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Why shouldn't we brag? (10 min.)
Today I would like us to reflect together on an attitude that, although at times it may seem harmless, has the potential to distance us from Jehovah and the people we love: presumption.
We've all known someone who takes too much pride in their achievements, their appearance, or their possessions, and perhaps we've fallen into that trap ourselves at some point. But why is it so important to avoid this attitude? What dangers does presumption hide and how can it affect our relationship with God and others?
The Bible offers us many warnings about the danger of boasting and the importance of maintaining a humble attitude. Throughout this talk, we will explore what God's Word says about presumption, why it is so distasteful to Jehovah, and how we can cultivate an attitude that will keep us in his favor.
Let's start with the first: presumption and arrogance are attitudes that Jehovah firmly rejects. In Psalms 75:4, we are warned:… This reminds us not to be arrogant or believe ourselves to be superior to others. And the apostle Paul also reinforces this thought, since by divine inspiration he wrote the following in 1 Timothy 3: 6.
From this group come men who maliciously enter homes and attract weak women who are burdened with sins and who allow themselves to be carried away by various desires,
But since we can unknowingly be presumptuous and arrogant, for example, people can feel superior because of their skills, their physical appearance, their money or their social position. Their desire is for others to admire them. That is why many try to excel in this world.
But as servants of God we do not seek to excel in this world, but how can the presumption be given in our case. We have some examples of this, such as King Uzziah, who was loyal to God for many years. However, the Bible relates that “as soon as he became strong, his heart became haughty even to the point of ruin.” Uzziah went so far as to enter the temple of Jehovah to burn incense, a task that only the priests had to perform. This may be the case in our service to Jehovah.
For example, when we receive responsibilities in the organization it is a gift from Jehovah; it is not our merit (Psalms 75:4, 5, 10. Here we are also warned against 'lifting up our horn', or developing a proud or arrogant attitude.
LET'S READ PSALMS 75:4,5,10.
I told the arrogant:* “Don't boast.” And I said to the wicked: “Do not exalt his power.
When we are given responsibilities or privileges in the congregation, such as giving talks, being elders, ministerial servants, or taking on certain tasks, we can fall into the trap of thinking that we are more valuable or important than other brothers. This attitude can lead us to despise those who have less responsibilities or to believe that our criteria are always the best.
Some brothers have notable talents, whether in public speaking, music, teaching, or other fields that can benefit the congregation. However, if we begin to brag about these talents and seek personal recognition, we are putting our humility at risk.
We can come to feel that we are indispensable or that the congregation depends on us, forgetting that it is Jehovah who gives the abilities and that we are all part of a body with different functions.
We must remember that Jehovah is the one who gives us those gifts and abilities that we use in the congregation. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that our abilities are the result of our personal effort or merit. However, the reality is that everything we have and who we are comes from Jehovah. As James 1:17 says , “Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from Jehovah.”
Jehovah will humble the arrogant, like the proud leaders of this world. Arrogance is an attitude that Jehovah does not tolerate, and the Bible is clear about it. In Psalm 76:12 we are told:
It will lower the pride of the leaders; He strikes fear into the kings of the earth.
This verse highlights how Jehovah, in his power and justice, has the ability to humble those who exalt themselves, including the proud leaders of this world.
Leaders in this world are often tempted to take pride in their power, influence, and achievements. They believe that their positions of authority and wealth make them invulnerable. However, God's Word reminds us that no human being is more powerful than Jehovah. Those who rise up in arrogance and pride, believing themselves to be self-sufficient or superior, will eventually be humbled by God.
This principle not only applies to world rulers and leaders, but also to all of us. If we allow pride to dominate our lives, we will distance ourselves from Jehovah and put ourselves in a dangerous position. Jehovah exalts the humble, but he casts down the haughty. Therefore, we must strive to maintain a humble spirit, recognizing that it is Jehovah who rules over everything and that anything we have or achieve is thanks to Him.
In conclusion: today we have reflected on the danger of presumption and arrogance, attitudes that Jehovah rejects and that can distance us from His favor. Conceit can manifest itself in many ways, whether by feeling superior for our assignments, our knowledge, or our talents, or by seeking recognition from others.
In our corresponding activities guide this week we see a brother presenting a speech at an assembly and later the brother avoids the spotlight and humbly rejects the praise given to him.
This teaches us that we should be humble when we have important assignments or responsibilities in the congregation. Being Humble will help us reject the praise that only belongs to Jehovah since it is thanks to him that we can carry out all the responsibilities assigned to us. However, we must remember that everything we are and have comes from Jehovah. He is the one who gives us our abilities and responsibilities, and it is He who exalts or humbles us according to his righteousness.
Maintaining a humble attitude is key to remaining close to Jehovah. Recognizing that any gift or ability is a gift from God protects us from pride and helps us use those gifts for his glory and to edify the congregation. As we have seen in Psalm 76:12, Jehovah will humble the arrogant, including the proud leaders of this world, and only the humble will receive favor from him.
May each of us cultivate a spirit of humility, always recognizing our total dependence on Jehovah. In this way, we will avoid the dangers of presumption and ensure that we continue walking faithfully on the path that leads to eternal life. May Jehovah help us to remain humble and grateful, always ready to serve Him with a sincere and modest heart.
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