Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Watchtower Study, “Article 30,” Week of September 30-October 6, 2024, Lessons We Learn from the Kings of Israel, Answers.

The Watchtower Study Guide, “Article 30,” September 30-October 6, 2024, Lessons We Learn from Israel’s Kings, Answers.

“You will see again the difference between a righteous person and an evil person, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him” (MAL. 3:18).

1, 2. What does the Bible tell about some of the kings of Israel?

The Bible presents a detailed perspective on the lives of the kings of Israel as reflected in the stories of David and Rehoboam. David is recognized for his faithfulness to God as indicated in 1 Kings 14:8 where Yahweh declares that David followed His ways with all his heart. However, 2 Samuel 11 reveals that David committed serious sins such as adultery with Bathsheba and plotting to kill Uriah, which shows that even the most faithful leaders can transgress and need repentance. 

On the other hand, Rehoboam, who was not seen favorably by Jehovah due to his evil actions, showed obedience in certain areas despite his infidelity, he followed the Divine instruction not to attack the northern tribes and dedicated himself to strengthening the cities of Judah to protect the nation.

3. What might we be asking ourselves, and what will we see in this article?

It is natural to ask ourselves: Why did Jehovah call some kings of Israel faithful and others unfaithful even though they all committed both good and bad deeds? 

Therefore, Jehovah's examination of the kings of Israel was based on three important criteria: first, genuine love; second, sincere repentance; and third, although the kings made mistakes, the difference lay in their general attitude toward God and the way they handled their relationship with him.

4. What was a difference between faithful and unfaithful kings?

The kings that I considered faithful were distinguished by having a complete devotion to him. This devotion was reflected in their love and service to God with all their hearts. King Jehoshaphat, for example, is praised in Second Chronicles 22:9 for his sincere search for Jehovah, showing a total commitment in his worship and obedience.

Josiah is another prominent example according to 2 Kings 23:25 he was the king who was most dedicated to Jehovah as evidenced by his reformation and complete return to pure worship, in contrast the unfaithful kings like Solomon and Abijam failed in this crucial aspect Solomon despite his wisdom and initial blessings turned his heart toward idolatry Abijam likewise failed to demonstrate complete dedication to Jehovah as mentioned in 1 Kings 15:3.

5. What does it mean to serve Jehovah with a complete heart?

Complete love and devotion to Jehovah requires a constant commitment throughout our lives.

This means that our worship and service to God should not be just occasional efforts or motivated by particular circumstances, but an integral part of our daily lifestyle. Serving Jehovah with a complete heart implies that our decisions, our actions, and our way of life are directed by a continuous desire to do his will and to maintain a close relationship with him.

6. How can we love Jehovah with all our heart? (Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 5:29, 30)

To love Jehovah with all our heart, it is crucial that our devotion to him not be compromised by external influences or harmful attitudes. Proverbs 4:23 teaches us that we must protect our heart, since it is from it that we spring forth life. This involves being vigilant about what we allow into our minds and hearts. The influence of harmful entertainment, obsession with material possessions, or bad company can undermine our devotion to God and divide our hearts.

In Matthew 5:29 and 30 Jesus uses a strong metaphor to illustrate the importance of eliminating anything that causes sin or deviation from our faith. Although these actions may seem drastic, the message is clear: we must make significant changes to maintain our loyalty to Jehovah.

7. Why should we be careful with harmful things?

We must pay attention to harmful things because these can have a significant impact on our relationship with Jehovah even though we may be involved in spiritual activities. The metaphor of cold and heat illustrates the need to protect our hearts from external influences that can cool our devotion.

Ephesians 22 describes how the influences of the world and the prince who has authority over the air can divert our attention and loyalty to God. This verse highlights the importance of being aware of the influences that surround our lives and how they can affect our relationship with Jehovah. We must close the door to these harmful influences and make sure that our hearts are not divided or cooled by the attractions of the world.

8, 9. How did Kings David and Hezekiah react when they were corrected? (See image.)

Both David and Hezekiah demonstrated a response of humility and repentance when they were corrected for their sins, reflecting an attitude that Jehovah deeply values. David, despite his serious sin, reacted with an attitude of true humility when Nathan confronted him with his genuine repentance.

