Tuesday, September 17, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 16-22 September 2024, Psalm 85-87, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: September 16-22, 2024, Psalm 85-87, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 86:11. What does David's prayer imply about the heart? (it-1 551 par. 5).

In Psalm 86:1, it shows that the heart can be divided between different interests and fears. David's request for his heart to be unified was expressing his desire to serve Jehovah with total dedication. This suggests that the heart can be distracted by various interests or concerns, which can lead to half-hearted worship or incomplete service.


As mentioned in Psalm 119:13 and Revelation 3:16, to serve God effectively, it is necessary to have a heart completely focused on Him, without distractions or divided loyalties.

That's right and it's interesting because here the psalmist says unify my heart which gives to understand as if apparently his heart was divided that's why he says unify it could be we are like that yes it could be why how good it is that we are always reading the word of God to be clear about the matters and if there is any doubt we have a lot of information because what we want is to serve Jehovah with a lot of enthusiasm and to have that enthusiasm we must have conviction and to have conviction we must have proof and we find that in the Bible and in all the information that Jehovah gives us.

And one of the qualities that will help us have a complete heart is the loyalty that comes from Jehovah, so our thoughts, desires and emotions must be centered on serving Jehovah.

Jehovah said that he would reject us, he would not accept our way of worship because there he says I will vomit you out of my mouth, that is why it is so important to ask Jehovah as David did for a unified heart united with the same thoughts resolution and here he also clarifies that apart from being irresolute the heart of a person can be double, trying to serve two masters, perhaps we serve Jehovah but we also have other priorities in our lives such as material things or deceitfully saying one thing and thinking another and with respect to this Jesus denounced this type of hypocrisy because he said this people honor me with their lips, their lips outward but in their heart, inside they were very far away.

From a figurative heart in which it can be irresolute, that is to say a little decided or with doubts, so we must be careful we must examine ourselves how we are worshiping Jehovah so that we do not fall into the same error as the Israelites that Jehovah said of them this people honor me with their lips outward but their heart is very far from me.

The danger that can occur with the heart, which can be double, incomplete and absolute, asking for it to be unified clearly means that the opposite is happening, so it also gives us to understand the same thing that his son also spoke about or talked about in the proverb when he spoke about how treacherous the heart could be, so it clearly gives us to understand that we have to ask Jehovah to allow that to happen with ours.

Another matter that is also shown with respect to this in Matthew 15:7 and 8 where Jesus said quoting Isaiah that it had been prophesied of Pharisees of this people with lips but their heart is very far from me, that is also a warning for us in this sense also as a double heart because it could be that we are so split that we make our mouth say something and we are desiring other things then we always have to analyze them.

It has always been said that the heart is treacherous, that the heart is hard, but this word is indecisive, so when there is an indecisive heart it is divided and there are many things in the world that can divide our heart and not give full worship to Jehovah, that is why I wanted a complete heart, just as a complete heart maintains a life, the figurative heart also maintains a spiritual life.

So as Jesus told the religious clerics of his time, he said, "Do not be hypocrites." No wonder Isaiah prophetically said, "This people honors me with lip service, but their hearts are far from me." We have to be careful not to have that double heart.

A double heart or serving two masters can also be dangerous, so we must take care of these things just as David did: we must ask for a unified heart, a pure heart toward Jehovah.

Yes, this can make the figurative heart come to have various desires or goals and not always everything in regards to true worship, for example, maybe we worry a lot about doing well at work, sometimes at the expense of meetings or some sport or some fun, then that is how the heart comes to have various desires, that is why we ask Jehovah to help us so that our heart is focused rather on Jehovah and his purpose.

We could fall into Christian monotony or formalism, saying only to attend the meetings and participate from time to time in the meetings, but that would be exactly the same if our heart is divided because we should really feel joy, satisfaction and full happiness for doing the will of God.

And sometimes we can ask ourselves why there are brothers who after years fall into some temptation and the answer has to do precisely with this text, what one is inside, a magazine said that selfish desires are like hidden mines in our path, so even if we have been faithful in the past if we do not take care of the most important thing which is the heart, then we can have a spiritual death.

