Sunday, January 1, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of January 2 to 8, 2023, "Why be humble", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, January 2-8, 2023, "Why be humble", Prepared Speech.  

“Why be humble” (10 min.)

What is humility? In this world full of pride, many people think that humility is a sign of weakness or lack of confidence, but in reality it is the opposite, being humble requires strength and courage, humility is the opposite of pride and arrogance and is related to with the opinion we have of ourselves. A certain biblical dictionary says that being humble is recognizing that God is much more powerful and important than us, accepting this will prevent us from believing ourselves superior to other people 

Since we are all imperfect, it is difficult for us to demonstrate humility, so if we want to cultivate this quality we must meditate on the greatness of Jehovah and follow in the footsteps of his son. Men and women of the past demonstrated this quality of humility. Such is the example of Josías, the Bible tells us the following about him, please read 2 Kings 22:1-5.


Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned 31 years in Jerusalem. His mother was called Jedida, daughter of Adaya de Bozcat. 2 He did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah and followed in the same footsteps of his ancestor David's. He did not turn aside to the right or to the left.3 In the 18th year of King Josiah, the king sent to the house of Jehovah the secretary Shaphan, the son of Azaliah, and the son of Meshullam. He said to him, 4 “Go up to Hilkiah the high priest,fand have him collect all the money brought into the house of Jehovah, which the gatekeepers have collected from the town.5 See that this money is received by those who oversee the work in the house of the LORD, so that they may give it to the workers who will repair the damage to the house of the LORD.

Without a doubt, Josías wanted with all his heart to please Jehovah, he demonstrated humility by accepting and acknowledging the mistakes that they had made as a people, as we can read in 2 Kings 22:13.  


“Go, inquire of Jehovah for me, for the people, and for all Judah about what this book that you have found says, for Jehovah is very angry with us, because our ancestors did not obey the words of this book, they did not comply with everything that which is written for us."

Since the early hours of the morning the repairmen have been working diligently in the temple, there is no doubt that Josiah thanks Jehovah that the workers are undoing the damage that some of his wicked ancestors had done to his house, while the work progresses zafam goes to give you a report.

 But what is in his hand? It is a scroll that says that the high priest found the book of the Law of Jehovah by the hand of Moses. What a valuable discovery! It must have been the original of the law. What did Josiah accomplish because of his humility? Let's see the answer in second Kings 22 18 to 20 that says:


But tell the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of Jehovah: “This is what Jehovah, the God of Israel, says: 'As for the words that you have heard, 19 how your heart was tender* and you humbled yourself before Jehovah when you heard what I said against this place and its inhabitants—namely, that they will be horrified and cursed—and how you tore your clothes and wept before me, I also have listened to you,” declares Jehovah. 20 Therefore I am going to reunite you with your ancestors,* and you will be buried in peace in your grave, and your eyes will not see all the calamity that I am sending to this place'”'”. So they went to communicate the answer to the king.

Josiah's messengers go to the prophetess Hulda in Jerusalem and return with a report, she has conveyed the word of Jehovah, according to which the calamities mentioned in the newly found book will thank the apostate nation. However because Josiah has humbled himself before Jehovah God, he will not have to contemplate his calamity, he will be gathered up to his ancestors and taken to his graveyard in peace. 

As we can see Jehovah blessed Josiah for his humility. What do we learn from this Biblical account? For Jehovah to give us his approval we have to demonstrate humility, seeking his guidance, admitting our mistakes and correcting them. Humility is also of great help when one receives advice or censure, the proud person resents the advice. By his actions he implies that he never makes a mistake, as a result when he receives advice they can get angry, explode or lose their temper, anyway it just makes things worse.

The humble person willingly accepts advice and correction, because he knows that he could have made a mistake, that is why the word of God exhorts in Ecclesiastes 10:4 if the fury of a ruler is unleashed against you, do not let your place, because calm removes great sins, advice and censure when humbly accepted bring great benefits. Because the commandments are a lamp and the law is a light and the corrections of discipline are the path that leads to life. Proverbs 6:23, humbly responding to that discipline helps one avoid calamity now and helps one walk in the path that results in receiving God's approval and thus leads to eternal life.

How should we proceed to achieve this excellent quality of humility? it does not come automatically, we have to work for it, it will take time. So we must not get discouraged, even if it takes time and effort and we are going to continue making mistakes, above all we must have a sincere desire to be Humble, we must keep reminding ourselves that only if we are humble can we please Jehovah God.

In order for humility to help us in times of adversity, we have to exercise it in our daily lives, in everything we think, say and do. Humility means being humble of mind, not having big ideas or ambitions and not tending to look down on others. It means thinking like the Apostle Paul who spoke of himself: As a man who is less than the least of all saints and as the least of all Apostles, humility should characterize our conversation, we do not always want to talk about ourselves or what that we think of this and that, what we have done or plan to do, we often speak in criticism of others.

Humility makes one want to direct attention to Jehovah God, his word, his work and his wonderful qualities, and that we speak of our Brothers in a favorable way, in our conversations that humility impels one to give others the opportunity to speak , if others are slow to express themselves then, humbly, prudently and lovingly, let us get them to express themselves for their own happiness and for our spiritual edification, since there is more happiness in giving others the opportunity to speak than in speaking all the time. weather.

You are characterized by humility and our humble actions will prevent us from pushing others or always wanting to be first if at any time we are doing menial tasks like cleaning the Kingdom Hall. does it work for you?

That is why, Dear Brothers, let us remember the example of Jesus, he did not come to be served, but to serve others. Finally, brothers, humility contributes to peaceful relationships with our brothers and with the people in the world and with Jehovah our maker. Humility contributes to tranquility and when there is tranquility we have courage and encouragement contributes to friendly relationships with our colleagues and now more than ever it is of great help because we live in times of adversity. 

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