Friday, August 11, 2023

Study of the Watchtower, You can reach your spiritual goals, Week of August 7 to 13, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Study of the Watchtower, You can reach your spiritual goals, 7-13-August-2023, Comments and Answers.

"Let us not stop doing what is right, for in due time we will reap if we do not get tired" (GAL. 6:9).

1. What struggle do many of us have?

Many of us struggle to achieve our spiritual goals, since most of them are very difficult to achieve. For example, make deep prayers and more often arrive early to meetings.


We have to take into account that a spiritual goal is when we set ourselves the goal of serving Jehovah and making him happy. For example, improving in the field of reading the Bible and in some facet of our worship, are some examples of spiritual goals that we can set ourselves.

Well, not being able to meet some goals as we would like, here he names three brothers such as Philips who found it difficult to find moments to talk with Jehovah, there was also Erika who could not arrive early for the sermons and finally Tomás who could not getting to read the Bible in its entirety, so there are many struggles that we all have that due to circumstances sometimes get complicated.

There he tells us about spiritual goals and defines them as objectives that we strive to achieve to serve Jehovah more and make him happy and mentions, for example, that we can propose to cultivate a Christian quality or improve in some facet of our worship such as reading the Bible personal study or preaching.

2. Why shouldn't we get discouraged if we have a spiritual goal that we haven't reached yet?

We should not get discouraged if we have a spiritual goal that we have not yet reached, because we must be aware that even a smaller goal than ours requires time and effort to be achieved. And the fact that we don't give up shows how much we value our friendship with Jehovah.


On the other hand, we must be realistic when considering whether it is within our possibilities to achieve the goal we set for ourselves. In those cases we could consider a goal that is easier to achieve.

Psalms 103:14 we see that Jehovah is aware that we have limitations. We must do the same when setting goals, we have to make sure if they are realistic or not.

Well, it is very difficult for me to reach the spiritual goal that I want so much and I try hard all the time I ask Jehovah to help me not to give up and achieve this goal to serve Jehovah more and make them happy and give him the best of me.

One piece of advice that I considered important is that each one of us make sure that our goal is realistic with oneself, that we can also recognize our limitations a bit, what things we can do and what things don't work out for us, for example, and thus be able to make sure that our goal is reasonable with yourself and thus not get discouraged.

Well, what Jehovah values ​​a lot about us is that he does not give up in those moments and also what Jehovah values ​​that our friendship with him and that we want to give him the best, as Psalm 103:14 says, he knows that we are dust but what he values ​​of is that we keep going despite everything.


3. Why is it important to be motivated?

Because when we are determined and motivated to achieve a goal, we do everything possible to achieve it, and it will be much more bearable and easier to achieve it.


Well, it is important to have motivation because if we have motivation we will want to achieve our objectives and we will give our best.

And the example of a sailboat is also shown when the wind pushes it if the wind continues to blow it is likely that the sailboat will reach its destination and if it blows hard it may even arrive earlier than expected, so this shows us an example in a similar way that when we feel motivated we are very likely to reach our safest goals.

Also something that we have to always keep in mind regarding motivation is asking ourselves why, motivation is knowing why we are doing such a thing that is not a daily routine like going to work or the cleaning that we do that is our home housewives always have a reason why we do things, the motivation regarding the spiritual has to be clear and precise.

For example, here the brother named David says that when he feels motivated he tries harder and even does everything possible so that nothing prevents him from reaching his goal.

4. What can we ask Jehovah? (Philippians 2:13; see also image.)

As Philippians 2:13 says, we can ask him to give us the energy, strength, desire and motivation we need to meet our goal.


Sister Norina went through demotivation when it came to reaching her goal of leading a Bible course, because she felt that she was not a good teacher. What she helped her was constantly asking Jehovah to give her the desire she needed to be able to give Bible courses. We could see in the end that Jehovah responded to her, since she was able to give two Bible courses.

That he give us his spirit and also that he give us motivation to reach the goal that one wants.

As was recently read in Philippians 2:13, Jehovah fills us with energy and gives us both the desire and the strength to act, whether we have an objective, a goal to achieve, Jehovah will help us with that goal, as happened to Norina, she started to ask Jehovah every day to help him have more desire to teach the Bible and that is how after a few months he began two Bible courses.

I can also ask Jehovah to help me with his Holy Spirit to understand more quickly, have more knowledge and thus grow spiritually and also belong to his people.

