Friday, September 13, 2024

Watchtower Study, Week 9-15 September 2024, Be Bold Like Zadok, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, September 9-15, 2024, Be Bold Like Zadok, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response

Light Yellow: Additional Answer

Celeste: Extra Points

“Zadok, a young man of valor and strength” (1 CHRON. 12:28).

1, 2. Who was Zadok? (1 Chronicles 12:22, 26-28).

 IMAGINE the following scene. A crowd of more than 340,000 men has gathered to make David king over all Israel. For three days, the men’s lively conversations, songs of praise, and laughter of joy echo through the hills near Hebron. (1 Chron. 12:39) There is a young man named Zadok, who probably doesn’t stand out in the crowd. Yet Jehovah noticed him and wanted us to know that this young man was there. (Read 1 Chronicles 12:22, 26–28.) But who was Zadok?

2 Zadok was a priest who worked closely with the high priest Abiathar. He was also a seer, meaning a person to whom Jehovah had given great wisdom and the ability to understand his will. (2 Sam. 15:27) People came to him for good advice. He was also a very brave man. And this article will focus on that last point.

3. a) Why do we have to be brave? b) What will we see in this article?

3 During these last days, a). Satan is increasingly attacking God’s people. (1 Pet. 5:8)  As we wait for Jehovah to put an end to Satan and his evil system, we need to be courageous. (Ps. 31:24)  b)  Let’s look at three ways we can imitate Zadok’s courage.


4. Why do we need courage to support God’s Kingdom? (See also image.)

4 Jehovah’s servants wholeheartedly support God’s Kingdom, but it often takes courage. (Matt. 6:33) For example, in this evil world, it takes courage to obey Jehovah’s standards and to preach the good news of the Kingdom. (1 Thess. 2:2) Remaining neutral is also not easy in an increasingly divided system. (John 18:36) And many of Jehovah’s Witnesses have faced financial hardship, physical abuse, or even imprisonment for refusing to participate in political or military activities.


A brother is resting at his workplace next to two colleagues, who are expressing opinions very strongly. One of the two is pointing to a television where the results of a poll about two political candidates are being shown. What will you do when others take sides on political issues? (See paragraph 4.)

5. Why did Zadok have to be brave to support David?

5 Zadok didn't just go to Hebron to celebrate David's coronation. He was armed and prepared for war (1 Chron. 12:38). He was ready to follow David into any battle and defend Israel from its enemies. He probably didn't have much experience as a warrior, but he had plenty of courage.

6. What example of courage did David give to Zadok? (Psalm 138:3)

6 How did Zadok become so brave? He must have been greatly helped by the good examples of other strong, courageous men around him. One of them was David. Because he “led Israel in their military campaigns” with such courage, all Israel agreed to make him king. (1 Chron. 11:1, 2) David trusted in Jehovah and turned to him when his enemies pursued him. (Ps. 28:7; read Psalm 138:3) Zadok also had the good examples of other brave men of his time, such as Jehoiada and his warrior son, Benaiah, and the 22 tribal leaders who sided with David . (1 Chron. 11:22–25; 12:26–28) They were all determined to support David as king.

7. a) Who gives us an example of courage today? b) What does the video teach you about Brother Nsilu?

7 (b) We can gain strength and courage by examining the examples of Jehovah’s servants who have supported his Kingdom. Our. King, Jesus Christ, wanted nothing to do with Satan’s political system. (Matt. 4:8-11; John 6:14, 15) He always relied on Jehovah for strength. We also  have examples of young people today who have refused to serve in the military or participate in political activities. Why not look up some of these experiences on


8. In what situation do the elders have to be brave to help their brothers?

8 Jehovah’s servants love to help one another. (2 Cor. 8:4) But sometimes this requires courage. For example, when a war breaks out, elders know that brothers need encouragement, support, or perhaps even spiritual food or material help. Because they love the sheep, they are willing to give them whatever they need, even if it is very dangerous to do so. (John 15:12, 13) In this way, they show themselves to be courageous like Zadok.

9. According to 2 Samuel 15:27-29, what did David tell Zadok to do? (See also image.)

9 David’s life was in danger. His son Absalom was determined to take the kingdom from him (2 Sam. 15:12, 13). So David had to flee Jerusalem as soon as possible. He  told his servants, “Come, let’s get away from here, or none of us will be able to escape from Absalom!” (2 Sam. 15:14). After they had left, David realized that someone had to stay behind in Jerusalem to find out about Absalom’s plans and tell him about them. So he sent Zadok and other priests back to the city as spies (read 2 Samuel 15:27–29). They had to be very careful because the mission David had given them was very risky—in fact, their lives were at stake. Absalom was a selfish, violent, and treacherous man. Can you imagine what he would have done to these men if he had discovered that they were spying on him to protect David?


King David speaks with Zadok as David's servants leave Jerusalem. David has given Zadok a dangerous mission. (See paragraph 9.)

10. How did Zadok and those with him protect David?

10 David devised a plan that included Zadok and Hushai , another of David’s loyal friends. (2 Sam. 15:32–37) Following David’s instructions, Hushai gained Absalom’s trust and suggested a military strategy that would give David time to prepare for an attack. Hushai then told Zadok and Abiathar of the plan. (2 Sam. 17:8–16) The two then sent a message to David. (2 Sam. 17:17) With Jehovah’s help, Zadok and the other priests helped save David’s life. (2 Sam. 17:21, 22)

11. How can we be brave like Zadok if we are asked to help our brothers?

11 How can we be courageous like Zadok when we are asked to help our brothers in dangerous circumstances? 1) Follow instructions. In such situations, it is important to be obedient in order to maintain unity. So do what the branch office tells you. (Heb. 13:17) Elders should regularly review instructions on how to prepare for a disaster and what to do if one occurs. (1 Cor. 14:33, 40) 2) Be courageous but prudent. (Prov. 22:3) Use common sense. Don’t take unnecessary risks. 3) Trust in Jehovah. He cares about everyone and wants us to be safe. He can help us care for our brothers’ needs safely.

