Monday, August 7, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of August 7-13, 2023, "Nehemiah wanted to serve others, not to be served", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, 7-13-August-2023, "Nehemiah wanted to serve others, not to be served", Prepared Speech. 

“Nehemiah wanted to serve others, not be served” (10 min.)

Did you know that the most beautiful human work is to be useful to others? Nehemiah clearly knew this, and we say this because he wanted to serve others, not be served, which is why he did not take advantage of his authority.

Nehemiah not only contributed his time and organizational skills, but also made his material resources available for true worship. He redeemed with his own money his Jewish brothers who were in slavery and granted interest-free loans.

In addition, he never made his term "Heavy" because he did not demand his salary as governor.

On the contrary, the doors of his house were always open to feed 150 men and those who came to them from the surrounding nations.

Daily he offered his guests a bull, six select sheep and birds, and every 10 days, all sorts of wine in abundance. And all from his pocket.

As we have noted, Nehemiah served others and always gave his help generously, regardless of the cost, he never did it to expect anything in return, he did it because it came from his heart. please direct his attention to the book of nehemiah Chapter 5 and Verse 16, if he found it please accompany me with the reading it says like this:


What's more, I myself collaborated in the reconstruction of the wall. All my helpers were working there, and we didn't buy any land.

According to the text read, we see that Nehemiah did not take advantage of his authority at any time and did not limit himself to supervising, but rather participated in the works with the help of Jehovah. 

Nehemiah and those who were with him strengthened their hands for the good work. And what was the result? They built the walls of Jerusalem in just 50 days.

Today, in the same way, many dedicated elders have imitated Nehemiah by helping to build the buildings we use to serve God or to clean and maintain the Kingdom hall. In addition, they preach with the brothers and make shepherding visits to them. Thus, they strengthen the hands of the weak who are anxious at heart. Now let's please read Nehemiah chapter 5 and verse 19. And let's see what attitude Nehemiah had.


My God, remember me for good* for all I have done for this people.

As we can see, Nehemiah always had a positive attitude, he asked Jehovah not to forget him for everything he had done to help his people. Jehovah blessed his efforts so that true worship was restored in Jerusalem.

Although Nehemiah was the governor, he did not expect special treatment. What a fine example for those with special assignments or responsibilities in the congregation. That is why, dear brothers, let us ask ourselves. What is more important to me? Doing things for others, or having others do things for me?

The answer is more than evident, seeing this great example, the most important thing is to serve others and be aware of our neighbor. In conclusion, let's imitate Nehemiah and remember that happiness is found in serving Jehovah and also serving others.

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