And how the paragraph also makes us see that sometimes perhaps we set ourselves an objective because we know that it is our duty but perhaps we do not have that desire to do it so well then we can also ask him as Philippian said that Jehovah is going to give us not only the desire but the forces as well.


In the image we see a man sailing on a sailboat. We see that he takes advantage of the wind to be able to drive the ship, direct it and thus reach his destination. In the same way when we ask Jehovah in prayer to give us the motivation we need, He will give it to us, and it is like that wind of the Enlightenment. And that wind will help us to reach our goal.

What I see is good that this brother did set a goal to get to a place, well he has the wind in favor but he does not stay still only where the wind goes he has the rudder and a leash who knows how to navigate has to go looking for where he is going the project is being done on their part, so it is also the same when Jehovah asks Jehovah for the motivation he gives us but what do we do when we say we want to have a Bible study we go out to preach then we make return visits we continue making the return visit until Go out to the studio and there is the goal we have achieved.

Here it teaches us that if we ask Jehovah to motivate us to achieve spiritual goals, we will be sure that we will achieve it. Jehovah knows us very well and wants to help us, only he can give us the desire as the strength to act. 

A man in a small boat with full sails. Ask Jehovah for more motivation. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).

5. What can we meditate on to be more motivated?

As Psalm 143:5 says, we can meditate on the things that Jehovah has done for us and the different ways that he has not shown us.


For example, Paul merits in How Jehovah showed love, patience and mercy even when he was a persecutor of Christians in the beginning, he was even assigned as an apostle to the nations. Remembering the undeserved kindness he received from God prompted him to serve him wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, a sister from Honduras tells that her desire to be a pioneer grew stronger when she remembered how much Jehovah loved her, how he cares for her and protects her. In the same way, we will be more motivated to achieve our goals if we meditate on what Jehovah has done for us.

The subtitle in all the things that Jehovah did for us and we must take time for this perhaps reflect on what our life would be like if we were not serving Jehovah what problems we would have what headaches we would have and what we have avoided by being obedient to Jehovah how we take care of how he protects us how he attracted us to the truth all the blessings we have and that we sometimes take for granted, there are biblical examples like the apostle Paul who meditated on this and the result was that it was born from his heart to praise Jehovah is something that It is born to us that when one reflects on this from the heart the desire to serve him with the best that we have our energies and desire springs up, so if we lack motivation we do not feel like perhaps reaching some goal. Well, meditate on everything that Jehovah did for us. it can help.

Of course we see that as Paul says that he saw the undeserved kindness that Jehovah had shown him and good and that prompted him to serve him with all his soul, well we too must reflect on everything that Jehovah gives us and motivate ourselves in the same way to reach the goal that we have postponed.

And that sincere meditation will make us see, as Psalm 116:12 says, how I will repay Jehovah for all the good he has done to me, then one would feel indebted to him but Jehovah does not do it for that reason, on the contrary, that is why when one meditates on everything that Jehovah gives us and the future is going to give us, then really there we find the true motivation, love for Jehovah.

6. What else will help us to be more motivated?

Another thing that will help us to be more motivated is to focus on the advantages that we will enjoy when we reach our goal. For example, a brother named Tomás tells that when he sees that he has many reasons to achieve a goal, he is less likely to give up. That is something that we can do.


Psalm 145:19 we see that Jehovah satisfies the desire of those who fear him. Therefore, we can be sure that as long as our goal does not go against the principles or even to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah or to be able to serve him in more facets, he will help us to achieve it.

Focus on the advantages that we can have to reach a goal, for example, if you want to read the Bible, read the Bible in a year, think if I am constant, I will have more knowledge and I will also surely learn more from Jehovah and get advice from the Bible for my life and improve as a person.

Also the example of our sister, it was difficult for her to arrive early to preach but she saw that when she began to arrive early she had more of a relationship with the brothers she could talk to them and stimulate herself, so she focused on the advantages of being punctual so that she could get its objective.

It is also good to write down all the reasons why you want to achieve that goal and review it from time to time.

Another benefit would be that our friendship with Jehovah can become even stronger.

Tomas mentioned that if I see that I have many reasons to achieve a goal, I am less likely to give up.

7. What did Julio and his wife do to reach their goal?

Julio and his wife followed the advice of Proverbs 13:20, met with wise people, who helped her meet her goal of moving to a place of need.


In fact, in experience we see that their friends had already achieved similar goals and that they supported them when they needed it. For this reason, it is always good that we look for good company in the congregation, since they help us to continue serving Jehovah and give us encouragement to be able to fulfill our spiritual goals.

