Monday, September 2, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of September 2-8, 2024, Show that you love Jehovah's glorious name, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: September 2-8, 2024, Show that you love Jehovah's glorious name.

Show that you love Jehovah's glorious name (10 mins.)

Jehovah's name is more than just a collection of letters; it represents his reputation, his promises, and his love for mankind. As his servants, we have the privilege and responsibility to show our love for that name.

Today we will consider how we can do this by leaving behind everything that dishonors Him, calling upon Him with sincerity, and obeying Him to receive His blessings.

1. Leave behind things that dishonor Jehovah The psalmist cried out to Jehovah: Psalm 79:9 This plea reminds us that our actions can affect the glory of Jehovah's name. (Read)

Loving Jehovah’s name means living in a way that honors him. According to The Watchtower 2017, Jehovah expects us to be holy, which means obeying his principles and laws, no matter what difficulties we face.

We must do our best to avoid actions that dishonor Jehovah. Although we all make mistakes, sincere repentance and efforts to change enable us to maintain conduct that reflects positively on his name.

2. Call on the name of Jehovah Psalm 80:18 mentions:  (Read) …..But what does it really mean to call on the name of Jehovah?

Calling upon His name goes beyond saying it; it involves turning to Him with confidence and depending on His help. Jesus underlined this idea when he taught in the model prayer: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.”

To truly call upon Jehovah's name, we must know him, love him, and obey his commandments. In doing so, we demonstrate that we trust in his guidance and desire to see his name sanctified throughout the earth.

3. Jehovah will richly reward those who obey him because they love his name Psalm 81:13 expresses a desire of Jehovah: .. (Read)

Jehovah longs for his people to obey him, not out of obligation, but out of love for his name. When we show that love through obedience, Jehovah promises to reward us richly.

Psalm 81:16 illustrates this reward: Jehovah not only meets our needs, but showers us with spiritual and material blessings.

Obedience out of love for Jehovah guarantees his protection and blessings, ensuring us a full and rewarding life both now and in the future.

CONCLUSION: How can we give glory to that name? We must identify ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses so that our behavior speaks well of God's name. Every action we perform, every word we speak, reflects who we are and whom we serve.

 By proudly bearing Jehovah's name, we become representatives of his justice, goodness, and love. May our conduct always be a living testimony that honors and glorifies his name, demonstrating to the world that we are truly his witnesses.

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