Tuesday, October 8, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of October 7-13, 2024, Psalm 92-95, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 7-13-October-2024, Psalm 92-95, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 92:5. Why do these words describe Jehovah's wisdom so well? (cl 176 par. 18).

The words of Psalm 92:5 describe very well the wisdom of Jehovah, because they highlight its immensity and depth that are comparable to human wisdom.


Just as Paul expressed in Romans 11:33, God’s wisdom is so deep that we cannot fully comprehend it. Using terms like abysses to describe this wisdom shows that no matter how hard we try to understand, we will always be limited in our knowledge compared to Jehovah’s. These words fill us with awe and remind us how small humans are in comparison to God’s wisdom.

Here it says that Jehovah's thoughts are very deep, and this makes me think about how immense his knowledge and wisdom is, it is as Paul says in Romans 11:33, when he is amazed to reflect on the wisdom of God comparing it to an abyss so deep that we could never see the bottom, that helps me understand that although sometimes we do not understand why certain things happen, Jehovah always has a purpose and knows more than we could. Imagining that is why trusting in his wisdom is the best, because although we do not always see everything clearly, Jehovah sees it and always acts with justice and love.

When I read that Jehovah's thoughts are deep, I realize that there is much we do not understand, but that Jehovah sees everything clearly. Sometimes when we face trials or difficult situations, we may not understand why things happen. However, this verse reminds me that Jehovah's wisdom is much greater than ours and that trusting in his decisions even if we do not always understand them brings us peace and security.

This verse also helps me maintain a humble attitude knowing that Jehovah's thoughts and works are so great and deep, it reminds me that compared to him we are limited in our understanding, it is like a reminder not to be stubborn or think that we always know what is best, rather we should be willing to learn from his word and trust in his ways knowing that his wisdom is infinite and perfect.

Paul, meditating on this, expressed deep emotion in Romans 11:33, saying that God's judgments and way are inexplicable and unsearchable, visualizing that Jehovah's wisdom is like an abyss that is impossible to fully explore. This underscores the infinite greatness of his wisdom, which is not remembered in our limited capacity to understand all that Jehovah knows.

These words describe Jehovah's wisdom very well, because they express a deep admiration and reverence for his greatness, highlighting the unlimited complexity and depth of his wisdom, and recognizing our human limitation before his infinite wisdom. The comparison with an unfathomable abyss and the reference to his great works in Psalm 92:5, highlight the immensity of his wisdom, reminding us of our humility and the dependence that we must tend towards him.

Because in this context when it says deep it conveys the idea of ​​an abyss, so meditating on the wisdom of God is like looking into an abyss so deep that we cannot see the bottom. So no matter how hard we try, we will never understand the immensity of the wisdom of God.

This reminds us of the words of Romans 11:33, and we will never know everything that God really knows, we are nothing compared to God. This reasoning can help us when we encounter a rather haughty person who wants to understand everything about God, in fact the text shows that He is so deep that we will never fully understand His ways. 

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 92:1. This verse reminds us that giving thanks to Jehovah is a good thing. Gratitude is also beneficial to us, as it helps us maintain a positive attitude and brings us closer to our creator.

Psalm 92:2. By proclaiming God's love and faithfulness, we cultivate a thankful heart. This helps us develop a positive attitude in life, since instead of focusing on problems or difficulties, we appreciate Jehovah's constant love.

Psalm 92:1. This verse makes us think that it is very important to be grateful to Jehovah, instead of taking for granted all the good things he gives us.

Psalm 92:1. This text talks about being grateful. Nowadays, many people are ungrateful or don't even say thank you. We must take care that these characteristics don't stick to us. As we saw in Caleb and Sofia's video, it's good to learn to say please and thank you.

Psalm 92:2-3. This reading teaches us that it is good to thank God, and we can do so when we get up and when we go to bed, since being alive is a privilege that we as human beings have, so we should praise Him for this wonderful thing.

