Thursday, December 8, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday December 9, My teachings will fall like rain (Deut. 32:2)

DAILY TEXT, Friday December 9, 2022, My teachings will fall like rain (Deut. 32:2).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Friday December 9

My teachings will fall like rain (Deut. 32:2).

What Moses taught the Israelites had a refreshing and strengthening effect on them, like gentle rain on vegetation. How can we make sure that our way of teaching has the same effect on others? When we preach from house to house or in public places, let us use the Bible to teach people the name of God. We can use tools that honor Jehovah, such as our valuable publications, excellent videos, and our website. Whether we're at work, school, or traveling, look for opportunities to talk about our dear God and his personality. Let's talk about his wonderful purpose for us and for the Earth. When people hear these things, they may realize for the first time how much Jehovah loves us. Whenever we teach the truth about our loving Father, we help to hallow his name and disprove some of the slander that has been taught about him. Nothing has such a refreshing effect on people as the biblical message we bring them (Is. 65:13, 14). w20.06 10 pars. 8, 9.

When we teach the Bible, why shouldn't we just teach God's rules and laws?

When we teach the Bible, we want to help students know and use the name of Jehovah. But we also want you to know well what kind of God he is. Will we succeed if we only teach instructions, divine laws and rules of conduct? Maybe not. It may be that a good student learns what the laws of God are and even comes to admire them. But will he obey Jehovah because he has come to love him? Let us remember the case of Eva. She knew God's law, but she had no true love for him. And the same can be said of Adam (Gen. 3:1-6). So we should not limit ourselves to teaching God's righteous standards and laws.

In addition to teaching students God's rules and laws, how can we help them love God?

Divine rules and laws are attractive and beneficial to us (Ps. 119:97, 111, 112). But the student will not see them in the same way unless he understands that Jehovah has given them because he loves us. So we might ask, “Why do you think God asks us to do or not do this? What does that teach you about him?" If we help him think of Jehovah and truly love his glorious name, we are more likely to touch his heart. Thus he will not only love his laws, but he will also love him (Ps. 119: 68). His faith will grow stronger and he will be able to withstand very difficult tests (1 Cor. 3: 12-15).

What led David on a certain occasion to have a divided heart? b) What was the result?

The following words that King David wrote for inspiration in Psalm 86:11 are also very important: “Unify my heart.” Throughout his life, he saw how easy it is to become divided in heart. On one occasion, he was on the roof of his house and saw another man's wife, named Bat-Sheba, taking a bath. How was David's heart at that moment? United or divided? He knew Jehovah's command: “Do not covet your neighbor's wife” (Ex. 20:17). But he kept looking at her. His heart became divided. On one hand, he wanted this woman. And, on the other, he wanted to please Jehovah. Although he had long loved and feared Jehovah, he was carried away by his selfish desire. As a result, he did some very bad things. He sullied Jehovah's name and did terrible harm to innocent people, including his own family (2 Sam. 11:1-5, 14-17; 12:7-12).

How do we know that David had a united heart again?

Jehovah disciplined David, and he recovered (2 Sam. 12:13; Ps. 51:2-4, 17). He never forgot the troubles and suffering he caused by allowing his heart to split. His words from Psalm 86:11 can also be translated as: "Give me a heart that is not divided." Did Jehovah answer him? Yes, for God's Word further says that David “served the Lord his God with a complete heart” (1 Kings 11:4; 15:3).

What should we ask ourselves, and why?

David's example encourages us greatly, but it also serves as a warning. The serious sin he committed should make us think. Whether we have been serving Jehovah for a short time or a long time, we must ask ourselves: “Am I fighting against Satan's attempts to divide my heart?”

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