Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Watchtower Study, “Article 27,” Week 9-15 September 2024, Be Bold Like Zadok, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, “Article 27,” September 9-15, 2024, Be Bold Like Zadok, Answers.

“Zadok, a young man of valor and strength” (1 CHRON. 12:28).

1, 2. Who was Zadok? (1 Chronicles 12:22, 26-28).

Zadok was a young priest who participated in the unification of Israel under King David. Although he may have seemed like just another one among the crowd of 340,000 men gathered in Hebron, Jehovah considered him worthy of being mentioned in the scriptures.

As we see in the texts we have just read, Zadok was one of the priests who joined David during this period of Israel's history. His name appears next to that of the sons of Levi, which suggests that he had a significant position. Zadok also worked closely with the high priest Abiathar and was known as a Seer, someone who had the ability to understand God's will according to Second Samuel 15:27. This aspect, along with his courage, highlighted him as a man of faith and loyalty to Jehovah.

3. a) Why do we have to be brave ?

Courage is essential in our spiritual struggle during these last days because Satan is trying harder than ever to attack and divert Jehovah's servants. 1 Peter 5:8 highlights the aggressiveness with which Satan seeks to destroy us, so our courage enables us to resist these attacks.

Furthermore, Psalm 31:24 reminds us to have courage and trust in Jehovah as we face the trials and adversities that arise in this evil system.

3. b) What will we see in this article?

This article will focus on how we can imitate the courage of Zadok who remained loyal to David despite difficult circumstances. By studying his examples we will learn three concrete ways to be courageous in our daily lives which will help us remain firm in our faith and service to Jehovah.


4. Why do we need courage to support God’s Kingdom? (See also image.)

Supporting God's Kingdom requires courage because it involves making decisions that may not be popular or easy in a world that does not follow God's standards.

Matthew 6:33 reminds us that we must seek first the Kingdom, which often requires sacrificing our own desires or facing opposition. We also need courage to proclaim the good news in a hostile environment.

Furthermore, remaining neutral in an increasingly polarized system, as Jesus indicated at John 18:36, requires strength and determination. History has shown that many Jehovah's Witnesses have been imprisoned, mistreated, or faced financial hardship for their firm position of not getting involved in politics or military activities.


A brother is resting at his workplace next to two colleagues, who are expressing opinions very strongly. One of the two is pointing to a television where the results of a poll about two political candidates are being shown. What will you do when others take sides on political issues? (See paragraph 4.)

5. Why did Zadok have to be brave to support David?

Zadok's courage in supporting David was evident in his willingness to go beyond being merely a spectator at David's coronation. 

As 1 Chronicles 12:38 mentions, Zadok was a man of war, which indicates that he not only came to Hebron for the celebration, but he was also ready to fight if necessary.

Although he probably did not have much experience as a warrior, his bravery and loyalty to David and Jehovah prompted him to be willing to risk his life.

6. What example of courage did David give to Zadok? (Psalm 138:3)

David was an example of courage to Zadok not only because of his skill as a military leader, but also because of his unwavering trust in Jehovah.

1 Chronicles 111:2 tells how David was accepted as king because of his valor in battle, and his courage inspired all of Israel. Furthermore, David did not depend solely on his physical strength; his true source of strength came from his relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 138:3 tells us that when David cried out to Jehovah in his moments of distress, he received an inner strength that allowed him to face his challenges with confidence. This example of spiritual courage was a model for Zadok, who, by being close to David and other brave men like Jehoiada and Benayad, developed the courage necessary to support David as king and defend the interests of the Kingdom of God.

7. a) Who gives us an example of courage today? 

Today we see the example of courage in servants of Jehovah who have made firm decisions not to get involved in the politics and military activities of this world, imitating the example of Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 4:8-11. Jesus rejected Satan's offer to rule over the kingdoms of the earth, demonstrating his exclusive loyalty to the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, in John 6:14,15 Jesus prevented people from making him King by showing his complete political neutrality. These examples are followed by young Jehovah's Witnesses today who refuse to serve in the military or participate in political activities, remaining firm in their faith and loyalty to Jehovah.

7. b) What does the video teach you about Brother Nsilu?

The video about Brother Nsilu offers a powerful lesson in courage and loyalty. He faced enormous pressure to participate in military activities, but chose to follow biblical principles, trusting that Jehovah would give him the necessary strength. 