Do not fall, as Jesus said, into hypocrisy, that is, we only approach Jehovah with our lips or when we need it, thinking that we are fine, that is, unifying our heart, is always being close to Jehovah, not being far from him.

Yes, the information that we have there is very interesting. It is given to us as three ways in which we could not have a complete heart with Jehovah, the first is to be divided with respect to affections and fears, the second to be irresolute because of the enthusiasm that we have or even double a hypocritical heart saying one thing and thinking another, this speaks to us before us a variety of thoughts that make us reflect and make us meditate on how our heart is because it is not only one thing to another but our heart can be divided in many ways, so thinking about this under prayer speaking it with Jehovah will help us see if there is something that we have to improve.

When Jesus Christ denounced this type of heart that the religious leaders of his time had, Jesus Christ said that with their lips they were praising Jehovah but their hearts were far from him and then in verse 9 he says that it is useless for them to worship him, so if that were our case then our worship of Jehovah would be useless.

Then we also have to try to have a complete heart for Jehovah, not to be divided because as Revelation 3:16 says that if we are not, he can vomit from his mouth, so we must always be aware of having a complete heart for him. 

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 86:5. Jehovah is willing to forgive. This teaches us about the accessible and understandable nature of God. No matter how far we have strayed or how big our mistakes are, he is always willing to forgive us. This should prompt us to approach him with humility and repentance.

Psalm 86:1,2. It was written by David when he was afflicted. Today we also find ourselves in a similar situation since we are in the last days and as it says according to Timothy 3:1 in these last days critical and difficult times will come. But like David we do not lose confidence in our creator. On the contrary, we go to him in prayer since we have the confidence that the God of all comfort will direct his ear to the earth, will listen to our humble prayers and will help us.

Psalm 86:1. David says incline your ear we imagine David at that moment is going through difficult times due to deep sadness perhaps he is discouraged, distressed and begged Jehovah to incline his ear towards him today we must also ask Jehovah to incline his ear towards our prayers because we live in a world that is increasingly going into the abyss but at the same time it is also leaving consequences on Jehovah's servants such as discouragement, sadness, illnesses and it is time to ask Jehovah to support us, to incline his ear towards us and free us or help us, or give us the strength to endure it.

Psalm 86:8. Reminds me that there is no other God like Jehovah and that his works are wonderful, so we do well to observe his creation and meditate on his qualities such as wisdom and power, and this undoubtedly brings us much closer to our creator Jehovah. 

Psalm 86:7. It also shows that David was convinced that Jehovah heard and answered his prayers and as we see from 1914 onwards the earth has been afflicted by a series of great calamities today, we can have the same assurance as David that Jehovah can give us the wisdom and strength we need to withstand the attacks of this insensitive world and as parents also the importance of teaching children to pray with that same confidence to Jehovah.

Psalm 86:16. It makes me think a lot about the education that we mothers can give our children, although Joseph, David's father, taught him to love Jehovah, in this psalm he mentions save the son of your slave, therefore there are those who come to the conclusion that his mother was also a positive influence in his spirituality for David and surely she took the time to teach her son what Jehovah had done for his people, that teaches me that I should never stop talking to my children about Jehovah, despite being an adult I can also be a good influence for them with reference to the spiritual. 

Psalm 86:1. David writes in this psalm when he was afflicted but also had confidence that Jehovah could hear his prayers and he was sure that he had an intimate relationship with Jehovah and knew that he would be heard.

Psalm 86:1. David asked Jehovah to incline his ear and that is similar to the fact that we also have to listen to others, we have to have that active listening when the brothers explain to us their concerns about their day to day life and as they have said in the speech before, Jehovah is always willing to listen to us.

In these last days we face very difficult tests such as anxiety, depression, illnesses and we can feel distressed and sad because of these problems that overwhelm us but remember that we are not the only ones since David felt the same but he never allowed these things to weaken his confidence in his creator that is why he exclaimed what is quoted in Psalm 86:1,2 , therefore I must have full confidence that Jehovah the God of all comfort will hear my prayer and give me strength to continue since he would never allow me to fall.