Psalm 92:2. Scripture repeatedly encourages us to show that we are grateful people. Having a spirit of appreciation builds up others, promotes peace, and increases our own happiness. On the other hand, someone who only complains shows a selfish spirit, and gives rise to discouragement and negative feelings.

Psalm 92:6 teaches us that God's thoughts are deep, and it is not easy to understand them. Understanding them requires more than just looking at the surface appearance of things. When it comes to reasoning about what Jehovah says, does, and allows, people who are unreasonable and proud, or who are morally corrupt, simply cannot understand.

Psalm 92:12 teaches us that tastes are like palm trees, because the date palm is upright, tall, and productive, it was also a fitting symbol of the righteous man, planted in the courtyards of Jehovah. The date palm can live for over 100 years and still bear fruit.

Psalm 93 5. It reminds us that Jehovah is a holy God, and we must strive to be holy too, especially in our hearts, that is, our true essence, our thoughts, feelings, etc.

Psalm 94:1 reminds us that vengeance belongs to the Lord, and he will render each man what is due. 

Psalm 92:4 teaches us that it is important to observe the works of creation and praise Jehovah for them. The clouds, the trees, the rivers and the mountains, the fresh air we breathe, the fragrance of the flowers and the song of the birds, have more reason to be than simply their captivating beauty.

Psalm 92:7. For those who seek to do what is right, this verse is a reminder not to envy the prosperity of the wicked or be discouraged when they seem to be successful. In the end, those who continue on the path of righteousness will have an eternal reward, while the wicked will face destruction.

Psalm 92:1. This verse highlights that Jehovah is the Most High, which means that He is above all things. Recognizing Jehovah's supremacy helps us maintain an attitude of humility and His sovereignty in our lives.

Psalm 92:2 Meditating on Jehovah's loyal love and faithfulness strengthens us spiritually. Knowing that Jehovah cares for us day and night strengthens our faith and encourages us to trust in him at all times, even in the most difficult moments.

Psalm 92:12. Here we are compared to strong and enduring trees. The palm tree and the cedar are symbols of endurance and growth. This teaches us that if we remain loyal to Jehovah and apply his principles, our spirituality will be strong and we will be able to withstand difficulties. We can think of how these trees withstand bad weather and in the same way we withstand trials with Jehovah's help.

Psalm 92:1 teaches us the habit of giving thanks and praising Jehovah, which keeps us focused on his goodness. By giving to Jehovah and praising his name, we find a source of spiritual joy. Gratitude allows us to serve Jehovah with joy, with the joy that comes from our relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 92:4-5. These verses teach us that Jehovah's greatness is impressive. It is noted in all created things, whether large or small, which fill us with joy and encourage us to praise our creator.

Psalm 92:11. This text shows us that God's people will soon see the fall of evil people when he brings his day of judgment. We will be eyewitnesses of all these events. So we must remain legal to Jehovah so that he may give us his protection.

Psalm 92:2. In addition to reflecting on God's goodness, the verse invites us to proclaim Jehovah's loyal love. This implies that we should share with others the wonderful things God has done for us, strengthening our faith and that of others.

Psalm 92:13. This text teaches us that when we are planted in the house of Jehovah, it means that we have a close relationship with our creator, and therefore we can be sure that our God will protect us and be our refuge in times of difficulty. 

Psalm 92:12. This text promises us that righteous people who do the will of the Creator will flourish like the palm tree, meaning that we will be strong, live a full life, and enjoy the protection of our beloved Father.

Psalm 92:14. This scripture teaches us that Jehovah values ​​older brothers and sisters very much. He knows well what kind of people they are and appreciates their beautiful qualities. Although they have had problems in their life, they have always shown strong faith in Jehovah. Now their hope is more alive than when they knew the truth. And Jehovah loves them because they continue to speak of his name even in their old age.

