Monday, September 2, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 2-8, 2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 4 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 2-8-September-2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making Disciples: A Labor of Love, Lesson 4 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. Offer a Bible course (lmd lesson 4 point 3).

You: Hello, nice to meet you. You've been waiting too long for the bus.

Person: No, I just arrived a short time ago.

You: It looks like the weather is going to be a little sunny.

Person: Yes, but the heat is quite high, I think it will end up affecting our health.

You: I think the weather has changed. What do you think is the reason?

Person: I suppose that with the changes that man has made on Earth, do you think that one day we will end up exterminating ourselves?

You: I've asked myself that question too, and I was surprised to find answers in a place I hadn't thought about much before: the Bible. I'm not an expert, but I've found that the Bible speaks of good things that will happen in the future.

Person: Yes, like any other.

You: Listen to what it says in Psalm 37:29… as we read, the Bible assures us that the earth will never be destroyed and that the righteous will live forever on it, even when humans have ruined it with their way of acting.

Person: But the earth will always remain like this:

You: The Bible does answer that question. If you'd like, we can explore together what the Bible says about the future.

Person: I'm not sure if I'll understand what the Bible says

You: It's normal to feel that way at first. We're all learning, and the good thing is that we can do it at our own pace, without pressure. The idea is to see what we can learn together and how those teachings can be useful in your daily life. If you're ever curious or have any questions, we can start with something simple and see how you feel about it.

Person: I could try that, it sounds interesting.

You: Great! We can start whenever you feel ready, and you'll see that it's not about knowing everything right away, but about slowly discovering what the Bible can offer you. I'm here to walk with you through that process, and I'm sure we'll find valuable answers together.

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