Psalms 86:6,7. David went through difficult times but he trusted in Jehovah and that is why he was convinced that he listened and answered his prayers. This encourages me that when I go through difficulties I should open my heart to Jehovah through prayer so that he gives me wisdom and the strength that I need to endure and he will do it at the most opportune moment and like David I will be more faithful and loyal to Jehovah.

Psalms chapter 86:6,7. We see that David was convinced that Jehovah listened to and answered his prayers. This text teaches me to have that same assurance that Jehovah will give me the wisdom and strength I need to endure even these distressing times we are going through. 

Psalm 87:5,6. There is a very interesting detail that says that according to this psalm it is possible that in the future God will reveal the name of all those who rule with Jesus in heaven.

Psalm 86:5. We see that David was convinced that Jehovah wants to forgive those who truly repent of the mistakes they made in the past and are determined not to fall into them again, so David was comforted to understand that although God hates sin, he does not hate the sinner who truly repents and changes.

Psalm 86:1,2. We can learn that if we have confidence like David, we can be sure that Jehovah will hear our prayers and so follow his advice when he said, "Cast your burden on Jehovah himself and he will sustain you." He will never allow the righteous to falter.

Psalm 86:13. There David says you have saved my life from the depths of the grave, in this psalm David said it like this because he personally fleeing from Saul and on other occasions would know face to face with death was on many occasions about to die, that is why he says you have saved me from the depths but Jehovah not only took him out he is saving many servants today and some it is true that they have died but they have not died indefinitely because Jehovah has it written in the book of life.

Psalm 85:8. It talks about not falling into excessive self-confidence and one way to avoid this is to be vigilant regarding our prayers, that is, we should never stop praying in any situation since in this way we will demonstrate that we trust in Jehovah and not in ourselves or our own strength.

Psalm Chapter 87. When speaking of the reign of David and how Jehovah would establish it, it mentions that it would be known where his descendants would come from, for example Solomon when speaking of this reign David the Bible also uses it to exemplify what the kingdom of God is like, this will also be firmly established as we see here and it will be known by whom it will be made up, currently we do not have a list with the names of the anointed ones but in the new world as we saw in verse 6 it is possible that it exists or Jehovah will create a registry with the names of the 144,000 .

Psalm 86:6,7. We see that David was convinced that Jehovah listened to and answered his prayers, something we can do is imitate David's assurance and although it is possible that Jehovah does not always answer our prayers in the way we expect, we can be sure that he will answer them; he will give us exactly what we need and he will do it at the most opportune time, so we should always go to him and if we do so we can be sure that he will not fail us.

Psalm 85:11. In our old translation it was said that at one point the earth and all the people who lived there would adhere to the truth. Today it tells us that those people would be faithful and would adhere to the fidelity that this teaches us, because we have to see the new world as something that does not happen today. People do not pursue the truth and that can discourage many people around us in their territory, ourselves.

Psalm 86:1. Says Incline your ear Jehovah and answer me for I am suffering and I am poor, this teaches me that in times of difficulty I can pray to Jehovah trusting that he will listen to me, that he will answer me and that when faced with a problem we can ask Jehovah for wisdom and strength to handle the situation calmly with faith and surely he will listen to us.

Psalm 85:9. It teaches me that very soon we will see salvation through Jehovah when the kingdom of God comes into operation. This will be something wonderful from which we faithful servants will be able to benefit.

Psalm 86:15. Where it is precisely there showing that Jehovah is merciful, compassionate, patient, full of loyal love and fidelity, here the personality of Jehovah is highlighted, who is patient in everything and gives loyal love, this teaches me to imitate those qualities when treating others, being patient and compassionate even when the mistakes of others affect me because Jehovah gives us the perfect example of how to balance justice with mercy. 

Psalm 86:5. Jehovah assured us that once he forgives us something, he will never take action against us for that offense. He does not use it to accuse us again and again, but rather he forgives the person and leaves him in oblivion forever. We can imitate Jehovah by making the conscious decision to forgive one another.

Psalm 86:15. We also perceive that Jehovah is willing to forgive repentant sinners and that he is aware of each of our experiences that have influenced our way of being. The fact that Jehovah does not know us thoroughly prompts him to show us his tender mercy.