12, 13. What does the example of Viktor and Vitali teach you? (See also the image.)

12 Consider the example of Viktor and Vitali , two elderly men who took it upon themselves to bring food and water to the brothers in Ukraine. “We went everywhere looking for food,” says Viktor. “We often heard gunshots nearby. One brother donated food from his storage, and thanks to that many publishers had what they needed to survive for a while. I remember that when we were loading the vehicle, a missile landed about 20 meters (66 feet) away from us, but it didn’t explode. I spent the whole day praying to Jehovah to give me the courage I needed to continue helping the brothers.”

13 “It took a lot of courage ,” Vitali says. “My first trip took 12 hours. I spent the whole trip praying to Jehovah.” Vitali was brave but also cautious: “I kept asking Jehovah for wisdom and modesty. I only traveled in places authorized by the government. My faith was strengthened when I saw all the brothers working together. They cleared the road, collected supplies and loaded them into the vehicle, and gave Viktor and me food and lodging.”


Two brothers drive a van through a war zone. Behind them is fire, smoke and debris. In dangerous situations, be brave but careful when helping your brothers. (See paragraphs 12 and 13.)


14. How do we feel when someone we love leaves Jehovah?

14 There are few things that hurt as much as when a family member or friend leaves Jehovah . (Ps. 78:40; Prov. 24:10) And if the relationship with that person was very close, the pain will be even greater. If you have been through a situation like this, Zadok's example of loyalty will be very helpful.

15. Why did Zadok have to be brave to remain loyal to Jehovah? (1 Kings 1:5-8)

15 At the end of David’s reign, when David was very old and near death, his son Adonijah tried to take the throne from him, even though Jehovah wanted Solomon to be the next king. (1 Chron. 22:9, 10) Zadok remained loyal to Jehovah, but his friend Abiathar decided to support Adonijah. (Read 1 Kings 1:5–8.) In this way, Abiathar was being disloyal to David and also to Jehovah. Can you imagine how sad and disappointed Zadok must have felt? For more than 40 years, they had worked side by side as priests. (2 Sam. 8:17) They had collaborated together in caring for “the Ark of the true God.” (2 Sam. 15:29) They had supported David and experienced many things together in Jehovah’s service. (2 Sam. 19:11–14)

16. What encouraged Zadok to remain loyal to Jehovah?

16 Zadok remained loyal to Jehovah despite Abiathar’s decision, and David never wavered in his loyalty. When Adonijah’s plan was revealed to David, he turned to Zadok, Nathan, and Benaiah to anoint Solomon as king. (1 Kings 1:32–34) Zadok was surely encouraged by the example of other servants of Jehovah, such as Nathan, who were faithful to God and supported King David. (1 Kings 1:38, 39) When Solomon was appointed king, he put Zadok the priest “in the place of Abiathar.”—1 Kings 2:35.

17. How can you imitate Zadok if someone you love abandons Jehovah?

17 How can you imitate Zadok? If someone you care about has deserted Jehovah, make your position clear . (Josh. 24:15) Jehovah will give you the strength and courage you need. Turn to him in prayer and stay close to his faithful servants. Jehovah values ​​your loyalty and will reward you. (2 Sam. 22:26)

18. What does the example of Marco and Sidse teach you?

18 Consider the case of Marco and his wife, Sidse. Their two daughters left the truth when they grew up. He says: “From the day your children are born, your heart is filled with love for them. You would do anything to protect them. So when they leave Jehovah, your heart breaks.” He adds: “But Jehovah has always been by our side. He makes it so that when I fall apart, Sidse is strong, and when she falls apart, I am strong.” She says: “We have only been able to hold on because of the strength Jehovah gives us. I felt very bad because I thought my daughters had left the truth because of me. So I told Jehovah about it. Soon after, a sister I had not seen for many years came up to me, put her hands on my shoulders, and looking into my eyes she said: ‘Remember, Sidse, it is not your fault. ’ With Jehovah’s help, I have been able to continue serving him with joy.”

19. What decision have you made?

19 Jehovah wants all of his servants to be courageous like Zadok. (2 Tim. 1:7) However, he does not want us to rely on our own strength. Instead, he wants us to rely on him. So when you face a situation where you need to be courageous, turn to Jehovah. You can be sure that he will help you to be as courageous as Zadok. (1 Pet. 5:10)


By supporting the Kingdom of God.

Staying ideally neutral to the Kingdom, being prepared to maintain that neutrality, is not just about saying I am a Jehovah's Witness and my religion does not allow me to, it is about being willing to pay the price, as we have seen: mockery, bullying, negative comments, perhaps even beatings, even prison, especially when others insist that according to them we should support a local party, perhaps they get angry and even disappointed in us.

By helping the brothers.

While we are willing to give them encouragement, spiritual and material support, with prudence and good judgment, we know that this could be the last time we try to help them.

By remaining loyal to Jehovah.

Not allowing what others do, or do to us, to motivate us to leave Jehovah, fail Him, and sink further and further.

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