Friday, February 3, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of February 6 to 12, 2023, “Strengthen your desire to obey Jehovah”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, 6-12-February-2023, "Strengthen your desire to obey Jehovah", Prepared Speech.

“Strengthen Your Desire to Obey Jehovah” (10 min.)

Let's think about the following situation: A father watches from the window his little son who is playing in the garden with some friends, and suddenly the ball goes bouncing towards the street while the boy follows it anxiously with his eyes, and some of the friends who They are with him, "Surprised", they insistently tell him to run to look for her, but, shaking his head, he answers "No" because his parents do not allow him to go outside the house, because it is dangerous.

The father smiles pleased. And what is the father's satisfaction due to? to what is it he who has told his son never to go out into the street alone, the fact that the child pays attention, even without knowing that the father is watching him, indicates that he is learning to be obedient. And for this reason it is less dangerous.

Our heavenly father Jehovah feels something similar, he knows that to remain faithful and see the splendid future that awaits us, we must learn to trust him and do what he commands us. But what happens when we are not disobedient, it is logical to think that we are not doing well.

Let us think, for example, of the Biblical story of Saul, this story underlines how vital it is to obey. At first he was a humble, modest king, small in his own eyes, but later his decisions were dominated by pride and a wrong way of thinking. Please read 1 Chronicles 10:13,14. Says..


This is how Saul died for having been unfaithful to Jehovah, because he disobeyed Jehovah's words, and also for having consulted a medium 14 instead of consulting Jehovah. So he put him to death, and the kingship was given to David the son of Jesse.

Now Saul was disobedient and therefore Jehovah rejected him. Now let's see the opposite of disobedience, David was an obedient and humble man, he did not choose to be the king of Israel, it was Jehovah who did it, let's now read 1 Chronicles 11:3, if you found it, please accompany me with the reading. Says..


So all the elders of Israel came to see the king in Hebron, and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before Jehovah. Then they anointed David as king of Israel in accordance with the words that Jehovah had spoken through Samuel.

Jehovah chose David to take Saul's place on the throne, let's consider an occasion in which David's obedience to Jehovah was tested, let's read 1 Chronicles 11:15,19 It says..


Three of the 30 chiefs went down to the rock, to see David in the cave of Adullam, while the Philistine army was encamped in the valley of Refaim. David was in the shelter and there was a troop of Philistines in Bethlehem. 17 Then David expressed this wish: “If only I could drink a little water from the cistern that is by the Bethlehem gate! 18 At this, the three of them broke into the Philistine camp, drew water from the cistern by the gate of Bethlehem and brought it to David. But David refused to drink it and poured it out to Jehovah. 19 He said, “Knowing how God sees things, I would never do this! How could he drink the blood of these men, who risked their lives? And it is that they risked their lives to bring it”. So he refused to drink it. These are the things that his three mighty warriors did.

As David knew the law, he knew that blood should not be ingested, but spilled before Jehovah, he also understood why. Since the law indicated that the soul of the flesh, that is, his life, is in the blood, but if that was water and not blood, why did he refuse to drink it? for he understood the principle behind that legal requirement, that Jehovah considers blood sacred in view of the fact that these three men had risked their lives.

David concluded that drinking that water would have been disrespectful to their blood. Therefore it was inconceivable for him to drink it, rather he reasoned that he should spill it on the ground. Unlike Saul, David obeyed the laws and principles of Jehovah, what is the lesson for us? we must strive to strengthen our desire to obey Jehovah despite the fact that the world is impregnated with the spirit of Independence and disobedience.

In effect, Satan, the ruler of the authority of the air, has infected the entire world with the spirit of disobedience, he did so in the first century and continues to do so with even more intensity since he was expelled from heaven, at the time of the First War. Worldwide as Christians we know that Jehovah God deserves our unconditional obedience for being the sustaining creator of life, loving sovereign and liberator who will help us strengthen our desire to obey Jehovah.

That is why we must ask God for an obedient heart. As King Solomon did, this monarch recognized that he needed it to discern between good and bad when judging his fellow Israelites. We also need an obedient heart to distinguish between good and evil in a world saturated with the spirit of disobedience, to that end God has provided us with his word, Bible study publications, Christian meetings and Kind overseers.

Are we making the most of these loving gifts? For David doing God's will was a pleasure. If we want our desire to do it correctly to be as strong as his, we have to learn to see things as Jehovah sees them, since to benefit from divine laws it is not enough to read or know them we have to come to love and respect them. The word of God says hate what is bad and love what is good, a key to achieve this is learning to see things as Jehovah sees them.

Suppose we have been sleeping badly for a while, then our doctor tells us to follow a diet, exercise and change some habits. If we see that our life improves when we do everything that he commands us, what will we really value that doctor and his advice? Similarly, our creator has given us laws that protect us from the consequences of sin and improve our lives.

For example, let's think about how much it benefits us to obey what the Bible says about lies, deceit, theft, sexual immorality, violence and the occult, when we see the great benefits of obeying Jehovah, the love and appreciation we feel for him grows. him and his rules. In conclusion, when we serve Jehovah out of love and gratitude, we personally verify that he rewards those who seek him with determination, there are sacrifices that are appropriate and necessary, but what pleases Jehovah the most is total obedience motivated by love.

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