Monday, October 14, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of October 14-20, 2024, Let's Proclaim the Good News!, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: 14-20-October-2024, Let's Proclaim the Good News! Prepared Speech.

Let us proclaim the good news! (10 mins.)

People around the world are overwhelmed by bad news. If they turn on the radio, they hear gruesome reports of deadly diseases threatening humanity. If they watch the news, they see disturbing images of malnourished children crying for help. And if they open the newspaper, they read about bombs destroying buildings and killing countless innocent people.

Can we find good news in such a depressing world? Of course we can. We are encouraged to know that the Bible announces Good News, knowing that the Kingdom of God will put an end to disease, hunger, crime, wars and all kinds of oppression. Isn't this the news that everyone needs to hear? That's what we Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Psalm 96:2 invites us to proclaim Jehovah's good news of salvation by saying:


Sing to the Lord, bless his name. Proclaim the good news of his salvation day after day.

These are not just encouraging words, but a profound message that can transform lives. As Christians we have the responsibility to share with others the good news of the Kingdom of God. The good news of salvation, the good news of God, and the good news about Jesus Christ. But what exactly is the Good News? It encompasses the teachings that Jesus transmitted during his ministry on earth, and that his disciples captured in the Bible.

Before returning to heaven, Jesus gave his followers clear instructions: Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. This mission of preaching and making disciples continues to be a priority for Christians today.

Today, through this talk, we will explore three key aspects of the Good News that we must share: God's kingdom, the day of judgment, and Jehovah's purpose for the earth. Proclaiming God's Kingdom, a just government for all humanity, one of the central parts of the Good News is the announcement of God's Kingdom.

In times of injustice and suffering, the promise of a government that rules the earth with justice is a message that offers hope. The Kingdom of God, as explained by Jesus, is a Heavenly Government that will soon eliminate all forms of oppression and correct the mistakes of the past.

In Matthew 6:10 Jesus taught us to pray for this Kingdom to come and for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This Kingdom message not only provides comfort, but it also reminds us that the ultimate solution to the world's problems will not come from human governments. By telling others about God's Kingdom, we are offering them a solid hope based on Jehovah's promises.

As mentioned in Isaiah 9:7, the Kingdom will bring abundance of peace and will endure forever, but how can we as Christians effectively proclaim this message? A key aspect is that we must preach in a simple and clear way. It is not just about teaching complicated theories or doctrines, but about sharing Jehovah's promises in a way that touches people's hearts.

Jesus was an exemplary teacher who used simple stories to convey profound truths. We too can follow his example by using illustrations from everyday life to help others understand the Kingdom of God, teach about the Day of Judgment, and a time of Justice for the earth. 

Another fundamental aspect of the Good News is the day of judgment. Many have erroneous ideas about what this day means. Some think of eternal punishments or fear what is to come. However, the Bible teaches us that the purpose of the day of judgment is to restore justice on earth. Psalm 96:12,13 says the following.

LET'S READ PSALM 96:12,13.

Let the fields and all that is in them rejoice, and let all the trees of the forest shout for joy at the same time 13 before the LORD, for he is coming, he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the inhabited earth with righteousness, and the peoples with his faithfulness.

This judgment is not intended to punish, but to correct injustices and bring relief to those who suffer. Jesus whom God has appointed as the judge of mankind will act with perfect justice. In Acts 17:31 we are assured that God has set a day when He will judge the inhabited earth with justice, through a man whom He has appointed, referring to Jesus. 

When speaking to others about the Day of Judgment, it is important to convey hope. We are not preaching a message of condemnation, but of salvation. The Day of Judgment will be a time when Jehovah will eliminate all forms of evil and establish an era of lasting justice. 

By sharing this message we can help people see that Jehovah is a just and loving God, who wants the best for humanity. Instead of fearing judgment we can see it as an opportunity for humanity to once again enjoy a peaceful and harmonious relationship with God, telling others about Jehovah's purpose for a land full of praise, finally part of the good news is Jehovah's purpose for the earth to be full of people who praise and honor him, in Psalm 99:1-3 it tells us.


The LORD has become king. Let the peoples tremble. He sits enthroned above the cherubim. Let the earth tremble. 2 The LORD is great in Zion and is far above all the peoples. 3 Let them praise your great name, for it is awesome and holy.

From the beginning, it was Jehovah's purpose for humans to live peacefully on earth and worship him. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve's rebellion interrupted that purpose, and since then humanity has lived in a state of separation from God ever since. However, God's Kingdom under the authority of Jesus Christ is restoring the peace and harmony that was lost. In Ephesians 1:9-10, we are reminded that Jehovah is bringing all things together in Christ, which includes restoring the relationship between God and humanity.

During Christ's millennial reign, the earth will be transformed into a paradise, just as Jehovah always intended. All people who submit to God's sovereignty will live in a world free of evil and suffering. After the millennial reign, when mankind has reached perfection, there will be a final test that will demonstrate the loyalty of all who love Jehovah.

What should we do while we wait for this purpose to be fulfilled? It is essential that we continue to proclaim the good news and help others to know Jehovah. For this reason, we must remember that our work as Christians is not simply an obligation, but an expression of our love for God and for our fellow men.

In our Activity Guide for this week, we can see an elderly brother in a park talking to a man sitting next to him, which teaches us the importance of telling people that Jehovah's purpose is for the earth to be filled with people who will cleanse his name. This image teaches us that we should take advantage of every opportunity we have to let people know about his wonderful purpose for all obedient humanity.

When we share the Kingdom message and Jehovah’s purpose for the earth, we are helping others find true peace and proclaim the good news with joy. As we have seen, the Good News encompasses a wide range of teachings and promises that Jesus and his disciples left us. It includes the announcement of God’s Kingdom, justice on the day of judgment, and Jehovah’s purpose that the earth be filled with people who praise him. 

Sharing this good news is a privilege that allows us to work together with Jehovah to attract more people to his loving care. Reflecting on Psalm 96:2, we remember that our task of proclaiming the good news is not something we do only from time to time, but rather it is a daily activity. Therefore, dear brothers, let us follow the example of Jesus and speak with enthusiasm and love to people about the wonderful promises of Jehovah, only in this way will we be able to contribute to the expansion of the Good News and fulfill our mission of making disciples.

Every day is an opportunity to share the hope of God's Kingdom. How can we continue to improve our preaching work? One key is to be ready to speak to others, to use our knowledge of the scriptures, and to do so with humility and love. Jehovah will bless our efforts, and the good news will transform lives around the world. So let us proclaim the good news with joy and help others to know Jehovah's wonderful salvation.

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