Monday, July 8, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Jehovah causes those who attack his people to fail, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: July 8-14, 2024, Jehovah gives us security, protection and stability, Prepared Discourse.

Jehovah gives us security, protection and stability (10 mins.)

Dear brothers and friends, today we are going to explore, through the information we are going to consider, how Jehovah our God provides us with incomparable security, unparalleled protection, and stability that transcends any circumstance in this world. First let us consider how Jehovah is like a strong Tower, Psalm 61:3 tells us: 


Because you are my refuge, a strong tower that protects me from the enemy.

This powerful image of a strong Tower reminds us that in the midst of difficulties and enemy attacks, Jehovah offers us impenetrable protection. When we trust in him we find refuge and security, just as a soldier would find security in a tall, safe and sturdy tower.

In times of war David sang these words recognizing that Jehovah had been his refuge and defense. This explanation emphasizes the continued protection and security that Jehovah offers to those who love and obey him. So when we face trials and challenges, we can be certain that Jehovah is our Strong Tower, always ready to protect us and give us security.

David, by using this metaphor, invites us to see Jehovah as our supreme defender, not only protecting us physically, but also spiritually. In times of trials, temptations, and attacks from the enemy, we can find refuge in Jehovah by trusting in his power and love.

Those who have faith and obey Jehovah find great security, as David sang, my refuge has been a strong tower against the enemy, Jehovah also allows us to be guests in his tent, Psalm 61:4 tells us:


I will be a guest in your tent forever; I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Selah).

In biblical times a tent was much more than a simple structure, it was a place of rest, refuge and hospitality. Hospitality was viewed with great value and being welcomed into someone's tent meant being attended to with care and respect. Similarly, when we are told that we will be guests in Jehovah's tent, we are being assured that we will find rest and protection under his care. loving.

Revelation 7:15 reinforces this idea by saying that God will spread his tent over the great crowd, this image provides us with a sense of security and protective care that only Jehovah can offer. So we can feel safe and loved knowing that we are welcome in his presence and under his protection. The words of Isaiah 54:2, where it says the following:


“Make your store space more spacious. Spread the tent cloths of your great tabernacle. Don't limit yourself, lengthen the ropes of your tent and secure its stakes well.

With these words Jehovah was providing or thus expanding a place of protection for his children. In a similar way Jehovah provides us with a spacious and safe refuge where we can rest and be cared for. Finally, let us consider how Jehovah is like a rock. Psalm 6:22 tells us:


Yes, he is my rock and my salvation, my safe refuge; I will never be completely shaken.

In our corresponding activities guide this week, we can see a man running towards the tower of a fortification, and on the left side we see another man smiling and with his gestures inviting others to come to his tent, where his guests enjoy of a meal and in the middle of those two images we see an immense rock like a mountain. This representation teaches us that when we are under the Shelter of Jehovah, we can enjoy many blessings and we can feel protected no matter what happens.

In a world full of uncertainty and change, the stability and firmness of a rock is a powerful image of Jehovah's stability, his law is immutable and his promises are reliable. In Malachi 3:6 Jehovah declares: "I am Jehovah and I have not changed" this statement gives us great peace of mind. In turbulent times we can fully trust that Jehovah is firm and stable, his word and his standards do not change.

Which contrasts strongly with the ideas of us human beings who constantly change. For example, while parenting theories have varied over the years, the Bible has consistently provided sound, loving advice.

Ephesians 6:4 tells us parents, do not irritate your children, but continue to raise them in the discipline and mental regulation of Jehovah. The consistency and firmness of Jehovah's teachings give us a solid foundation to build our lives, knowing that we can trust in his rules and promises, provides us with unmatched security and stability.

Brothers and sisters, as we reflect on these powerful psalms and the metaphors they use, we can feel deep gratitude and trust in Jehovah. He is our Strong Tower, our tent of refuge and our immovable rock, he protects us, cares for us and gives us stability in an uncertain world.

Let us always remember these images and seek refuge in Jehovah at all times. In our activity guide we are encouraged to ask ourselves the following question: In what ways has knowing and trusting in Jehovah improved my life? By answering this question, we will find additional reasons to strengthen our faith and our relationship with Jehovah our Protective God.

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