This testimony is a source of inspiration for all who wish to stand firm in the truth, showing that with faith in Jehovah it is possible to overcome any challenge, no matter how daunting.


8. In what situation do the elders have to be brave to help their brothers?

Elders need to be courageous when a war situation arises to help the brothers of the congregation. In such circumstances it can be dangerous to provide support, but it will still be necessary to offer help, whether by offering encouragement by bringing spiritual food or by providing material help. 

Despite the risks, the elders show courage motivated by their love for Jehovah's sheep just as Jesus taught in John 15:1 and 13, where they are urged to show self-sacrificing love even to the point of sacrificing their own lives. By acting in this way, the elders demonstrate to be courageous like Zadok who was willing to risk his safety for the good of others.

9. According to 2 Samuel 15:27-29, what did David tell Zadok to do? (See also image.)

According to the texts we have just read, David, realizing that someone had to remain in Jerusalem to inform him about Absalom's movements and plans, sent Zadok and other priests back to the city to serve as spies. This task not only required great loyalty, but also enormous courage given that Absalom was known for his violent and treacherous character.

The mission that David entrusted to Zadok was a high-risk one, as it involved staying close to the enemy and gathering vital information for the security of David and his Kingdom. By accepting this mission, Zadok demonstrated not only his loyalty to David, but also his trust in Jehovah.


King David speaks with Zadok as David's servants leave Jerusalem. David has given Zadok a dangerous mission. (See paragraph 9.)

10. How did Zadok and those with him protect David?

David devised a plan to protect himself from Absalom that involved Zadok, Hushai, and other loyal servants. Hushai under David's command managed to gain Absalom's trust by proposing a military strategy that intentionally delayed the attack against David, thus giving David the necessary time to organize and prepare his defense.

Hushai shared the details of Absalom's plan with Zadok and Abiathar who in turn sent a message to David through carefully selected messengers. This action carried out with the help of Jehovah was essential for David to escape an imminent attack. This strategy not only saved David's life, but also strengthened his position as King by demonstrating the importance of loyalty and courage in the worship of Jehovah.

11. How can we be brave like Zadok if we are asked to help our brothers?

Being courageous like Zadok in dangerous situations involves a combination of obedience, prudence, and trust in Jehovah. By following the instructions given to us by the organization, we maintain unity and ensure that our actions are in harmony with the spirit of cooperation that Jehovah promotes.

Elders have the responsibility to review guidelines on how to prepare for and respond to disasters, ensuring that the congregation is ready to face any eventuality.

Prudence is also essential. Acting with courage does not mean taking unnecessary risks but being wise and cautious, as Proverbs 22:3 teaches us. Finally, trusting in Jehovah assures us that when making decisions we will be under his care and protection, which will allow us to help our brothers safely and effectively.

12, 13. What does the example of Viktor and Vitali teach you? (See also the image.)

The example of Viktor and Vitali illustrates how Jehovah's servants can show courage and faith when facing real dangers to help their brothers. These two elders, in the midst of the conflict in Ukraine, took enormous risks by searching for and distributing food to brothers in need. Viktor mentioned how, despite the gunfire and a missile that fell near them, he did not stop praying to Jehovah for the courage needed to continue. This incident shows how courage is not only manifested in heroic acts, but also in the determination to continue forward in the midst of danger, trusting that Jehovah would protect them.

Vitali complemented this courage with prudence, constantly asking Jehovah for wisdom and walking only on safe paths. Moreover, observing the cooperation and mutual support among the brothers greatly strengthened his faith.

The elders, for example, are willing to take risks to provide spiritual and material support to their brothers, even in situations of conflict or disaster. This type of courage is comparable to that demonstrated by Zadok when he supported David, willing to face dangers to fulfill his duty.

To act with courage, God's servants must follow the instructions they receive, have unity and act prudently, avoiding unnecessary risks. The advice in Hebrews 133:17 highlights the importance of obeying those who take the lead, as this contributes to the harmony and security of the congregation.

Furthermore, trusting fully in Jehovah is essential, as he can provide the wisdom and courage needed to face any situation. The example of Viktor and Vitali, elders in Ukraine, who risked their lives to bring food and water to their brothers during the conflict in their country, illustrates this type of courage. Despite the difficulties and dangers, they trusted in Jehovah and maintained their determination to help others, which reinforces the idea that Jehovah provides the strength necessary to carry out acts of courage.


