Sunday, March 10, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week March 11 to 17, 2024, “Jehovah is […] my deliverer”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: March 11-17, 2024, “Jehovah is […] my deliverer”, Prepared Discourse. 

“Jehovah is […] my deliverer” (10 mins.)

By nature, many of us are fearful, others have a phobia of certain things that are insignificant for some, like a spider, which for someone would be something terrible for their health, due to the tension it causes for the person who has that type of phobia.

But, regardless of whether one shows fear or not, we are all fearful within us, and Jehovah knows it. Therefore, do you remember, what is the new text of the year in each Kingdom Hall? It's Psalm 56 3, when I'm afraid I put my trust in you.

This text reminds us that at any moment we will feel fear of a new assignment, a difficult situation in our family, illness or financial problems. King David also felt it, which is why the title of this section of Treasures of the Bible: "Jehovah is my liberator." And yes, David went through very complicated situations not to be afraid, but to be terrified.

If we see in the Illustration that we have in our Activities Guide, we have four images: In the first there is a man, David, who is in front of a bonfire warming himself at night and remembering three events that caused terror in any of us, the First, when you faced a bear, you see the size comparison between the bear and David. Do you know that a bear can measure between one meter and 2.8 meters? That is, almost 3 meters, which is why it looks gigantic next to David for other brothers from other countries is roughly equivalent to between 39 inches and 110 inches, the size of the bear, the weight of a bear can be between 27 and 780 kg, that is, almost 1800 pounds, to be terrified, isn't it? 

In the second image we have here a lion, whom David has managed to kill. How tall can a lion be? between 1.7 and 2.5 meters, that is, between 66 and 98 inches, the lion's tail alone can measure almost one meter, that is, 39 inches, and the weight of a lion can be between 150 and 250 kilos, that is, up to 551 pounds. See in the second image the relationship between David and León's size enough to be terrifying. 

And in the third scene we see David on Goliath. In the Bible it is said that this man measured six cubits and a span, that is, 2.9 meters, almost three meters, by 10 cm, he would reach 3 m high, that is, 114 inches, and we can already imagine the power, the strength, the body. He had only his armor, his cuirass weighed 57 kg, that is, 125 pounds. How impressive would it have been to have that man in front of you? To be afraid, no, it was to be terrified. On these three occasions that David faced, that is why he said: Jehovah is my deliverer.

He was alive only by the power of Jehovah, and is it not true that we also face enormous situations, very enormous compared to our physical build or our intellectual preparation? And it is not true that when those moments come we can say the same words that David said in Psalm 18 1 and 2.


I love you, oh Jehovah, my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, my powerful savior, my safe refuge.

You can see there in the reading, 9 graphic descriptions of how Jehovah protected him in different ways, not only did he protect, he also liberated. And graphically speaking, at certain moments one needs something different from another moment. For example, if there is a heavy rain with a storm, we can go inside a shelter in a cave and we can be protected there. 

But yes, we are going to be attacked, perhaps by a wild animal or domestic animal that is very angry, it is true that we do not necessarily need a shelter to go into, but rather someone to free us from that danger, and Jehovah can become any of these. nine things according to our circumstances.

Jehovah, at least in this graph, on three occasions delivered David from situations where his life was in danger when we went through difficult situations in our lives. What do we normally do to turn to our liberator? In Psalm 18:6 we read: 


In my anguish I called to Jehovah, shouting I continued asking my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice, my cries for help reached his ears.

Therefore, it is good that the slave has scheduled this discourse on treasures of the Bible with the study of the Watchtower this weekend, everything goes hand in hand, because fear, fear comes to all of us at some point and we want demonstrate trust in Jehovah. 

And Jehovah is willing to listen to us, as Psalm 18:6 said, we can address him a prayer audibly, as well as just with our thoughts he listens to the request, the help, that the Christian is requesting. David felt the hand of Jehovah many times, we can also feel it here in Psalm 18:16 and 17 we read: 


He stretched out his hand from above; He grabbed me and pulled me out of deep water. 17 He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from those who hated me, who were stronger than me.

Perhaps David was referring to these three occasions, a bear, a lion or Goliath, who were stronger than him. At times he could be doubling his size and his weight many times over. That is why when we face very difficult situations in our lives, let us cry out to Jehovah for his help, he will listen to us and become what we need at that moment, a rock, a refuge or our liberator.

It is worth highlighting what it says in the note of our activity guide, sometimes Jehovah decides to eliminate the test, just as he did in the case of David, with those three recorded occasions. But he often gives us a way out in another way, that is, he gives us what is necessary to endure the trial, perhaps he does not take the trial away from us, but he does help us endure. It is a beautiful text that mentions here 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 and says like this...


You have not been presented with any temptation that is not common to all people. But God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when temptation comes, he will also give you a way out so that you can endure it.

The text is clear, what happens to us has already happened to someone else, it had a solution. So our situation is not an exceptional case, it is something that millions of people have already suffered or have experienced throughout the history of humanity. Therefore Jehovah watches us to see if we are being tempted beyond what we can bear, and when we see that we have reached the limit he will give us a way out. Or maybe he decides to take away the trial we are going through or maybe he decides to give us the strength to endure. 

It is possible that our situation will only have a solution in the new world. But it helps us to be happy, it helps us face enormous problems or situations, like a bear, like a lion, or like Goliath himself. We are afraid, yes we are all afraid, we face complicated situations in our lives but Jehovah is our Deliverer. 

Just as he helped David, Jehovah ensures that today each of his servants receives the encouragement and help necessary to endure any situation that arises, no matter how enormous it may be. 

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