Well, this couple focused on looking for friends who would support and shared similar goals, including brothers who have already reached those same goals, since you learn a lot from the experiences of others, so in this way they would receive suggestions and much encouragement.

Yes, that's exactly what being with wise people is about, people who are going to help us achieve our goals.


8. What might happen if we only put in effort when we feel motivated? (See also image).

Perhaps we would never achieve our goals. For this reason, we must continue to strive to move forward, because although it requires effort and commitment, it will be worth it.


Well, we are aware that it is not constant and that there are going to be days when we are not motivated, so if our effort depended on that, we may never reach our goal, so as we saw in the example, we must find different ways to move forward mainly For those days when we can't find motivation.

As in the case of the sailboat, it says that when there is no good wind, the sailboat has an engine, it also has an oar to be able to row, perhaps something similar will happen to us, not every time we will have the motivation to continue, but we have to make an effort to have this You win by trying your best to be able to continue and reach the goal.

It happens that when the sailboat is downwind everything helps it is much more bearable easier the objective will be met now if the winds are calm the waters do not help there is no current so that's where the effort comes from, so that's why We will not always have the same motivation and also sometimes we mostly have to work hard.

And without a doubt that he is making an effort, as they usually say, he is rowing it because now, as is generally known, the sea is flat, there is no wind, there is nothing, however, when he had motivation, as we saw previously, he had the rudder in his hand, the sailboat was also guiding him with his hand and he was going in a good direction but now without having motivation he has to apply more strength and effort, so that is what we should think that may not always be the best situation or the best circumstance to achieve our spiritual goals. 


We see the same man in the sailboat rowing, it may be that the wind is not blowing with the same force, or perhaps the wind is absent. Still, as he wants to reach his destination, he begins to row with effort. This makes us see that even if we are discouraged, we can move forward, putting effort and commitment on our part, in order to achieve our spiritual goals.

The same man rowing to continue his journey. He keep trying. (See paragraph 8).

9. Is it okay for us to strive for a goal if we don't feel like doing it?

Yes, it is okay for us to make an effort, and we know it from what 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 says. There Paul showed us that, although it was tiring to fight to improve our qualities or in the Ministry brings good rewards, in fact, Jehovah rewarded him for his hard work. Therefore, we must continue to look at the benefits of continuing to fight to achieve our spiritual goals.


Let's think about Paul's example, he said I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave.

Also in second Corinthians 9:7 Jehovah wants us to serve him with joy and heart not by force but rather that it comes out of our hearts to serve him.

Yes Psalm 100 verse 2 Second Corinthians 9:7 what the little brother said Jehovah does not force us to do his will he wants us to do it with a joyful heart yes, but we could ask ourselves and what if I don't want to set a goal so much Well, it's okay to think like that because I don't have that joy, no, because we have the example of Pablo because it was not easy for him to do it, we know that due to all things, he suffered so much mistreatment that he went through situations that certainly discouraged him as a human being like us. but even so he forced himself, he said that he beat his body and made an effort.

Well, in the Bible it says that we must be courageous, strong, firm, not fall into discouragement so that in this way we can achieve these things, as the race was discussed, we see that there are races in the world of competition where everyone runs and we, as Jehovah's Witness, also run. a race and there are many of us as well as in the world that we run for a prize we see that it is very different from the world race with us as Jehovah's Witness we notice that in the world only one is going to win the race yes but instead we Jehovah's Witnesses are very much what we could manage to win this race of life and that is how we are going to achieve it, that is why we must not fall into discouragement, be coherent, balanced with power, be firm in faith in everything so that that way, that strength that we have not fall into discouragement. 

10. What are the advantages of striving for a goal even when we don't feel motivated?

One of them is that Jehovah will be happy, since we put love into an activity in which we lacked motivation, and just as he rewarded Paul, Jehovah will also bless us for the effort we make.

Psalm 126:5 says that those who sow with tears will reap with shouts of joy. This text brings a very encouraging message, because although it is true that on many occasions when we work on our spiritual goals without motivation, Jehovah blesses our effort and when we see that, we may get that motivation that we so badly need to move forward.

Well, the main thing is that we do it out of love for Jehovah, even if we don't always like the activity that we set as a goal, but Jehovah will bless us if we make an effort and when we see that we will feel more motivated and happy to fulfill it.

And just as Jehovah blessed Paul for his effort, he cannot also bless us, so we have a pretty bad day, we can even say that we feel bad emotionally, but we have to keep in mind what Psalm 126:5 says, those who sow with tears it will reap shouts of joy and it may be that we leave half depressed but we return very happy to have done Jehovah's work.

