Monday, June 12, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week from June 12 to 18, 2023, "Reject the poison of the apostates", Video: "Fight with all your might for the faith" (fragment), Analysis and Responses.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: June 12-18, 2023, "Reject the poison of the apostates", Video: "Fight with all your might for the faith" (fragment), Analysis and Responses.

“Reject the poison of the apostates” (10 min.): Analysis with the audience and video.

Why should we be very careful when using chats and forums?

It is true that personally we would never talk to a prostate, but without realizing it this could happen, because we do not know who is behind these chats or forums, it may be a prostate, and by entering these forums we can fall into the trap of believing the rumors or lies that are spread in these.

As the brother mentions in the video, although those who are behind these chats are not apostates, they can cause a lot of damage with their doubts or negative comments regarding the organization, since they can be brothers who are spiritually ill and can contaminate or infect us. with your discouragement or doubts.

And something interesting is that we should not enter these chat rooms as saviors either, that is to say to try to help these people who are spiritually ill, because it would be like holding the hand of someone who is about to take poison, and also taking a little so he doesn't drink alone.

How can we follow the advice of Romans 16:17?

We follow the advice of Romans 16:17, by not entering these forums or chats, because all they create are divisions, they are an obstacle to our faith and they go totally against what we have learned, and they can weaken our faith, so Let's avoid it completely.

Also, let's not think that these tips about apostates are for those who are weak, and that it won't affect us, since this is like a weight lifter, thinking that he can drink poison and that nothing will happen to him because he it is great and strong, because no one is so strong or so spiritual that the poison of apostate ideas does not affect us.


Let's talk first about apostasy: We could call it spiritual poison, let's think about the poison. How can we avoid being poisoned? First we have to know how to recognize the poison, and then avoid it, the same principle applies the teachings that can destroy our faith, but not always It is easy.

It is true that most of the brothers would not talk to apostates on purpose, but it could happen without realizing it. Sometimes we receive letters from brothers who are concerned about something they saw on a website, an accusation, a rumor about us or the organization, and the problem is that they have no idea that the apostates are behind it.

And it is that apostates do not advertise saying that you are on a prostate page, they often pose as sincere witnesses who have doubts or questions, and there are others who, although they are not apostates, can cause as much damage as they do, with their negative comments. and their criticisms.

Brothers, we have to be careful, this is serious: Suppose that out of curiosity you enter a chat room or a forum of people who say they are Jehovah's Witnesses, maybe they are, but you don't know it, you don't know them and someone starts doing questions, watched the latest JW Broadcasting show, do you really think he was an entertainer or do you think the brothers who write the Watchtower articles know what the real world is like, they will realize how hard life is out here, and then others respond with negative comments as well.

You also don't know if these people are apostates, or just brothers who are in a very bad spiritual state, but does that matter? How do they make you feel when you leave the chat? that Jehovah has an organization that you love and to which you feel grateful and proud to belong, or rather you feel sad, restless or uncomfortable.

Someone could say I have to participate in this chat to help these people, but they shouldn't be there. Even if they are not apostates, they are not doing themselves any good by staying in that forum to help someone, it would be like holding their hand while they drink the poison and also drink a little so they don't drink alone.

We have to follow the advice we find in Romans 16:17, let's think about the imaginary chat that we just described, while we read Romans 16 verse 17. Think of all the negative comments in that chat, we don't know who told us and now let's read Romans 16:17 says: Brothers, now I strongly urge you to watch out for those who create divisions and obstacles that go against the teachings you have learned, and to avoid them.

Let's think about the chat created divisions, yes, it could be an obstacle to faith, it could or goes against what we have learned, we don't even have to answer that question. Whether on purpose or not, such comments could weaken our faith. What should we do? what Paul says At the end of verse 17, he says to avoid them. 

Now I would like to say something to those who participate in these chats or forums, perhaps they use them just to vent, so to speak, perhaps there are some little things happening in the congregation that they do not understand or decisions of the elders with whom they are not OK. So they write what they think in the forum to vent, and that way they feel better, but what about those who read their comments, how will it affect them? You wouldn't feel horrible if someone left the truth because of your negative comments. I know you don't want that to happen, so please be careful what you say.

Well someone could say that the warnings about apostates are for those who are weak, but that does not affect me, I am spiritually strong. That is as if a weightlifter thought that he could drink poison and nothing would happen to him, because he is big and strong, we are not so strong, spiritual or intelligent that the poison of apostate ideas does not affect us. 

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