Friday, November 10, 2023

The Watchtower Study, “Article 37”, Week of November 6-12, 2023, Lean on Jehovah, Just as Samson Did, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, “Article 37”, 6-12-November-2023, Lean on Jehovah, Just as Samson Did, Answers. 

“Sovereign Lord Jehovah, please remember me. Oh, God, give me strength” (JUDGE 16:28).

1, 2. Why is it good for us to study the life of Samson?

Since childhood we have been taught that Samson was a very strong man. But beyond his strength, Samson was a man who feared the Lord. He made mistakes as an imperfect hand, one in particular, a very big one. However, even so, Jehovah forgave him.

Many years later, Jehovah inspired Paul to speak about Samson. In Hebrews 11:32-34, we see how Paul speaks of Samson among many other prophets, praising his faithfulness and dedication to Jehovah. Samson relied on Jehovah, even in the worst circumstances.


3. What mission did Samson receive?

We know that the Israelites had done evil things in the eyes of Jehovah, therefore he allowed the Philistines to rule the people of Israel for 40 years.

The Philistines treated the people of Israel very harshly, so Jehovah decided to send someone to save them from that oppression.

In Judges 13:15, we see how an angel of Jehovah appeared to Samson's mother, who was barren, telling her that she was going to have a son, who would be the Savior of the people of Israel. 

4. How did Jehovah help Samson? (Judges 15:14-16).

After burning the Philistines' wheat fields, Samson takes refuge in a cave in Etám. While Samson is there, the Philistines arrived from Lehi to take him prisoner. The Jews, moved by fear and the threat of the Philistines. So as we see in Judges 15:14-16, at that moment, the spirit of the Lord filled him with power and the leaves that held his arms fell apart, and the shackles fell from his hands as if he had been broken. melted. Which allowed him to kill a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey that he found on the ground.

5. How did Samson demonstrate his trust in Jehovah?

He demonstrated confidence in Jehovah by not considering for a moment the possibility of not being able to defeat the Philistines, no matter how many they were. Samson knew that with faith in Jehovah and any weapon, no matter how simple it was, he could defeat any army, no matter how large and powerful it was.


Samson grabs the jawbone of a donkey as the Philistine army approaches. Samson trusted in Jehovah and was adaptable. He used what he had at hand to do God's will. (See paragraphs 4 and 5).

6. What is one lesson we can learn from the story of Samson?

We see how Samson applied what we read in Proverbs 16:13. Where he tells us to leave everything we do in the hands of Jehovah, and thus our plans will turn out well. With this idea in mind, let us do like Samson, trust that Jehovah will help us with any burden or task that is assigned to us, both in our lives and in the congregation. 

7. What example demonstrates the importance of seeking guidance from Jehovah?

In recent years, Jehovah's people are growing a lot. Therefore, the responsible brothers, seeking guidance from Jehovah, began to purchase buildings and premises to make new Kingdom Halls, instead of building them from scratch. With this new method, it became clear that Jehovah was blessing these changes. This case demonstrates once again that Jehovah is guiding his people so that his will is fulfilled.


8. What did Samson do when he became very thirsty?

Samson could have easily fetched water on his own, yet he recognized that with Jehovah's help he was able to defeat the thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. That strengthened his trust in Jehovah, and he most likely thought that if he could help him in a critical situation, he could also help him quench his thirst. Which is why he asked Jehovah to help him.

These words teach us that we should not try to solve things on our own, but rather we should always trust in Jehovah, because he will provide us with what we need. 

9. How did Jehovah respond to Samson's request? (Judges 15:19).

Jehovah with his great power miraculously caused water to flow, and Samson drank this water, and as a result he regained his strength and revived.

The Lord caused water to flow from a hole in Lehi. By drinking that water, Samson regained his strength. Currently, water is still gushing out of that hole. Knowing this, we must be assured that if we lean on Jehovah, he will help and comfort us in difficult times. 

10. What should we do so that Jehovah can help us? (See also images).

For Jehovah to help us, we must go to him, be modest and admit that things will only go well for us if we lean on Jehovah. Just as Samson regained his energy when he drank Jehovah's water, we will also be spiritually strong if we take advantage of all the help that we have. Jehovah provides us through his organization.

In Matthew 11:28 it says: Come to me, all you who work hard and are overburdened, and I will give you relief. Applying these words, let us be aware that we all need Jehovah's help at some point. As the text says, Jehovah will relieve us of the burdens we carry. For this reason we must take advantage of the spiritual help that Jehovah gives us.


Samson grabs the jawbone of a donkey as the Philistine army approaches. Samson trusted in Jehovah and was adaptable. He used what he had at hand to do God's will. (See paragraphs 4 and 5). Samson takes water from a spring with his hands. Overlaid images: 1. A JW Broadcasting® program. 2. The Bible and several of our publications. 3. Brothers arriving at a Kingdom Hall. Samson regained his energy when he drank the water that Jehovah gave him. We must take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us to be spiritually strong. (See paragraph 10).

11. What should we do to make the most of Jehovah’s help, and what example did a couple set for us?

He advises us to have a program of spiritual activities. For example: Study the Bible and read it daily. Analyze the text of the day and pray to Jehovah, go to meetings and preach. If we do these things, Jehovah will bless us and strengthen us just as he did with Samson. The example that this marriage sets for us is to not rely on ourselves, but on Jehovah.