Psalm 86:7. It says I call upon you in the day of my trouble because I know that you will answer me. This teaches me that Jehovah is always attentive to our games, in addition to being a comfort to us always and allowing us to vent to him at all times.

Psalm 85:8. It reminded me of a speech in which the example of the umbrella was given, we were asked if we have Jehovah like an umbrella that we only take out when we need it and when we don't need it we leave it lying around and then we can't find it, this world is a constant danger it's as if every day we lived in a rain or every day was cloudy, so if we see that it is cloudy, drizzling or that it is sure that it is going to rain where we left the umbrella at home unconsciously no, but it is the first thing we want to grab the same thing has to happen to us with Jehovah.

Just as many people trust in their health before they get sick, one may trust too much in oneself as mentioned in Psalm 85:8, and end up having excessive confidence. Prudence can help us recognize our imperfection and make us constantly examine ourselves in a spiritual sense.

Psalm 86:6,7 teaches that today I must trust in Jehovah that he will always answer my prayers and that he always has his attention on his faithful servants who are going through many difficulties and he is always willing to help us like a loving father who helps his son.

Psalm 86:3. It says, "Grant me your favor, O Lord, for I have spent the whole day calling out to you." This teaches me that I should always speak to Jehovah, since the reward for those who call upon him besides him is a joyful God, that is why we should always be with him, and especially more so now in this system that is becoming more and more evil.

Psalm 86:11. It helps me to think about how I can unify my heart to worship Jehovah if I am treating him as he deserves, what my affections and fears are, if my heart is irresolute or if I serve Jehovah with little enthusiasm, it is something to reflect on.

Psalm 86:11. Mentions unifying the heart, if we take into account that these words were written by David, who on the one hand wanted to please Jehovah but on the other hand he desired the things of another man so he was completely divided, and he just let himself be carried away by his selfish desire and well it ended in bad things, so this teaches me that even if we have been serving Jehovah for a long time it would be good for us to ask ourselves if we are fighting against Satan's attempts to divide our hearts.

Psalm chapter 86. David uses the expression or Jehovah 11 times demonstrating the intimate relationship that David had with Jehovah. This intimate use of God's name displeased the Jewish scribes. These scribes harbored a superstitious fear of misusing the divine name, so that seven of the 11 times the divine name appears in the Hebrew text of this psalm they substituted the name Jehovah with the title Lord. We can be thankful that our Bible translation and other rigorous translations have restored the divine name as it corresponds to the word of God. In this way it properly highlights our relationship with Jehovah.

Psalms 87:5,6. Looking for information that probably does not provide certainty, but probably when we are all in the new world, the lists of the anointed ones who are in heaven will be given so that we can get rid of our doubts.

Psalm 86:2. David wrote these words when he was afflicted and despite the anxiety and depression he had, he did not allow this to weaken his trust in Jehovah. We too today face problems and trials in these critical times, but David's example teaches us that we can trust in Jehovah and also think that he will listen to our prayers to ask for help.

Psalm 86:1,2. It teaches me that we can have confidence like David that Jehovah the God of all comfort will direct his ear to the earth and hear our humble prayers, we face today similar tests to those David went through because we live in the last days of Satan's system in critical times difficult to handle, like us David suffered anxieties and depression due to the problems that overwhelmed him but he never allowed those tests to weaken his loyal faith in the creator. 

Psalm 86:5. Because it says there Jehovah is ready to forgive the question is and we are ready to forgive because the reflection is and the benefit we obtain are many since we can have good relationships and it fosters peace not only for others but with ourselves.

Psalm 86:3. The Samist says that he spent all day praying to Jehovah, calling him, and of course in our case, logically, on normal days we cannot spend all day praying to him, but when we face difficult circumstances, then we have a master formula: to pray to God and ask for his help constantly. A brother illustrated this by saying that when we are cold we put on a little jacket, if the cold continues we put on another one until the cold goes away, so the same thing has to be with prayer.

Psalm 86:5. It says that Jehovah is willing to forgive and this text teaches me that I must imitate Jehovah who is willing to forgive others, we can imitate him by stopping thinking about what others did and never mentioned again this is true forgiveness in this way I will be imitating Jehovah.