11. How does Jehovah help us to have more self-control?

Jehovah helps us to have self-control when we ask him in prayer. In fact, self-control is part of the fruit of the spirit, as Galatians 5:22,23 says.


An example of how Jehovah gives us self-control, we saw it in the experience of brother David, who asked Jehovah to have self-control to achieve his goal of being more constant in his personal study, and we see that it helped him, since he started a good program of personal study and stick with it.

Well, we see that if we ask Jehovah to help us have self-control, we can know how to control our feelings and our actions. In addition, it not only stops us from doing bad things but also encourages us to do what is right, especially when it is difficult for us or we are not motivated. , so if we ask for his holy spirit we can cultivate that important quality.

Well, it teaches me that I should ask Jehovah for motivation, endurance, and also self-control to control our feelings and actions. I know that this quality helps me face the opposition of people who do not want Jehovah. Having these qualities of the Holy Spirit drives us to be everything that is good.

There David had a problem, it was not difficult for him to study personally, but he needed self-control, so what did he do? personal study program

12. How does Ecclesiastes 11:4 help us reach our spiritual goals?

This text helps us to be realistic and no longer expect to have the perfect circumstances to start our path to meet our goals. In fact, in the text it is mentioned that if a harvester will act only when he sees that there are perfect conditions, he would be wasting his time because of his decisions. In the same way, we should not wait for perfect conditions because we may never bring ourselves to act.


Related to this, a brother named Paul tells us that when we strive to meet our goals, even in difficult circumstances, we give Jehovah something to bless. This is a very good reason not to postpone our goals.

There David had a problem, it was not difficult for him to study personally, but he needed self-control, so what did he do? personal study program

It helps us to see that our goals are more realistic because if we wait for the perfect conditions to begin our journey, we may never achieve it. 

13. What are the advantages of going from less to more?

The advantages is that it will make it easier for us to meet a goal that is too big for us, for example reading the Bible in a year. We can do like Thomas and read a few paragraphs a day and meditate on it. We may not even realize it and we get to read the entire Bible and thus meet that goal.


In the book Benefit, it is recommended that if we find it difficult to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, something we can do is read and study the Christian Greek Scriptures first and then the Hebrew Aramaic Scriptures. In fact, this method has been useful to many brothers and has helped them achieve that goal.

Well, we are going to achieve that big goal because sometimes we propose to make a very big goal for ourselves and then we lack the motivation to achieve it, so the paragraph mentions why we do not convert that big goal into several small ones and so little by little step by step Let's get it.

This reflection is very good because of course sometimes if the goal is in a year you have to read it then the most likely thing is that the brother was going to read it very quickly without meditating, so instead when he set the goal of shorter he said he would read smaller portions and meditate on them therefore I was going to get much more out of this type of reading.

So the advantage that we find in going from less to more is to be able to achieve these goals that we have set for ourselves after another benefit is that we will have more motivation in terms of the personal or even as mentioned in the case of Tomás the subject From reading the Bible he later found more motivation which made him able to dedicate more time to reading and meditating on the Bible.


14. What obstacles might we face?

It may be that an unforeseen event occurs, a problem that discourages us, that we make a mistake that takes us away from the goal or that we are simply too tired to continue.


In fact, in Ecclesiastes 9:11, it says that everyone has a bad time and some unforeseen event. Therefore, we should not be surprised when something happens to us that delays us or takes away the time that is necessary to meet our goal.

Yes, the obstacles that we could face may vary according to the circumstances of each one, and there the paragraph mentions that they may be unexpected events that consume our time and energy, personal problems or emotions that discourage us or mistakes or failures that make us doubt our abilities and tiredness or lack of motivation at certain times, these obstacles can hinder our progress and make us feel tempted to give up. 

15. Why don't we give up on obstacles? (Psalm 145:14).

Because this is how we show Jehovah that we want to please him and that he will be very happy, although, as Psalm 145:14 says, he will help us face obstacles, especially those that make us fall or stoop due to discouragement.


Brother Philip shows us that we should not focus on the times we fall, but on the times we get up and continue. Therefore, it is good to remember that a step back is not a defeat and that we can always move forward.

Because we have Jehovah's help, thanks to them we can move forward and meet our goal, just as brother David's experience tells us that difficulties should not be seen as obstacles but as opportunities to tell Jehovah how much we love him and despite the difficulties we go through and keep going show Jehovah how much we want to make him happy.

