Saturday, September 21, 2024

Watchtower Study, Can You Tell Truth from Lies?, Week of September 16-22, 2024, Comments and Answers.

Watchtower Study, Can You Tell Truth From Lies?, September 16-22, 2024, Comments and Answers

“Stand firm, wearing the belt of truth” (EPHE. 6:14).

1. How do you feel about the truth?

We always love to be told the truth and the truths of the Bible are what we appreciate most because our faith depends on it and we also appreciate the advice that the elders give us because it is based on the truths of the Bible.

2. According to James 5:19, what danger do we, Jehovah's servants, face?

According to James 5:19, Jehovah's servants are in danger of straying from the truth, even though they have accepted the truth and know the importance of following the guidance of God's organization. Satan wants us to lose confidence in the Bible and in the instructions we receive from Jehovah's organization.

3. Why do we need to hold on to the truth? (Ephesians 6:13, 14)

We must stand firm in the truth because Satan will try to deceive the world with lies, causing many people to oppose Jehovah. He will also try to confuse God's servants. Therefore, it is crucial that we know how to identify what is true and what is false, and that we remain obedient to the truth. This will be vital to be able to overcome the great tribulation that is coming.

4. What will we analyze in this article?

In this article, we will discuss two essential qualities for recognizing the truth from the Bible and accepting the guidance of Jehovah's organization. We will also look at three actions we must take to stand firm in the truth.


5. What is the relationship between fearing Jehovah and recognizing the truth?

There is a great connection, because fearing Jehovah means loving him deeply and avoiding anything that displeases him. This fear motivates us to distinguish between right and wrong, as well as between truth and lies, in order to obtain his approval.

6. What effect did the fear of man have on the 10 spies?

Fear of man caused the 10 spies to stop trusting in Jehovah and to believe things contrary to the truth. Although they recognized that the Canaanites were stronger from a human point of view, they forgot that Jehovah was with them.

And instead of focusing on what Jehovah wanted and the recent miracles He had performed, they let fear of their enemies discourage them. In contrast, Joshua and Caleb, with faith in Jehovah, trusted that He would fulfill His promise and give them victory.

7. What can help us strengthen the fear of Jehovah? (See also the image.)

To strengthen our fear of Jehovah, we should always consider what pleases him before making decisions and reflect on how we would act in similar biblical situations. This helps us prioritize our faithfulness to Jehovah over fear of man.


Joshua and Caleb speak to the Israelites, who are furious and want to stone them. In the background you can see the pillar of cloud. Who would you have believed? (See paragraph 7.)

8. What quality should we strive to cultivate, and why?

We must strive to cultivate humility. Jehovah reveals the truth to the humble, and by being humble, we accept the help and guidance of others, just as we did when we learned the truth. Humility protects us from pride, which can cause our opinions to be considered equal to Bible principles and the instructions of Jehovah's organization.

9. What will help us remain humble?

To remain humble, let us remember our smallness in comparison to Jehovah and pray to maintain a humble attitude and receptiveness to learning. Jehovah will help us prioritize His thoughts over our own.

Another thing we can do when reading the Bible is to look for examples that show how Jehovah is pleased with humility and rejects pride. Also, if you receive a prominent responsibility, be careful not to lose humility.


10. Who has Jehovah used to guide and instruct his servants?

Jehovah has used different people to guide and instruct his servants. In ancient Israel, it was Moses and then Joshua who conveyed Jehovah’s instructions to his people. In the early Christian congregation, the 12 apostles and later other elders in Jerusalem provided guidance to Christians. Today, Jehovah also blesses us when we follow the guidance he gives us through his organization.

11. What happened to those who rebelled against the person Jehovah had chosen to lead his people? (See also image.)

Those who rebelled against the person Jehovah had chosen to lead his people faced serious consequences. In the case of Moses, some important men questioned his authority and Jehovah’s direction, seeking more power and prestige. Jehovah responded severely, wiping out the leaders of the rebellion and the thousands of Israelites who supported them. This shows that Jehovah disapproves of those who do not respect the guidance of his organization.


Moses and Aaron speak from a rock to the Israelites, who are furious and shouting at them with their fists raised. Who would you have supported? (See paragraph 11.)

12. What reasons do we have to always trust in Jehovah’s organization?

We have reason to trust in Jehovah's organization because they take the lead, making adjustments in the understanding of Bible truth and in the organization of the work when necessary, always with the goal of pleasing Jehovah. They also strive to base their decisions on the Word of God, the model that all of Jehovah's servants must follow.

13. What is the “model of healthy words,” and what should we do with it?

The “pattern of sound words” refers to the Christian teachings found in the Bible. These teachings are the foundation of our beliefs and practices. We must hold fast to this pattern and follow it closely, as doing so ensures that we will be on the right path and that things will go well for us.

14. How did some Christians stop clinging to “the pattern of sound words”?

Some Christians stopped holding on to the “pattern of sound words” when they began to believe and spread false rumors about the day of Jehovah, without verifying the authenticity of the teachings. Paul warned them and provided them with a distinctive sign in his letters to avoid deception.

15. How can we protect ourselves from lies disguised as truth? Give an example. (See also the images.)

To protect ourselves from lies disguised as truth, we must be cautious and verify the information against what we have already learned in the Bible. For example, in the former Soviet Union, a fake letter was distributed that appeared to come from the world headquarters, encouraging the formation of an independent organization. Faithful brothers realized that it did not match the Bible teachings they knew and did not fall into the trap.


Series of images: 1. Several decades ago, several brothers are gathered in a home and one shows the others a letter with the heading “Watch Tower.” 2. In modern times, several brothers are at a social gathering in a home and one shows the others an Internet video that talks about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Do not be fooled by lies disguised as truth. (See paragraph 15.) a

16. According to Romans 16:17, 18, what should we do with those who stray from the truth?

According to Romans 16:17, 18, we are to avoid those who deviate from the truth, as they create divisions in the congregation. God wants us to remain united in worship and in the truth, so it is important to avoid those who might lead us away from this truth.

17. What will happen if we acknowledge the truth and hold on to it?

If we recognize the truth and hold fast to it, we will be spiritually safe and sound. We will not be deceived by lies, and we will have Jehovah's protection during the great tribulation. We will also enjoy the peace that God offers us.


Why is it important for us to know how to recognize the truth?

It is important that we recognize the truth because only by doing so can we remain spiritually healthy and protected. The truth protects us from Satan’s lies and deceptions and helps us remain faithful to Jehovah. Furthermore, by holding on to the truth, we can receive the guidance and peace that God promises.

How do the fear of Jehovah and humility help us to recognize the truth and not stray from it?

Fearing Jehovah motivates us to love him and obey his commandments, keeping us attentive to his instructions and to what pleases him. This respect and reverence impels us to seek and hold on to biblical truth to avoid deviating from our path.

Humility enables us to accept guidance and correction, preventing our pride from leading us to question or ignore the truth. By being humble, we are willing to learn and adjust our beliefs and behaviors according to what Jehovah teaches us.

What should we do to hold on to the truth?

To hold fast to the truth, we must study the Bible regularly, be humble and obey the guidance of Jehovah's organization, evaluate new information based on Scripture, and pray for discernment.

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