Psalm 85:8. It speaks of overconfidence and overconfidence can manifest itself in several ways, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is that it manifests itself when making decisions but overconfidence also manifests itself when speaking to others or even when speaking about others, it manifests itself by the way we act and think according to our own criteria instead of having the criteria or point of view of how Jehovah sees things.

Psalm 86:11. Says O Jehovah teach me your way and as we saw David was a faithful worshiper of Jehovah, but nevertheless when faced with difficult situations he would pray to Jehovah again and ask Him to teach him where he had to go, this is something that can happen to us many times that we can through problems and difficulties we can lose our way so how important it is to be humble like David and pray to Jehovah to teach us the path we have to walk.

Psalm 86:1. Says speak about him because I am suffering and I am poor protect my life because I am loyal so he acted accordingly what he teaches me that I also devour accordingly to what they teach me to what I listen to what I ask for in prayer.

Psalm 85:9. The psalmist said that the salvation that comes from Jehovah is with the people who fear him, this verse makes me reflect on the times that we ask Jehovah to help us just as we expect Jehovah to help us with our anguish, I should think about how I show that I fear Jehovah and if I have to improve in something I have to do it so that Jehovah gives me his salvation.

Psalm 86:12. Speaks about the loyal love of Jehovah and meditating on this in all the love that Jehovah feels for me and also what he did for faithful servants in how in situations that seemed impossible they were rescued brings me closer to Jehovah and makes me think the same as David regarding verses 11 and 12 wanting to fear him, wanting to praise him and give him glory both with my actions as well as in preaching.

Psalms 86:5. It says that Jehovah is good and willing to forgive, and knowing this shows us that we have a loving and merciful God who is always willing to forgive us when we commit a sin and repent with all our heart. In addition, he knows all our daily lives and understands that if we sometimes fail it is because of our imperfection, and this gives us great confidence knowing that when he forgives he forgets, and only Jehovah can do that for us.

Psalm chapter 86. I analyzed each verse of this chapter and noticed how David poured out his heart to Jehovah in his pleas in his prayers they were prayers with supplications yes he was very distressed but also something that I could notice that while he begged Jehovah to help him he also praised his name, so and something that I really liked was verse 4 where it says that fill your servant with joy because I come to you oh Jehovah, whenever we go through distressing moments we forget that we have to continue being happy, so how good that we can ask Jehovah for it since the service to Jehovah and being his servants we have to be happy despite the circumstances.

Psalm 86:7. It says I call upon you in the day of my trouble for you will answer me, the truth is that it is wonderful to know that sometimes we all go through difficult times and praying to Jehovah with that confidence that he listens to us and that he will answer us many times it has happened to me that I have been asking him and maybe not even 15 or 20 minutes have passed and I already had his answer, that is why it is so important to always pray with a joyful heart to Jehovah. 

Psalm 86:1. Where it says incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am suffering and I am poor. We are all in the same situation. Really, the world is chaos. We are all suffering, we feel bad, but what about us? If we did not have Jehovah, we ask him, incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am suffering. We know that Jehovah is going to do it. We are sure because he is a loyal God. So how beautiful it is to be part of Jehovah's people. 

Psalm 85:10-13. Talks about loyal love, fidelity, and justice, showing what the favor and blessing of Jehovah can result in. Meditating on the information teaches me that spiritual blessings are what should make us long for the new world. The attraction to material things does not even make us think about the greatness of what we can have in paradise, whether it be the biggest house or excess food. That is why it is so beautiful to project ourselves into paradise without the materialistic trait that in the end only damages our friendship with Jehovah. 

Psalm 86:15. Reminds us of the beautiful qualities of Jehovah, who is a merciful, compassionate, patient God, who is loyal and faithful in love. He says no, but we often, because of our imperfection, as David said, can end up with a divided heart. But if Jehovah recorded these prayers so that we can ask him to unify our hearts, without a doubt Jehovah will apply these qualities to us if we show loyal love. 

Psalm 86:8. It says among the gods there is none like you, O Jehovah, nor are there any works like yours, I like this text because here a watchtower explains that David had a firm conviction of what the works or the creation of Jehovah represented because at that time they did not have the technology that we have now to see all the magnificence of his creation such as the universe, the human body itself and its functioning, however David expressed great love for Jehovah because he gave him the glory and honor that he deserved and that is why this text also makes me think about the future because the work of Jehovah has not yet been completed there is a great work that is in the future that will put an end to evil and death. 

