Saturday, March 2, 2024

Watchtower Study, How can young brothers become mature Christians?, Week of February 26 to March 3, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, How Can Young Brothers Become Mature Christians?, February 26-March 3, 2024, Comments and Responses.

“Be strong and act like a man” (1 KINGS 2:2).

1. What should Christian men do to be successful?

Well, as the paragraph mentioned, Christian men must strive to obey Jehovah's rules, but not only that, but they must also apply these biblical principles in all areas of their life. This way they can be successful and also, by doing this they will become mature men.


Yes, the advice that David gave to his son Solomon was that he should be a man who was strong, in this world this word is said as a matter of pride, that he has to be strong, you do not have to cry that you are a man, but here it really is. What it is showing is to be strong spiritually to be able to be a useful person before Jehovah and us, as in the case of Jesus, it says that he continued to grow, having the favor of God and men, it has to be like this with good intentions, to be strong in sense. spiritual.

We understand that it is an attitude and a predisposition to walk in Jehovah's ways and obey his rules.

I think the point is to act wisely but that is what we all really want, even people, anyone in the world wants to be successful, be successful in their life, what's more, people feel as if they have not been able to fulfill themselves. When everything goes wrong, we Christian men want to be successful with much more reason, we want to act wisely, but for that we have to follow the advice that David gave to his son Solomon.

Yes, as had already been said, to be successful they must learn to obey Jehovah's rules and with this you are not born, you have to acquire it and we have the example of Jesus Christ himself who obtained his knowledge by studying the word of his father.

2, 3. Why is it important for young brothers to become mature Christians?

It is important that young brothers become mature Christians, because this way they can carry out the different responsibilities, both those they have within the family and in the congregation. If a young brother has aspirations such as serving as a pioneer, an elderly ministerial servant, or even getting married and having children, or achieving those goals and being successful, then all of this requires that the young brother have Christian maturity.


The person who has reached Christian maturity is followed by the spirit of God and not by the wisdom of the world and imitates the example of Jesus who strives to be a good friend of Jehovah and shows true love to others.

You will surely have to face important responsibilities in the family in the congregation and be mature, be a mature Christian.

Yes, it is important because they may have set goals, for example, to be pioneers, ministerial servants, perhaps elderly, or perhaps also to get married and have children, and then in that case they must first reach spiritual maturity.

The note we found reminds us what it means to be mature in a Christian sense and there it says that this person followed by the spirit of God and not by the wisdom of this world, also that he imitates the example of Jesus Christ and strives to be a good friend of Jehovah. and show true love to others.

And we know that a fruit of a tree, for example, when it appears at the beginning, to mature that fruit the only thing it needs is time, but this is not the case in the case of a Christian to reach that maturity, as paragraph 3 very well indicates, there are certain abilities that one has to learn and master and there is a preparation that one has to carry out in order to successfully fulfill those responsibilities in the future one must strive.

In the paragraph we find some questions that will help young people achieve the goal of being mature Christians, for example: What will help you achieve spiritual maturity? What important skills should you learn and master? And how can you prepare now to successfully fulfill the responsibilities you have in the future?


4. Where can you find good examples? (See also the images).

As the paragraph mentioned, one place where we can find good examples is in the Bible, since it is full of examples of faithful men and women who loved God and lived according to his principles. We can also have examples in the family and in the congregation. Furthermore, Jesus Christ is the supreme example of love, service, humility and obedience to God. He is a good example to follow, so we too can follow his magnificent example.


Well, we can find these examples in various places, true, we can find them in the Bible of examples from the past and we can also find them in our own congregation, pay attention to those brothers who perhaps are ahead or have good qualities and as Hebrews 13:7 says, then pay attention to them. and imitate the faith of these

In the word of God there are very good examples of faithful servants of Jehovah who loved him and who also took care of God's people the best they could, but within the congregation there are also mature brothers who can help the younger ones to cultivate those qualities to reach maturity.