One question is, can you imagine Jehovah's big smile when he sees him struggling to reach his goal, it should be beautiful, beautiful, that would make our hearts happy despite the problems or difficulties we go through, as we love Jehovah, we want to strive to meet our goal.

16. What can obstacles teach us?

On the one hand, they teach us what things to do so that these obstacles do not stop us. Related to this we have the text of Proverbs 27:12 that advise us to be prudent in case of seeing if a danger is approaching, or in this case, an obstacle. In this way we will be aware to be able to avoid it.


Obstacles also help us see if our goal is realistic and reasonable. Let us remember the words of 2 Corinthians 8:12, we must concentrate on giving based on what we have and not the other way around, and that Jehovah will not think that we are failures if we do not fulfill a goal that was not within our reach.

Obstacles can also teach me to use my faith more, to seek to have more trust in Jehovah, to ask him for more help and to help me move forward and not weaken.

Yes, Proverbs 27:2 says that the prudent person sees danger and hides, continuing with the example of, for example, setting ourselves the goal of reading the Bible every day because perhaps we have had a mishap that has meant that we could not read it that day We do not get discouraged and what we should not do is that what the proverb says is that we analyze why we have not been able to that day and the next day remove that obstacle from the middle and be able to do it.

17. Why should we keep in mind what we have already accomplished?

We should keep in mind what we have already achieved, because as Hebrews 6:10 mentions, Jehovah does not forget our works and the love we put in doing them. Therefore, we must also keep in mind what we have already achieved, and that will help us to move forward.T

We shouldn't forget about this either, because maybe we do think that everything we've been able to achieve so far can encourage us and give us the necessary strength to keep fighting and face the obstacles.

18. What should you do as you move toward your goal? (See also image).

While we advance in our goal, we must continue to meet that set goal, as Galatians 6:9 says, we must continue to do good and enjoy the journey that will lead us to meet our spiritual goal.


With Jehovah's help we can reach our goal just like the sailor who reaches his destination and feels happy, and many sailors enjoy the journey.

We should enjoy as he moves towards his goal and as he notices how Jehovah will help and bless him along the way.

And this makes us all see that to reach a goal we have to have a goal. Perhaps the sailor wanted to see that sunset landscape and the creation, so we also have a goal and when we arrive or when we are about to arrive, meditate on all the effort we put into it. we did and the blessings from Jehovah.


We can see the man on the sailboat who, although he has not reached his destination, is enjoying the journey of his trip. This is what we must do, while we are on the way to fulfill our goal, we must enjoy this journey, how we are advancing and improving, and the ways in which Jehovah has helped us and blessed our efforts.

The same man watches from the boat a group of dolphins that jump at sunset. Enjoy the ride. (See paragraph 18).


What will help us to be more motivated to reach a goal?

A fundamental help that we have than prayer if we ask Jehovah in prayer is motivation, as Philippians 2:13 says, it can give us not only the desire but also the power to do it, the desire to do and arrive.


Why, if we are determined to achieve what we have set out to do, we will do our best. Since motivation is like the wind that pushes a sailboat. If the wind continues to blow, the sailboat is more likely to reach its destination. And, if it blows hard, it may arrive sooner than expected. Similarly, the more motivated we are, the more likely we are to achieve our goals. 

We can give an example of a person who wants to improve their physical condition and feels motivated to exercise, because they understand that doing so will improve their health, and decides to exercise gradually, because they understand that they will be better mentally and emotionally, so That motivates you to exercise. In a similar way, when we understand how important it is for a Christian to achieve our goals, we will feel motivated to decide to make the corresponding sacrifices that are involved in reaching our spiritual goals that we have set for ourselves.

What can we do when we lack motivation?

Just as the sailor finds a way to keep going when there is no wind, we too can keep striving for our goal even when we lack motivation. Sure, this takes effort, but it's worth it. Paul forced himself to do what Jehovah expected of him, even when he didn't feel motivated. In this way we are giving Jehovah something to bless.

We can focus on what Jehovah expects of us and, like the apostle Paul, force ourselves on many occasions and thus Jehovah will see our service and value it and will also be able to reward our hard work. 

How should we view the obstacles?

As opportunities to continue learning.

We must see obstacles as opportunities to learn, that is why the paragraph mentions a situation in the form of a question that says: What could change so that no obstacle stops us again?, and if we have not yet been able to reach our goal despite many attempts, the paragraph also encourages us that it would be better to change that goal, and see if that goal we set is reasonable for us.

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