Monday, July 1, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Thursday, August 1, 2024, Before him a book was written to remember those who fear Jehovah and those who meditate on his name (Mal. 3:16).

DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday, August 1, 2024, Before him a book was written to remember those who fear Jehovah and those who meditate on his name (Mal. 3:16).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Thursday August 1, 2024

Before him a book was written to remember those who fear Jehovah and those who meditate on his name (Mal. 3:16).

Why would Jehovah write in a book the names of those who by their speech demonstrate that they fear him and meditate on his name? What we say reveals what is in our hearts. Jesus said, “The mouth speaks of what abounds in the heart” (Matt. 12:34). Jehovah wants those who love him to live forever in the new world. He takes into account what we say to decide whether he will accept our worship or not (James 1:26). When speaking, many people who do not love Jehovah are aggressive, curt, and proud. (2 Tim. 3:1-5) We don't want to be like them. On the contrary, we want Jehovah to always be happy with our way of speaking. But would he be happy with someone who was kind in meetings and in preaching but who privately spoke harshly and unlovingly about him to his family? (1 Pet. 3:7). w22.04 5 paras. Four. Five.

What happened thanks to Kimberly's way of speaking?

If we use our ability to speak well, others will see the difference “between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him” (Mal. 3:18). That is, it will be clear that we serve Jehovah. Let's see what happened to a sister named Kimberly.b When she and a classmate did an assignment together, her classmate realized that Kimberly was different. She did not criticize others, she was always kind and never said bad words. Her companion wanted to know why, and she eventually accepted a Bible course. How happy Jehovah is when others are drawn to the truth because of our way of speaking!

What do you want to do with your ability to speak?

We all want our way of speaking to honor Jehovah and help us to be friends of our brothers. Therefore, let's look at some practical suggestions so that we continue to be an example in the way we speak.

How can we imitate the example that Jesus set for us in ministry?

Be kind and respectful when people talk down to you. While on Earth, Jesus was falsely accused of being “a glutton and a drinker of wine,” of being in the service of the Devil, of not keeping the Sabbath, and even of blaspheming against God (Matt. 11:19; 26: 65; Luke 11:15; However, Jesus never responded in a bad way. If someone speaks harshly to us, we should be like Jesus and not repay them in kind (1 Pet. 2:21-23). Of course, sometimes it is not easy to control yourself (James 3:2). What will help us achieve it?

How can we control what we say when we are preaching?

If someone speaks badly to you in preaching, do not focus on their bad reaction. A brother named Sam says, “I try to think that the person needs to hear the truth and that they can change.” It is also possible that the person became angry simply because we arrived at a bad time. When we encounter someone who is upset, we can do the same as a sister named Lucy: briefly pray to Jehovah to help us stay calm and not say something that is unkind or disrespectful.

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