Taking into account the examples from the Bible, the examples of Jesus and also the examples we have in the congregation, this will help us to be a mature Christian.


Well, the brother is with the Bible open and he is thinking precisely about Jesus to follow his example as Peter's first letter says with great care and attention and he is thinking about qualities of Jesus, in one we can see how he treats the women who love him. The other does with kindness how he approaches and meditates with Jehovah, praying to him and the last setting an example for his disciples by washing his feet.

Well, when he tells the Hebrews to remember those who lead those who have spoken to them about the word of God and looking at the results of their conduct, imitate their faith, then if we do this by analyzing the life of Jesus Christ, thinking about what qualities I admire in him or how he behaved with his apostles, how I have to treat my brothers in this way to those of my own family etc. because we will become mature Christians.

Well, in the image we can see a young Christian who, as we have been with the laptop, the Bible or a pen and is spending time extracting some of the qualities that we find in the Bible about the stories of Jesus, we see, for example, the first image who is meditating on how Jesus listened to people how he treated them with love with compassion also how he forced himself on qualities in relation to his father by praying to him. Even as we see the third image he gave us examples of humility so in the same way if the brothers As young people we strive to meditate and imitate these excellent qualities, like the great example of Jesus, we will become mature Christians.

Following examples does not mean copying someone we choose a person and say we want to do exactly like that but the Bible tells us that there are many good examples there is a cloud of examples today in the congregation so we can see the good qualities and copy.

Think about the qualities you admire in each person and what you have to do to follow in their footsteps. 

A young brother meditates while studying the Bible. Series of images: 1. Jesus cries with Martha and Mary. 2. Pray. 3. he washes the feet of one of his apostles. If you imitate the excellent qualities of Jesus, you will become a mature Christian. (See paragraph 4).

5. What do you have to do to acquire the ability to think, and why is it important? (Psalm 119:9).

We must first learn Biblical principles and reflect on how we can apply those principles in our daily lives. Then, we must use this knowledge to make decisions that are aligned with God's will. Developing the ability to think is essential to achieving Christian maturity, since it will allow us to grow in spiritual discernment and in this way we will be able to make decisions that reflect our commitment to the faith we have.


Well, the verse that we just read at the end says that we have to act in accordance with the word of Jehovah, so we have to learn the biblical principles that Jehovah teaches us through his word, internalize in us because they are good for us to put into practice and then use it to make good decisions.

As the Psalm says, you have to act according to what you are learning, then you have to put it into practice in your daily life.

Proverb 29:11 tells us that the fool lets loose all his emotions but the wise man has them under control and remains calm, so with this we see and deduce that it is very important that you spend time thinking before making a decision because if We cannot possibly make mistakes and something that the paragraph says that made me think is that you should make an effort to develop this ability and it is true that it may not be easy, it is not something that does not come naturally but if we make an effort at it we will eventually be able to develop this ability and do things as Jehovah wants.

And it is very important that young people do everything possible to develop this ability to think because, as the paragraph says, this is essential for them to become mature Christians.

Yes, Proverbs 3:21 also reminds us that we must protect the ability to think and protect it, on the one hand, from personal ideas, feelings that we may have that are not appropriate, that is something internal, but on the other hand, also from external influences, as has been mentioned. Television can also be the Internet and social networks.

The current of this world encourages the opposite of everyone to let themselves be carried away by their own ideas, by their emotions, by what they feel in their heart, however Proverbs 2:11 and 12 mention that this ability to think is what will Watching over us and discernment will protect us and free us from the evil path and all these perverse thoughts that currently exist.

And in Hebrews I have 1:14 it also tells us a little about what a mature person is, it says that solid food is for mature people for whom with practice they have trained their capacity for discernment to distinguish what is right from what is wrong. , so we see that it is a constant effort that requires a lot of discipline and patience to become a mature person.

6. How will a young man who has the ability to think show that he respects his sisters?

One of the things is that the young man, well, is not going to express emotional romantic interest towards a sister, unless he is really considering the possibility of a future marriage with her, this demonstrates sincerity and avoids confusion and misunderstandings. 


