Monday, August 12, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week August 12 to 18, 2024, Are we envious of those who do not serve God?, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD:  August 12-18, 2024, Are we envious of those who do not serve God?, Prepared Speech.

Are we envious of those who do not serve God? (10 min.)

As we know very well, dear brothers, envy is a powerful emotion that can bend our vision and not only that but it can also affect our spiritual well-being. And why do we say that? We say this because often, we can look at those who do not follow God and we can envy their apparent success, wealth and happiness.

And we may wonder if our devotion and sacrifice is really worth it, and this may happen especially when we compare it with the carefree life of the wicked. In Psalm 73, we find a powerful example of how envy can affect our spirituality. Please read Psalm 73:3-5 and if you found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this.


Because I came to envy the arrogant when I saw the peace of the wicked. 4 Because they die without suffering pain; your body is healthy; 5 they do not live burdened like other humans nor suffer like other men.

Here we can see that the psalmist who was a Levite, with the honor of serving in the place where Jehovah was worshiped, faced a serious spiritual dilemma. Despite his position and the blessings he enjoyed in serving God, he began to feel envy toward the wicked and arrogant. He observed that they seemed to enjoy a life of wealth, pleasure and carelessness.

And it is interesting to analyze that the psalmist did not want to imitate the incorrect actions of these individuals, but what we can analyze from this text is that the apparent good life they led did affect him, which deeply discouraged him. For this reason, he came to wonder if his effort to maintain a pure heart and wash his hands in innocence had been worth it. This crisis of faith led him to feel that his devotion and sacrifice to Jehovah were not being adequately rewarded.

In our corresponding activity guide this week we see a teenage Witness watching with envy as her classmates talk to each other and look at their phones. We see how envy of the apparent prosperity of the wicked can distort our perspective and endanger our spirituality.

And what can we learn from the envy that the Psalmist experienced? Well, we can learn that the temptation to divert our gaze from the true source of our satisfaction and happiness, which is Jehovah, is a serious spiritual danger. 

His experience teaches us that even the most faithful servants can face this trial. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and let go of these feelings to keep our faith and our relationship with God strong and intact.

When the psalmist of Psalm 73 began to feel envy of the apparent good life of the wicked, his discouragement grew. His envy led us to question the value of his fidelity to Jehovah and to become frustrated with his situation. So when did the breaking point come in his perspective? or so to speak, when did he realize that he was wrong in what he thought? Let us please read Psalm 73:17 and see the answer to this question.


Until I entered God's magnificent sanctuary and realized the future that awaited them.

As we can see, this place filled with the presence of Jehovah and other worshiping Israelites allowed him to put his thoughts in order and seek help through prayer. This example teaches us that instead of isolating ourselves in our worries and negative feelings, worshiping with our fellow believers is crucial to maintaining a correct spiritual perspective.

So the antidote to the psalmist's envy and discouragement was to see things from Jehovah's point of view. By changing his focus and understanding true reality, he regained his inner peace and happiness and expressed his devotion by saying the words of Psalm 73:25: “On earth apart from you I desire nothing.” .

This example teaches us that we should not be carried away by envy toward the lives of the wicked. Their happiness is fleeting and superficial, and will not last. Instead of envying them, we should follow the psalmist's example: listen to Jehovah's counsel, worship with our brothers, and focus on what really matters. In doing so, we will find true joy and follow the path that leads to “the life that really is life.”

In Psalm 73 that corresponds to analysis this week, the psalmist reflects on the apparent prosperity of the wicked, who are on slippery ground. Let us please read Psalm 73:18-19. If you found it, accompany me with the reading.

LET'S READ PSALM 73:18,19.

Without a doubt, you put them on slippery ground. You make them fall into ruin. In an instant they are exterminated! How sudden is their end, the terrible end that comes to them!

In conclusion, we can see that on the surface their life may seem successful in the short term, but the pleasure they get from sin is temporary and superficial. Writing reminds us that the world is passing and so is its desire. So, when we face temptations we must ask ourselves: What future do I want?

Jehovah, on the other hand, promises to lead his servants to “glory.” In contrast to the uncertain fate of the wicked, Jehovah guides his faithful toward a glorious future (Ps. 73:24). This glory is not only a future reward, but also a present experience of honor and blessing.

As we have learned, envy and discouragement can be dangerous if we do not confront them with adequate spiritual vision. We must remember that the pleasure of sin is fleeting and that the world and its desires are constantly changing. Instead of letting these temptations lead us astray, we need to see things from Jehovah's perspective. By worshiping Him with our brothers, seeking guidance from Him, and focusing our lives on His will, we can find true contentment and peace.

Jehovah promises to lead his servants to a glory that is not only future, but also present in our daily lives. He honors us by allowing us to know his will, offering us his friendship, and entrusting us with the valuable Christian ministry. By waiting on Jehovah and walking in his way, we can have firm hope for a glorious future and eternal life.

So if you are ever tempted to envy those who do not serve God, remember the psalmist's example and seek Jehovah's perspective. Keep your focus on the blessings He offers and the glory that awaits you. Thus, you will find true joy and follow the path toward “the life that really is life.”

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