Sunday, October 1, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, November 1, 2023, All of them will be taught by Jehovah (John 6:45).

DAILY TEXT, From Wednesday, November 1, 2023, All of them will be taught by Jehovah (John 6:45).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Wednesday, November 1

They will all be taught by Jehovah (John 6:45).

Jehovah supports us in many ways. For example, he can help us stay calm when someone in the service treats us badly. He can also help us remember just the right text when speaking to an interested person. And he gives us the strength we need to move forward when we face the indifference of the territory (Jer. 20: 7-9). Jehovah has also shown us his goodness by training us for the ministry. At the midweek meeting, we are presented with thoughtful conversation ideas and encouraged to use them in our preaching. When thinking about trying something new, we may get a little nervous at first. But, when we do, we find that these suggestions work very well in our territory. We are also encouraged in meetings and assemblies to engage in ways of preaching that we may never have tried before. This can also cause us to leave our comfort zone. But if we do so, we give Jehovah something to bless. w21.08 27 paras. 5, 6. 

According to Psalm 34:8, what should we do to discover how good Jehovah is?

LET'S IMAGINE that someone offers us something to eat that we have never tried. We can get an idea of ​​its flavor by seeing it, smelling it, getting the recipe or asking someone if they like it. But the only way to know if we like it is to try it.

Similarly, we can get an idea of ​​Jehovah’s goodness by reading the Bible and our literature, as well as by listening to others talk about how Jehovah has blessed them. But we can only truly understand how good Jehovah is by “tasting” his goodness for ourselves. (Read Psalm 34:8.) Let's take an example. Imagine that we want to serve Jehovah full-time, but to do so we have to simplify our lives. We may have read many times Jesus' promise that if we put the interests of the Kingdom first, Jehovah will give us the things we need, but we may never have experienced the fulfillment of that promise for ourselves. (Matt. 6: 33). Still, because we have faith in the promise of Jesus, we reduce our expenses and our work hours, and we focus on preaching. As we do so, we see with our own eyes that Jehovah truly cares for us. And so we personally taste the goodness of Jehovah.

In harmony with Psalm 16:1, 2, who benefits from Jehovah's goodness?

Jehovah is “good to everyone,” even those who do not know him (Ps. 145:9; Matt. 5:45). But he especially blesses those who love him and serve him with all their soul (read Psalm 16:1, 2). Let's look at some of the good things that Jehovah has done for us.

How does Jehovah show his kindness to those who begin to draw closer to him?

Every time we apply what we learn about Jehovah, we see the good effects in our lives. As we learned about him and came to love him, he helped us change ways of thinking and acting that kept us separated from him (Col. 1:21). And when we dedicated our lives to him and were baptized, he showed us even more of his goodness by allowing us to have a good conscience and a close friendship with him (1 Pet. 3:21).

What blessing do we receive when we strive to increase our ministry?

We draw even closer to Jehovah. Let's look at the example of an elder named Samuel, b who serves with his wife in Colombia. They enjoyed pioneering in their home congregation, but wanted to increase their ministry by helping a congregation where there was greater need. To achieve this, they had to make some sacrifices. Samuel says: “We apply Matthew 6:33 and stop making unnecessary purchases. But the hardest thing was leaving our apartment, which had been custom designed for us and was fully paid for.” In their new assignment, they found that they could live on only one-sixth of their previous income. Samuel adds: “We have seen how Jehovah guides our steps and answers our prayers. We felt approval from him and love from him in ways we had never experienced before.” Can you increase your ministry in any way? If so, you can be sure that you will draw closer to Jehovah and that he will take care of you.​—Ps. 18:25.

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