It could be that if you are dating a sister, you should avoid compromising situations and protect the sister's good reputation, this includes never being alone if you are not accompanied by someone mature, which shows consideration and respect for the sister and her reputation. .

Yes, it may be that a young man, and it is very normal, draws the attention of a little sister to go and get to know her better to perhaps take a step further, but a young man who develops the ability to think will never do anything but create false expectations in that sister. another sense to flirt with the sister, and here he mentions that the fact of writing the messages then those messages sometimes according to how one speaks according to how one says etcetera etcetera, can really create false expectations for the sister, so we do not want these trained young people to think hurt anyone's feelings.

Yes, and if he is capable of thinking, he says that also if he is dating a sister, what he will do is strive to protect her good reputation by never being alone but always being accompanied by someone mature, then he will be putting what he knows first. We are told and advised in First Corinthians 6:18 to flee sexual immorality.

And that doesn't mean that he doesn't have to meet the sister and then decide whether to start a romantic relationship or not, an activity guide talked about and mentioned that the brother would not play with the sister's feelings or give her false hope when she has no intentions of starting a romantic relationship, that is, the paragraph is not saying that you do not have to meet her or talk to her, but rather that you do not play with her feelings to give that false impression.

First, Corinthians 6:18 is talking about what it says to flee from sexual immorality, therefore it would be good that when two young people begin to get to know each other, they should not be alone but that there should always be a mature person with them.

7. What grooming decisions will a young man who has developed the ability to think make?

A young man who has developed the ability to think will make decisions about his personal grooming, always considering Biblical principles and good examples in the congregation. Also when deciding how to dress and groom himself he should ask himself if his choices will reflect that he has good judgment and respect for others. Furthermore, his appearance clearly shows that he is rendering a service to God.


Young Christians consider whether their way of dressing honors God and reflects Christian values, rather than simply following fashion trends or world standards. Furthermore, he seeks not only to earn the respect of his fellow believers, but also that of his heavenly father, by living according to biblical principles in all areas of their lives, including his personal grooming.

The young man who wants to be a mature Christian will have to apply what first Corinthians 10 from 31 to 33 says that everything he does is to give glory to God and not cause anyone to stumble. It is true that, well, every season fashion changes, but for We have to look at that with a good eye and see if what we would wear to give glory to God.

Fashion is in the hands of a series of people who are very far from biblical principles, so we must understand that people who lead that type of life promote a style of clothing or a way of grooming that requires identification, so if we We wear clothing that identifies us with this type of people because perhaps it is a moment of reflection, that is, my appearance as a man reflects that I serve Jehovah, people on the street are capable of identifying me as a Jehovah's Witness or they are capable of identifying me as one of yours.

Yes, then we come to the conclusion that young people who want to have the ability to think not only earn the respect of their brothers but also that of their heavenly father since what they do is all correct.

One of them would be to wear extremely tight clothing that looks like a woman's.

The young man who demonstrates that he has this ability to think does not act as if no one cares, as if he could decide for himself what he likes and what he doesn't like, but rather he will take into account what others think, he will take into account what others think. Jehovah thinks about this topic and that ability to think will precisely lead him to also set a good example for others.

That is why these young people can ask opinion questions for the staff, it is clearly seen that my way of dressing serves God for example, just as it is saying first Corinthians 10:31-33 says avoid causing Jews to stumble by risking the congregation of God, so therefore we can think if my way of personal grooming causes others to stumble, so what I would do is correct the defects or tendencies that this young man had in this regard.

1 Corinthians mentions that whatever we are doing and talks about eating and drinking, but we can also talk about dressing and grooming ourselves because we must give honor to our God Jehovah and show respect for others. It is true that we are not going to always go. dressed in the same way when we preach when we attend meetings when we are entertaining or participating in some sporting activity it is clear that we are not going to look the same but on those occasions we must also ensure that our clothing glorifies Jehovah.