Psalm 92:15. This text clearly shows us that Jehovah is a righteous and just God in all his ways. Therefore, he is our rock, our safe and stable refuge, and that is why we want to proclaim his justice and goodness to people.

Psalm 92:5. In this text the psalmist expresses admiration for the great work of Jehovah, which reminds us of the wonder of creation. Every part of nature, from the stars in the sky to the smallest details on earth, reflects the powerful and wise hand of Jehovah. This invites us to observe creation with gratitude and to recognize its Divine source.

Psalm 92:14. This verse encourages us, because it shows that no matter what age we are, we can continue to be useful and productive in the congregation. Older brothers, for example, have a lot of experience and wisdom that they can share to encourage and guide others. Jehovah values ​​and appreciates everyone's contribution.

Psalm 92:2. This verse teaches us that worship and gratitude to Jehovah are not only for difficult or joyful moments, but should be part of our daily routine, both at the beginning of the day and at the end.

Psalm 92:4. The True Joy of Jehovah The Psalmist expresses his gratitude and joy for what Jehovah has done. This reminds us that when we look at God’s work both in creation and in our lives, we can find comfort, peace, and faithfulness.

Psalm 92:5. The second part of the verse highlights the depth of Jehovah's thoughts. It reminds us that as humans we cannot always fully understand Jehovah's plans, but we can trust that those thoughts and decisions are far wiser and more just than our own. We must develop humility and accept that his wisdom is infinite.

Psalm 92:5,6. There it says: No fool can know them and no fool can understand the wisdom of Jehovah. This verse highlights the difference between those who seek Jehovah with humility and those who live without considering him. The fools and the fools are those who do not appreciate the work of God, nor his wisdom, they are blinded by spirituality and Divine teachings, so we do not want to be like the fools, we want to understand Jehovah those ways, and for this we must have the desire to learn.

Psalm 92:5-6. There it mentions how deep your thoughts are, so this teaches us that Jehovah's thoughts are far above ours, his plans and purposes are unfathomable and his wisdom is infinite, although we cannot always fully understand his way we know that they are just and perfect.

Psalm 92:7. Although the wicked may flourish, it is not because Jehovah approves of their actions. This time of apparent prosperity may reflect Jehovah's patience, giving a person opportunities to repent and change his ways before facing the consequences of his actions.

Psalm 93:5. Jehovah's instructions and principles are reliable and help us live happy and peaceful lives. We can trust that by following his commandments we will always make good decisions and do better than if we tried to do it on our own. Jehovah knows what is best for us.

Psalm 93:2. This verse shows us the majestic position that our God Jehovah has as king, since he had no beginning nor will he have an end, that motivates us to serve him faithfully because he is a trustworthy God.

Psalm 94:9-11. These verses teach us that Jehovah, being the creator of a human being, knows everything, knows every part of us and is the only one who can discern thoughts and attitudes of each person, this shows that he is a reliable and safe God.

Psalm 93:5. This reading reinforces our trust in Jehovah, since his laws and reminders are for our own benefit, and when we comply with them we feel God's protection.

Psalm 94:14. This verse is a reminder that Jehovah never abandons his servants. Sometimes we might feel alone or discouraged by the trials we face, but Jehovah is always there supporting us and giving us strength. He is like a friend who never leaves us even in the most difficult times.

Psalm 94:1. This text shows us that the Bible says that Jehovah is a God of acts of vengeance. Therefore, God's servants long for the day of his vengeance, as a time when correct conduct will be vindicated and the righteous will be freed from the oppression of the wicked.

Psalm 94:12. This reading teaches us that if we have committed a sin, it is essential to accept discipline, even if it is very painful. When we accept it, it brings us happiness and we can be sure that Jehovah will once again give us approval.

Psalm 94:14. This text teaches us that Jehovah will never leave his people alone, this is a guarantee of having the best father who takes care of us at all times.

Psalm 95: 6. This text invites us to worship Jehovah, and we do this when we attend the meetings, through singing and prayer, we praise our creator, that is why we must attend regularly.

