Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Study Watchtower, “Article 28,” Week of September 16-22, 2024, Can you distinguish truth from lies?, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, “Article 28,” September 16-22, 2024, Can You Distinguish Truth from Lies?, Answers.

“Stand firm, wearing the belt of truth” (EPHE. 6:14).

1. How do you feel about the truth?

In our organization, the love for biblical truth is fundamental. Romans 10:17 emphasizes that our faith develops from constantly listening to the word of Jehovah. This verse is crucial because it reminds us that faith is not blind, but is based on the understanding and study of the scriptures. In 1 Timothy 3:15, the Christian congregation is described as a pillar and support of the truth, which reinforces the idea that our congregation is destined to uphold and protect Jehovah's teachings against any falsehood or deviation.

Furthermore, Hebrews 133:17 urges us to obey those who have authority in the congregation. This is not just a matter of discipline but of trusting that these brothers are qualified to lead according to biblical truth.

2. According to James 5:19, what danger do we, Jehovah's servants, face?

The danger of straying from the truth as noted in James 5:19 is a serious concern for Jehovah's servants. Even if we have embraced the truth and understand the importance of following the instructions of Jehovah's Organization, Satan is constantly looking for ways to make us fall.

This text also alerts us to the reality that some could depart from the truth, implying a serious spiritual loss. Ephesians 4:14 expands on this warning by emphasizing that if we are not well grounded in the truth we could be deceived by erroneous teachings or negative influences. Jehovah's organization acts as a beacon guiding us and protecting us from such dangers.

3. Why do we need to hold on to the truth? (Ephesians 6:13, 14)

Holding on to the truth is vital in these critical times as he will intensify his efforts to deceive the entire world, including Jehovah's servants. Ephesians 6:13,4 advises us to put on the full armor of God, highlighting the truth as an essential element to remain firm in the faith. The belt of truth mentioned in this passage is what keeps us spiritually safe and ready to face Satan's lies.

Let us remember that deception is one of Satan's most effective weapons and that is why it is crucial that we stand firm in the truth. In order not to fall into his traps, obeying the truth as mentioned in Romans 6:17, protects us and helps us to be victorious in this spiritual battle, ensuring our survival during the great tribulation.

4. What will we analyze in this article?

This article focuses on helping us develop two key qualities that are crucial to identifying Bible truth and humbly accepting the guidance that comes from Jehovah's organization. These qualities not only allow us to distinguish the truth in a world full of lies but also prepare us to accept divine guidance that protects us from Satan's deceptions.

In addition, the article will guide us through three practical steps that we must follow to remain firm in the truth. Thank you very much. We now enter the first subtopic entitled qualities that we need to be able to recognize the truth.


5. What is the relationship between fearing Jehovah and recognizing the truth?

The concept of fearing Jehovah as an act of love and reverence is a principle that has guided God's servants since ancient times. This fear not only protects us from falling into errors but also helps us develop a closer relationship with Jehovah. 

Hebrews 5:14 points out that discernment between good and evil is a sign of spiritual maturity that is achieved through constant practice. Therefore, the fear of Jehovah gives us the strength to resist social and cultural pressures that might lead us to compromise our faith. This is especially relevant in a world where human norms and values ​​often oppose biblical principles.

6. What effect did the fear of man have on the 10 spies?

The fear of man made the 10 spies, unlike Joshua and Caleb, focus more on the apparent difficulties than on the promises of Jehovah. Despite having seen how Jehovah freed them from Egypt and guided them through the desert, these spies allowed the fear of the Canaanites to blind them, making them forget the power and faithfulness of Jehovah. By stating that they could not defeat the Canaanites, they ignored the fact that Jehovah had promised to give them that land. This lack of faith in Jehovah was a serious mistake for Joshua and Caleb.

On the other hand, they were rewarded for their faith and trust in Jehovah, serving as examples of how the fear of God must overcome any human fear.

7. What can help us strengthen the fear of Jehovah? (See also the image.)

Strengthening the fear of Jehovah requires that we make a conscious effort to keep his desires and principles at the center of our daily decisions.

Psalm 16:8 highlights the need to always keep Jehovah in mind, which means that before each decision we must reflect on what would please Him. This approach protects us from acting impulsively or being carried away by the fear of man, as happened with the 10 spies. Reflecting on biblical stories and placing ourselves in them, asking ourselves what we would do in similar situations, is a powerful tool to develop a healthy and reverential fear of Jehovah.


Joshua and Caleb speak to the Israelites, who are furious and want to stone them. In the background you can see the pillar of cloud. Who would you have believed? (See paragraph 7.)

8. What quality should we strive to cultivate, and why?

A fundamental quality that we must continually cultivate is humility since it is the means by which Jehovah reveals his truth to us as mentioned in Matthew 11:25 Jesus thanked his father because he hid spiritual things from the wise and revealed them to the humble which underlines the importance of a humble attitude to receive the truth when we begin to learn the truth we were able to accept the help and instruction of others recognizing our need for guidance just as the Ethiopian Eunuch did.

In Acts 88:30 and 31, we see that pride can easily arise and if left unchecked, it can make us think that our opinions are as valid as Bible principles or the instructions of Jehovah's Organization.

9. What will help us remain humble?

Maintaining humility is a constant challenge. But there are several practices that can help us in this process. First, reflect on our smallness in comparison to Jehovah.

As mentioned in Psalm 8:3, it helps us put our position before the Creator into real perspective. Prayer is another essential tool when asking Jehovah to keep us humble and teachable. We show our desire to align ourselves with His will and not with our own desires. This includes recognizing and obeying His thoughts transmitted through His Word and His organization.