If Titus 2:6 says in the same way continue to advise younger men to have good judgment, we are talking about young people who want to be mature and want to have responsibility, then the time will come when they will have to advise younger men. that they are younger than them in terms of dress in anything, so they are an example, they are very well dressed, my clothes say, my appearance, that I have that authority to give advice, so that is what the text shows that we have to have good Judgment when setting a good example because we are going to advise others.

8. How can a young brother learn to be trustworthy?

You must first strive to complete all your responsibilities with determination, no matter how small they may seem. If you encounter difficulties or do not know how to approach a task, you should be humble and ask a brother mature in the faith for help. You should not settle for knowing the minimum required, but strive to complete all assigned tasks completely and satisfactorily.


Furthermore, he must remember that his work and actions are directed toward Jehovah, not toward men. Which means doing your best at all times, and you must maintain humility and be able to recognize and rectify any mistakes you make, thus demonstrating your willingness to constantly learn and improve.

Being trustworthy implies fulfilling all responsibilities with determination, the perfect example of Jesus that we have, he was never careless or irresponsible, he did everything that Jehovah commanded him even when it was difficult and as we read in Luke 16:10, the faithful person says in the least He is also faithful in many ways.

Just like a house is built by bricks by doing tasks little by little and gaining the trust of a person by doing things by accomplishing things and when one cannot ask others like that, little by little you can get a reputation and a person can become trustworthy.

Also, as the paragraph mentions, they should never settle for the slightest no and not be like mentioning Romans 12:11, they should be hardworking and not lazy.

Well, fulfill it, finish that task, do not leave it half done and think, as Colossians 3:23 says, that whatever you do, do it with all your heart as if you were doing it for Jehovah and not for men.

And in terms of being trustworthy, Jesus is a very good example because the task that was entrusted to him was very difficult but he did not slow down at any time, but as we read in John 13:1, he loved his disciples until the end. He fulfilled everything that was entrusted to him and also demonstrated that the key to being able to do our job well, the work that is entrusted to us, is love for others.

Yes, it is good that in the congregations you can count on young people who are like that, who strive to be trustworthy. There are many ways in which they can demonstrate this, some of which have already been mentioned, when they are given certain tasks without taking them seriously. In not just stopping at the minimum but going a little further than what is asked for, being punctual there are many details because being trustworthy for a young person is forging their personality not only as a person but is also strengthening them spiritually.

And proverbs 11 explains that wisdom is with the modest, so since we are not perfect, no one will sometimes make mistakes and there will be mistakes, perhaps a young person thinks they can do something faster in another way because the person who teaches them is perhaps someone older. And maybe they think they have another way to do it better and then they make a mistake because nothing happens, they recognize it, they ask for help and that also shows that you can trust that young person to continue learning.

Luke 16:10 which talks about how a person who is faithful in the least is also faithful in much, and this text makes me think that perhaps sometimes we see the responsibilities of the congregation as more important than others and that may cause us to neglect some , but we have to think that all responsibilities, whether we are talking about cleaning or, for example, becoming a ministerial servant, all are equally important and all should be fulfilled with the same responsibility.

Colossians gives us a very powerful reason, saying that whatever you do, do it for Jehovah, not for man, so they are serious things, as is being said, that we all have to take into account.

And in the paragraph the example of Jesus stands out, one of the things that he says that showed that he was trustworthy were how he loved and treated his disciples, which says that in John 13 that he loved them to the end until he gave his life, then the young people too You can set that as a goal, how I love the brothers, the brothers notice that I am trustworthy, that they can count on me for everything. The older brothers of the coordination spoke with them. That is one of the ways to show that they are trustworthy when they also show that they love. to the brothers.


9. Why should a young brother learn practical skills?

By acquiring practical skills, you will be better prepared to assume responsibilities within the congregation; practical skills are essential to find and maintain employment that allows you to cover personal or family expenses.