It is evident in Psalm 51 where David not only acknowledges his sin but also expresses sincere repentance. Hezekiah also showed an example of repentance when he was confronted by Prophet Isaiah because of his pride and glory. Even though his pride had provoked the wrath of Jehovah, Hezekiah humbled himself and repented as mentioned in Second Chronicles 32:26.


Series of images: 1. King David looks remorsefully toward heaven as Nathan speaks to him. 2. King Hezekiah, grieving, rests his face on his fingertips as Isaiah speaks to him. King David and King Hezekiah were humble and repentant when they were corrected for their sins. (See paragraphs 8 and 9.)

10. What did King Amaziah do when he was corrected?

King Amaziah of Judah began his reign doing what was right according to Jehovah but his heart was not completely dedicated to God after the victory over the Edomites instead of following the exclusive worship of Jehovah Amaziah began to worship the gods of the Edomites thus showing a serious lack of loyalty and gratitude when Jehovah's prophet went to correct him for this idolatry.

Amaziah not only rejected correction, but also displayed a stubborn attitude. This attitude of disobedience and resistance to divine correction is totally contrary to the principles of faithful worship expected of Jehovah's followers.

11. According to 2 Corinthians 7:9, 11, what must we do to be forgiven by Jehovah? (See also images.)

In these texts the apostle Paul describes how genuine repentance leads to the forgiveness of Jehovah in verse 9 Paul mentions that the affliction caused by repentance produces a positive change in the life of the Christian while verse 11 sets forth the practical manifestations of this repentance: the desire to make amends, indignation towards sin and concern for the damage caused.

This repentance must be accompanied by a diligent effort to correct the wrong and avoid repeating the same sins. Therefore correction, even when administered by the elders in matters that seem minor, must be received with a humble and open attitude.


Picture series: 1. A younger elder speaks to a brother who is looking at a bottle of liquor and a half-full glass. 2. The brother discusses what the Bible and lesson 43 of the Enjoyment of Life book say. 3. The younger elder and the brother preach together from house to house. If we are corrected, we should 1) react with humility, 2) make the necessary changes, and 3) continue to serve Jehovah with all our heart. (See paragraph 11.)

12. What was the main difference between the faithful kings and the unfaithful kings?

The main difference between the faithful and unfaithful kings was in their attitude toward the worship of Jehovah.

Faithful kings like Asa dedicated themselves to practicing pure worship and strove to eradicate idolatry in their kingdom. King Asa was considered faithful despite his serious sins.

As mentioned in 2 Chronicles 16:7,10, although Asa initially rejected correction, it is possible that he showed repentance. The Bible later acknowledges that his good qualities and efforts to keep worship pure outweighed his mistakes.

13. Why did Jehovah consider King Ahab to be unfaithful?

Jehovah regarded King Ahab as unfaithful primarily because of his persistent promotion of false worship.

Influenced by his wife Jezebel, Ahab actively allowed and encouraged the worship of Baal and other false gods which was contrary to Jehovah's commands for pure worship. This influence was a major hindrance to his maintaining faithfulness to Jehovah and the fact that he never showed genuine repentance for these acts was crucial to his condemnation. Ahab's persistence in false worship and lack of true repentance demonstrated his unfaithfulness despite his other accomplishments and moments of humility.

14. a) Why did Jehovah consider Rehoboam to be an unfaithful king?

Rehoboam was considered an unfaithful king by Jehovah because of his abandonment of pure worship. Although at the beginning of his reign he performed certain correct actions such as consolidating His authority, he later stopped following Jehovah's law. His change towards false worship is a clear indicator of infidelity.

According to 2 Chronicles 12:1, once his reign was consolidated, Ream began to practice the worship of false gods, deviating from the exclusive worship of Jehovah. His inconsistent behavior, worshiping Jehovah at some times and idols at others, underlines his lack of true commitment to Jehovah.

 b) What did the vast majority of the infidel kings do?

Most of the unfaithful kings supported false religion in some way, which was a common characteristic among them. This inclination toward idol worship and practices not authorized by Jehovah contrasted with the faithful kings who strove to maintain pure worship.

Inconsistency in worship and support for false religion were determining factors for Jehovah to lead these Kings as unfaithful. Seeing these examples, let us remember that fidelity to Jehovah is measured by exclusive dedication to true worship and resistance against idolatry.

