Friday, June 21, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Monday, July 22, 2024. I, O Jehovah, trust in you (Ps. 31:14).

DAILY TEXT, Today Monday, July 22, 2024. I, O Jehovah, trust in you (Ps. 31:14).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Monday July 22, 2024

I, O Jehovah, trust in you (Ps. 31:14).

Jehovah invites us to be close to him (James 4:8). He desires to be our God, our Father and our friend. He answers our prayers and helps us when we have problems. Furthermore, he teaches us and takes care of us through his organization. We can approach Jehovah by praying to him, reading his Word, and meditating on it. This will make us feel love and gratitude for him. We will desire to give him all the obedience and praise that he so deserves (Rev. 4:11). The more we know him, the more we will trust him and the organization he has put in place to take care of us. However, the Devil tries to weaken our trust in Jehovah and in his organization. But we can face it. If we have strong faith and complete trust in Jehovah, we will not abandon him or his organization.​—Ps. 31:13, 14. w22.11 14 paras. 1-3.


How could difficulties damage our trust in Jehovah and his organization?

Sometimes we may have to face opposition from family members or loss of employment. How could these difficulties damage our trust in Jehovah's organization and distance us from him? When a problem lasts a long time, we may think that our situation is hopeless and we may become discouraged. Satan takes advantage of this to make us doubt Jehovah's love. He wants us to start asking ourselves if Jehovah or his organization is to blame for what we are going through. Something similar happened to some of the Israelites who were in Egypt. At first they believed that Jehovah had chosen Moses and Aaron to free them from slavery (Ex. 4:29-31). But, when Pharaoh made their lives more complicated, they blamed Moses and Aaron, and said to them: “You have made Pharaoh and his servants hate us and have put a sword in their hands to kill us” (Ex. . 5:19-21). How unfortunate that they blamed God's loyal servants! If you have endured difficulties for a long time, what can you do to continue to trust completely in Jehovah and his organization?

What do we learn from Habakkuk's example? (Habakkuk 3:17-19).

Open your heart wide to Jehovah and lean on him. The prophet Habakkuk went through many difficulties. It seems that at one point he doubted that Jehovah was interested in him. So he told her everything he felt. He said, “O Jehovah, how long must I cry out for help so that You will hear? […] Why do you tolerate oppression?” (Hab. 1:2, 3). Jehovah answered the sincere prayer of this faithful man (Hab. 2:2, 3). After reflecting on how Jehovah had saved the people from him, Habakkuk regained his joy. He became convinced that Jehovah did care about him and would help him endure any trial. (Read Habakkuk 3:17-19.) What is the lesson? When you have problems, pray to Jehovah, tell him how you feel, and lean on him. You can be sure that Jehovah will give you the strength to endure. And when he sees how she holds him, his faith will grow stronger.

What did a family member try to convince Shirley of, and what helped her to continue trusting in Jehovah?

Do not neglect your spiritual activities. That's what helped a sister from Papua New Guinea named Shirley when she was in trouble.b Her family was poor, and sometimes they had a hard time getting enough food. A family member attempted to weaken his trust in Jehovah by telling him: “You say that God's holy spirit is helping you. But where is that help? You are still poor. “You waste your time preaching.” Shirley admits that at one point she wondered if Jehovah really remembered her and her family. She says: “I immediately prayed to Jehovah and vented to him. I continued reading the Bible and our publications, and I did not stop preaching and attending meetings.” Shirley soon realized that Jehovah was taking care of her family, because they were not hungry and were happy. She says, “I saw the Lord answer my prayers” (1 Tim. 6:6-8). If you maintain your spiritual activities, neither problems nor doubts will keep you from Jehovah.

What could happen to brothers with responsibilities in the organization?

Through the media and social networks, our enemies spread lies or inaccurate information about brothers with responsibilities in Jehovah's organization (Ps. 31:13). Some brothers have been arrested and accused of being criminals. Something similar happened in the first century. The apostle Paul was unjustly accused and arrested. What did the Christians of that time do?

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