It is essential for many aspects of life as well as to achieve maturity as we are seeing in the article, this can help us both to acquire responsibilities and to be able to help more in the weighing or on a personal level both to get and keep a job to provide the necessary both for ourselves and for our family and then also to get along with others.

And those skills, in addition to helping the young Christian cover his family expenses, will help him get along with others. 

10, 11. Why is it good for a young brother and for the congregation if he learns to read and write well? (Psalm 1:1-3; see also the image).

Our young brothers and sisters need the guidance and teaching of men who can effectively communicate Biblical Principles, and thus offer advice based on the word of God. For this reason, by learning to read and write well, the young brother will be better equipped to prepare speeches and comments that strengthen the faith of others.


As we have just read in the Psalm, it is saying that whoever reads the word of God every day and meditates on it will be able to know how Jehovah thinks and that will help him reason and think clearly, which is why in the congregation it is It is so important because both brothers and sisters know how to read and write because they will be able to prepare speeches and interesting comments and that will strengthen the faith of others.

By having solid reading and writing skills, the young brother will be able to participate more actively in Bible studies, Meetings and Assemblies. And so he will be able to better understand the discourses and take notes that strengthen his own faith and in that way he will be able to encourage other brothers.

Because these skills allow us to prepare interesting speeches and comments that strengthen the faith of others and when we are the ones who receive that food we can extract good points with which to strengthen our own faith or that of other brothers.

Verse 2 said read night and day and understand, the question is how am I going to understand something if I don't know how to read well and we assume that here the entire population is educated, but all the people know what they read and understand it.

Proverbs 1:3 and 4 talk about an enormous number of qualities that are acquired when studying the Bible, it talks about understanding insight justice good sense righteousness prudence ability to think all of these are acquired when one studies the Bible in depth, so if a young man He wants to be able to work well in the congregation because he wants to read and be able to study the Bible well because it will help him demonstrate all those qualities.

It also catches my attention that you are invited to take notes. They can be mental but they can also be written so that one remembers important things that one sees from other brothers, both the assemblies, the meetings and other important things that can help one to enrich oneself and thus be able to contribute to brothers.

Titus 1:9 also talks about the art of teaching and encouraging others with healthy teaching, this also refers to the fact that we all need help in this case brothers who can teach us and give good advice with the Bible.


A young brother attends a class organized by the congregation to learn to read and write. He takes notes and listens carefully. Knowing how to read and write well will benefit yourself and the congregation. (See paragraphs 10 and 11).

12. What will help you communicate well with others?

Learning to communicate with others is an essential skill that involves listening and understanding what others feel and think, however we have to learn to do it correctly and the Bible compares man's thoughts with deep waters, which is why something that tells us can help is learning to capture what a person wants to say through their voice or facial and body expressions.


To communicate well with others, what will help us is learning to interpret people's tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. This is achieved by spending time with them. We should avoid relying exclusively on electronic media and look for opportunities to communicate with people in person.

Well, here the advice is really very nice, because you have to learn to listen to understand what the other person you are talking to is thinking, even what they are feeling through what, well through the voice, how they communicate. They behave, perhaps in body language, so where are you going to learn all this, not when you are sending a message or by email, but when you are talking to the person, when you go out to preach and they tell you what they feel or what bothers him or what is happening to him at that moment, in that way, because men also have to know how to interact with people, it is so important now with brothers, it is so important to get to know them and so also be able to help them.

Yes, in fact, it is something that we all have to learn, not only men but all brothers, whether men or we women, sisters, we have to follow the example of the apostle John who in his second letter in verse 12 says he precisely says I have many things that I don't want to write to you on paper and ink but I hope to see you in person why? Because in person is how things can really be communicated well because sometimes when we send a text or an email it depends on how it can be misinterpreted or not understood well, so When you talk directly face to face with the person or brother, that is when you can really get to know them well and they can get to know us well.

That if we always communicate by email or by messages, this is not going to make it more difficult every day to communicate face to face with others and have that ease or learn, and be able to know what people feel and what they think.

