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Psalm 69 predicted events in the life of Jesus (10 mins.)
Today men make their predictions based on scientific research, trend analysis and even supernatural powers. Then they usually sit back and wait to see what happens unlike men, Jehovah knows all the facts, He completely understands the nature of human beings and their inclinations.
So, when you want, you can foresee how people or nations will act. But God can do something else, he can control and change factors to obtain the desired result. Therefore, some of God's predictions are announcements of what he himself will do in the future, and he makes sure that they all come true.
And precisely one of those events we are going to talk about in this section of treasures of the Bible, with the title: "Psalm 69 predicted events in the life of Jesus." And this Psalm 69, written by King David, contains some prophetic expressions that were fulfilled in detail. Let's review three of them. We find the first in Psalm 69 verse 4. If you found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this.
Those who hate me for no reason are more than the hairs on my head. Those who would like to destroy me, my treacherous enemies, are now many. They forced me to hand over what I had not stolen.
In this prophecy it was said that the Messiah would be hated for no reason, and these words were fulfilled when he expressed something similar in the record that appears in the account of John chapter 15 verses 24 and 25. The apostle John highlighted the words of Psalm 69 Let's read How it is said here.
LET'S READ JOHN 15:24,25.
If I had not done before them the works that no one else has done, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have seen me and hated me and my Father too. 25 But this happened so that the words written in their Law could be fulfilled: 'They hated me for no reason.'
These words, which were part of a final conversation with his disciples, were highlighting what Psalm 69 contained. Clearly, Jesus was demonstrating, and everyone knew it, that he had had many enemies, mainly false religious leaders.
Something that stands out here is the expression that appears in verse 25, when he mentioned, that the words written in the Law might be fulfilled. And when he refers to the word law it is capitalized.
Although one might think that it refers to the Mosaic law, to the first books of the Bible. However, everything included in the Hebrew scriptures that existed at that time was also called the law.
Therefore, when he refers to this aspect, he is mentioning what had been written from King David. The first point we see here then is that the prophecy about those who hated Jesus was fulfilled, let's see another one now in Psalm 69 verse 9 where it says.
Because the devotion* that I feel for your house has burned within me and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.
The text indicates devotion that he felt for his house, for the house of God, which burned within him. What does this expression lead us to? What happened and is recorded in the gospel of John chapter 2 verses 13 to 17. It says the following.
LET'S READ JOHN 2:13-17.
13 When it was almost before the Passover of the Jews, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple he found those who sold cattle, sheep and doves, and those who changed money sitting in their seats. 15 So, after making himself a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, along with the sheep and the cattle, and scattered the coins of those who changed money and overturned their tables. 16 And those who sold pigeons said to them: “Take all this away from here! Stop turning my Father's house into a market! 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: “The devotion I feel for your house will burn within me.”
These words were fulfilled shortly after his baptism and beginning his activity as the Christ. It is of interest that in verse 15 it is said that Jesus made a whip of cords to drive these people out of the temple.
However, in the insight book in volume two on page 190 he is explaining that he did not use the whip for people, but as we had seen there were animals there such as cattle, sheep, etc.
It seems that by hitting these animals and making them leave that place, it is logical that their owners were also going after their animals to rescue them. Jesus never abused human beings, it was something that is impossible to think of that happening.
What happens in verse 16 is different, he told those who sold doves to take all this away. And of course he also voted for the places where they had the money accumulated so that they could retire.
We have a graphic idea here in the image that appears in our activity guide, here Jesus is not presented with a whip, he did not need it because he was not going to touch the people with it, but he was going to demand that they leave there, The worst of all was that these people, if we see, were around the temple, some of them inside the courtyards, and they could only do so with the permission and consent of the Levites, the priests.
That means that, without a doubt, they shared the profits with these people. The worship of Jehovah had been corrupted, there were people who preferred money to maintaining the sanctity of that place, and that is why in Psalm 69, it said that the ardor, the Zeal of Jesus was not going to allow the house of his father be an ordinary market, giving disrespect to the Almighty God. Let's look at another prophecy in Psalm 69 verses 20 and 21. It says like this.
LET'S READ PSALM 69:20,21.
Dishonor has broken my heart; the wound is incurable. I expected compassion, but I did not receive it; I hoped someone would console me, but I found no one. 21 Rather, they gave me poison for food, and to quench my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
These words were fulfilled when Jesus was dying on the tree. In Matthew 27:34 it says they gave Jesus wine mixed with gall. But when he tried it, he refused to drink it, he was thirsty, but when he felt what they were giving him to calm his pain he avoided doing so because he wanted to remain conscious of his loyalty to Jehovah.
Jesus had also said according to The Prophecy of Psalm 69, he also said that his heart had been broken. In Luke 22:44, he says yet his agony was so great that he continued to pray even more intensely and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. It was very strong, the tense situation that he was going through, that gave that impression and in John 19:34, in El Madero this arose
But one of the soldiers stuck a spear in his side, and immediately blood and water came out.
It seems that somehow, due to some blow or having been hung on the tree, there was a tear in the heart or the rupture of a blood vessel, that when pierced with a spear these fluids came out, and the people who saw it described it. in that way like blood and water.
Details down to the smallest detail that were fulfilled in the prophecies that were related to Jesus. In our activity guide we have a suggestion, Why did Jehovah decide to include prophecies about The Messiah in the Hebrew scriptures? A point to meditate on as a personal study and go deeper and have more confidence in the God who fulfills his prophecies.
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