Monday, September 30, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of September 30 to October 6, 2024, Psalm 90-91, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: September 30-October 6, 2024, Psalm 90-91, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 91:11. What balanced view should we have about the help that angels give us? (wp17.5 5).

Psalm 91:11 says that the angels will be with their servants to protect them, but we must understand that this protection does not guarantee a life without adversity. A balanced view implies recognizing that the angels act according to God's will, taking care primarily of our spiritual health. While they may intervene at times to protect us physically, their main task is to help us strengthen our faith and follow the path of truth. So we trust them without expecting them to prevent us from all suffering, but rather to help us persevere in faith.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 90:1. Throughout the generations, God's people have faced many difficulties, but Jehovah has always been a source of protection. This lesson reminds us that no matter what trials or challenges we face, God remains our dwelling place, a place where we can turn for guidance, strength, and peace in times of distress.

Psalm 90:1. The expression, Jehovah has been our dwelling place, means that he is the one who should occupy the central place in our lives. This lesson teaches us to cultivate an intimate and close relationship with Jehovah. So that we can always feel confident that if we turn to him, we must make our relationship with Jehovah the priority, because in him we find true refuge and meaning for our lives.

Psalm 90:2. The verse mentions that before the mountains were born and the earth was formed, Jehovah already existed. This highlights that he is the creator of the universe and everything in it; nothing in creation is superior to God, for that and other reasons he deserves all our worship. By recognizing Jehovah as our creator, we realize that our life has a purpose and that we must praise and obey him for being the one who gave us life.

Psalm 90:2. The verse mentions that before the mountains were born and the earth was formed, Jehovah already existed. This highlights that he is the creator of the universe and everything in it; nothing in creation is superior to God, for that and other reasons he deserves all our worship. By recognizing Jehovah as our creator, we realize that our life has a purpose and that we must praise and obey him for being the one who gave us life.

Psalm 90:2. The text also reminds us that Jehovah is not limited by time or by the physical restrictions that affect us, he lives outside of human limitations, which means that he sees and understands everything from a perfect and complete perspective, we can trust in Jehovah's plans knowing that his understanding and vision of time and events is much broader than ours, although sometimes we do not understand what is happening, we know that his purpose is always good and just.

Psalm 90:8. The idea that our mistakes are before Jehovah confirms that there is a Divine justice. This reminds us that although we may sometimes evade responsibility before men, there is nothing hidden before Jehovah.

Psalm 90:8. By saying, You lay our sins before You, it is mentioned that God takes into account our sins and mistakes. This shows that each one of us must be held accountable for his actions. This also implies that even if we try to hide our faults from others, we cannot do so from God, who judges us with justice and righteousness.

Psalm 90:8. The expression of the light of your face, this may refer to the illumination that comes from Divine truth and the justice of God, it is His purity that reveals hidden errors. This reminds us that Jehovah is just and that His light is both revealing and purifying by exposing our secrets, Jehovah also gives us the opportunity to correct ourselves and walk in the truth.

Psalm 90:10. From this text we can learn that although life in this world is short and full of challenges, we have the hope of eternal life under the Kingdom of God where there will be no more suffering.

Psalm 91:15. It says: And I will answer him. This reminds us that Jehovah not only hears our prayers, but he is also willing to answer. This strengthens our faith and confidence that God cares about us and that we can go to him knowing that he is attentive to our concerns and he is eager to help us.

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