And the apostle John knew how important it is to communicate face to face with others. That's why in his second letter, verse 12, he tells them, although I have many things to write to you, I don't want to do it with paper and ink, but I want to go see you and talk face to face. With you, he knew that many things are perceived when we talk to others face to face, looking into each other's eyes, listening to the tone of the voice, the body language, and it is something that must be practiced and improved over time.

13. What else should a young brother learn? (1 Timothy 5:8; see also the image).

In addition to learning to support himself and his family, a young brother must also learn to work hard and complete the tasks assigned to him. This way we will build a good reputation, which increases the chances of getting and keeping a job.


In First Timothy 5:8, a young man must prepare to earn a living financially for his family or for himself and must create a job, study whatever, but be prepared.

Yes, perhaps the image refers to the fact that, as it says, young people can learn a trade from their father or another family member, but there are also times when they can learn a type of technical course, training to be able to work on something that is necessary, in In any case, it says that it is good that they learn to do something to earn a living and how they have to work and they really have to work hard in this system because it is good that they learn a trade.

And what he also mentions is that it is not only learning a trade but also trying to do things very well, he says not to leave things half done but to try to make a good name for yourself through good work and in that way it will help us. to keep the job and to ensure that the work done is as good as possible.


In the image we have a very good attitude we see how the young man is observing how things are done, how things are done, that requires attention today young people have a very big facet and that is knowing how to pay attention to how things are done, ask why they are done like this or because it is not like that, that requires attention and above all an effort to be able and want to learn.

Making a living sometimes means learning trades considered by a large part of society as not brilliant. We live in a world where technology, universities, and great academic achievements are highly valued. However, there are many trades today that have no one to carry them out. Because it has been lost, here is the illustration, it is very beautiful. We do not know if it is the father who is teaching this man to learn a carpenter's trade. He is imitating Jesus.

A young brother learns from an older brother how to repair a wooden floor. It is good that you learn a trade that helps you earn a living. (See paragraph 13).


14. What will help a young man prepare to serve Jehovah full-time?

To prepare to serve Jehovah full-time, a young man may consider beginning pioneering, which will help him learn to collaborate with different people, manage money, since we can begin by doing regular pioneering, which will open doors for us. for other facets of full service, such as being a construction servant or working at Bethel.


First start with something simple like auxiliary pioneering and from there you can go up and that at the same time creates benefits because one of them helps you manage money well.

And in addition to managing money well, perhaps a pioneer has to combine things and it is also scarce because he will interact with other people and know how to collaborate with them, each person has his character and then we adapt to each other and then we also know the needs that each of us may have and it is a way of learning and we can also be of help. The young person could also be of help.

Something that can also help you meditate on Paul's words there in Philippians 4, there it says that Paul, because he was in need, knew how to make do when he had little, when he had a lot, he was accessible, so well, if you want, if there was full time to Jehovah, maybe he will You're going to have to make arrangements and you're going to have to make do with a little less, but hey, you're going to have other blessings, you're going to have Jehovah's approval.

And it will be very good to have a relationship with brothers who have taken that step, who already serve Jehovah full time, who perhaps did so when they were young, who can tell us how they did it, how they organized themselves, how they can help us do it, have action and friendship. with them in doubt that it will also help us to do it.

15, 16. What should a young brother do who wants to be a ministerial servant or elder?

To fulfill the goal of being a ministerial servant or elder, a young brother must have the desire and willingness to serve the congregation humbly and enthusiastically. Which means striving to meet the requirements established in the Bible to be a ministerial servant and, eventually, an elder. This includes qualities such as being above reproach, having the ability to teach, being moderate, and kind. They may also ask for Jehovah's guidance and help in understanding and meeting the requirements necessary to serve as a ministerial servant or elder, and in developing the required qualities and skills. .


Well, what a young man should do first is to make an effort to fill the requirements to be a ministerial servant first then an elder that is based on the biblical principles found in first Timothy Titus and first Peter and this effort should be based on not perhaps have a status within the congregation, but as it says here, they must be based above all on serving the brothers and pleasing Jehovah and being useful, so if someone wants to make an effort because it is a good thing, they can go to the book of organized that there they will find all the requirements and how they can strive to meet them.