Also, when receiving responsibilities that could stand out, it is crucial to remember that any ability is a blessing from Jehovah.


10. Who has Jehovah used to guide and instruct his servants?

Throughout history, Jehovah has appointed certain faithful men to guide his people and give them instructions in ancient Israel. Moses son Joshua were the instruments that Jehovah used to communicate his will. The Israelites who recognized and respected his authority as representatives of Jehovah prospered, while those who rebelled faced serious consequences when the Christian congregation was established.

Jehovah guided his people through the 12 apostles and later through other elders in Jerusalem. Thanks to the obedience of the first Christians, the congregations continued to become firm in the faith and grow. Day after day today, Jehovah's organization continues to play a crucial role in guiding his people. By keeping us loyal and obedient to the instructions we receive, we are demonstrating our confidence that Jehovah is directing his people through his visible organization.

11. What happened to those who rebelled against the person Jehovah had chosen to lead his people? (See also image.)

The rebellion of Korah and some important men against Moses is a clear example of what happens when the authority that Jehovah has established is questioned. 

These men, despite being important leaders within Israel, allowed pride and desire for power to lead them to challenge Moses' authority. They argued that the entire congregation was holy and therefore Moses should not have a special position of leadership. However, this attitude ignored the fact that Jehovah had specifically chosen Moses to lead his people. By criticizing Moses they were actually questioning Jehovah's decision. This account illustrates how seriously Jehovah takes obedience and respect for his organization.


Moses and Aaron speak from a rock to the Israelites, who are furious and shouting at them with their fists raised. Who would you have supported? (See paragraph 11.)

12. What reasons do we have to always trust in Jehovah’s organization?

Confidence in Jehovah's organization is based on his willingness to adjust his understanding and organization when necessary. This reflects the application of the principle of Proverbs 4:18 where spiritual progress and understanding of truth is compared to light that gradually increases. 

Throughout history, Jehovah's organization has demonstrated a constant willingness to review and adjust teachings and procedures as the light of truth becomes clearer. This dynamic and adaptable approach is not the product of human whims, but of a deep desire to please Jehovah and to follow his guidance by aligning their decisions with Bible principles, ensuring that the work and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are firmly based on the word of God.

13. What is the “model of healthy words,” and what should we do with it?

The model of healthy words mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:13 refers to the Christian teachings found in the Bible which are fundamental to our faith.

John 17:17 reinforces this idea by declaring that God's word is the truth. This model of teachings provides a clear and reliable guide for our beliefs and behaviors as Christians. Jehovah's organization has instructed us to follow this model carefully and precisely, ensuring that our beliefs and practices are in accordance with the scriptures.

14. How did some Christians stop clinging to “the pattern of sound words”?

In the case of the Christians in Thessalonica in the first century, it is a clear example of the consequences of not holding on to the model of healthy words, these Christians began to believe and spread an unfounded rumor that the day of Jehovah had already arrived. This rumor could have originated from a forged letter that apparently came from the apostle Paul. By not checking the veracity of the information and forgetting Paul's previous teachings, they fell into the trap of misinformation.

This incident shows how lack of discernment and deviation from biblical teachings can lead to confusion and error. Paul advised them not to believe everything they heard without first verifying it, and to avoid future deception he concluded his second letter by reminding them that his authentic letters bore a distinctive mark written in his own hand.

15. How can we protect ourselves from lies disguised as truth? Give an example. (See also the images.)

The experience of the paragraph teaches us the importance of not getting carried away by shocking information or information that seems authentic, without first comparing its content with the word of God. In our days, the use of technology by the enemies of the truth to spread misleading information is an additional challenge for us. We must apply the advice of 2 Thessalonians 22 and 1 John 4:1 that encourage us not to be easily moved by rumors and to approve inspired messages, that is, to verify the veracity of what we hear or read.


Series of images: 1. Several decades ago, several brothers are gathered in a home, and one shows the others a letter with the heading “Watch Tower.” 2. In modern times, several brothers are at a social gathering in a home, and one shows the others an Internet video that talks about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Do not be fooled by lies disguised as truth. (See paragraph 15.)

16. According to Romans 16:17, 18, what should we do with those who stray from the truth?

Romans chapter 16:17, 18 provides us with clear guidance on how we should deal with those who stray from the truth and cause divisions within the congregation. Unity in the worship of Jehovah is essential and this unity can only be maintained.

If all members of the congregation hold fast to the truth, those who deviate from biblical teachings and promote ideas that go against the truth endanger the harmony and unity of the congregation. For this reason, Jehovah instructs us to avoid these individuals, not out of hatred, but to protect the spiritual unity of the congregation.

17. What will happen if we acknowledge the truth and hold on to it?

Recognizing and holding on to the truth has profound implications for our spiritual health and security.

According to Ephesians 4:15 and 16, when we speak the truth with love and grow in our understanding of Christ, we contribute to the strengthening and unity of the congregation. This spiritual maturity is essential to avoid falling into the traps of Satan who continually seeks to divert Jehovah's servants with false teachings and lies.


Why is it important for us to know how to recognize the truth?

Recognizing the truth is crucial because our faith is based on it and protects us from lies and false teachings that could lead us astray from Jehovah’s will.

How do the fear of Jehovah and humility help us to recognize the truth and not stray from it?

The fear of Jehovah motivates us to do what pleases him while humility allows us to accept his guidance and correction, protecting us from straying from the truth.

What should we do to hold on to the truth?

We must stand firm in Bible teachings, be alert to falsehoods, and faithfully follow the guidance of Jehovah's Organization, thus ensuring our spiritual protection.

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