Psalm 85:2 tells us that Jehovah has forgiven all the sins of his people, because these words contain a lesson for us, we can ask ourselves if we invite Jehovah, we forgive the faults of those who commit against us, they repent or try to make amends for what they have done, we act like Jehovah, because these words that we have read in the psalm should make us reflect so that we do not lose sight of the fact that when we forgive we are inviting Jehovah.

Psalm 85:10. It says that loyal love and faithfulness will meet together; righteousness and peace will kiss each other. That means that in paradise there will be no evil, injustice or suffering. That is what Jehovah promises and under his government we will live happily.

Psalm 85:8. It speaks of falling into overconfidence and overconfidence is, well, the person who believes that because he has a lot of experience it will not happen to him, that can happen when driving, it can happen to a doctor, it can happen to an airplane pilot but it can also happen to a servant of God who believes that when one speaks of sins and there are things that will not happen to one because one has a lot of experience, well, that is the error, we must not be overconfident because then we are more vulnerable to falling.

Psalm 85:2-4 says that Jehovah is not only forgiving but also heals the wounds of our own mistakes.

Psalm 86:8. It says that among the gods there is none like you or Jehovah, nor are there any works like yours, and we are now fascinated by creation because let us think about the opportunity we will have in the new world to be close to Jehovah with that beautiful and wonderful creation that he has made for us.

Psalm 85:3-5 We read about the fiery rage that the bird feels and expresses So we have to ask ourselves if anger is always wrong or is it permissible in the Christian life. The biblical point of view that an issue of awakening analyzed was very interesting. It said that the ethic that prohibits all anger is neither biblical nor Christian because everything that we love that is good we can feel going to just in our hearts and express it in an appropriate and Christian way when we see acts of cruelty, hypocrisy, dishonesty, disloyalty or injustice.

Psalm 86:17. The psalmist asks Jehovah and says give me a sign of your goodness, because it turns out that in the times throughout history but also the times in which we are, we want Jehovah to help us and we know that Jehovah is the giver of every good gift, he has some qualities that are the ones on which the fruit of the spirit is based, when the psalmist is asking for this if we also ask Jehovah for this what we are asking him is that he give us the joy of serving him, the joy.

Psalm 86:16. The Psalmist is asking Jehovah to give strength to his servant. This teaches us that we have to ask Jehovah for strength because ours are limited and that in moments of weakness or exhaustion, instead of depending on our strength, we will also have the strength of time.

Psalm 86:4. He cries out, he says everything day and night because his life was really threatened, and today times have changed in such a way that one can also be threatened with being attacked or also be sexually threatened, women have also changed so much the world, so what should we do cry out to Jehovah and there are many experiences that many brothers through praying out loud have been saved. 

Psalm 85:8. We see a warning against overconfidence, so we never want to fall into this trap, for example, thinking that we on our own can face any moral temptation or that we will not fall into some type of inappropriate behavior, rather we have to learn to trust in Jehovah and think as he thinks, to do that we need to study the Bible deeply, pray to Jehovah and ask him to give us his point of view on things, if we do this we can protect ourselves and not fall into this trap of overconfidence.

Psalms Chapter 86. It reflects the deep feelings that King David had who like us he faced many difficulties, that is why in verse 4, he says, "fill your servant with joy because I come to you oh Jehovah", he knew that Jehovah was the source of his happiness and his strength, then for us also we have to see Jehovah in the same way as our rock on which we can lean and continue serving him with joy despite the difficulties.

Psalm 86:1,2. David wrote this psalm when he was afflicted, although he suffered anxiety and depression due to the problems that overwhelmed him, he never allowed these trials to weaken his loyal trust in the Creator to always pray to him. This teaches me that we too face similar trials today and we can have confidence that Jehovah will help us.

Psalm 86:15. Highlights the loving personality of our heavenly Father Jehovah and since we are made in his image we can strive to cultivate and demonstrate many of his precious qualities such as love, compassion, loyalty and justice.

