Tuesday, August 6, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week August 5-11, 2024, Talk about the power of God “to the next generation, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: 5-11-August 2024, Talk about the power of God “to the next generation, Prepared Speech.

Talk about the power of God “to the next generation” (10 mins.)

Today, both young people, children, adults, women and men alike, have a constant struggle, a constant struggle with the difficulties and temptations that are present today because we are living in the last days. 

This is because Satan wants to devour anyone, both young people and adults, so it is important that we always keep in mind that we must be vigilant, have constant vigilance, and courage is also required.

But how can we achieve that value? Let's look at an example: we have the example of David. David is recognized as a great man of great courage, but we know that he also had a lot of trust in Jehovah. Since when could he have that courage? Let's see what he himself tells us in Psalm 71:5, let's read this psalm, verse 5, 71, if we already have it, it says like this.


For you are my hope, oh Sovereign Lord Jehovah; I have trusted you since my youth.

We noticed that from a very young age, he trusted in Jehovah, the case of Goliath always comes to mind, how did David defeat Goliath? At that time he was around 17 years old, he was young, but it is still necessary to have this quality from a young age. If we remember when he was younger, he also took care of his parents' flock. On one occasion, he had to fight a lion. of the claws to the sheep and killed that Lion.

There was also a bear hanging around there later, and he caught up with it and defeated it. He always thought that he gave the power to Jehovah. He didn't think it was for himself, but he gave that merit to Jehovah. You Be brave like David, fully trusting in Jehovah, yes, as we said, David gave all the credit to Jehovah for that power and over time he realized that Jehovah protected him as he grew up. 

Over time we will also notice how Jehovah cares for us, protects us and saves us from any problem or difficulty that may arise. David was able to have Jehovah's support because he always remained loyal to him. He was also able to say these words of the Lord. Psalm 71:9 here in verse 9 we notice what David also says.


Don't reject me in my old age. When my strength fails, do not abandon me.

Here he did not mean that he felt abandoned by Jehovah, no, he knew that as he grew older he would rely more on Jehovah's support, which is why he always fully trusted him. Jehovah never abandons his servants, he responds to the loyalty of his servants with their support throughout his life, in many cases he uses other Christians to be able to provide support. . David took advantage of his experience to help other young people strengthen them, look at what he said in the Psalms now in 71:17 and 18, that he tells us the following if you already have it.

LET'S READ PSALM 71:17,18. 

Oh, God, you have taught me since I was young, and until now I continue to declare your wonderful works. 18 Even when I am old and gray, oh God, do not abandon me. Let me speak of your power* to the next generation, of your might to all who are to come.

In our Activity Guide for this week we can see a family that appears in the last section of the previous week's program, titled: Keys to enjoying Family Worship? There we can see that they invited an older couple to their family worship, and we see them listening with great joy to the experiences they tell them and they also see photos that they show them, and when we see this image we can ask ourselves the question: Which brother Of the congregation that has been serving Jehovah for many years, would we like to interview in our family worship? 

Doing so will help us see how Jehovah has been able to help us get ahead in the moments when we serve him, just as he did with David, they will see that this is real and they will recognize Jehovah as the powerful one and they will have the courage to continue preaching. his word with value.

As we see, young people can acquire that knowledge now, how can they do it? looking for a way to meet our experienced brothers in the congregation. In fact, the apostle Paul encouraged the experienced sisters to encourage the younger ones with his example and his words. We can see it in Titus chapter 2 verse 3, look what Titus 2:3 tells us.


Likewise, let older women behave with reverence, let them not be slanderers or be enslaved to too much wine, and let them be teachers of what is good,

We notice that it is important that we continue talking to young people about the power of Jehovah, how Jehovah helps us. A task for young people. What do you think if you look for a way that in your family worship you can invite an experienced brother from the congregation and interview him? In this way they will see how he has been able to serve Jehovah better and better, and how Jehovah has helped him overcome the problems and difficulties that may have arisen during his service to Jehovah.

What do you think, you can do it? If we do it this way, we will have many, many benefits, both young people and adults, and in this way we will always be able to serve Jehovah with courage.

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