Friday, August 2, 2024

The Watchtower Study, "Article 21", Week July 29 to August 4, 2024, How to Find a Suitable Person to Marry, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, "Article 21", July 29, August 4, 2024, How to Find a Suitable Person to Marry, Answers.

“Who can find a competent wife? She is worth much more than corals” (PROV. 31:10).

1, 2. a) If a Christian has the desire to get married, what should he think about before taking any step?

When a Christian has the desire to get married, he or she must think about being prepared in a spiritual, economic and emotional sense. Before taking any step, spiritual preparation is essential to have a relationship centered on biblical principles.

Financial preparation is also crucial to ensure the stability and well-being of the future marriage. And finally, being emotionally prepared helps manage the complexities and challenges that married life can present, facilitating a more harmonious and happy relationship.

1, 2. b) What do we mean when we talk about courtship? (See “Big Idea”).

When we talk about courtship, we refer to a relationship that has the purpose of evaluating compatibility for marriage. Courtship is a period in which two people get to know each other better and determine if they are aligned in fundamental aspects such as their values, beliefs and objectives. in the life.

The paragraph mentions that it is not always easy to find the right person, but with patience and Divine guidance, it is possible to begin a courtship that potentially leads to a satisfying marriage.


In this article and the next, when we talk about courtship, we are referring to the period in which a man and a woman get to know each other better in order to determine if they would be compatible as husband and wife. Courtship begins when a man and a woman make it clear that there is mutual interest and continues until they either commit to getting married or decide to end the relationship. To refer to this period, in some places expressions such as getting to know each other, dating, going out with someone, dating, starting a relationship or becoming engaged are also used.


3. What should a single Christian think about before starting to look for a person to marry?

Firstly it is essential to have a clear idea of ​​the characteristics and qualities you want in a future spouse. This reflection is crucial to not pass up someone who could be a good option, nor to start a relationship with someone who is not compatible.

It would also be good to ask yourself: What are my goals in life? What qualities should the person I'm looking for have? Are my expectations reasonable? By asking yourself these questions, one can evaluate whether your expectations are realistic, and whether the person you choose to share your life with is aligned with your own goals and values.

4. What have some singles included in their prayers?

In Philippians 4:6, Christians are encouraged to bring all their concerns and desires to Jehovah through prayer, including their desire to find a suitable partner. Although Jehovah does not promise to find a partner for every individual, he does care about their feelings and needs.

Some singles in their prayers speak to Jehovah about the qualities they seek in a partner, asking for opportunities to meet someone and for help in cultivating the qualities necessary to be a good spouse.

Others ask Jehovah to help them stay faithful, positive and happy while they search for the right person.

5. What will help singles meet people who love Jehovah? (1 Corinthians 15:58; see also image).

What will help you is to be very busy in the work of the Lord. By following this advice, singles have the opportunity to spend time with many brothers and sisters within the congregation, creating an environment conducive to forming good friendships and meeting other singles. 

Participating in the activities of the Congregation brings satisfaction and happiness, since it involves doing everything possible to please Jehovah. This not only strengthens your faith and relationship with God, but also creates an environment in which relationships based on common spiritual interests and goals can emerge.


Series of images: 1. A single sister chats animatedly with an older sister as they preach together. 2. The single sister serves food at a construction project for our organization. 3. A single brother accompanies an elder during a shepherding visit to a couple. 4. The single brother drives a machine on the same construction project. If you remain focused on serving Jehovah, you will meet many brothers, and some of them may also have a desire to get married. (See paragraph 5).

6. What should singles who are looking for a partner remember?

Singles who are looking for a partner should remember that finding a partner should not become the most important thing in their life. 

Additionally, 1 Corinthians 7:32 and 33 points out that a single person has more freedom to dedicate themselves fully to the service of Jehovah, without the additional worries that marriage entails. Therefore, it is crucial that singles take advantage of this time in their lives to expand their service to God and enjoy the opportunities that this freedom brings them.

An important thing for singles to remember is that true happiness for a Christian comes from his relationship with Jehovah, not from his marital status, as mentioned in Matthew 5:3.


7. Why is it prudent that before expressing your interest in a person, you spend time observing them? (Proverbs 13:16).

It is wise to spend time observing a person before expressing your interest, because this allows you to get to know them better and make an informed decision rather than acting impulsively.

Proverbs 13:16 highlights the importance of acting with knowledge. Therefore, observing the person discreetly helps you evaluate their qualities and compatibility with you, without getting carried away solely by emotion.

Furthermore, by observing the person calmly, you could realize that he or she is not the right person for you, thus avoiding possible disappointments or problems in the future.

8. How can a single man observe a person he is interested in? (See also the image).

A single person can discreetly observe the person they are interested in in several ways, but always making sure to respect their privacy and personal space.

At the Kingdom Hall or at social gatherings, it is possible to perceive details about their behavior, their way of acting, and their spirituality. It is also important to observe who their friends are and if their goals are compatible with yours.