Psalm 85:7. It is said about a very attractive quality of Jehovah, that his loyal love, investigating a little, explained that it is like a commitment and tender affection that he feels and shows but only for those who love him and for those who are obedient, then thinking about that quality of Jehovah is an incentive to get closer to him and to be more and more obedient.

Psalms 85:9. It guarantees us that Jehovah is very close to all who fear him, so when we are going through difficult times in our lives it is very important to remember that no matter how difficult a situation is, if we strive to obey Jehovah we will always have his help and blessing because we know that Jehovah never abandons his loyal servants.

Psalm 86:11. In part David said, I will walk in your truth, but what is the truth the truth is a valuable gift from our heavenly father thanks to it I have the most valuable position than that friendship not everything that Jehovah has been teaching me is just at the beginning because he has promised me that I will be able to continue buying the truth for all eternity that is why I must see the truth as a pearl of great value since like David I will fulfill my promise to Jehovah to continue walking in the truth.

Psalm 86:2. David said we must be loyal and trust in Jehovah, if we do not trust in Jehovah with all our heart other interests would weaken our loyalty to Jehovah even if we have remained faithful to our God in difficult circumstances we can fall into Satan's traps that is why it is important that we strive to have a heart loyal to Jehovah now before trials and temptations come to us. 

Psalm 86:5 says that Jehovah is willing to forgive us and although we may have heard it many times, the reference mentions something interesting. It says how Jehovah knows us so thoroughly; he knows each person in detail and he can see the imperfections, for example that we give him of our parents, and he is also aware of each one of the experiences that have influenced our way of being. What does he do? He goes with all that information, because knowing us so thoroughly, this drives him to show us mercy and to forgive us.

Psalm 87:5,6. Those of us who live or will live in the new world will one day know the names of those who have been resurrected to heavenly life. Well, The Watchtower, August 15, 1989, shows that from what these verses say, that possibility could exist because that would explain the absence of these brothers in the new world.

Psalm 86:13. David reminds us that the love that he had for him was enormous and then he was able to see Jehovah's intervention in many moments of his life, just like we do during illnesses, during problems, we have even seen that Jehovah clings to us in those situations so that we do not forget them but remember them and perhaps even write them down will help us to never forget that Jehovah will be at our side as long as we are faithful.

Psalm 86:8 . It reminds me that the wonderful works that Jehovah has done are as beautiful as the universe, the earth and the sky among many others. Without a doubt, Jehovah saw how much he loves us with his works and thinking about the paradise that he has prepared for us undoubtedly motivates me to thank him today by putting my service to him first.

Psalm 86:2. There is David he is very distressed because he says protect my life because I am loyal save your servant who trusts in you because you are my God from fiction David was going through a very difficult situation but it calls my attention that David was stating I am loyal Jehovah I trust in you you are my God, this takes me back to Malachi 3:10 where it tells us test me and see if the heavens are not left over then there is nothing wrong with saying Jehovah look I have been faithful to you but here the point is that David was not afraid to tell him because it was true and surely Jehovah answered him.

Psalm 86:1. David said to Jehovah in prayer answer me because I am afflicted David wrote this psalm when he was sad but he never allowed his boss to weaken nor did he lose his trust in Jehovah today we also face difficult tests such as anxiety, depression among other things because we live in these last difficult days but I can have confidence that like David Jehovah will hear my prayer, he will comfort me and I can completely trust in him as David did in difficult times. 

Psalm 86:17. David asks Jehovah for a sign of his goodness and what does this sign mean of goodness on the part of Jehovah? It is the joy we receive when Jehovah gives us his holy spirit that strengthens us in moments of adversity and guides us on the path we should walk.

Psalm 86:3. It is saying that grant me your favor oh Jehovah because I spend the whole day calling you the basis for us to be good friends of God is to communicate with him through prayer as the psalmist did, so this teaches us that we have to dedicate enough time to tell our most intimate feelings to Jehovah and thus we will get closer to him and he will show us favor and he will be able to help us.