Two brothers drive a van through a war zone. Behind them is fire, smoke and debris. In dangerous situations, be brave but careful when helping your brothers. (See paragraphs 12 and 13.)


14. How do we feel when someone we love leaves Jehovah?

The pain we feel when a loved one leaves Jehovah is comparable to a deep wound in our heart. It is an intense emotional test, especially when the relationship with that person was very close. Such a situation can make us reflect on how Jehovah must have felt when he saw his people repeatedly rebel against him as described in Psalm 78:40.

Although sadness is inevitable, remembering that our relationship with Jehovah is the most valuable thing will help us stay strong. In addition, seeking comfort in the congregation and in prayer can be key to overcoming these difficult times, reinforcing our loyalty and trust in Jehovah.

15. Why did Zadok have to be brave to remain loyal to Jehovah? (1 Kings 1:5-8)

Zadok showed extraordinary courage in remaining loyal to Jehovah during a critical time. In the history of Israel at the end of David's reign when Adonijah attempted to seize the Throne against Jehovah's will, Zadok had to make a difficult decision. 

Even though his friend and long-time companion Abiathar decided to support Adonijah, Zadok remained steadfast in his support of the will of Jehovah who had chosen him as David's successor. This betrayal by Abiathar was a test for Zadok, since both had served together as priests. However, Zadok did not allow his personal relationship with Abiathar to compromise his loyalty to Jehovah.

16. What encouraged Zadok to remain loyal to Jehovah?

The loyalty of other faithful servants around him such as Nathan and Benaiah strengthened Zadok, encouraging him not to give in to the pressure to follow Abiathar in his support of Adonijah. 

Throughout his life Zadok had demonstrated his fidelity to Jehovah, his firmness in this situation did not go unnoticed by David who trusted him for the important task of anointing Solomon as king, this fidelity was recognized and rewarded when Solomon named him high priest in place of Abiathar, showing that he rewards loyalty and obedience to his will.

17. How can you imitate Zadok if someone you love abandons Jehovah?

Imitating Zadok in situations where someone dear to us abandons Jehovah involves several fundamental actions. First, it is crucial to make clear our position regarding our loyalty to Jehovah. Second, turning to Jehovah in prayer is essential to obtain the strength and courage necessary to face the sadness and emotional challenge that the situation entails.

Jehovah gives us the necessary support to remain strong. Surrounding ourselves with faithful brothers provides a support system and strengthens our own faith. The congregation plays a crucial role in offering encouragement and guidance. Finally, remember that Jehovah values ​​our loyalty and that he promises to reward us if we remain faithful.

18. What does the example of Marco and Sidse teach you?

Marco and Sidse's experience shows how to face the painful reality of our loved ones abandoning the faith. Despite the deep pain they experienced, mutual support and faith in Jehovah were fundamental to their emotional strength. 

Both Marco and Sidse found that Jehovah was always there for them, providing the support they needed to overcome their pain. Sidse in particular felt significant relief from the support of a sister who reminded her that it was not her fault. 

This experience shows that in times of trial, dependence on Jehovah and the support of the congregation are essential to maintaining faith and joy in serving Jehovah.

19. What decision have you made?

The determination to be courageous like Zadok involves more than simply acting courageously; it is an act of faith and trust in Jehovah.

2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that the spirit Jehovah has given us is not one of cowardice, but of power, love and good judgment. This spirit allows us to face God's challenges with the assurance that Jehovah will support us. It is crucial not to depend on our own strength but to turn to Jehovah in prayer, fully trusting that he will provide us with the courage necessary to overcome any test.


By supporting the Kingdom of God.

We can do this by remaining neutral in a divided world, obeying Jehovah’s standards, and preaching the good news boldly even when we face opposition or difficulties.

By helping the brothers.

We can do this by following the instructions of the branch office, acting prudently and trusting in Jehovah, and being willing to take risks to provide spiritual and material support especially in dangerous circumstances.

By remaining loyal to Jehovah.

We can do this by taking a clear stance when a loved one leaves the faith, trusting in Jehovah for needed strength, and staying close to the congregation and other faithful servants of God.

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