People often surround themselves with friends who share similar interests and principles, which can offer a good indication of their character. Additionally, speaking with elders in your congregation or other mature Christians who know it well can provide useful references.


Images of the two bachelors in the previous images discreetly observing each other at the Kingdom Hall. 1. The sister notices how the brother converses with an elderly couple. 2. The brother notices the sister as she participates in a demonstration at the midweek meeting. Before telling a person that you are interested in them, he spends some time observing them discreetly. (See paragraphs 7 and 8).

9. Before expressing your interest to someone, what do you need to be convinced of?

You must be convinced that you are ready for marriage and that this person could be right for you. It is important to find a balance in the time you spend observing the person, before your interest. 

You don't need to be completely sure that you will marry that person before expressing your feelings. However, you must be sure that you are ready for the commitment that marriage entails, and that the person in question has the potential to be a good life partner.

10. What should you do if you notice that someone is interested in you but you don't feel the same way?

It is important to make it clear with your actions that you do not share that interest. Ephesians 4:25 highlights the importance of truth in relationships indicating that we must speak truthfully. This means clearly and honestly communicating your feelings or lack thereof to avoid misunderstandings and potential emotional hurt.

11. What should be taken into account in places where the customs mentioned in the paragraph exist?

Where it is customary for parents, other adult relatives, or friends to choose whom a single person will marry, it is crucial to consider the preferences and needs of both people involved.

It is essential that those involved in the search for a possible spouse for a single man or woman act with sensitivity and respect, seeking to know the proposed candidate thoroughly to ensure that he or she has a good friendship with Jehovah and a solid spirituality. Galatians 6:5 emphasizes that Each person must carry their own burden, which implies that the final decision to marry must be made by the bachelor and the bachelorette.


12. If you would like to start a relationship with someone, how can you tell them?

It is important to communicate your interest clearly and respectfully. You can do this through a conversation in a public place, a phone call or a video call. The key is to be direct and sincere.

If the person needs time to think about it, it is essential to give them that space and respect their reflection process as advised in Proverbs 15:28, where it speaks about the heart of the righteous who meditates to respond, this shows patience and respect for their feelings and decisions in case Even if the person responds that they are not interested, it is essential to accept their decision with maturity and respect. Acting in this way shows consideration and empathy and helps maintain harmony in personal relationships and within the congregation.

13. What can you do if someone tells you they are interested in you? (Colossians 4:6).

Based on the text we just read, if someone tells you that they are interested in you, it is important to handle the situation with kindness and respect, recognizing the courage it took to express their interest. If you need time to think about the proposal, tell them clearly and Try to give him a response as soon as possible.

If you are interested in starting a relationship with that person, talk openly about your feelings and expectations, since clear and respectful communication fosters a relationship based on mutual understanding and honesty from the beginning, but if on the other hand you are not interested, It is essential to communicate it in a friendly and direct way.


14. If we want to support singles, what should we do?

If we want to support singles there are several actions we can take to offer them our support, in a constructive and respectful way we must be careful with our words as advised. Ephesians 4:29, avoiding comments that may be hurtful or uncomfortable for singles. 

Furthermore, we should not make singles feel that they are missing something simply because they are not married, as Hans mentions in the experience paragraph, comments that pressure or belittle singles because of their marital status can cause them unnecessary stress and lower their self-esteem. Instead we should look for opportunities to encourage and edify singles as 1 Thessalonians 5:11 teaches us.

15. a) According to Romans 15:2, what should we take into account before helping someone find a partner? (See also the image).

According to the text we have read, before helping someone find a partner we must take into account the feelings of others, the verse says that each of us should please his neighbor in what is good for edification. This means that it is important to consider the preferences and desires of singles before intervening in their personal lives, especially in matters as intimate as finding a partner.

15. b) What ideas from the video caught your attention? (See note).

This video highlights several details that we have already reviewed during today's study. It reminds us that we should not prejudge anyone based on their marital status. It also makes us understand that no matter how good our intentions are when we want to help a single person, we must always consider your feelings and desires.

In the case of the brother in the video, he was still single, because he had decided to be a spiritual person and give Jehovah the best; it had been his decision to remain single. Therefore, before helping any single person, let's make sure to act with sensitivity and respect.

16. What should singles remember?

Singles should remember that both in singleness and in marriage, it is possible to have a full and happy life as Psalm 12:81 teaches us. If you want to get married, but have not yet found the right person, it is important to remain firm in your relationship. with Jehovah and in your activities in his service. Therefore, it is essential to enjoy and take advantage of this time of singleness in a constructive and enriching way.


What things can help you find a suitable person to marry?

Spiritual, financial and emotional preparation can help you find a suitable person to marry.

Why is it prudent that before starting a courtship with a person, you spend time observing them?

It is prudent to spend time observing the person before starting a relationship to evaluate their compatibility and ensure that they share goals and values.

How can the rest of the congregation support singles who want to get married?

The congregation can support singles who want to get married by being careful with their words, avoiding pressure, and offering words of encouragement and respect.

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