Psalm 86:15. Because there he is talking about how David knew Jehovah very well, he is repeating as if we were saying what he did in 34:6, Jehovah said to Moses, there he talks about how Jehovah is a merciful and compassionate God, patient and full of loyal love and fidelity, he saw Jehovah like that and understood that he was someone on whom he had to rely totally, the question is how good that we also see Jehovah like that and precisely King David is going to be someone special for Jehovah, someone who later on always made reference to him and therefore seeing how he did know Jehovah so well, well that is something that also invites us to seek to know him better and better.

Yes, I also really liked Psalm 86:3, when David says I spend the whole day calling you, that teaches me about my prayers, the constancy and if I ask Jehovah for something and it doesn't come, then I should continue to show an attitude of waiting.

Psalm 86:1. It says incline your ear, O Jehovah, and answer me. I really like this text because thinking that Jehovah leans down from his position to listen to us and answer us when we suffer has reminded me of a father who bends down when he sees his son crying so he can comfort him and hug him. That is why we should never stop telling Jehovah what worries us because as a good loving father that he is, he is willing to bend down to comfort us.

Psalm 85:8. After saying that he would listen to the true God and that Jehovah will speak of passing by his people and says to his loyal ones but despite the fact that they were loyal he gives them a warning he says that they should not fall into overconfidence again, so that is a wake-up call for everything because perhaps things can go well for us in many aspects of life and we could forget a little about Jehovah and trust more in the things that we have within our reach.

Psalm 85:2. It says that Jehovah forgave all the mistakes and sins of his people and the fact is that Jehovah's forgiveness is much greater and more powerful than we can imagine, he uses the sacrifice of his son to forgive us in a way that escapes our understanding and knowing this on the one hand relieves us as imperfect humans that we are and on the other hand it also motivates us to imitate him by forgiving our brothers. 

Psalm 86:5. Knowing that Jehovah is good and forgiving motivates us to reflect those qualities in our lives. This impels us to live with an attitude of kindness and forgiveness toward others, following the example of how Jehovah treats us.

Psalms 86:12,13. We see that David was very grateful to Jehovah for the loyal love that he has always shown him since that love is what saved him from dying, today Jehovah continues to save his profiles from situations that for us are impossible, this teaches us to show Jehovah the same gratitude that David did as it says in verse 12 praising with the heart and always giving glory to his name.

Psalm 85:10. Mentions that Justice and peace will kiss each other and this alludes to when the kingdom of God is in the hands of Jesus and he rules the earth because then there will be justice and peace something that is unthinkable now, that is why it is so important that when we feel bad about all the injustices that we see throughout the world, the hardships that even our brothers are going through, we have to remember that all of this is temporary and remembering this will give us relief.

Psalm 85:11-13. The psalmist poetically mentioned the values ​​that thanks to Jehovah we will be able to enjoy very soon and although we now have to wait for them to arrive, we can individually cultivate all those qualities such as love and kindness and a good way would be to show true interest in people and seek how to help them. 

Psalm 86:6. We see that in this prayer the Psalmist does not hide his feelings or his needs, but rather expresses himself and his anguish and his desire to be heard. This teaches us that prayer must be authentic and open.

Psalm 86:6. By directing his prayer to Jehovah, the psalmist demonstrates confidence that God will listen and answer. This verse encourages us to have faith that our prayers are heard, even if we do not always receive an answer immediately or in the way we expect.

Psalm 86:7. This verse reflects a deep trust that Jehovah will hear and answer prayers in times of distress and we can find comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that our prayers are not ignored.

Psalms 86:1. In this text David not only asks to be taught, but he commits to walk in the truth of Jehovah, this highlights that Divine knowledge is not only to be understood, but to live the truth of Jehovah, which means applying his principles in our daily lives and being faithful to them.

Psalms 86:1. In this text the Psalmist mentions that he praises God with all his heart, which indicates that worship must be total and sincere, implying a complete and authentic dedication to Jehovah; it is not a superficial or partial praise, but a deep expression that involves all our emotions and thoughts.

Psalm 86:12. By calling God Jehovah my God, the psalmist reflects a personal recognition of his authority and sovereignty. It is an act of humility and feeling of submission to his will, this title implies a close or personal relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 86:1. Jehovah's mercy and compassion teach us to treat others with kindness and empathy, just as Jehovah is merciful to us. We too should strive to be merciful to those around us.

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