 81:8-12. In this text God exhorts his people to listen to his voice and not to worship strange gods. Israel's lack of obedience and submission led to their difficulties. This teaches us that faithfulness and obedience to God are fundamental to experience his blessing and protection.

Psalm 81:16. The image of being fed with the finest wheat and honey from the rock symbolizes the abundance and satisfaction that God offers to his people. It reminds us that as we follow his path we find not only physical provision, but a rich spiritual blessing that satisfies our deepest needs.

Psalm 81 9:10. Reminds Israel not to make for yourself any strange God nor bow down to a foreigner, a foreign God because I, Jehovah, am your God, the one who brought you out of the land of Egypt. He says, open your mouth wide and I will fill it for you. Because worshiping idols or other gods does not gain anything at all, however, Jehovah fills us with spiritual food and blesses us in many ways. 

Psalm 81:3. Speaks of the feast of the new moon and the full moon. This feast seems to refer to the seventh month in which the Jewish calendar began and which marked a time of gratitude to Jehovah. We do not celebrate these holidays now, but for example, when it comes to starting the new year of service, it is also a year that moves us to show our gratitude to Jehovah and especially this year to fully participate in this campaign that has been proposed to us to offer Bible courses to everyone.

Psalm 80:8. Israel is compared to a vine and then we can understand how Jehovah likes us to teach by imitating Jesus using these simple but heartfelt comparisons.

Psalm 80:3 teaches us about the importance of seeking God with great humility and faith and trusting fully in His power in order to obtain His blessings.

Psalm 81:12-18. We see how loving Jehovah is but how his love is very balanced because even though it hurts him when we move away from him, he does not force us but lets those who do not want to be by his side go, but on the other hand if we remain by his side he allows us to reward him when we go through difficulties and that we will never lack anything, so when one meditates on it it is clear that there is nothing like compared to a life with Jehovah.

Psalm 80:18. It is saying So we will not stray from you and it is true that it is a good resolution that the psalmist made and we should do the same because where are we going to be better than in the people of Jehovah and close to Jehovah, is that this system that is directed by Satan does not impose more burdens on itself every day and it is easier for us to stray from Jehovah if we do not pay attention if we do not put spiritual things first and we would lose the privilege of being able to invoke his name and all the blessings that it brings with it.

Psalm 85:15. It is said that those who come to Jehovah will crawl before him and that their end will be forever, this teaches me the danger of putting ourselves against Jehovah and his will because even if it seems that things are going well for the wicked, sooner or later their punishment comes.

Psalm 79:9. In the part that says for your glorious name, for your name rescue us and forgive our sins, it teaches me that Jehovah listens to our prayers and even more so when they are related to the sanctification of his name. This also teaches me that without the territory, a person comes to me who asks me a question that I do not know how to answer quickly. I must pray to Jehovah asking for help to be able to sanctify his name and give an adequate answer.

I also liked the same Psalm 80:4, because Jehovah told him that he was angry with his people because his people said and his people begged Jehovah to pray because he did not listen to them, this teaches me how important it is to know Jehovah and how I can do that, by dedicating time daily to meditate, study, and know how Jehovah thinks in order to walk in his ways and be able to act according to his will and not deviate to the right or to the left.

Psalms 81:11,12. It is mentioned that instead of obeying Jehovah, the Israelites followed their stubborn hearts and seeing their example should motivate us to have absolute confidence that Jehovah can direct our lives since he knows better than us what is best for us, so we should always seek his guidance so that things go well for us.

The fact that Jehovah's rewards are abundant and of the best quality was shown in Psalm 81:16 , where it says that Jehovah feeds us with the best wheat, but also the psalmist there in chapter 63 supported this idea saying that he was satisfied with the best portion that he gave to Jehovah, so this encourages us not to change this for the crumbs or miseries that Satan and his system give us in comparison to the blessings that Jehovah gives us.

Psalm 80:17 tells us that Jehovah will sustain us if we are at his right hand. The right hand is a position of favor before Jehovah, so what do we have to do to be at his right hand and have his favor? Well, first, be baptized and then do things Jehovah's way when we make decisions when we have to do things or take them into account in every step we take. Make sure to study, of course, and if we do, Jehovah will sustain us when we are in trouble.

Psalm 80:7. It speaks about your face shining upon us, it says so that we may be saved, in this case it made me think about the subject of his face shining upon us, how can I make the face of Jehovah shine, in this case both the study and the meditation and the holy spirit of Jehovah if I apply it in my life could make the face of Jehovah shine.

Psalm 80:17 tells us that Jehovah will sustain us if we are at his right hand. The right hand is a position of favor before Jehovah, so what do we have to do to be at his right hand and have his favor? Well, first, be baptized and then do things Jehovah's way when we make decisions when we have to do things or take them into account in every step we take. Make sure to study, of course, and if we do, Jehovah will sustain us when we are in trouble. 

Psalm 80:4. Says Jehovah God of hosts how long will you be hostile to the prayer of your people, I like this text because here the psalmist uses the word hostile and that word denotes antipathy but we know that Jehovah is a merciful and loving God, and the word hostile in this case can denote an aspect of his personality of Jehovah which is anger but with just reason because the people of Israel were a rebellious people, then this makes me see how I too can my behavior be a person who does things the way Jehovah wants, a Watchtower also explains that if we are in a difficult situation for having committed a sin a serious mistake says that we have the hope that Jehovah will forgive us if we genuinely repent and we can come to have his mercy. 

Psalm 80. Talks about repentance, the psalmist meditates and realizes how much he needs to have a friendship with Jehovah and we can do the same. We can ask ourselves what our life was like before knowing Jehovah as it is now and thus realize how important it is to strive to always maintain a relationship and friendship with Jehovah. 

Psalm 81:13. It makes me see Jehovah's desire for his people. It says that I wish my people would listen to me, and we know well that if we listen to Jehovah's advice we have at least two benefits: the first is that things will go well for us in life, and the second is that we can rejoice Jehovah's heart. 

Psalm 79:4 says we have become an object of ridicule to our neighbors and in Psalm 80:6 our enemies go around making fun of us as much as they want and it is true that both in times past and in modern times we see that these words are true since it does not matter the country there are neighbors, coworkers and even governments that make fun of us but it is not something that surprises us because Jesus already said that just as they persecuted him they will persecute us but above all even if this happens we are happy because we know that we are gladdening the heart of Jehovah.

Psalm 79:9. It says there how Jehovah listens to our prayers, listen to the prayers of praise when we praise our great God Jehovah for the kind of God he is when we pray for forgiveness for our sins and when we pray prayers of supplication for bad feelings or for things that happen to us, and we know that Jehovah listens to them, but above all it says that he listens more sacredly to prayer when it is related to the sanctification of his holy name.

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