Monday, October 2, 2023

Study of the Congregation Book, Week of October 2 to 8, 2023, Lesson 59 point 6, summary, review and “Purpose this”, You can endure persecution, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, October 2-8, 2023, Lesson 59 point 6, summary, review and “Purpose this”, You can endure persecution, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 59 point 6, summary, review and “Purpose this.”

6. Jehovah will help you endure

Jehovah's Witnesses of different ages and countries have managed to be faithful to Jehovah despite persecution. To find out how they have achieved it, watch the VIDEO. Then talk about the following:

VIDEO: Jehovah will strengthen me (3:40)

What helped these Witnesses endure persecution?

We see that these brothers reflected on Biblical passages that they had in their minds, through this reflection they received guidance from Jehovah, in addition they also opened their hearts to Jehovah through prayer. By doing these things they felt that Jehovah was there with them. So through prayer, and through reflecting on Bible passages they were able to continue trusting in Jehovah, they acquired the confidence necessary to continue facing the difficulties they were facing.


As could be seen in the video, these brothers found comfort and strength, because they reviewed biblical texts at the beginning of their day. This provided them with spiritual guidance and in turn reminded them of their core beliefs.

Prayer was an important source of emotional and spiritual support. Because by communicating with God through prayer, they felt connected to him like a loving father and found comfort in sharing his feelings and concerns.

Valuing their friendship with Jehovah is what helps many witnesses, and in this case it was no exception, since as we saw in the video, their relationship with God was a close and significant friendship. This relationship helped them feel supported and cared for during these difficult times.

Read Romans 8:35 and 37-39, and also Philippians 4:13. After reading each text, talk about the following:

How does this text guarantee that you can endure any test?

Romans 8:35 and 37 to 39, gives us the guarantee that if we endure persecution and opposition and despite them we are loyal to Jehovah, regardless of the difficulties, persecution, hunger or danger we are in, all this will help us. to be able to face these situations, since none of this can separate us from the love that Jehovah has shown us. On the other hand, we can be sure that he will never abandon us, he will take care of us and give us the strength to move forward.


These verses ensure that no one can separate us from the love of God. This means that no matter what difficulties, tribulations, persecutions or challenges we face in life, God's love will always be present and will never abandon us. 

Furthermore the passage states that “We are more than conquerors” through him who loved us, indicating that we can not only withstand trials, but we will also prevail over them because of the love and strength that God provides us.

In Philippians 4:13, this verse states that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. This means that when we trust in the strength and power of Christ, we are able to face any situation, overcome obstacles, and persevere through the trials that life throws at us. Faith in Christ gives us the ability to find the strength necessary to overcome the challenges we face.

Read Matthew 5:10-12 and talk about the following:

Why can he be happy despite the persecution?

We are happy because we know that if we have to suffer for doing good even though said suffering is unpleasant, we can be happy knowing that we have the support and backing of our loving father, and we can have the privilege of serving Jehovah now and in the future. Jehovah will certainly reward our gauntlet and knowing that he is not in vain makes us truly happy.


When Jesus says that those who are persecuted for righteousness are happy, he is highlighting that even in the midst of persecution and suffering, there is deep happiness and spiritual satisfaction for those who follow righteous principles and remain faithful to Jehovah.

Well, here is one of the reasons, for example: Jesus also promises a great reward to those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness. So this means that despite the difficulties we face in life, we can trust that God will richly reward us in the future, this promise of an eternal and abundant reward, as it brings comfort and joy to those who face persecution. 

Persecution for the sake of righteousness implies that a person is following a path that is right and pleasing to God. This awareness of being on the right path and fulfilling God's will can bring deep satisfaction and a sense of purpose, which contributes to happiness despite difficulties. 

WHAT SOME SAY: “I couldn't stand the persecution.”

What biblical texts could give someone who thinks this way the confidence they need?

We could share texts like Romans 8:35 and Philippians 4:13 to help others not fear if they had to experience persecution in the future. Reminding them that Jehovah will not leave us and that he will be with us, giving us strength and will reward us, will undoubtedly give them the courage necessary not to fear. 


Philippians 4:13 emphasizes that, with the help of Christ, we can face any situation and overcome it. He reminds us that we are not alone in our difficulties and that we can find strength in Him.

2 Timothy 1:7, this verse reminds us that God has given us a spirit of power and courage, instead of fear. So this encourages us to trust in the strength that God provides us.

Isaiah 41:10, this passage highlights the constant presence of God and his commitment to strengthen us and help us in times of difficulty.

Psalm 27:1, this Psalm highlights the security and protection found in God, giving us confidence to face any adversity.

Romans 8:31, this verse emphasizes that, if we have God on our side, no matter who opposes us, his support is the most powerful thing he can give us. 


Jehovah greatly values ​​our efforts to serve him despite being persecuted. With the help of him we can endure!


Why should we Christians not be surprised that they persecute us?

Because as we have seen in this lesson, if Jesus and the apostles were persecuted, we recognize that we will also be persecuted. We will not be the exception. And that is why we are not surprised. In fact, Jesus Christ prepares us in advance to face persecution.


Because the Bible, in multiple passages, predicts the persecution of Christ's followers. Jesus himself warned his disciples that they would face hostility and persecution because of his name, these warnings prepare us for the reality of persecution.

Throughout history, Christians have faced persecution in various forms and different parts of the world. And today is no exception, and the Christian faith is often in conflict with opposing values ​​and belief systems. When Christian values ​​clash with those of the world, persecution arises as a result of this conflict.

How can you prepare now for when persecution comes?

If now we have to suffer opposition from our relatives and we endure and give up, Jehovah promises that if we lose our loved ones because of him, he will take care of it and will not reward. 


Prayer is a fundamental way of communicating with God and strengthening our relationship with him. In times of persecution or difficulty, prayer can provide comfort, direction, and spiritual strength.

Reading the Bible is essential to understanding the principles and teachings of the faith. The Bible offers moral and spiritual guidance, as well as examples such as servants of the past who throughout history have faced adversity with God's help.

Participating in congregation meetings is an important way to strengthen our faith, as these meetings offer spiritual teachings, fellowship, and emotional support, which can be essential in times of persecution.

Preaching, or sharing faith with others, is a fundamental part of our worship, since by preaching regularly we strengthen our trust in God and overcome fear of opposition. It also gives us an opportunity to show how much we love Jehovah and how much we want to show loyalty.

What convinces you that you can serve Jehovah no matter what?

If we strive to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah, this will strengthen our faith in him, and in this way no matter what happens we can serve with full confidence that we serve Jehovah the true God loyally, and that it will be worth suffering. because of his Name. 

I have personally experienced his guidance and protection in my life, which strengthens me and motivates me to continue serving him. I am also convinced by the example of other faithful servants of Jehovah who have faced many trials and difficulties, but have persevered in their service despite everything.

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