Well, first of all, they have to have a good motivation, with a correct motivation, which is wanting to do more for Jehovah, and also love for their brothers and in this way, they will work humbly together with the elders. In this way they will follow the advice of the apostle Peter who said that everyone who served Jehovah would do so willingly, not for the sake of dishonest gain, but rather they would do it with determination and in this way they would be an example for others.

What the paragraph comments is that a ministerial servant who is already 20 years old can be named an elder, but if he is a brother who is capable, he can be appointed.

Well, organized chapters 5 and 6 of the book make a detailed analysis of each of these requirements and there the young person can meditate on what practical matters they can improve in their life to meet them to a reasonable degree.

17. How can a young man prepare to be a good husband and head of family? (See also the image).

Well, by committing to your personal and spiritual growth as we see in Ephesians chapter 5, verse 28-29, if you decide to get married, you will assume the responsibility of loving and caring for the needs of your wife.


The young brother can prepare himself to make a good husband and head of family by learning to make informed decisions and consider the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of his family and members of the congregation, since as the paragraph mentions, the qualities and abilities that We have seen in this article, such as the ability to think, respect women and be trustworthy, prepare the young man to be a good husband and a good head of the family.

Well, you can prepare yourself by cultivating the qualities we are talking about in these paragraphs, having the ability to think, respect women and be trustworthy are characteristics that will also help a Christian husband and father in his role. Jehovah has given him as head of his family.

And the entire Watchtower precisely prepares a young man for when that moment comes, that is, if he wants to get married and has all the qualities and all the abilities that we have been seeing in this study of the Watchtower, they will surely help him have a successful marriage.


In the image we can see a married couple with a young man, he is doing what he is doing, the husband who is setting the table is learning, so he is paying attention to the details of his father to know how to be a good husband and that is Interestingly, young people can learn a lot at home before leaving and know how they should treat marriage if they pay close attention to their parents and begin to collaborate on tasks.

Because normally I remember when I was a child that men were the lords of the house, so they taught us girls to wash, clean, do everything we had to do in the house, but the men were the lords, so of course here what is showing is that the young man is helping in the kitchen, he along with his sister, and probably his mother, then they are learning to manage their house, because if one day this person, as is shown, wants to get married or wants to run a house or wants To be a pioneer in another place, you will have to do all those things, then of course you are learning to be a person who is cleaning your house and who is really learning to be mature.

I see a couple that has a child and the child will always see the example that the father does, so the father collaborates and the leader is not the one who says boss but who does and makes others do too.

A young brother helps his parents set the table before they all eat together. Jehovah wants the husband to love his wife and his children, and take care of them physically, emotionally, and above all spiritually. (See paragraph 17).

18. How can a young person prepare to be a good father?

Well, you can prepare, for example, by following the beautiful example of Jehovah, right? Jehovah had no qualms about telling Jesus that he loved him very much and that he gave him his approval in Mark 1:11. He said to him, "You are my beloved son, so parents can assure them." their children who love them very much and congratulate them when they do things well.


A young man can prepare to be a good father by learning from Jehovah's example of loving and approving his children, cultivating the habit of expressing love and praising his children for doing things well, and we can begin now by treating to the family and brothers of the congregation, and learn to express their love and appreciation.

So, in order to prepare the young man, now that perhaps he is not married and does not have children, he can do so by treating his family with affection to the brothers of the congregation and learn to tell the brothers that he loves them and values ​​them, thus It will be easier if one day he gets married and has children, he can also express it to his family. In John 15:9 we see the example of Jesus who says that just as his father had loved him, he loved his disciples too.


19, 20. What must a young brother do to become a mature Christian? (Look at the cover images).

You have to know how to choose good examples and also acquire the ability to think and be reliable and learn to put it into practice.


