Tuesday, August 6, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week August 5-11, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech, Title: Why have Jehovah's Witnesses changed some of their beliefs?, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 5-11-August 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech, Title: Why have Jehovah's Witnesses changed some of their beliefs?, Assignment Prepared.

Explain your beliefs (5 mins.) Speech. ijwfq 49. Title: Why have Jehovah's Witnesses changed some of their beliefs? (th lesson 17).

Today we will address a topic that can generate curiosity and sometimes confusion: Why have Jehovah's Witnesses changed some of their beliefs?

It is important to understand that our changes are not the result of any whim. But to better understand the reasons, we will analyze three examples of changes in the way of understanding some biblical beliefs at different stages in the history of Jehovah's servants.

Moses and the liberation of Israel, the second the Apostles and the messianic prophecy and the third the day of Jehovah, I invite you to read Acts 7 verses 23 to 25 and then verses 30 and 35, if you have it there it says like this.

LET'S READ ACTS 7:23-25, 30,35.

23. “Now, when he was 40 years old, he decided to visit* his brothers, the children of Israel.a 24 When he saw that one of them was being mistreated, he defended him and avenged him by killing the Egyptian who was mistreating him.b 25 He thought his brothers would understand that God was saving them through him, but they did not understand.

30. And 40 years later an angel appeared to him in the desert of Mount Sinai, in the flame of a burning bush.

35. They had rejected this Moses, saying, 'Who made you ruler and judge?' But it was he himself whom God sent as ruler and also as deliverer through the angel who appeared to him in the bush.  

Moses attempted to free the Israelites before the time stipulated by Jehovah arrived. This shows that even God's servants can have erroneous ideas about his purpose. In time, Jehovah himself guided Moses to fulfill his mission at the right time, so we too seek Jehovah's guidance. Let's look at the second example, for this I invite you to read Matthew 16 verses 21 to 23, if you have it there it says. 


From that moment on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the scribes, and that he also had to be executed and on the third day be resurrected. *22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him: “Lord, don't be so hard* on yourself! That will never happen to you.”b 23 But he turned his back on Peter and said,* “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance* in my path, because you are not thinking as God thinks, but as man thinks.”

As we can see, Jesus tells them about his death and resurrection, but they do not understand what it means. This shows us that even those who were closest to Jesus, did not always understand the truths of God, at the right time only as the truth was revealed, they understood and also had to make changes in their beliefs. Now the third example, come with me to read 2 Thessalonians 2 verses 1 and 2 if you have it there, it says.


However, brothers, regarding the presence of our Lord Jesus Christa and our being gathered to him,b we ask you 2 not to lose your judgment easily or be frightened by an inspired message or by an oral message or by a letter apparently ours to say that the day of Jehovah has already arrived.

Here some of the early Christians were mistaken about the timing of the day of Jehovah. This reminds us that understanding God's timing and purposes can be confusing and that it is necessary to be open to divine correction and guidance.

Brothers and friends, as Proverbs 4 verse 18 illustrates, just as the light of dawn reveals the details of the landscape, gradually Jehovah also reveals the truth to his servants little by little.

It is natural that at some point there will be appropriate changes in our way of understanding certain Biblical teachings, Jehovah corrected the way of thinking of his servants of the past and James 1 verse 5 encourages us to ask him to continue doing the same for us.

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