Psalm 95:11. This text shows us that a lack of faith can cause a Christian to go astray in his heart today and succumb to the natural inclination of the heart. The heart is more treacherous than anything else, and it is desperate. Evil thoughts and desires begin to infiltrate the heart causing a deadly chain reaction, and if we do not work on that aspect, we will lose the approval of our creator. 

Psalm 94:19. We all feel worried at some point, but this verse reminds us that Jehovah gives us comfort, it may be through his word, meetings or the support of our brothers in faith. When we are distressed we can pray and seek the comfort that Jehovah offers us.

Psalm 94:9. This text teaches us that anyone, small or great, who prays sincerely from the heart can expect with complete confidence that his petition will receive God's attention and interest.

Psalm 94:18. It reminds us of how much Jehovah loves us. He wants to see us well, and he is always ready to support, comfort, and listen to his friends.

Psalm 94:10. This text clearly shows us that Jehovah is the one who gives knowledge to people and uses us to bring the saving knowledge about him to those who do not know how to serve him in an acceptable way.

Psalm 95:6. This verse is an invitation to worship Jehovah with due respect and reverence. It reminds us to show a humble attitude when we approach him, recognizing that he is our creator and deserves all our worship and obedience.

Psalm 95:3. This text reminds us that God is the great King over all gods and invites us to worship him and recognize his greatness. To demonstrate that Jehovah is the only true god, we must give him exclusive devotion. We cannot worship any other god, nor bring ideas or practices from other forms of worship. We must remember that Jehovah is not simply one god among many, nor is he the greatest or most powerful of a group of gods. He is the only true god who deserves to be worshiped.

Psalm 95:7. This verse reminds us that God is our shepherd, always willing to guide us and take care of us, so we must follow his advice and let him guide us.

Psalm 95:8. This verse teaches us that we must have a complete heart that allows itself to be guided by our Creator. For this reason, we must not repeat the mistakes of the past that hardened our hearts and distanced us from Him.

Psalm 95:7,8 teaches us that if we are listening to Jehovah's advice, or so to speak listening to his voice, we should not harden our hearts or be stubborn, seeing it this way, it is better for us to listen to Jehovah. 

Psalm 95:8. Here we are warned not to have a stubborn or rebellious heart as the Israelites of old did. It is a reminder that we must be willing to listen to and obey Jehovah by keeping a soft heart and receptive to his guidance. If we are humble and obedient, we will avoid problems and enjoy Jehovah's blessings.

Psalm 93:1. This verse highlights the sovereignty of Jehovah. He is the true king and rules with power and justice in a world where human governments make mistakes and are often unjust. It is a relief to know that Jehovah is a perfect king who will always do what is right. It gives us security to know that his government will not fail.

Psalm 92:7. In this verse he compares the wicked to weeds, weeds that spring up quickly and seem to flourish. This reminds us that although those who do evil may appear successful and prosperous for a time, their success is superficial and temporary just like the weeds that grow quickly but do not have deep or lasting roots.

Psalm 92:1. The first part of the verse says: But you make me strong like a wild ox. This verse highlights that strength and the ability to overcome challenges comes from Jehovah. The image of a wild ox or buffalo in some translations represents a powerful and indomitable force, symbolizing how Jehovah can strengthen his servants to withstand trials and stand firm.

Psalm 92:10. In this text the psalmist expresses a deep trust in Jehovah as his protector and source of blessing in times of trouble. We can turn to Jehovah with the assurance that he will strengthen and refresh us like the oil that soothes and gives new energy.

Psalm 92:15. In this text the Psalm emphasizes that Jehovah is upright, which means that he is completely fair and always acts with integrity, there is no action or thought in him that is corrupt, which is fundamental for the trust that we can place in Jehovah, unlike human beings who can make mistakes or be influenced by injustices, Jehovah is perfect in his justice.

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