What a young brother has to do to become a mature Christian is to look for role models, such as the servants of God of the past. Also examples within the congregation that reflect biblical principles and Christian values. Develop discernment to make informed decisions based on biblical principles, fulfill assigned responsibilities, be honest and trustworthy in all areas of life.

Perhaps thinking about all these things, perhaps we can think that it is too much for the person but he says that we do not have to be discouraged, you can achieve it. Why, Because in Isaiah Jehovah invites us, he extends his hand to us and tells us to take hold of him and says that we will not be afraid so this gives us confidence that all of us here, both the young people and the sisters, can achieve these goals because we have Jehovah at our side.


In the image we see the different brothers that throughout the study of the Watchtower we have been analyzing have learned practical skills, have cultivated qualities and now make them available for the benefit of the brothers of the congregation, we see a young brother who is dealing with affectionately and with love to an older brother another is putting into practice his public reading his teaching or participating in construction work in the preaching, so not only does it make them better people to acquire skills work on qualities but it also makes everyone in the congregation We benefit and we love them very much for it.

Yes, Isaiah 41 verses 10 and 13 are cited, which is a text for many of us who remember him often and for an even more young man, Jehovah says that he is with us and that he has us grasped with his right hand, so even if it seems that The challenges are sometimes great knowing that one has Jehovah's approval and is with us because this must be a very good help.

Also in that text he mentions do not be afraid in both quotes, so he encourages the young brothers to be brave and to strive to achieve things because with Jehovah's help of course they will achieve them.

The brothers in the previous photos participating in spiritual activities with joy. 1. The brother who meditated is now preaching. 2. The brother who helped his parents set the table is teaching an older brother how to use his tablet. 3. The brother who was in the reading and writing class is doing an assignment at a congregation meeting. 4. The brother who was learning carpentry is operating a jigsaw on a construction project. Many young people have put into practice what they learned in the Bible and have become mature Christians. (See paragraphs 19 and 20).


Psalm 119:9

You must put into practice all the knowledge you acquire during your study.


The text invites us to learn biblical principles, reflect on how to apply them in our lives, then use this knowledge to make decisions that are aligned with God's will. Developing the ability to think is essential to achieving Christian maturity, as it allows us to grow in spiritual discernment and make decisions that reflect our commitment to faith.

There he is advised to act in accordance with his word with the word of Jehovah and the ability to think is associated, so what the young person has to have is that ability to think past precisely the word of the Bible that helps him make good decisions.

Psalm 1:1-3

It highlights the importance of receiving guidance and teaching from men who can effectively communicate biblical principles and offer advice based on the word of God. So in addition to learning to read and write well, the young brother will be better equipped to prepare speeches and comments that strengthen the faith of others. With solid skills such as reading and writing he will be able to participate more actively in studies, meetings, assemblies, better understand the speeches and take notes that strengthen his own faith and encourage other brothers.

Well, we learn that for a mature man to be happy and successful he has to read the word of Jehovah day and night and meditate on it and for this man to be able to do it correctly he has to know how to read and write correctly so that what he reads know how to reason correctly and know how to meditate on what is the true message that the Bible wants to convey, in this way it will not only be useful for him and for example his daily work but the most important thing is that it will be useful in the congregation to give advice and Help others by giving these tips from the Bible. 

1 Timothy 5:8

Yes there it is talking about that he who has to support his family first of all his house, then for the young people he must learn, for example, some trade or something so that he can manage to support his family, also prepare himself spiritually so that later he can encourage the family to teach the truth and also to the brothers.


And we have also learned that young people have to make an effort, if they have a job, to do it as if it were for Jehovah to be Authentic and faithful in their work and that way they will make a good name for themselves. 

The lesson of 1 Timothy 5:8 is clear, In addition to learning to support himself and his family, a young brother must also learn to work hard and complete the tasks assigned to him. This will help you cultivate a good reputation, which will increase your chances of getting and keeping a job. Since it is important to be diligent and responsible in all areas of life to ensure spiritual success.

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