The example that this marriage sets for us is to not rely on ourselves, but on Jehovah. He also advises us to have a program of spiritual activities. For example: Study the Bible and read it daily. Analyze the text of the day and pray to Jehovah, go to meetings and preach. If we do these things, Jehovah will bless us and strengthen us just as he did with Samson.


12. What bad decision did Samson make, and why was it different from previous ones?

Samson throughout his life based his decisions on the mandate that Jehovah had given him, which was to fight the Philistines and free the people of Israel. In Judges 16 4, we see how Samson fell in love with Delilah. This relationship was unproductive for Samson's purpose, because Delilah was Jewish and this relationship did not help Samson in his fight against the Philistines.

Therefore that was a bad decision on Samson's part. This decision was actually very expensive for Samson, since it brought him terrible consequences.

Before meeting Delilah we see that Samson had the approval and help of Jehovah. In Judges 21:1-3. We read how Samson, being at home in the house of a prostitute, was surrounded by Philistines who wanted to arrest him when he left there. However, Samson, with the help of Jehovah, managed to leave the house, outwitting the Philistines, and breaking the gates of the city, thus leaving the city without defenses, thus fulfilling Jehovah's command.

13. What did Delilah do to trap Samson?

Continuing with the bad decision that Samson made, falling in love with Delilah, we have seen how Delilah betrays Samson, selling the secret of Samson's tremendous strength to the Philistines in exchange for money.

Delilah took advantage of Samson's trust and love for her to find out the secret of his tremendous strength. We see that making the bad decision to stay with Delilah led Samson to be disapproved of by Jehovah for a time.

14. How did Samson end up trusting Delilah?

Samson was very in love with Delilah, so much so that he came to have more trust with her than with Jehovah. We see that this was a bad choice, because Delilah betrayed Samson, revealing to the Philistines the secret of Samson's strength.

The Philistines who hated Samson took revenge on him, seizing him, gouging out his eyes, and turning a millstone in prison. The Philistine rulers even used Samson to entertain them at their parties, while they mocked and insulted him.

15. How did Samson show that he was leaning on Jehovah again? (Judges 16:28-30; see cover art.)

As we have read in the text, Samson, aware of his great mistake, explained to Jehovah, so that he would allow him to take revenge on the Philistines once again. Jehovah heard his plea and restored Samson's strength. At that moment, Samson placed his hands on the columns of the house, and pushing them, he caused the house to fall on the rulers and all the people who were at the celebration. 

The text ends by saying that Samson on this occasion killed more Philistines than he had killed in his entire life. Samson repentantly prayed to Jehovah, and Jehovah did not listen.


Samson pushes two columns with all his strength, and the building collapses. Jehovah gave Samson strength to carry out his sentence against the Philistines. (See paragraph 15).

16. What do we learn from Samson?

The life and experience of Samson teaches us today that we must remain in the path of Jehovah, but if on any occasion we do something reckless or bad in the eyes of Jehovah, let us not give up or think that Jehovah is no longer He will forgive us.

We must remember that like Samson, each day one of us can be very useful to Jehovah in many ways. In Psalms 10:3-9 we are reminded that Jehovah will not continually point out our faults nor will he be resentful forever.

17, 18. Why are you encouraged by Michael's example? (See also images).

This brother's experience encourages us and helps us not give up. In the case of this brother, by mistake he lost his privileges in the congregation and thought that he could not recover his friendship with Jehovah. If this were our case, we must remember the words quoted in Psalm 86:5 where we are told. that Jehovah is so good and willing to forgive, since his loyal love for all who seek him is immense.

With these words in mind we must pray to Jehovah and go to the elders because Jehovah Forgives anyone who truly repents. Since as we read in Proverbs 28:13, he who hides his sins will not do well.


Series of images: 1. A very sad brother with the Bible open at his side. 2. The brother talks to two old men. 3. He meditates on what he is reading on his tablet. 4. Listen carefully at a Kingdom Hall meeting. 5. Give a speech at a meeting. Samson probably felt very bad because of his mistake, but he did not give up. We should not give up either. (See paragraphs 17 and 18).

19. How has Samson's example strengthened you?

Samson was an imperfect man and as such, he made mistakes, but even so he never gave up or gave up, he remained faithful to Jehovah. Many years later Paul wrote about Samson in his letter to the Hebrews, showing that the faithfulness and faith that Samson had made Jehovah reward him.

In the same way, Jehovah considers us faithful people, even though on occasion we may make a mistake. If this is our case, let us remember the prayer that Samson made to Jehovah, described in Judges 16:28, and let us ask Jehovah to remember us and give us strength.


How do we show that we trust in Jehovah, just as Samson did?

Samson demonstrated confidence in Jehovah by never considering for a moment the possibility that he would not be able to face the Philistines, no matter how many they were. We know that by having faith in Jehovah we can face any problem or trial that comes our way. 

What help did Jehovah give Samson to continue fighting against the Philistines?

Jehovah gave Samson extraordinary strength to fight against the Philistines. Although Samson lost that gift by trusting Delilah, we see that Jehovah gave him that power again to make one last action against the Philistines. 

What do we learn from what Samson did after making a mistake?

We learn that we should not give up, on the contrary we should pray to Jehovah as indicated in Judges 16:28. Since Jehovah never gives us up for lost and forgives us as long as we repent from the heart.

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