15. Why does Jehovah place so much importance on pure worship?

Jehovah considers pure worship crucial because of its profound impact on the relationship between him and his people.

The Kings and leaders had a duty to guide the Israelites in correct worship. Their deviation into false worship not only led the people away from true worship but also facilitated the practice of grave injustices and sins. In the Bible, false worship is compared to adultery, which underlines the seriousness of this betrayal. Just as literal adultery is a personal betrayal in a marital relationship, the worship of God is a direct and personal betrayal against Jehovah, who demands exclusivity in worship since the commandments of the law of Moses explicitly prohibit worshiping other gods or images.

16. What is, for Jehovah, the main difference between someone righteous and someone wicked?

For Jehovah is his relationship with him and his dedication according to Malachi 3:18 Jehovah distinguishes between the righteous and the wicked based on his service to God. The righteous person not only avoids false worship but also remains active in pure and sincere worship. 

This attitude reflects a deep and constant commitment to Jehovah in contrast to the evil person who deviates from these principles and does not follow the ways of God. Abandoning Jehovah even due to imperfections and errors is considered a serious sin since it implies a direct betrayal of the established relationship with Jehovah.

17. Why should we be careful when choosing the person we are going to marry?

When considering marriage it is essential to select a person who shares our faith and devotion to Jehovah. The scriptures highlight the importance of spirituality in a union. 

Malachi 2:15 emphasizes that God seeks a partner who will remain faithful to Him and that a solid spiritual relationship is essential for a healthy marriage. Although a person may have many admirable qualities, if he or she is not serving Jehovah, he or she may not be considered righteous in God's eyes at that time. The lack of a common spiritual foundation can generate conflicts and challenges in the relationship. The example of King Solomon illustrates the consequences of choosing a partner who does not share the same relationship with Jehovah.

18. What should parents teach their children?

Parents have a vital responsibility in the spiritual formation of their children and should use the stories of the biblical Kings as an educational tool to instill a desire to serve Jehovah.

By studying How Jehovah Judged Kings Based on Their Faithfulness to Pure Worship, children can understand that Jehovah considers dedication to worship and rejection of idolatry to be crucial. In addition, parents must be role models by demonstrating in their own lives that spiritual activities such as Bible reading, meeting attendance, and participation in the preaching work are priorities. If children see their parents putting these activities first, they will learn to value worship and service to Jehovah as most important in their own lives.

19. Is all lost for someone who has stopped serving Jehovah? (See also the box “You Can Return to Jehovah.”)

The possibility of reconciliation with Jehovah is open to all those who have stopped serving him as long as there is genuine repentance.

The Bible shows that despite serious sins, Jehovah is willing to forgive and restore those who return to him with sincerity. The case of King Manasseh is a powerful example of this truth. Despite having committed atrocious acts such as practicing spiritism and corrupting the nation, Manasseh deeply repented while he was in exile in Babylon. His sincere repentance and constant prayer moved Jehovah, who offered him forgiveness and allowed him to return to his country and resume leadership.

Isaiah 557 supports this idea by stating that Jehovah is willing to generously forgive those who turn from their wicked ways and return to him.

20. If we imitate faithful kings, how will Jehovah see us?

Imitating his faithful kings involves living in a way that reflects a sincere and complete love for Jehovah.

 Faithful kings like Hezekiah and Josiah demonstrated their devotion to Jehovah through their firm commitment to pure worship and the elimination of idolatry. Their lives teach that loving Jehovah with all your heart, repenting of mistakes and making the necessary changes are crucial actions to obtain his favor. Therefore, by learning and applying these principles in our daily lives we can get closer to Jehovah and strengthen our relationship with him.


How can we love Jehovah with all our heart?

We love Jehovah with all our heart by worshiping him out of pure love and devotion, not out of obligation or what seems right. This implies maintaining our love for him constantly and avoiding anything harmful.

How do we show that we are sorry?

We demonstrate sincere repentance by acknowledging our sins and making them public if necessary. We must also make concrete changes to maintain a humble attitude after receiving correction.

How do we show that we practice pure worship?

We practice pure worship by worshiping Jehovah exclusively and actively fighting against false worship and idolatry, this includes prioritizing spiritual activities and avoiding any influence that could lead us to worship false gods.

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